Whey Whey

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2016-11-27 00:56 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2016-11-27 00:32 | Report Abuse

Do you all realise all KYY followers are mostly aggresive and spreading the fear. Could it be they all already sold all their stock at peek price and now they want to buy back at lower price?

Hmmmm, i have doubt. How about you? Up to you to choose which side to believe.


2016-11-26 19:54 | Report Abuse


Yes he requested Tan Sri KOK ONN to manipulate the QR REPORT but it rejected by them at AGM.


2016-11-26 19:34 | Report Abuse

Actually by only one QR result dropped he start shouting cut losses show that he is speculator not investor. This is normal for business the profit wont always increase and it will dropped one day. As long as the annual earning still same like last year i feel optimism. The Tan Sri already said at least will proft same as previous year and QR 2 will better than first. Who would u trust? Choose wisely :D


2016-11-26 19:10 | Report Abuse

By the way anyone know what is the open price for the WA monday morning?


2016-11-26 19:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by WaAdaLui > Nov 26, 2016 04:38 PM | Report Abuse

不淡经济 不淡好坏。。。只想让大家知道。。。


当老人家 的
第一遍文章出来时 我觉得那是善意提醒,
第二遍文章出来时 我觉得应该是想再补充些什么,
第三遍文章出来时 我疑惑了 为什么善意的提醒 会夹带着批评呢 (Stupid Loser!!! ),
第四遍文章出来时 我之前的想法开始动摇了, 隐约觉得善意的背后好像隐藏着什么。

其实三天的交易量 已经在倍速下跌 市场开始接受和冷静下来了。
就在这个时候 老人家又来触动大家的神经。。。为什么要在 最敏感的星期一 前夕呢?
是不是因为大家 在星期一得到了 双倍的股份(等于双倍压力) 。。。 更容易被情绪 左右?

作为一位 股坛前辈 / 高人。
在着充满动荡和不安的时候, 是不是应该更懂的安抚 情绪?
可是我看到的是一次又一次 的刺激,和批评。
我只有老人家 三分一的岁数 股市资历 8个月 浅浅的明白这小道理, 老人家不可能不懂吧!
如果说不懂的安抚市场情绪,我想送老人家一句话。 ” 此时 无声 胜有声 “

还是说 作为一位 股坛前辈 / 高人。
在着充满动荡和不安的时候,他更懂的玩弄 情绪, 加剧不安, 制造混乱,从中敛财?
难道这是他 闯荡股坛多年 赢钱必杀技?

别 对号入座! 我没有批判任何人! 只是在这闲空的星期六下午, 来这里 抒发一下我的情感。。。

哎。。。 都是一些废话。。。 你们都是我的前辈, 哪有可能 不明白 过中道理!!!

股坛 迷途小羔羊 上

给你十个like @ WaAdaLui


2016-11-26 15:14 | Report Abuse

But sadly i foresee monday will press down again too. Too many ikan bilis that scared and want to free up their capital. I don't blame them because we are just like them only small fish. We could not influence the price movement because we are not the Banker.


2016-11-26 11:58 | Report Abuse

How is the price of share go up or went up? I give an example" Set aside first about the news, financial report etc.. The concept is very easy only, the share price went up when there is more buyers than sellers or went down if more sellers than buyers. Or we should said who holding the most stock is the banker and they are the one control the price. So let said if they like to collected at cheaper price, what they will do is they will start selling down so we all ikan bilis got no choice to follow their sell price or lower if we want to free our capitals, once the ikan bilis start to fear and panic sell, the downtrend is done and banker can just wait until the right price and they will start collecting again at super low price. Once they collected enough, they will start to release the good news, write article etc to promoted the share and they will push up the price until the ikan bilis is coming in to chase high and now the uptrend is complete and they can start throwing their stock to ikan bilis.


2016-11-26 11:18 | Report Abuse

@tksw lmao xD i don't need to become his super investor. I will follow my own path haha. How about you tksw? Are you his super investor? Hahaha


2016-11-26 11:10 | Report Abuse

The problem now is FF is keep selling now. Very hard for AA to shoot up if they dont stop throwing the stock.


2016-11-26 11:01 | Report Abuse


We will decided when to sell or buy after we done our analysis. We not his slave where he can asked us to buy we buy, asked us to sell we sell.


2016-11-26 10:47 | Report Abuse


Are u sure he never sell b4 he ask other to sell? Do you have any proof to support your statement? So far he only telling other people he ask other to sell it b4 he sell it but how you know what he said is true? As i can see now he keep saying other investors stupid loser. All writed in his article he cannot denied it. You earn the respect not by give. When he start calling other people stupid loser he already lose my respect to him.


2016-11-26 10:22 | Report Abuse

@CharlesT lmao i thought he deleted it all.


2016-11-26 10:15 | Report Abuse


The old man is start barking again because of his ego xD

Keep asking investors to cut losses but how he know all 50 commentors is losing money? He do not know what is their entry price. Same like he dont know my entry price. Lmao


2016-11-25 23:38 | Report Abuse


The warrant u can choose to convert to ordinary share anytime by a time frame given. U can sell your warrant anytime. When the mother share price is higher than 1.06 than your warrant price will went up too. Dont you all see the price is purposely press down so that the certain individual and syndicates can collected cheap. After they collected enough already they will push up the price again. The process may take 6 month to 1-2 years so only the strong holder can wait. So is up to you to believe in Gadang or not. Do your research and only you can decided to hold, buy or sell. Cheers!


2016-11-25 22:27 | Report Abuse

@aidwiz by right is today after 5pm.. All the new shares and WA will credited into your CDS account. Anyone can confirmed they have received it?


2016-11-25 14:29 | Report Abuse


Thanks for your information and sharing. As you can see this share volume is very low. Therefor is very easy to push up or press down the price.

What really make me curious is why the MD is keep buying but allow the price to dropped?


2016-11-25 11:56 | Report Abuse

If cold eyes still holding his share i will have high hope still in Gadang.... I rather believe in cold eyes than some sore loser that called all other investors stupid loser. His earning is totally base on manipulate the share price... Ask people to chase high when he sell than call for sell low when he want to collect cheap. Advice all do your homework, only u can choose to hold, buy or sell. Invest with your own risk!


2016-11-25 11:50 | Report Abuse

Anyone know when they will announce who get the mrt2 or lrt3 project?


2016-11-24 19:12 | Report Abuse

Need another boost from TF if want to shoot up tmr morning...Please say something really good in conference tonight to excited your shareholders!


2016-11-24 16:43 | Report Abuse

It credited into your CDS account tmr after 5pm. Not monday


2016-11-24 16:40 | Report Abuse


Short answer is Yes!


2016-11-24 15:48 | Report Abuse

This explained why the share price dropped so much after the exercise because alot of investors like thebadguy thought they lost half of their capital and cause a panic sell.


2016-11-24 15:41 | Report Abuse


Dont worry you did not lost anything because the new share entitlement is on 25 nov which the shares and WA will credit into your CDS account after 5pm.


2016-11-24 15:33 | Report Abuse

Today and tommorow is just Appetizer to create fear for the ikan bilis panic sell. The real big show will be on the next monday when everybody got their new shares and WA.


2016-11-24 15:28 | Report Abuse

If the certain individual and sydicates win just too bad. We got no capitals like them can press down or push up the prices. What we can hope is most retailer dont fall into their trap to sell cheap so they can buy low can sell high. Anyway do your homework and only your self can make the call to hold, sell or buy. Cheers!


2016-11-24 14:16 | Report Abuse


No you are wrong after share split and bonus share 1000 share Gadang will become 2500 shares not 2250.



2016-11-24 14:10 | Report Abuse


This is called marketing which is normal in business to promoted their product..Please provide an example which company did not promoted or advertising their product and the consumers still rushing to buy their company product?


2016-11-24 13:56 | Report Abuse


Assuming you have 7000 shares now so after the exercise it will become 7000/2= 14000.
Every 4 share u will get 1 bonus share so 14000/4=3500.

So total is 14000+3500=17500.

After the Ex date u will have 17500 Gadang shares. 17500-7000=10500
so the remaining shares will credit into your CDS account by 25 nov after 5pm and will listed on Bursa by 28 Nov

And also dont forget u will get 3500 free warrants also because every 4 share u hold get 1 warrants.

Hope this answers your question bro.


2016-11-24 13:45 | Report Abuse


LOL bro please support your statment with fact. What do you mean by "something is going to happen at Dec"? What is what thing? Good or bad?


2016-11-24 12:30 | Report Abuse

By the way anyone know when is the result announce if Gadang will get the mrt3 or lrt3 project or not? Got any particular date?


2016-11-24 12:22 | Report Abuse

Hopefully there is enough buyers to support the price. Dont like to see certain individual and sydicate win the war.... like our goverment now, we must believe if we all united together, we shall win the war.


2016-11-24 12:17 | Report Abuse

Just ignore this clown, he is doing the same at AA counter and bomb by everyone.


2016-11-24 12:12 | Report Abuse

Good finally mr OTB is giving useful information here. Now all do your homework to see how true is this and choose ur call. I believe Gadang is a good company with good management... They know what they doing unless there is an insider cooperate with the sydicate to create fear to press down the price. Which is out of our control also because we all just ikan bilis..


2016-11-24 12:00 | Report Abuse

Now back to the share itself... i suspect their intention to force sell down is to create fear and panic so all ikan bilis will sell like no tmr on monday once they received their new shares and free warrants..... So i advices all do ur own research when u choose to hold, sell or buy.... Invest on ur own risk..!


2016-11-24 11:52 | Report Abuse

Apologized accepted @Job Liew


2016-11-24 11:33 | Report Abuse

Job Liew Chee Fool As a mature mankind, investment decision is ours. Mr Koon, articles did not forces us to buy! We make own decisions! That is a personal responsible!
Even Mr. OTB, he is a professional fund manager does not means he will be always right!! He is not God, he cant predict the future!! He tried his best to provide his professional advice towards the share! His analysis is full of the professional skill! This only enable us reduce our investment risk!
But risk is still risk!! We still have a chance to loss!!

So, Whey Whey,
I think OTB do a good job in his professional analysis towards the share!! With the analysis he share, he deserve the paid from his subscribers and worth!! Just a reminder, investment is a risk management job!! No, matter how well u manage, how professional you are!! It still have RISK!! and it still can cause you to loss money!!

So, be a mature mankind! Don't 输打赢要!Thats a bad attitude!
24/11/2016 10:40

Since when i 输打赢要?Im actually defending OTB here! Mind your word and think carefully b4 u talk and stop shouting. Thanks


2016-11-24 10:10 | Report Abuse

It seem like that u attacked OTB base on what KYY write.. Do OTB admitted any single word that KYY write in his article? Open your eyes...

A question to mr OTB at the same time.. Do u agreed with all what KYY writed about u? Please clarify. Thanks


2016-11-24 09:19 | Report Abuse

For your info i still making money if i sell my share now... The fact that u dont know what is our entry price and called us all stupid losers that losses money because we dont agreed of what u said is very childish and ego. U totally broke down ur reputation by writing the lattest article. Shame on you KYY


2016-11-24 09:10 | Report Abuse

6th Nov 2016

After careful consideration, I must admit my mistake in giving you the wrong opinion of Gadang. I have requested the Administrator of i3investor.com to withdraw my article under the title “My Opinion of Gadang after the AGM & EGM” which was published yesterday.

Although Gadang has been making increasing profit in the last 5 years as shown in its latest annual report, I do not think it will be able to make more profit in the current financial year than last financial year. My reasons are:

Its annual EPS was 40 sen and its 4th quarter EPS was 15sen but its 1st quarter was only 5sen for the current financial year.
With a large portion of its order book has been completed.
Although it has submitted several billion Ringgit worth of tenders, it has not received any new contract award yet.
The property market is so depressed and it will take many more years for the market to turn around.
I do not recommend you to buy Gadang because it does not comply with my share selection golden rule. It cannot make more profit in this current year than last financial year. When it announces its annual profit which is likely to be less than last year, its share price will fall.

After having said all the negative things, I am very impressed by Gadang’s ability to secure a Singapore property company as joint venture partner to develop its land named Capital City at Iskandar Johor Bahru. Gadang bought the land about 20 years ago and it revalued it for the JV. It has no risk. The Singapore partner has injected this development into its listed company in Singapore and is responsible for the development cost and sales.

I am also impressed by its ability to secure a joint venture of 121 acres of land namely Laman Land View, Cyberjaya.

Kwasa Land Bhd must have faith to select Gadang as joint venture partner to develop 24 acres of its land in the choicest area near Kuala Lumpur. The JV period is for 20 years. Although the property market is soft currently, Gadang will only start building when there are buyers. Gadang can wait because it has no holding charges, it did not pay for the land. While waiting the land will continue to appreciates. Can you imagine the land price in 20 years? In the property development business, it is called using a silk string to tie up a cow which continues to produce milk.

In view of its good future profit growth prospect, I believe it will be good to buy back some Gadang shares at a cheaper price for long term investment.

News & Blogs

2016-11-24 08:20 | Report Abuse

If u have a car loan and u already settle it.. The car now is still debt? LOL...
This clown keep shouting AA and AAX got huge debt but never think of some of the planes already settle the loan?


2016-11-24 02:22 | Report Abuse

Nope i dont think this QR earning is including the disposal gain yet...They sold it for 20m and this QR only earning 4m plus only.... The revenue is quite stable now as u can see each quarter is around 25m.

News & Blogs

2016-11-24 01:58 | Report Abuse

And the way u back up KYY sound like u are one of his many followers that help to create fear and panic.. I will advise anyone that reading this please do your own homework and make decision by on your own research and not by somebody words.

You got nobody to blame only yourself if u choose to listen and never do your homework. Invest on your own risk.. Cheers!

News & Blogs

2016-11-24 01:53 | Report Abuse

Mayb he is but the timing he tell is very suspicious... Why he dont post it b4 the ex date but post immediately on the ex date? Think about his real intention.


2016-11-23 21:42 | Report Abuse


Yeap truly agreed with what u said... the worse in his article is called the investors that selling on losses is stupid and have to learn the lesson.. what is the lesson? KKY is a big liar and people's should'nt believe him? It is he trying to tell people that? Haha


2016-11-23 20:03 | Report Abuse

So sad that today panic sell due to people thought Gadang big dropped... How they invest if they dont even know today actually is ex date..


2016-11-23 19:59 | Report Abuse

OTB no one is saying bad about u, they all hentam KYY not u... in fact they ask u to independent and leave ur so called boss.... the big liar....


2016-11-23 19:19 | Report Abuse

Do anyone know to post all article about gadang by this KYY? Seriously he lose a lot respect by people follow his article today.... before the share split he said all good thing than now first day only after the ex date he terus hentam the investors of gadang??

Shame on u KYY...! And please his believer should stop believe what he recommended.


2016-11-23 10:26 | Report Abuse

Sad the major reason sell down is due to weak RM... all asian market green except Malaysia..