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Protasco's Puzzling Purchase (4) - M.A. Wind

Tan KW
Publish date: Tue, 05 Aug 2014, 06:29 PM
Tan KW
0 513,688


Tuesday, 5 August 2014 

I wrote many times rather critical about Protasco's puzzling purchase, for instance here, here, here and here.

Today the company announced the following:

Reference is made to the Company’s announcements dated 30 January 2014, 10 February 2014 and 25 July 2014 (“Announcements”). Unless otherwise stated, defined terms in this announcement shall carry the same meanings as defined in the Announcements.

Protasco Berhad (“Protasco” or “Company”) wishes to announce that the Conditions Subsequent pursuant to Restated SPA have not been fulfilled by the Vendor and the security provider within the Condition Period and accordingly, the Restated SPA lapsed on 28 July 2014. Protasco is in discussion with the Vendor for the Purchase Price to be returned via, amongst others:-

(a) cash;
(b) disposal of the Secured Shares;

in accordance with the terms of the Restated SPA.

I think that in it self is good news for Protasco's shareholders, I never believed in this deal anyhow, with so many red flags and so little transparency.

However, before minority shareholders start to celebrate, the Vendors first have to return the deposit.

I hope Protasco simply gets back its cash, as soon as possible.

Shall we ever know who the people are behind the Vendor? Time will tell.


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agree with u,when I observed some the director sold the half of his shares ,I'm skeptical the acquisition got problem .

2014-08-05 18:46


owner buy shares tell story then sell share cancel story. Even CEO buy low and sell high, nothing wrong. If you own a listed company, many coincident could happen. Coincident found good project, coincident buy the project, coincident test and dislike then dispose. Why so special? No news is bad news, share price goes up right? If down go buy.

2014-08-06 01:42


Classic story. This is stock market, buy when owner buys, sell when owner sells. Now is low, go buy shares!

2014-08-06 01:53


If you check owner sell the highest price. Good job but better cover the story better. Where got so kind vendor after let PLC eat no need to pay. So fast decision some more. Too one sided raise red flag. As if vendor = owner. Make it more real sound like long discussion with vendor finally both agreed pursue own destiny. Do drama also do it professionally.

2014-08-06 02:02


Buy now, is cheap. Owner create story buy and cancel. Sold shares high may buy back cheap. The excuse used is too fake, and vendor so easy did not ask anything for crappy rationale as if owner = behind the vendor. Time will tell we don't bother. Buy shares now.

2014-08-06 14:09


Read the old news, this one is not green field, that's why investors jump All government contract contractor has to spend money, tens of millions for some industry. This contact is having vvip ticket to get new contract, that is why oil big boys are rushing to get it and Protasco got it. That is what investors jump into it. If such good opportunity and upper hand also gave excuse 2 years left and government cannot fulfill company terms, is truly fake story making. Hello? 2 years is upper hand and reason everybody jump into the news. Government or their policy change? Aren't contractor has to follow what government wants, or government follow what contractor want? If oil companies even spending $100mil going into green field (means don't have the 2 years vvip picket) and got investors excited, now you use this advantage as disadvantage. Make sense? Pay some money get oil expert advise and give better reason. Don't fool the public.

2014-08-07 11:20

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