Wintoni Back Stage Drama

Bursa reprimanded Wintoni gang of ruthless liquidator and directors : Mohd Afrizan bin Husain, Mohd Shariff Bin Omar, Ahmad Amryn, etc. Where is Mak?

Publish date: Wed, 08 May 2019, 11:06 AM
What happened to Wintoni in year 2014 - 2019 and who are the real culprits in series of corporate blackmail? The omission of facts and evidence is stunning. Who might be involved? Let the public find their own truth.

6 May 2019. The unfortunate case of Wintoni Group Berhad was evidenced a victim of larger corporate fight, originated from one of Bursa Malaysia largest fraud to defraud certain investors in a board room tussle, all because of greed and personal interest.

Wintoni Group Berhad itself is just one of the victim being teared a part by parties linked to corporate blackmail which nothing to do with Wintoni or its stakeholders, especially shareholders.

with the seed of poison pen and blackmail, came along a lawyer by the name of Mak Lin Kum from Syed Ibrahim & Co, which inplanted his nominee directors into the public listed company. 

The act was supposedly heroic, but greed and pride overtook legal ethic and client privilege, which saw lawyer sold his client and rob the client’s enterprise rightful ownership of Wintoni.

Not only the robbery of board control by Mak Lin Kum and his gang of directors and a liquidator ruin a supposedly healthy IT company, the gang of robbers use a forged excuse to in plant a liquidator and ignored Bursa Malaysia and the shareholders to exercise their right and duty.

Lead by Mak Lin Kum using his law firm Syed Ibraim & Co, here are the gang members being reprimanded by Bursa Malaysia, all of whom nominees of Mak Lin Kum: 

The following penalties were imposed on 7 former directors of WINTONI for breach of Rule 16.13 of the ACE LR where they had caused and permitted WINTONI’s failure to announce/issue the QR3 2015, AR 2015 and/or AR 2016:-





Penalty Imposed



Dato’ Seri Mohd Shariff Bin Omar (DS Mohd Shariff)

Independent Non-Executive Chairman

(appointed on 10 September 2015)


Audit Committee member

(appointed on 23 September 2016)


Removed as a director on 20 June 2017

Rules 16.13(a) and (b) of the ACE LR for causing and permitting WINTONI’s failure to:-

  • announce the QR3 2015 on or before 30 November 2015 in accordance with Rule 9.22(1) of the ACE LR; and
  • issue the AR 2015 and AR 2016 on or before 30 April 2016 and 30 April 2017 respectively in accordance with Rule 9.23(1) of the ACE LR.

Public reprimand and total fines of RM30,200



Ahmad Amryn Bin Abd Malek (Ahmad Amryn)

Executive Director

(appointed on 20 November 2015 and removed on 20 June 2017)

Rules 16.13(a) and (b) of the ACE LR for causing and permitting WINTONI’s failure to:-

  • announce the QR3 2015 on or before 30 November 2015 in accordance with Rule 9.22(1) of the ACE LR; and
  • issue the AR 2015 and AR 2016 on or before 30 April 2016 and 30 April 2017 respectively in accordance with Rule 9.23(1) of the ACE LR.


Public reprimand and total fines of RM75,500




Raja Kamarudin Bin Raja Adnan (Raja Kamarudin)

Executive Director

(appointed on 20 November 2015 and removed on 20 June 2017)


Rules 16.13(a) and (b) of the ACE LR for causing and permitting WINTONI’s failure to:-

  • announce the QR3 2015 on or before 30 November 2015 in accordance with Rule 9.22(1) of the ACE LR; and
  • issue the AR 2015 and AR 2016 on or before 30 April 2016 and 30 April 2017 respectively in accordance with Rule 9.23(1) of the ACE LR.


Public reprimand and total fines of RM30,200




Suaran Singh a/l Himat Singh (Suaran Singh) 

Independent Non-Executive Director

(appointed on 10 September 2015) 


Audit Committee member

(appointed on 7 October 2015)


Resigned on 1 April 2016


Rules 16.13(a) and (b) of the ACE LR for causing and permitting WINTONI’s failure to announce the QR3 2015 on or before 30 November 2015 in accordance with Rule 9.22(1) of the ACE LR.

Public reprimand and fines of RM11,400


Rules 16.13(a) and (b) of the ACE LR for causing and permitting WINTONI’s failure to issue the AR 2015 on or before 30 April 2016 in accordance with Rule 9.23(1) of the ACE LR.

Public reprimand



Haflil Feiruz Bin Muhammad Feisol (Haflil Feiruz)

Independent Non-Executive Director

(appointed on 10 September 2015) 


Audit Committee member

(appointed on 7 October 2015)


Resigned on 1 April 2016


Rules 16.13(a) and (b) of the ACE LR for causing and permitting WINTONI’s failure to announce the QR3 2015 on or before 30 November 2015 in accordance with Rule 9.22(1) of the ACE LR.

Public reprimand and fines of RM5,700


Rules 16.13(a) and (b) of the ACE LR for causing and permitting WINTONI’s failure to issue the AR 2015 on or before 30 April 2016 in accordance with Rule 9.23(1) of the ACE LR.

Public reprimand



Dato’ Muzaffirah Yurhaningseh Mazputri Binti Tun Dato Sri Ahmad Fairuz (Dato’ Muzaffirah)

Independent Non-Executive Director

(appointed on 10 September 2015) 


Audit Committee member

(appointed on 25 February 2016)


Resigned on 1 April 2016

Rules 16.13(a) and (b) of the ACE LR for causing and permitting WINTONI’s failure to announce the QR3 2015 on or before 30 November 2015 in accordance with Rule 9.22(1) of the ACE LR.


Public reprimand and fines of RM11,400


Rules 16.13(a) and (b) of the ACE LR for causing and permitting WINTONI’s failure to issue the AR 2015 on or before 30 April 2016 in accordance with Rule 9.23(1) of the ACE LR.

Public reprimand


Chaang Kok Fai

Independent Non-Executive Director

(appointed on 10 September 2015) 


Audit Committee Chairman

(appointed on 7 October 2015)


Resigned on 8 December 2015


Rules 16.13(a) and (b) of the ACE LR for causing and permitting WINTONI’s failure to announce the QR3 2015 on or before 30 November 2015 in accordance with Rule 9.22(1) of the ACE LR.

Public reprimand and fines of RM1,000



(C) The Liquidator, Datuk Mohd Afrizan bin Dato’ Husain was publicly reprimanded for breach of Rules 2.22(3)(a) and (b) of the ACE LR where he had caused and permitted WINTONI’s failure to announce/issue the AR 2016, QR3 2017, QR4 2017, AR 2017, QR1 2018 and QR2 2018 which have yet to be announced/issued as at to-date.   In addition, the Liquidator was directed to make the necessary arrangement including working with and/or delegating the function to the directors of WINTONI to ensure announcement/issuance of the AR 2016, QR3 2017, QR4 2017, AR 2017, QR1 2018 and QR2 2018 and any other outstanding financial statements within 3 months.


The finding of breach and imposition of the above penalties on WINTONI, its directors and the Liquidator were made pursuant to Rule 16.19 of the ACE LR upon completion of due process and after taking into consideration all facts and circumstances of the matter including the materiality/impact of the breaches to WINTONI and shareholders/investors and the roles, responsibilities, knowledge and conduct of the directors and the Liquidator.


Bursa Malaysia Securities views the contraventions seriously as the timely and accurate submission of financial statements and the corporate governance requirements on composition of the BOD, AC and internal audit function are fundamental obligations of listed companies and of paramount importance in ensuring a fair and orderly market for securities traded on Bursa Malaysia Securities and necessary to aid informed investment decisions. 


What would Bursa Malaysia do by tracking down and punish the “real culprit” of all these nominees - the ruthless potential criminal Mak Lin Kum? What about the “real master mind” that originated a board hostile take over and inspired the copy cat of Mak Lin Kum and gang of raiders?

Maybe its time the authorities look higher up from the bird view to look at facts and motives from criminal point of view to catch the real crooks, in order to restore confidence and justice to innocent investors, especially minority shareholders of Wintoni Group Berhad.


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Master mind crooks still gets away. Mak lin kum nominees all punished and reprimanded. C2pid nominees.

Meet the real culprits behind.

2019-05-08 21:08

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