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Learn from Sabah episode, defer Melaka polls to prevent another Covid-19 wave, says Tok Mat

Publish date: Fri, 08 Oct 2021, 07:28 PM

SEREMBAN: The Melaka state election has to be deferred to prevent another wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, says Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan.

The Umno deputy president said the authorities must take a cue from the Sabah episode and defer the polls as ensuring public health was more important than holding a state election.

"Although almost 90% of the adult population have been vaccinated, we must not forget that we are not completely out of the woods yet.

"We must get the views of medical experts on this as Covid-19 is still lurking

amongst us," he told reporters when met after distributing aid to needy constituents in Kg Sega in Rantau near here.

Mohamad said when snap polls were held in Sabah in September 2020, Malaysia only recorded single-digit Covid-19 cases.

Despite stringent standard operating procedures (SOP) enforced by the authorities, the cases began to skyrocket after the polls and caused the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.

"It is clear that the strict SOP did not help.

"People tend to get over excited during the campaigning period and when we become negligent, it will surely cause cases to spike," he said.

He said the authorities, especially the Election Commission (EC) needed to look at the relevant laws to see if it was possible to defer the Melaka polls as Malaysia just cannot afford another Covid-19 wave.

However, Mohamad said if this was not possible, then the EC should only allow online campaigning and carry out the polls over a few days.

"There should be no face-to-face campaigns. The state election should also be held over a few days to ensure we don't get huge crowds at one go at polling centres," he said.

On Monday (Oct 4), four assemblymen declared they had lost confidence in the

leadership of Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Seri Sulaiman Md Ali.

The four were Sungai Udang assemblyman Datuk Seri Idris Haron, Datuk Nor Azman Hassan (Pantai Kundor), Noor Effandi Ahmad (Telok Mas) and Datuk Norhizam Hassan Baktee (Pengkalan Batu).

Both Idris and Nor Azman were from Umno and Noor Effandi from Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia.

All three have since been sacked by their parties.

Norhizam is an Independent.

The following day, Speaker Datuk Seri Ab Rauf Yusoh said the Yang di-Pertua Negeri Tun Dr Mohd Ali Mohd Rustam had agreed to dissolve the Melaka Legislative Assembly paving the way for a snap election.

Ab Rauf said that the current Melaka state government would act as a caretaker

government until the election is called.

Asked if Barisan Nasional and Umno will consider working with other parties in the event the polls are held, Mohamad said this call must be made by the Melaka liaison committee.

"If they are confident they can do it alone, then they should let the party leadership know.

"The final decision will be made by the party leadership," he said.

Mohamad said he was also surprised by Sulaiman's decision to dissolve the state assembly.

"During a briefing, I was told by Sulaiman and the state Speaker that a letter to dissolve the assembly was sent to the Governor, hours before the four assemblymen announced their decision.

"I also understand that some quarters may want to challenge the dissolution and we shall leave it to the courts to decide this," he added.

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Berapa lama nak dok rumah?

2021-10-08 20:16

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