Today early morning Kim spotted potential momentum stock Hiaptek (5072). Bought at 0.405 and it touched 0.450.
One could have easily gained 4.5 cents in a day trade. Note that this is the longest candle stick so far. As Kim has traded for 24 years, his senses grow sensitive and quick to momentum stocks. So many times he has chosen many momentum stocks.
If you are following his channel you will notice that he does not follow other group calls. Kim is a leader by nature picking and choosing his own counters with the help of his teamates.
Another potential stock Kim spotted is Greenyb (0136) today. Bought at 0.265 it closed at 0.275. Refering to the chart it is a bullish momentum stock.
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Kim's Stockwatch
Created by Kim Stockwatch | Aug 21, 2017