Fam Jenny

Jennyfam | Joined since 2013-11-19

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2014-10-02 14:21 | Report Abuse

Investors,be happy and you can be young, don't think of the losses bcos it is paper losses which you can recover if you still own them.


2014-10-02 14:17 | Report Abuse

If drops to 7c,buy more so that our cost is average down.


2014-10-02 14:16 | Report Abuse

You two babmouth the counters just like you badmouth others.Keep Glotec which may rebounce after the correction of Dowjones.


2014-10-02 14:13 | Report Abuse

Ulgy toad,hangtuah,every counter you come sure die,you better change your counters and go.


2014-10-02 13:23 | Report Abuse

851815,a lot of people here are well-off,the GST is nothing to them,let them be generous to the needy ones so that the rich also can have God's blessings of good health instead of money.


2014-10-02 13:19 | Report Abuse

Hangtuah,my investment is very small when compared to my assets so I don't bother and never count it even Ayamtua didn't ask me,why are you so nosy?.
My money is mine and any losses or gain is non of your business.


2014-10-02 13:12 | Report Abuse

When you do charity you have to select the right group for donation.We are duty bound to help the widows,orphans,fatherless children single mothers,hardcore poors and defendless handicaps and without self glofication and ulterior motives.Then our sacrifice will be most meaningful,noble and God will repay us by showering blessings.


2014-10-02 12:54 | Report Abuse

Hangtuah,it is useless to donate to charity bcos God doesn't want your sacrifice if you heart is bad.
Cain was jealous of the his own brother,Abel who always gave his best sacrifice to God but Cain gave bad fruits to God who didn't like Cain who out of jealousy killed Abel.


2014-10-02 12:42 | Report Abuse

Playboy,you are stuck in CSL at 16c for not listening to me,now have you got out already.You better convert all your CSL into cash and buy Glotec later.


2014-10-02 12:38 | Report Abuse

Hangtuah,maybe RM10,000/- or RM30,000/- is a big deal for you but to me I not bothered bcos it is paper loss which I don't care.Your song has no effect my me and I invest in Bursa with the mindset of losing money so you can sing every moment as I won't careless.
Keep Glotec as we do not know when it will rebounce and buy if it drops to 7c.Cheers,there is hope of recovering our loss if we don't sell.


2014-10-02 11:58 | Report Abuse

Darrickinvestor,I haven't been to any plastic surgery but heard of the stem cell operation by famous Dr Lau whose son fell from high floor.
Now for tightening and uplighting the face and eyes,I heard they insert a thread to lift it to prevent sagging.For swollen eye bag it is good to message your eyes daily to enable good blood circulation for your eyes.At the same time drink barley water to cleanse your stomach and livers also include ladyfingers in your meals to remove tonic in stomach and livers for healthy living.
Take prawns without the heads,fish and cashew nuts for your brains and a lot of fruits,milk and honey for your complexion.Also rub pearl power on your face,hand and neck daily before going to sleep and maintain your youthfulness.


2014-10-02 11:03 | Report Abuse

Young Ulgy toad,you condemn Glotec so much,why hang around want men's attention,just jilted by somebody,can't stand I am dearly loved.
Be polite and good hearted then you will meet your white horse prince.Also you can change your appearance by by plastic surgery which can make you beautiful.
If I am old looking I also will go for stemcell operation and make me young.But currently I don't need it bcos still look young.


2014-10-02 10:20 | Report Abuse

Craptree,did you buy Xinghe,die standing,ya!


2014-10-02 10:14 | Report Abuse

Glotec has removed its blockages at 9c and it sellers have reduced,let it stabilised its price.Meanwhile hold your Glotex and cash tightly and watch the correction at dowjones.


2014-10-02 10:11 | Report Abuse

Anyone follows Musangfoxking by buying Xinghe has already gone to Holland,it has dropped 3c.


2014-10-02 09:52 | Report Abuse

AyamCChantik,ulgy toad,I too wait for it to drop to 7c,5c,3c.I will be here waiting to go to England,France,Swisszerland for holidays and won't visit Holland.You are already there bcos you have sold it.


2014-10-02 09:47 | Report Abuse

We let the big shareholders support the price at 9c to restore its confidence for the price stability.Meanwhile stay put and don't buy further bcos they should handle this nasty group if they didn't then play their game and only buy when it is 7c or 5c.


2014-10-02 09:42 | Report Abuse

Muksangfoxking will bring you to Holland when she recommends the stocks to you.When the stock has very low volume don't play contra bcos no is no playing activity.This is trap you in other stocks and you will force to sell Glotec if you don't the money the stocks he recommended.


2014-10-02 08:34 | Report Abuse

Craptree,don't need to top up now,they will press down,we will lose bcos someone is selling it down to collect cheap,the only solution is stop supporting it at this price and let the big shareholders support them if not you will continue to lose out.This nasty group may have the support of the majority shareholders who the greatest losers if the price drops.This is the way to reserve our fund for picking more when it is 7c or 5c.


2014-10-02 08:13 | Report Abuse

We must have confidence in Glotec and keep it in the fridge if it is moves down and buy more when it drops to 7c,5c,3c.
Horay,we will beat the nasty group just join them in their strategy.They curse we keep our shares,they buy at 7c we buy more at 7c too.


2014-10-02 00:46 | Report Abuse

Bryan Lee,follow their footsteps to buy cheaper that will be the wise step.


2014-10-02 00:43 | Report Abuse

Hangtuah,I will be richer and richer if it 4c


2014-10-02 00:42 | Report Abuse

Hangtuah,hooray if it drops to 5c,I will buy like mad and so is AyamMuda.


2014-10-02 00:38 | Report Abuse

This person knows the word 'curse' is a bad omen so changed it to curve,thinking it can prevent the bad omen,too bad whatever bad thing you do you will get it so beware of your bad deeds.


2014-10-02 00:32 | Report Abuse

Correction:.....I will also curse them for their cruelty but...
I have changed the 'curve' to 'curse' but it couldn't change.Many times I have tried to make alternations but it couldn't,I think someone is controlling this website to stop the alteration.


2014-10-02 00:25 | Report Abuse

Whenever,the price moves down this nasty group will rejoice for people's losses,this group is truely beastly and cruel.If I have the same personality I will also curve them for their cruelty but I won't do that but just blame ourselves and bear with our short sightedness.
At this stage we must throw our equity into the fridge and hold tight because it will rebound one day and recover our losses.
I am waiting to buy more when it comes down to 7c and play their game and I don't want to defend it anymore bcos the major shareholders have the responsibility to protect their share prices and probably this group belongs to the major shareholders.
I will play their game and buy more when it drops further and don't
touch it.
But I am confident of its prospects if not we won't have this group to curse it day and night.We average it when it drops another 20% and we don't want to defend its price and just don't want to argue here.


2014-10-01 15:19 | Report Abuse

AyamMudaa,Fan Jenny is a clone.Your darling is Fam Jenny.I think Canlaughdie3 refers to the clone who claimed she had sold already.


2014-10-01 15:04 | Report Abuse

Musangfoxking,it useless to talk to you bcos you don't know me or anybody,just want to get some attention only.You reserve the rights to
illusion what you want,you can draw your own conclusion.


2014-10-01 14:57 | Report Abuse

Correction:.... enjoying your foolishness.


2014-10-01 14:55 | Report Abuse

You all are petty people trying to find faults for typing mistakes and some idiots even so desperate sending virus to my wedsite until my antiwebsite has to inform me everyday.


2014-10-01 14:50 | Report Abuse

CAnlaughdie3,I did change children to chicken but it didn't change you may have to check with those who put virus into my website everyday.
Correction: not children but chickens.


2014-10-01 14:35 | Report Abuse

AyaCChantik,I am the happiest old lady having AyamMudaa to care for me so don't be a sourgrape,ya.He even buys sexy lingies/underwears for me,don't jump and be envious of me but be cool.You can now call me more old old..................................lady,I don't mind bcos you make a fool of yourself when you see me in person who will outshine you anytime,come on call more I am enjoying your foolhness.


2014-10-01 14:27 | Report Abuse

If the counter has bright future don't have to worry and whatever comes down will come up also.Just like Eah,Asiabio,etc and this is stock market not fixed deposits.


2014-10-01 14:22 | Report Abuse

GoInvest,just wait and throw into the fridge like Ayammudaaa,all the major shareholders and me if you are scare.


2014-10-01 14:10 | Report Abuse

Goinvest just dispose other shares which don't move and use the proceeds to buy more Glotec,this your risk since you poise the questions.


2014-10-01 14:08 | Report Abuse

This about some harmful and good foods for sharing,don't like just skip my postings.


2014-10-01 14:04 | Report Abuse

I hardly eat rice now bcos fragnant rice has a lot of of breaching chemical which is tonic and I consume a lot of fish, vegetables and fruits and sometimes prawns without the heads as they contain high cholesterol.I am not keen to eat musangking which is only about RM27/kg and what so expensive.
My longchin tea can cost me RM1000/- per kg and my pearl can cost me even more.
So don't have to brag in front of me bcos I am blessed with a lot of material things and I am not greedy of people things except Ayammudaa,s underwears.


2014-10-01 13:53 | Report Abuse

My kampong children costs me RM15 per kg, my fish can cost RM48 /kg at retail outlet,prawns about RM48/kg but I usually get them from wholemarkets which I can get it fresher and cheaper but must buy in bulk.


2014-10-01 13:45 | Report Abuse

Canlaughdie3,you are a broke that's why think other people got no money,you are very dumb,kampung durian is not chemically induced unlike musangking,d24,d,101,d2 and so on......
For your information even all chicken except kampong chicken is hormone
induced and takes only 2 to 3 months to grow up but kampong chicken about 5 to 6 months.


2014-10-01 12:45 | Report Abuse

BabyTurtle,you are running from one counter to other,have you made any
money so that you can have kangkong everyday.
I cook delicous food everyday as I like cooking and have wonderful meals.I will buy big fish about 3kg and cut into few pieces and frozen it.So it can last me about a week.


2014-10-01 12:36 | Report Abuse

Musangfoxking,maybe you ask my imitator,fan jenny not Fam Jenny,pls ignore my posting.


2014-10-01 12:33 | Report Abuse

Musangfoxking,I never feel painful becos I never realise and count my losses and I have Ayammudaa to console me all the time.Besides my investment is small compared to my assets which will not affect my livihood.
So what to be sad,I don't know it at all but will be happier if I stike gold.


2014-10-01 12:25 | Report Abuse

In business,the bosses must make money by hook or by crook through good planning and well planned strategies by looking at new markets such as African states in order to progress.


2014-10-01 12:14 | Report Abuse

AyamMudaaa,thanks for your generousity and if it can reach RM25.25 I think Glotec needs to consolidate 10shares of 10c each to one share of RM1/-.Currently I cannot virtualise that far but hope can reach 25c in next few months will make me quite happy.
This will be possible by disposing some non profit business or get the 2 companies relisted again and we as shareholders are given the shares free.
Alternately it may expand globally the current businesses and sgnerzise its capacities to viable/profitable businesses.


2014-10-01 11:31 | Report Abuse

Why need panadol since you are sure it will come down,I sit here to wait for it like hoping a durian will soon fall from the tree whenever I go to plantation to eat kampong durians.


2014-10-01 11:13 | Report Abuse

This group continues to bullshit and how come not 7c and 9c is getting
stronger.I also waiting to buy more at 7c if it true.


2014-10-01 06:43 | Report Abuse

Ayammudaa,I love you with whole heart bcos of your good nature and hope we will spend more time in the future for the unfortunate ones instead of entangling with unworthy,exploitive,useless humans.
I too strongly believe glotec is a stock with bright future.Cheers!


2014-09-30 23:48 | Report Abuse

My friend who is a barrister brought a lot may one day take you to court but I will not waste my time with you.I will buy more than now if it can drop to 7c bcos I won't sell and play smart like you.
All will q at buyers'price and see whether you can make anything from this counter.


2014-09-30 23:41 | Report Abuse

When we buy at our own risk,keep asking us to sell and instead of showing us sympathy for losses,keep sneering at us and condemned us in Holland.
This group is human or beasts without feelings or empathy for others,Malaysia,Malaysia,what kind of citizens you leaders have produced,it is a group of monsters only live for their own gains at people's sorrow.


2014-09-30 23:33 | Report Abuse

Correction:without check and balance,....