Investing: Know Everything

Don’t time the market (不要预测市场)

Publish date: Sun, 08 Nov 2020, 12:00 PM
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Investing: Know Everything is a page that share lots of investing knowledge, especially on a company's fundamental. However, some technical analysis will also be included if necessary, making the page more approachable to all investors.

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Everyone loves to time the market, especially when they see the chance to buy low and sell high. This is because they think that the foreseeable future will have a slight market correction, hence selling it now and buy it back when the market drops. This is actually an ideal scenario when one successfully to do so, because it is almost impossible to time the market. The writer believes that most people will predict that market will have a big correction when US is having their president election, but reality is often disappointing that market went the other way, and boost KLCI from 1450 to the highest 1520 in a week.


For the writer, investors should never time the market, where they sell all their stocks when they “predict” the market will drop in weeks, or use all their cash when “predicting” the market will rebound. This is because humans are unable to predict anything, predicting something will just everything complicated. If you sell all your holdings when market start to drop, and you predict it to drop lower, the market may rebound immediately, to the point that all your initial stocks become much more expensive. On the other hand, if you used up all your cash and bought everything when the market starts to rebound, hoping that the market may surge more, it may be the opposite and drop much lower than before.


In short, never time the market and hope for the best scenario. Manage your risk, sell only some when the market starts to drop and buy only a portion when any rebound happens.




对笔者来说,投资者不应该预测市场的走向。他们不应该想着 “如果下两个星期股市会跌,那我现在先卖完所有的持股”,也不应该想 “现在市场开始反弹,我要把所有现金都拿来买股”。其实,预测市场不但不可能,更会让你更烦恼。万一你觉得市场会回调而卖的股也可能立刻反弹到你买不回的价钱;反之你觉得在低点时买完所有的股,也可能再跌得更多。




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Agree with you.

2020-11-08 13:38



2020-11-08 14:06



2020-11-08 14:10

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