Gang Bang Big Bullies - A Story of Organised Criminals in Corporate World

27Jun16- Bursa approved Wintoni's extension of time for Sponsor. Status of Yap Kok Weng conspiracy?

Publish date: Fri, 01 Jul 2016, 09:07 AM
There is Buta and another Salah in the corporate world in high places called Malaise. What the crocs and wolfs did to the minions in this part of the world? With Buta and Salah watching over their system, crooks did wonders (rob, bang, kill), average joe got gang abused and got stoned. This is how the story goes.

Kuala Lumpur 27 June 2016: Wintoni Group Bhd, the engineering company which in September 2015 went through illegal hostile take over by group of investors, lead by Yap Kok Weng, all of whom acting in concert controlling over 40% of the company public listed shares which broke General Offer (GO) and Take Over Code, is struggling to keep public minority shareholders interest protected and keep the company alive. Even with reported blackmails linked to the hostile parties and suspicious officers in various sources or organisations with concerted effort to take the company and their minority shareholders a ride, as simple as manufacturing disturbance and hurdlers from maintaining a Sponsor, which is a public listed company basic right, the board and management of the company managed to do their best effort by carrying their duty to protect public interest.

In the Bursa Malaysia fillings, the company quoted "The Board of Directors of the Company wishes to announce that Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad had via its letter dated 16 June 2016 approved the Company’s application for an extension of time up to 25 July 2016 for the Company to appoint a Sponsor."

The apparent break of law by dubious parties, count Yap as the leader, status is unknown leaving clueless direction to the company management as well as public investors at large, and there is no update of such investigation from Bursa Malaysia nor Securities Commission. Market is looking into the conspiracy and further update of such serious matter if the authorities would work impartial despite the bullying is rich or poor, wrong doing is still wrong doing.


Wintoni’s Mysterious events as strange as getting struck by lightning twice in same day, happens twice.

To know the reason why criminal Yap Kok Weng and gang were "lied and induced" to carry on reckless hostile on Wintoni, once must trace back to the origin of root cause.

First, there is the mystery Protasco Bhd law suit which launched on September 2014 after some 22 months when Tun Daim sold the company (Protasco) to new owners Dato Ooi Kock Aun and Dato Tey Por Yee on November 2012. This is the start of series of “condense” and “systematic attacks” from “carefully selected channels” and “overly consistent blackmails” with “clear motive and objectives”. A conspiracy and set up originated from 1 person, Dato Chong Ket Pen.

For those interested to know who is this person, search the web for his stories:


The Origin of scam:

The mystery involves Chong’s $lavery of people carrying his sin in crime, includes the cover up team party setup by Protasco board of directors, Hadenan A. Jalil *1, Tan Heng Kui, Tan Yee Boon, Mohd Hanif, and Mohd Ibrahim Mohd Nor (resigned 2 October 2015 due to guilt and sin as a Muslim). The senior management which listens to Chong Ket Pen’s lies, of cause, incudes Lim Yew Ting (resigned as PA to Chong, haunted by guilt and dignity), Ho Chun Fuat *2 (hired as CFO [assigned CF] after Indonesia deal signed), Chong Ther Nen *4 (son of Chong). Threat and hired slaves indirectly may count Tjoe Yudhis (and Indonesian staff of Protasco business vendor), Augustone Cheong Kwok Fai *3 (former consultant to Global Capital, which is the broker who saved Chong Ket Pen from losing his job in Protasco by arranging investors to take over Tun Daim controlling shares in Protasco. Now CFO of Thriven Land bhd [formerly Mulpha Land Bhd]). Recent recruitment to cover up Chong’s legacies and to spread his lies, includes Salleh Mat Rashid (Director, Corporate Security, Protasco), and bunch of insiders with all having “own agenda” riding on Chong’s conspiracy, lawyers Robery Lau, Cheah Teh and Sue (public information as per bankers), some officers in various departments being induced to chase the rabbit so that the elephant in the room (Chong) "looks" invisible. Names (nicked names) such as Lat, Kak, Pian, Nik, Eugene (hand picked interim by Nik), Eddie, Nur Suhai, their crew (including their spouses), and few members of the organized syndicates using (direct and indirect) various authorities (machineries), with clear economic driven objectives (the names are omitted as requested by relevant higher officers until public exposure triggers). Some authorities were set up and planted seed as “threaten by Chong” to pressure Protasco shareholders (Ooi and Tey), including in the name of PDRM, Bursa Malaysia, Securities Commission, SSM, and others. These parties were “part of the machineries warned by Chong back in year 2014” to be carried to pressure his prays if they don’t give him their Protasco shares for free, and subsequently being “activated” from September 2014 until as recent as June 2016 (and on-going), which insider source quoting Chong can control these parties. A fortune teller funded by Chong, economic drive to execute as per “client’s order”, is progressively manufactured to take place, as if the country is “for sale”.

Who is the puppet master used by Chong, or perhaps “using Chong”, at the end may consume Chong for all the sin originated from him. Only Chong knows.

Of cause these cow boys were made known to public due to (exposed) power abuse, illegal obtain and use of information as a form of blackmail, defamation letters spam to authorities, banks, media, to create business sabotage, extensive stakeholders harassment, and set up of conspiracy and criminal activities on investors Ooi & Tey’s public listed companies, to fulfill Chong’s prophecy, especially manufacturing turbulence and hurdlers which scarifies innocent public investors and stakeholders’ interest at the expense of 1 person’s greed – to hold on to Chong Ket Pen illegal possession of Protasco.

In the name of justice, the truth of “Chong being a staff which bites the hand who feeds”, being painted as Chong is the owner; and Chong stolen Protasco from the investors, were painted as investors stolen from Chong. Official public evidence is apparent. Chong cannot undo nor simply wash away the facts despite splash of money trying to cover up. Refers to:


10 Jun2016 : Protasco former Tun Daim nominated ED emerges in Reliance Pacific. Protasco next? (Originated from The Edge Newspaper “Another Daim associate emerges in Reliance Pacific”


20 June 2016 : Hadenan Jalil the Protasco fiasco fall guy? Integrity in question, share collapse.


Note to the 3 puppets + 1 gate keeper:

*1) Hadenan were used by Chong as the second choice of fall guy, which eventually will take all the blame of endorsement of criminal offense and activities using Protasco resources, including swear documents based on false, illegal and un substantiated material.

*2) Ho Chun Fuat were used by Chong as first fall guy, which eventually will take all blame of criminal offense using Protasco resources, including illegal obtain and use of information, false reports and selective use of lies with intention of blackmail and extortion. This person sold his soul to Chong, in hope of gaining his trust, instead, not knowing he is first in the line of defense for Chong as fall guy.

*3) 1 April 2015 :  MULPHA LAND BERHAD APPOINTS AUGUSTONE CHEONG KWOK FAI AS CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER (such an April fool event). . Cheong was also "ommitted" from all reports as part of the Chong Ket Pen's MO, threat, and enslave, took people's soul in exchange for crime.

*4) Kenny Chong Ther Nen were quickly assigned by father Chong Ket Pen to guard Protasco Property, the only money flows which Chong has full control (for his personal use), despite road maintenance which involves “other interest parties” which he dare not cheat them too much".


Who is Salleh Mat Rashid? Here is an interesting photo:


This is how, when and why Wintoni dubious attack originated.


Second, Wintoni’s series of unfortunate event happens when September 2015 (1 year after the start of the Protasco Chong’s attack), mysterious hostile take-over took place when one Yap Kok Weng, a senior management of SP Setia Bhd, together with large number of SP Setia and Eco World senior management and staff acting in concert buying up over 40% of a tiny IT company (Wintoni Group Bhd) shares with no economic sense nor business objective except plain blackmail and ambush just to fail the company. All of whom serve Tan Sri Liew Kee Sin, the founder of Eco World Bhd. Without his blessing, would be a joke for capital market for a street smart boss to allow majority of his staff to join a risky and law breaking share manipulation operation. An obvious and clear organized crime.

There are plenty of reports with facts and figures published by journalist about Wintoni “series of manufactured turbulence”:


14 July 2015 : Wintoni 的故事炒作,张吉平鬼计玩大了,葬身日就在眼前。


11 September 2015 : Wintoni Group demand SP Setia Yap Kok Weng and others fulfill mandatory general offer (MGO)


8 October 2015 : Liew Kee Sin Shadow on Wintoni, SP Setia and EcoWorld mysterious saga busted. What next?


The most “bizarre” mystery event would be the “early prediction” of investigative journalist (on July 2015) already predicted what the hostile party going to do, and what is their purpose, and how it ends. It’s hard not to believe the conspiracy of Dato Chong could escalate so far, and proven true, as good as got struck by lightning twice in same day.


Third, more mysterious events continue to happen when series of journalist reports which carry facts which are so detail and facture, these truths were “accidentally missing” from i3

(see below)




So what was “missing” and “who” was trying to hide “what” from public eyes, and “why”? Does a search on i3 for “Wintoni” would discover these jaw dropping research findings substantiated with authority official reports, as well as media reports which carries material released by official sources, such as annual reports. Let’s recap:


8 October 2015 : Liew's Wintoni Saga - How SP Setia and EcoWorld Shadow Entry Busted - 8 Oct 15 [BursaKC:xTra]


1 Dec 2015 : Wintoni - minorities demand SC action on SP Setia and EcoWorld bigwigs. Share collapse 29% [BursaKC]


2 Dec 2015 : Wintoni Group - Yap group in battled sea. Would chart wise technical rebound helps? [BursaKC]


4 Dec 2015 : Wintoni - Exit of substantial shareholder Yap Kok Weng. Who is next? [BursaKC]


5 Dec 2015 : Headline: Wintoni’s Yap proxy director Chaang Kok Fai fails to approve quarterly account as Chairman of Audit Committee. Shares to be suspended. [BursaKS]


7 Dec 2015 : Wintoni shares to be suspended tomorrow. Yap early sell down prompt questions. [MktResearch]


8 Dec 2015 : Wintoni pattern of turbulence 2.0. Yap's uninvited insider entry and exit raise eyebrows. [Digital]


9 Dec 2015 : Wintoni major shareholder exit raises questions. Legal actions, share suspended. [NStar - Dec 8]


15 Dec 2015 : Chang Khim Wah in Wintoni panic room. Legal implication at crossroad. [NStar - Dec 15]


Before the real intention and motives of the culprits (lead by Yap Kok Weng) were reveal, there are early articles which strangely “voluntarily promoting” the stocks, making the Yap Kok Weng and parties acting in concert having a “pump” in share price manipulation being more apparent. Some regular bloggers who jump into the fan fair in promoting the company without any fundamental news could be found here:


23 April 2015 : Highlights / Stock Picks of the Day - Wintoni Group Berhad (WINTONI) – Not Rated


15 May 2015 : Trading Stocks - 15 May 2015 - Evergreen | Jiankun | Wintoni | Eduspec | Hovid | UEM Sunrise


28 May 2015 : Highlights / Stock Picks of the Day - Wintoni Group Berhad (WINTONI) – Close Position


3 Jul 2015 : Wintoni ... Joining The EPS Industry !!! - hongwei85


7 Jul 2015 : Daily Technical Highlights - WINTONI | MIKROMB | SCICOM | IQGROUP


10 Sep 2015 : Trading Stocks - 10 September 2015 - V.S. | SKP | Mitrajaya | Prestariang | JCY | Wintoni


Perhaps the “why” in the sharp articles (about the truth of Wintoni conspiracy with clear evidence of wrong doing by Eco World senior management and staff participated in the scam plan) which pointed out the facts of wrong doing and reveal the truth of the manufactured conspiracy could be “a shame” or “damaging crime committed” which some “big shot” trying to cover up. Maybe the ugly faces of the interest parties, especially during critical moment such as an on-going fund raising or IPO, and once again “co-incidentally” crashed i3 system happens to hide away these facts.


11 December 2015 : Malaysia's Eco World International to raise RM2bil in IPO


8 April 2016 : Eco World International gets SC nod for listing


29 April 2016 : Eco World Development to raise RM768m from placement


1 July 2016 : Eco World International delays IPO


Who are these “big shots”? Perhaps some factual trail could easily point them out as seen in this article “Liew Kee Sin Shadow on Wintoni, SP Setia and EcoWorld mysterious saga busted. What next?” (refers to:


Origin of the conspiracy, a bigger elephant in the room?

Series of strange event happens to focus on burying the facts that the fired (on June 2012) and re-hired (on November 2012) of Protasco MD Dato Chong Ket Pen at that period, happens when Tun Daim sold the shares to Dato Ooi and Dato Tey. The Edge Daily reveil the facts as derived from Bursa Malaysia official announcements pointed out the replacement of Dato Chong on June 2012 being See Ah Sing also on June 2012, and the short-lived resignation of See on November 2012 when Protasco was sold from Tun Daim to Dato Ooi and Dato Tey, means the exit of Tun Daim (Read article above "the origin of scam"). The person benefit from the change of ownership of Protasco is Dato Chong Ket Pen, which was fired and re-hired again, of cause with the blessing of the new owners Dato Ooi and Dato Tey.

Common sense: (1) Why would investors cum new bosses Ooi and Tey took huge loan and borrow money from their investors to take over Protasco, only to being played out by Chong? Unless its a set up and ambush. (2) Also only at the interest of taking over the company and foresee higher value in enterprise gain beyond dividend would any businessman took such risk. (3) Perhaps their trust was taken for granted by Chong, or Chong did not keep his promises and set up a master plan to get rid of his own savior so that he can own the company, aka, "cheated & rob" the beneficial owners? (4) Market perceive Chong is the main culprit which lead to smallish company like Wintoni being scarified, in other words, he "manufactured" the drama. The volume of waste of public resources by Bursa Malaysia, and no public announcement by Securities Commission on the illegal hostile and serious blackmails, and even more mysterious harassment from MIA recently as being reported by MIA member knowing the blackmail matters. Are these the function of Bursa Malaysia and Securities Commission as a machinery for hire?

Investors are still puzzled why Securities Commission have not answered public what is the status of Yap Kok Weng, and count “Chang Khim Wah” together with 2 x 40 seated school bus of senior staff from SP Setia and Eco World involved in Wintoni illegal hostile and blackmail. The officers in these authorities would need to look “higher and further” to see the elephant. Perhaps they “choose not to see such” and pretend catching a rabbit (fabricated by Chong) as part of the answer to the syndicated criminal organization? Maybe these officers or the flying letters’ source-of-origin can answer. Have they questioned the motive and purpose of these flying letters?

Maybe how Bursa Malaysia falls deeper into the "syndicated scam" manufactured by the puppet master from "origin of scam" master mind, would show public investors if the authorities are indeed "for sale", or being "used" by the "billion Ringgit public money scam" cover up, the real big elephant messing in the wood. It's Internet age, public investors "know what the authorities are doing". Who are these officers and their sources of information anyway. Matters of time, the culprits would face their consequences.





Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS

Reference is made to the Company's First Announcement dated 26 February 2016  and subsequent annoucement dated 16 May 2016 as well as the subsequent announcements relating to GN3 (“Announcements”). Unless otherwise defined, the abbreviations and definitions set out in the Announcements shall apply herein.

The Board of Directors of the Company wishes to announce that Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad had via its letter dated 16 June 2016 approved the Company’s application for an extension of time up to 25 July 2016 for the Company to appoint a Sponsor.

This announcement is dated 27 June 2016.



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