Fam Jenny

Jennyfam | Joined since 2013-11-19

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2014-10-10 12:43 | Report Abuse

Hangtuah,you are not Wahaha,you are a lady going after your secret lover and after hearing Craptree doesn't love old maid,you are happy and not hostile but turn friendly to me.Whoever is Craptree I am not bothered bcos in internet you are a fool to trust anybody.


2014-10-10 12:35 | Report Abuse

Correction: sorry,tping error it is recommended,anyway I am not a walking dictionary or perfectionist.


2014-10-10 12:10 | Report Abuse

Hangtuah,I will never buy a stock that has moved so much especially those recommented by you.


2014-10-10 11:44 | Report Abuse

GoInvest,share market is not a bank but a casino but the dice is in our hand but only whether we can control our dice.If we can't then we have to admit the lost of opportunity to cut loss,so we have to use time to recover our losses.
Since Glotec is not a falling knife but in correction mode,then we have to wait for the next wave and be stuck in it now.If you need money to buy food then you have to sell some when it rebounces and reserve some saving for rainy days.This is a hard lesson to learn and hope you will be wise the next round and believe don't believe in promoters bcos they may be sincere but not accurate enough.


2014-10-10 10:45 | Report Abuse

At least we know how to overlook and forget our own mistakes and not like some busybody interfering people's affairs.Shame on you.


2014-10-10 10:21 | Report Abuse

If we frozen our shares and stop buying until dowjones has bottomed
out and stabilised,we will not be trapped further but a lot of self discipline is needed to achieve it.
Meanwhile we can enjoy our life with friends and relatives and forget the share market is good for our mental health as we minus the stress of anxieties.
Let's shout to ourselves,'Be happy and joyful'......one,two,three.


2014-10-10 00:10 | Report Abuse

A correction is necessary for healthier growth,just be cool bcos it is already cheap.If it falls further just think it is an opportunity to buy cheap.


2014-10-09 23:34 | Report Abuse

Correction:...came up after the right issues.


2014-10-09 23:26 | Report Abuse

Every stock is pump and dump in every wave,it is whether you are good enough to detect its position even Maybank came down to RM3+ and came up every the right issues.All blue chips will be pump and dump in every economic cycle.


2014-10-09 23:21 | Report Abuse

Optimusx8888,can you substantiate with facts if you are sincere to help.


2014-10-09 23:18 | Report Abuse

For me die,die nothing big deal


2014-10-09 23:16 | Report Abuse

Optimusx8888,are you waiting for 5c to buy.


2014-10-09 23:05 | Report Abuse

Sometimes you forget you have put the money in it like my relative in China who has kept his money in a rolled up news papers and threw off as rubbish by his wife.
Another friend threw away her jewelries hidden in a container when she cleaned her house.


2014-10-09 22:56 | Report Abuse

Some people really scare to lose then it is better to put your money under the bed but you make sure it is not eaten by rats or stolen by burglars.


2014-10-09 22:27 | Report Abuse

Correction: ......so he didn't laugh at me.


2014-10-09 22:26 | Report Abuse

Hangtuah,Eric is also trapped so he didn't at me.


2014-10-09 22:17 | Report Abuse

Eric,I don't want to be your mentor bcos you will make noise when you lose money not like just me just keep quiet but others will sneer at me as though I spend their money.Real funny people.


2014-10-09 21:56 | Report Abuse

Hangtuah,old man,if you hold on to Glotec when it comes down you don't go to Holland except you miss the opportunity to cut loss and realises your lossess but you may go to Holland with real loss if it suddenly moves up.
On the other hand if you don't sell you will recover your losses and even make when it moves up so you never go to Holland at all.
Like me I top up yesterday and now make a little so where did I go to Holland.
You go to Holland bcos you realise your losses and never buy back
on time.


2014-10-09 15:14 | Report Abuse

Hangtuah,pity you miss Glotec


2014-10-09 14:06 | Report Abuse



2014-10-09 13:41 | Report Abuse

One way of enjoying life is to enjoy a good homework meal.Yesterday I cooked a very delicious curry fish with heavenly aroma of various spices and aromatic leaves which God has endowed us to taste the best food we can cook.
The smell filled the full kitchen and when my good friends tasted it their joy of eating such food was expressed in their faces and made my hearts so happy bcos they could share my diligent work piece of cooking.
Similarly if we buy good shares and have predicted the right trend with our knowledge of skills of reading the trend accurately and advice is given correctly we will also be enjoyful for others and ourselves as we make money.Hope we can contribute our joy to others and not hardship or sorrow.


2014-10-09 12:34 | Report Abuse

OptimusprimeV,I challenge you sell to me now and don't bullshit here,shame on you for talking without substance.


2014-10-08 23:44 | Report Abuse

If we invest in companies with gas fields being tested positive and yet fails then the directors should retire from all businesses and not to shame themselves for wasting the funds of the investors.


2014-10-08 23:25 | Report Abuse

I bought a little at 7.5c and if it drops another 1c,buy again,if it dies all conters in Bursa also will die.Buy at your own risk.


2014-10-08 23:09 | Report Abuse

I didn't go to Holland as I add more today and if it drops further I will buy more.So hope you all maintain the faith and whatever it is cheap it can rebounce back.
This is the time to aim for more wealth as whatever you buy cheap,it is always safer and easier to make money.Cheers!


2014-10-08 16:52 | Report Abuse

Actually I was taught by charists that we can only buy three to four times in a year during good times.The best time is after a crash but it depends whether it is heading to recession or deed to some adverse news of wars.So when the dispute is settled,it is the best time to enter the market so a lot of discipline is required.Other times will be after a severe correction like now.
Don't listen to bloggers who ask you to wait for it to fly up bcos it will not materialise at all or the big timers may be just dumping them to you.
I personally think it won't be 6c but 7c is the bottom price for


2014-10-08 15:02 | Report Abuse

GoInvest,at 7c it has corrected 70% which I have calculated that it is the bottom.


2014-10-08 14:58 | Report Abuse

Firebird2,my portfolio is diversified into few counters and the most badly hit is Glotec.


2014-10-08 13:09 | Report Abuse

Firebird2,never overinvest in share market bcos it is extremely sensitive market like it will react negatively to wars,quarrels among shareholders,losses,change of policies,technologies, recession,change of policies of mirco or fiscal economies,etc,etc.
It is good to hold strong currencies ,not high interest currencies which are fragile.
Also it good to look into commodities investment but with expert's advice.


2014-10-08 12:51 | Report Abuse

Never invest more than 15% of our total assets in Share market bcos it can be manipulated by the super rich which will use loopholes of laws to enrich themselves.Self discipline is necessary to protect your own money,now you all see the real drama.
When the share prices are spinning upwards a lot of us will fall into the unknown/unconsious illusion with wild imagination that we will be millioniares or billioniares bcos it sounds excellent to our feelings.This is the time we are not realistic anymore but damn foolish.
Then comes the real correction where we wake up from our dreams and start to count our losses.But actually we should not act in such manner but contrarily we should think we will make it to be millionaires bcos we will endure the pain of losing money and building
our strength to hope for the best.As long as there is no recession
just correction our hope will be realised and won't wait for 5 years
to recover.
Keep strong and it is the right time to maintain the faith that it is good.Cheers!


2014-10-08 11:41 | Report Abuse

M_faizal,that's this group keeps coming here to predict it is falling so we play their game and sing their song is better than arguing with them.It definitely has good prospects if not it won't be under attack.


2014-10-08 11:21 | Report Abuse

Can't you sense my tone when I said it was lousy just being sarcastic to your group bcos you all may be from some of the major shareholders who had sold it when it was 14.5c.So we join you and play your game,ok.


2014-10-08 11:09 | Report Abuse

We just frozen it and when the global markets have corrected you will be surprised bluechips drop and penny stocks moved up like a few years ago where Maybank dropped until RM3+ and friends groaned until no breath.


2014-10-08 10:41 | Report Abuse

You are one group that comes to hack and predict this counter bcos you all are eying at it and love gas stock.You choose the timing correctly to hit at, you are the actual culprits,all counters drop like nobody's business and how come you only attack this counter.
Fortunately we stop buying and let it drops to a level that will be supported by the major shareholders.
Let it drop to one cent if it can then we will enter so don't have to predict anymore.
Ya,ya it is a lousy counter and you don't have to talk about it anymore,hypocrites.


2014-10-07 23:31 | Report Abuse



2014-10-07 23:24 | Report Abuse

Hangtuah,what is your purpose of coming here to fight me,you will never win bcos I talk logic but you talk crap.


2014-10-07 23:20 | Report Abuse

Hangtuah,you corrected me wrongly so I corrected you rightly.Don't pretend to be smart in front of me.At least I know where is my wrong grammar whereas you are blurred type.


2014-10-07 23:14 | Report Abuse

Hangtuah,you are the one that try to stop me from posting by controlling my website,one day you will be caught you are a real sourgrape.


2014-10-07 23:12 | Report Abuse

Continue:If 'and' is used you can use 'Compared to my assets'


2014-10-07 23:08 | Report Abuse

The correct answer is"when it is compared to my assets" or becos share investment is small and compared to my assets.
If 'and is used you can use'compared


2014-10-07 22:53 | Report Abuse

I am waiting to buy cheaper bcos share investment is small when compares to my assets.


2014-10-07 22:49 | Report Abuse

Hangtua you are too old to remember facts I mentioned I was not sure of the trend and asked the investors not to throw but frozen it.Then I ask them to buy more at 7c and below and play your game.Pls check my postings and don't lie again.


2014-10-07 22:41 | Report Abuse

Hangtuah,don't forget I have Ayamtua,my lover so cannot named me an old maid but you a jealous divorcee.


2014-10-07 22:28 | Report Abuse

No,I am 100% sure there is no crash bcos no sign of recession only a correction,the world economy is still fine with oil price and gold coming down to more realistic affordable level.


2014-10-07 22:17 | Report Abuse

We are all friends and don't want our friends get trapped in any counter.


2014-10-07 22:11 | Report Abuse

Hocklai,don't dream of 50c,let wait for it to break 14c first before you talk of 50c.


2014-10-07 22:07 | Report Abuse

Eric_B2B and Craptree are quite sincere bloggers and I can talk to when ayam Tua disappears from the forum.


2014-10-07 22:00 | Report Abuse

Craptree,accordingly to AyamTua B2B is books to books.


2014-10-07 21:43 | Report Abuse

Craptree,then how come never meet?