
leemyi3 | Joined since 2018-08-09

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2018-12-07 09:22 | Report Abuse

Therefore, our advise is, better to use the RM 0.680 to buy 5000 units ordinary share on opened market, rather than exercise the Tiger WB.


2018-12-07 09:18 | Report Abuse

But sorry to inform that Tiger WB exervise cost is RM 0.680. Basing to current Tiger share price RM0.085, it is not advisable for the conversation, unless Tiger share price gap up to RM 0.70 for this coming few week...


2018-12-07 09:18 | Report Abuse

Yes, SuperWisdom, hope Mohamad Faiz Hamzal Ismail could answer your query. Warrant is not similar with the ordinary share, therefore, the warrant holder have no right to vote unless you convert the warrant to ordinary share.


2018-12-06 09:47 | Report Abuse

SuperWisdom hope i could clarify some of your query and could give your some help for above mentioned regarding how to vote on AGM.

Good luck.


2018-12-06 09:45 | Report Abuse

We need every single vote on this coming very important AGM...

… and .....

Your Tiger's share is very unique and should has it's very important and fair value now.

Good luck.

Thanks you.


2018-12-06 09:42 | Report Abuse

We need to emphasize that... whether the Tiger ordinary shares are the “golden” toilet paper or “pariah” toilet paper, the Tiger shareholders / investors should have to make their own judgement, decision and choice on this coming very important AGM.


2018-12-06 09:42 | Report Abuse

All shareholders are sincerely invited & welcome and it is the shareholders' rights, duties & responsibilities and freedom to vote as accordingly on AGM.


2018-12-06 09:41 | Report Abuse

We are very serious and please allow us to remind and repeat below statement again...


2018-12-06 09:41 | Report Abuse

We could even request further assistant from our reminser, accoutant or auditor regarding how to vote in AGM.


2018-12-06 09:40 | Report Abuse

Dear all, please refer to following for further explanation for Proxy form and Shareholders’ right to speak:-


Hope above mentioned could help all to understanding more the meaning of AGMM and have a better idea how to vote in AGM.


2018-12-04 09:08 | Report Abuse

Also wish to inform that, our finding is while got layman investors are talking useless topic/issues over here since last 3 weeks, there are also some professional investors, with some financial knowledge & background, who know the actual Tiger share's fair price and value, are collecting the toilet paper behind silently and secretly, which were thrown by the layman investors.

To us, whether the Tiger ordinary shares are the “golden” toilet paper or “pariah” toilet paper, the Tiger shareholders / investors should have to make their own judgement, decision and choice on this coming very important AGM.

Also with to inform that, just believe our professional advice, your toilet paper got it own fair value one, and of course... whether you want to believe the layman or professional advice, that is your choice liao.

Therefore, please keep your toilet paper properly and safely, or else you might regret once day when you are really need to use it.

We believe... at last, the investors with proper financial knowledged would laughing all the way to bank, but definitelly not the layman investors.

We also believe that substantial and good financial knowledge and background would help us a lot in share market investment.

If you are still not very sure about above mentioned, perhaps you should search further for professional accountant / auditor's advice directly before doing any investment. We can't give too much explaination over here. Sorry about this.

As on 3/12/2018, Tiger's share price is traded on RM 0.090 or only equivalent to RM 0.0225 before 4:1 shares consolidation on 1st June 2018, i.e. currently the share price is only equivalent to RM 0.0225 as before 1st June 2018 previously.

In other word, and sorry to inform that... the investors are still suffering now if they have bought the share on RM 0.050 before 4:1 shares consolidation on 1st June 2018.

Therefore, if all the investors/shareholders think that the share price is still traded on “high” level, then it is the investors/shareholders rights not to “buy” the share. Same things, if all the investors/shareholders think that the share price is on “low” level, then we also believe that for sure the investors/shareholders would make their own judgement & decision as accordingly, and it is also the investors/shareholders rights to take the opportunity to “buy or grab” the shares on opened market.

And of course, please ensure and don't forget to bring over or deliver your vote on this coming very important AGM. All shareholders are sincerely invited & welcome and it is the shareholders' rights, duties & responsibilities and freedom to vote as accordingly on AGM.

Please always bear in mind that, every single vote is very important and counted on this coming very important AGM.

We need every single vote on this coming very important AGM...

… and .....

Your Tiger's share is very unique and should has it's very important and fair value now.

Again, whether the shareholders to vote agreed or against to meeting Agenda, all shareholders should show/give their respect to AGM and the voting result as the AGM and voting result are protected by Malaysia Companies Act and Law Of Malaysia.

As mentioned before, the most we can share over here is... normally the company share price most likely would be affected as accordingly from time to time due to the wishes of increment of voting percentage/power on the AGM.

Sorry to inform that, we need to filter out and eliminate some of the investors / speculators, who are speculate on Tiger shares recently.

The good news is... we managed and had filter out some of the investors / speculators on last 2 weeks on about 0.095.

Therefore, please monitor Tiger's share as accordingly on these coming few weeks...

… and ...

We serve above mentioned as our 2nd reminder over here.

Hope all these clarification could share some more invesment knowledge and shareholders' rights with all.

Good luck.

*All shares investment are traded on investors/shareholders' own risk. All shares transaction are basing on willing to “sell” and willing to “buy” concept. Therefore, all investors/ shareholders should known and aware that they either could make the profit or losses in the investment on shares market. Nobody could give investors/shareholders' any quaranty/warranty that could gain profit in shares market. *


2018-12-04 09:07 | Report Abuse

Regarding the Tiger share is just a toilet paper as claimed by certain investor, our clarification are as following:-

As mentioned before, we should have the correct investment knowledge that the company directors are not allowed simply to issue new ordinary share through RCN & ESOS programe.

Not all companies are qualified to issue new shares.

Certain criteria and financial background/asset need to be fullfill by the comapany, then only be voted and allowed by majority shareholders and BURSA as per our previously clarification.

If we are just a layman, than sorry to inform that it is very difficult for us to understand why companies need to propose and carry out ESOS and RCN programme?... and we might just have a very wrong investment concept that to assume RCN & ESOS programme are just a printing toilet paper as claimed by certain layman/investors due to the miss-understanding to RCN and ESOS programme.

We also feel very currious that got investor claiming that Dato' Tan would laughing all the way to bank. Perhaps he should try to learn and follow Dato' Tan investment method, i.e. by exercise toilet paper with RM 0.100 through RCN programme, and than selling the toilet paper with RM 0.090 to opened market.

Please allow us to take an example for more detail explaination and calculation, let say he has just acquired 350,000 unit ( 350 lots ) Tiger share / toilet paper with RM 0.10 through opened market on last week and sold all 350,000 unit ( 350 lots ) toilet paper ( as claimed by himself ) with RM 0.090 through opened market on yesterday.

By applying simple mathematic and calculation, he should lost at least RM 3,500.00 through above mentioned share market investment/transaction.

Under this circumstances, we are really currious whether he would be laughing or crying all the way to bank?

Don't forget, we are just using 350,000 unit ( 350 lots ) toilet paper ( as claimed by himself ), but not 35,000,000 unit ( 35,000 lots ) as for this example.

If you still don't really feel or get it, perhaps you should try it by yourself liao on this week. Try to grab the toilet paper with RM 0.10, and than sell it again with RM 0.090 on opened market. Then you could tell us by sharing your experience over here, whether you are laughing or crying all the way to bank...?

Same things, by doing so, with your given solid proof and evidence, let us could have the chances to report to "MACC" or "BURSA" by accusing that you are purposely “push down” the toilet paper's price.

With this experiment, then only we would known whether "MACC" or "BURSA" under PH government doing their job or not?

Or "MACC" or "BURSA" might give us the answer that RCN & ESOS programme have been voted and approved by most of shareholders and would advise the investors to resolve the issues by showing the agreement or disagreement on this coming AGM with voting system again, which are protected by Malaysia Companies Act and Law Of Malaysia.


2018-12-04 09:06 | Report Abuse

From above mentioned data and finding, it is our curious that there are still got some investors are claiming that Dato' Tan & his family members' investment method and Tiger's share value...

If Dato' Tan & his family members are continuously dispose and “push down” the Tiger's share price as stated by some of investors over here, then Dato' Tan & his family members Tiger's share holding percentage should drop from 1% to 0.5% or even to lower level, but our finding are... since last 3 weeks, Dato' Tan & his family members continuously accumulate Tiger share from about 1% up to 12.757 % already, via opened market, RCN or ESOS programme ( which are also on our expectation as these RCN & ESOS programme had been voted agreed and approved by most of the shareholders for last few AGM and EGM ) as per BURSA's record as up to 30/11/2108.

Look like Dato' Tan & his family members would have the great intention, continuously and would be able to accumulate their total number of shares on opened market ( or via Direct Business Transaction ) up to 15 % on these coming few weeks, if they want to, before this coming AGM on 26 Dec 2018, instead of continuously throwing/disposing his shares & “press” down the share price as “claimed” by some of investors...

If it is happening so, then perhaps the investors/shareholders could take the opportunities to “buy & grab” the shares, which are disposed by Dato' Tan & his family members on opened market, but we don't think that Dato' Tan & his family members would be doing so... as Dato' Tan & his family members are planning and need more voting percentage/power on this coming very important AGM.

Anyway, Dato' Tan & his family members' voting percentage/power are still far away from 36%, not even reaching to 15% as mentioned before as per "BURSA"s record as up to 30/11/2018, i.e. if Dato' Tan & his family members are wishing to increase their voting percentage/power up 15% or further, then Dato' Tan & his family members have no choice but have to continue to “buy” and accumulate Tiger share on opened market on these coming few weeks already.


2018-12-04 09:05 | Report Abuse

Dear all, please to inform that it is our expectation again as on 30/11/2018 Dato' Tan & his family members keep going to increase their voting percentage/power on this coming AGM as per BURSA's record on 30/11/2018, through the following exercise :-

1) http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5976897
2) http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5978661
3) http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5978641
4) http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5985437
5) http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5985329
6) http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5987361
7) http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5989313
8) http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5991437

1. Exercise of Employees Share Option Scheme "ESOS"
2. Acquisition of ordinary shares via Direct Business Transaction

As up to today, Dato' Tan & his family members have already accumulated the total amount of shares on about 92,852,275 ( 82,905,000 + 9,947,275 = 92,852,275 ) shares or almost equivalent to 12.757 % as per BURSA's record on 30/11/2018.

It is our expectation again and as mentioned before, the total number of shares could be converted by Dato' Tan & his family members from RCN & ESOS programe for year 2018 are become lesser and lesser.

If we are not mistaken, the total aggregate number of new shares issued pursuant to should be almost reaching to ten per centum (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company for year 2018 as per our previously calculation and sharing with all.

And the Tiger Company would be required to seek the approval of its shareholders again for the authority to issue and allot shares under Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act in the annual general meeting [AGM], which is expected to be held in the month of December 2018.


2018-11-14 01:50 | Report Abuse

Dear all, please spent some valuable time to read & understand carefully the following statement/content:-

“In the event the Proposed Private Placement is not completed prior to the conclusion of the annual general meeting for the previous financial year after the said approval was given, the Company would be required to seek the approval of its shareholders again for the authority to issue and allot shares under Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act in the annual general meeting which is expected to be held in the month of December 2018.”

It is our expectation and we think that above mentioned should be more related to meeting Agenda, item number 5 ( Resolution 4 ) for this coming AGM, which have been highlighted & clarify to all early on previously statement & clarification.

Item number 5 ( Resolution 4 ) as per Meeting Agenda on AGM:-

subject always to the Companies Act 2016 (“the Act”), the Articles of Association of the Company and the approvals from Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) and any other relevant governmental and/or regulatory authorities, the Directors be and
are hereby empowered, pursuant to the Act, to issue and allot shares in the capital of the Company at such price and upon such terms and conditions, for such purposes and to such person or persons whomsoever the Directors may in their absolute discretion deem fit provided always that the aggregate number of shares issued pursuant to this resolution
does not exceed ten per centum (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company for the time being;AND THAT the Directors be and are also empowered to obtain the approval for the listing of and quotation for the additional shares so issued on Bursa Securities; AND FURTHER THAT such authority shall commence immediately upon the passing of this resolution and continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company.” (Resolution 4)

If all Tiger shareholders are agreed to above mentioned Agenda/Resolution, then all shareholders are invited & welcome and it is the shareholders' rights & freedom to give the support & vote agreed. Same things, if all the Tiger shareholders are not agreed with the Agenda/Resolution, then all shareholders are also invited & welcome and it is also the shareholders' rights & freedom to show the disagreement to vote against the Agenda on this coming AGM.

Again, if above mentioned Resolution 4 have been agreed & passing through on this coming AGM, then it is also meaning that Tiger's directors are empowered by most of the shareholders that to proceed to issue new ordinary shares again through RCN programme, i.e. another new aggregate number of shares issued pursuant to should not exceed ten per centum (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company for 2019, until the next AGM's approval by most of the shareholders.

And these process ( new shares issued ) would be repeated again and again, as long as the directors continue successfully to obtain AGM and “BURSA”s approval in future.

Therefore, this coming AGM is very important for all shareholders to further consideration, participate & decide the company's RCN programme in due course.

Good luck.


2018-11-13 01:42 | Report Abuse

Also wish to highlight & inform that the “Major” shareholders is different with “Majority Shareholders”.

Sorry to inform that a lot of people / investors are very confusing with these 2 wording.

If all individual investors / group of “Minor” Shareholders could get together / combine in one group, then the “Minor” shareholders would be the “Majority Shareholders”, but not the “Major” shareholders is to be the “Majority Shareholders”.

“Major” shareholders doesn't mean that it must be “Majority Shareholders”; but “Majority Shareholders” should consist of many group of “Major” shareholders.

Therefore, beside the 30% new face and 4.5% ( 1.1% + 3.4% = 4.5% ) shareholders as mentioned before, we also should not forget and ignor the rest of 65.5% “majority” shareholders, which are very important to show their rights to vote on this coming AGM. And you could be one of the 65.5% shareholders over here.

Please always bear in mind that, every single vote is very important and counted on this coming very important AGM.

Therefore, If can please remind and pass this very important message to all of your others' friends who have Tiger shares as well. Just try the best to invite & welcome all Tiger's shareholders to attend & vote as accordingly on this coming AGM.

“The God only would help those, who want to help themselves.”

So, all shareholders are sincerely invited & welcome to attend & to carry out the shareholders's duties & responsibilities to vote as accordingly on this coming very important AGM.

If the shareholders really can't make themselves appear and attend on this coming AGM, the shareholders also could give the authorization as proxy to attend or vote; or sent out the Form Of Proxy as accordingly.

If the shareholders are unable to attend and vote in person at the forthcoming AGM, the shareholders could complete, sign and return the Form of Proxy in accordance with the instructions contained therein as soon as possible and in any event, so as to arrive at Company’s Share Registrar situated at Lot 10, The Highway Centre, Jalan 51/205, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, not less than 48 hours before the time set for the AGM. The lodging of the Form of Proxy does not preclude the shareholders from attending and voting in person at the forthcoming AGM should the shareholders subsequently wish to do so.

The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing under the hand of the appointor or of the shareholders' attorney duly authorised in writing or if such appointor be a corporation, under its common seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney of the corporation duly authorised, and shall be deposited at the registered office or at such other place as is specified for that purpose in the notice convening the meeting, not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time for holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote.

Again, whether the shareholders to vote agreed or against to meeting Agenda, all shareholders should show/give their respect to AGM and the voting result as the AGM and voting result are protected by Malaysia Companies Act and Law Of Malaysia.

Hope above mentioned clarification could share some more invesment knowledge and shareholders' right with all.

Good luck.


2018-11-13 01:41 | Report Abuse

If the shareholders are still not satisfy with the company directors' explanation, the shareholders could even forward the solid proof/evidence & make an official report to “BURSA” for further investigation & judgement as accordingly.

Regarding Tiger's 1 billion project. I think i'm not in the position to explain/answer your question as accordingly. Perhaps the person on the right position to explain/answer to you is Dato' Tan as he is still considered Tiger's company director at this moment. Therefore, I suggest you shoud attend this coming AGM and address your concerned and this question to Dato' Tan so that Dato Tan could answer you directly on this coming AGM.

Meanwhile, we also should not claimed that Voters had disappointed to vote just because of Voters/Shareholders are never/seldom attending the AGM to carry out the shareholders duties & responsibilities to vote as accordingly.

My understanding is that as most of Malaysia shareholders are very rare/seldom ( more than 50 % shareholders are not ) to attend the AGM & to vote as accordingly if compare to those advance countries, such as US, England or Europe cuntries.

As most of the voting system would assumed and praticed “silence is agreed” by all shareholders. Therefore, if the Voters/Shareholders are never/seldom attending the AGM, Voters/Shareholders are assumed that they have no objection to AGM meeting agenda.

Therefore, AGM is a very formal, serious and important company's meeting, which must be held annually as per Malaysia Companies Act. All shareholders and company directors have no choice, but have to obey to all the meeting Agenda and Resolutions, which have been passing through / rejected on AGM. No shareholders and company directors are dare to “manipulate” the AGM, because the shareholders and company directors would be sued & jailed as accordingly if got proof & get caught by “BURSA”.


2018-11-13 01:38 | Report Abuse

Please always bear in mind that AGM must be called & held annually to provide a platform/chance for all the shareholders to meet together to discuss & decide all company's important policies & matters, including company's financial, project and investment status, situation or outlook and etc, which has been written & stated clearly in Malaysia Companies Act.

Therefore, all shareholders are entitled to forward / address all the relevant company issues/questions during AGM and company directors have to anwer all shareholders' questions as accordingly during AGM.

No shareholders or directors could make it just as a family meeting without any Agenda, decision making and voting system. It is a very wrong investment concept that to assume AGM just as a family meeting.

And it is also the shareholders' rights & freedom whether to vote agreed or aginst to the meeting Agenda/Resolution, whereby voting system is or would not be provided/allowed on just a family meeting.

Regarding the “eating & chewing” shareholders money issues through RCN programme, I think I would not to repeat my point of view again over here. For this topic, kindly to refer my priviously statement to Mr. Miniminer earlier for further understanding.

Same things, it is the shareholders' right to address the issues that got company directors are purposely “push down” the company share price with solid proof/evidence during AGM should there be any, and the company directors also should be given chances to explain the actual situation as accordingly should there be any. ( By “manipulate” company share's price, the company directors would be sued and jailed as accordingly if get caught by BURSA as per Malaysia Companies Act ).

( Please to inform that my understanding is all company directors should have their own rights to sell their shares on opened market also.

For description purposes, Tiger's share price is traded on 0.075 on 12/11/2018 or almost equivalent to 0.0185 before 4:1 shares consolidation on few months ago.

Therefore, if all the investors/shareholders think that the share price is on “high” level, then it is the investors/shareholders rights not to buy the share. Same things, if all the investors/shareholders thank that the share price is on “low” level, then for sure the investors/shareholders would make their own judgement & decision as accordingly, and it is also the investors/shareholders rights to take the opportunity to “buy or grab” the shares on opened market.

Nobody could force/stop anybody from “selling” theirs shares on opened market; it is also nobody could force/stop anybody from “buying” the share on opened market; all shares transaction are basing on willing to “sell” and willing to “buy” concept, which are protected by Malaysia Companies Act and Law of Malaysia.

The most we can share over here is... normally the company share price most likely would be affected from time to time as accordingly due to the wishes of increament of voting percentage/power on AGM.

All shares investment are traded on investors/shareholders' own risk. Therefore, all investors/ shareholders should known and awared that they either could make the profit or losses in the investment on shares market. No body could give investors/shareholders' any quaranty/warranty that could gain profit in shares market.)


2018-11-13 01:36 | Report Abuse

Dear Mr. Tiong Kung King Zien, I'm sorry because off for few days.

Below are my finding & understanding for sharing purposes.

Some how I think it is not nice / un-fair and in-correct to mention that Annual General Meeting ( AGM ) is Dato' Tan Family's meeting. As most of investors don't agreed with that statement because if AGM is just really for Dato' Tan Family's meeting, then Dato' Tan don't even need so troublesome to make an official annoucement to public and invite all shareholders to attend the AGM.

Perhaps your statement should be more related to meeting Agenda, item number 3 ( Resolution 2 ) for this coming AGM.

Item number 3 ( Resolution 2 ) as per Meeting Agenda on AGM:-

To re-elect the following Directors retiring pursuant to Article 71 of the Company’s Articles of Association (Resolution 2) :-

(a) Datin Sek Chian Nee; and
(b) Low Boon Chin.

If all Tiger shareholders are agreed to above mentioned Agenda, then all shareholders are invited & welcome and it is the shareholders' rights & freedom to give the support & vote agreed. Same things, if all the Tiger shareholders are not agreed with the Agenda, then all shareholders are also invited & welcome and it is also the shareholders' rights & freedom to show the disagreement to vote against the Agenda on this coming AGM.

Again, if above mentioned Resolution 2 have been agreed & passing through on this coming AGM, then it is also meaning that majority/most of the shareholders would have agreed & accepted it and it is inccorrect or un-fair to mention that AGM is just for Dato' Tan Family's meeting because Datin Sek Chian Nee and Mr. Low Boon Chin are also should be given chances and have their own rights to become company's directors as accordingly to Malaysia Companies Act.

Under this circustances, Dato' Tan Family's meeting is not correct and exist, because Datin Sek Chian Nee and Mr. Low Boon Chin have been voted, passing through or choosen by majority/most of the Tiger shareholders.


2018-11-13 01:34 | Report Abuse

For further sharing purposes, also wish to inform & highlight that, basically the increment in the number of Shares arising from the conversion of the Notes will have a dilute impact on the EPS and shareholdings of the existing shareholder of Tiger S/B.

Anyway, for private placement, the Proposed Notes Issue is also expected to have a positive impact on the earnings of the Group by providing necessary funding for the purposes, amongst others, the Group’s property development expenses as well as working capital for existing projects as well as future potential projects.


2018-11-13 01:32 | Report Abuse

Please to inform that it is useless to report to "MACC" or "BURSA" because the ESSOS had been approved, voted agreed and passing through by most of the Tiger's shareholders on last AGM. In fact, as most of the shareholders noted, the company directors had already exercised few more batch of ESSOS programme as before.

And the company directors have the rights to choose the relevant / actual time to exercise ESSOS programme as following:-

Meeting held on 29 May 2014 and the earlier announcement made on 17 March 2017, 2 November 2017, 9 February 2018 and 22 May 2018 on the same.

Pursuant to Paragraph 9.19 (51) of the Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Main Market Listing Requirements, TIGER wishes to announce the share option of ordinary shares of the Company offered under the ESOS, as follows:

(a) Date of offer : 9 November 2018

(b) Exercise price of shares offered : RM0.065

(c) Number of shares offered :22,000,000

(d) Market price of the Company’s shares on the date of the offer : RM0.080

For further information, it is also our expectation that the company directors would exercised the ESSOS programme on this very important period because by doing so, the directors would have about additional 22,000,000 voting power on these coming AGM, which is more favor to their side as accordingly.

Anyway, 22,000,000 shares is almost equivalent to 3.4% only and it is still far away from 36%, not even to 15% as mentioned before as per "BURSA" record on 13/11/2018.


2018-11-06 01:04 | Report Abuse

Meanwhile, for the statement “ the 3 majors may eventually hold up max 36% state ” ? My understanding is that three of them, i.e. Dato' Tan Wei Lian , DATIN SEK CHIAN NEE and MISS TAN LEE CHIN should have a joined/sub-account. If your statement is correct, i.e. “ 12mil tiger to be release soon which is come about 15%” , then three of them should have a total 15% only with a joined/sub-account, but should not 36% ? Right?

For further information and understanding, as until 1st November 2018, three of them only have about 43,012,475 ordinary shares or about 7.12% as per BURSA's submission and record. Therefore, the statement for “ the 3 majors may eventually hold up max 36% state ” should be a questionable? Right?

Hopefully above mentioned clarification could help all to understand some more investment knowledge and shareholders' rights.

Thank you.


2018-11-06 01:04 | Report Abuse

Item number 5 ( Resolution 4 ) as per Agenda Meeting on AGM:-

subject always to the Companies Act 2016 (“the Act”), the Articles of Association of the Company and the approvals from Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) and any other relevant governmental and/or regulatory authorities, the Directors be and
are hereby empowered, pursuant to the Act, to issue and allot shares in the capital of the Company at such price and upon such terms and conditions, for such purposes and to such person or persons whomsoever the Directors may in their absolute discretion deem fit provided always that the aggregate number of shares issued pursuant to this resolution does not exceed ten per centum (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company for the time being;AND THAT the Directors be and are also empowered to obtain the approval for the listing of and quotation for the additional shares so issued on Bursa Securities; AND FURTHER THAT such authority shall commence immediately upon the passing of this resolution and continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company.” (Resolution 4)

If all Tiger shareholders are agreed to above mentioned Agenda, then it is the shareholders rights to give the support & vote agreed. Same things, if all the Tiger shareholders are not agreed with the Agenda, then it is also the shareholders rights to show the disagreement to vote against the Agenda on this coming AGM.

Again, if above mentioned Resolution 4 have been agreed & passing through on this coming AGM, then it is also meaning that Tiger's directors are empowered by most of the shareholders that to proceed to issue new ordinary shares through RCN programme, i.e. another new aggregate number of shares issued pursuant to should not exceed ten per centum (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company for 2019, until the next AGM's approval by most of the shareholders. And these process ( new shares issued ) would be repeated again and again, as long as the directors continue successfully to obtain AGM and “BURSA”s approval in future.


2018-11-06 01:03 | Report Abuse

In other words, if we study carefully, we would be able to know that the recently conversion of the principal amount of Redeemable Convertible Notes ( RCN ) by Tiger's directors, which were already had been approved by most of the shareholders on last AGM ( on 2017's AGM ).

If we are not mistaken, the total aggregate number of new shares issued pursuant to should be almost reaching to ten per centum (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company for year 2018. [ Let take the latest/recently 2 number of RCN for example, i.e. the total numbers of new shares had been issued out should be approximately 15,000,000 new ordinary shares on 02-Nov-2018 and 28,000,000 new ordinary shares on 07-Nov-2018, which is amouting to total numbers of 43,000,000 (15,000,000 + 28,000,000 = 43,000,000 ) new ordinary shares or almost equivalent 7.2% of the total number of issued shares of the Company for this year, i.e. for year 2018 ( by applying 600,000,000 as the total number of issued shares of the Company ].

Therefore, from the above mentioned calculation, we almost knowing that the total aggregate number of new shares issued pursuant to should be almost reaching to ten per centum (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company for year 2018, and if the directors have intention to proceed to issue new shares throught RCN programe, then the directors are already acting against Malaysia Companies Act, which is clearly stated that the aggregate number of shares issued pursuant to should not exceed ten per centum (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company for the time being. ( By acting against Malaysia Companies Act, the company directors would be sued and jailed as accordingly if get caught by BURSA ) . I.e. if the directors insist want to issue new shares through RCN programme, then the directors have no choice but have to get the approval from most of the shareholders on this coming AGM. And this is also explained why Resolution 4 as stated below is coming out on the Agenda meeting for all shareholders to vote whether the majority of shareholders are agreed or against to Resolution 4.


2018-11-06 01:01 | Report Abuse

Dear Mr. Miniminer, sorry to inform that your statement is a bit out from my understanding on this topic and I also not very sure how do you get the calculation & make the statement “ 12mil tiger to be release soon which is come about 15% ” and also “ the 3 majors may eventually hold up max 36% state ” ?

Perhaps, if you don't mind, you are appreciated / couold give some more info & the calculation over here for sharing purposes? Thanks in advance.

Meanwhile, below are my finding and understanding for sharing purposes, you all are welcome and please to correct me if i'm wrong.

To me, your statement should be more related to Agenda meeting ( Resolution 4 ) for this coming AGM.

My understanding is all the directors can't simply issue new shares by appling Redeemable Convertible Notes ( RCN ) programme, but need to get approval from majority shareholders agreement by voting system on the AGM, and the total aggregate number of new shares issued pursuant should not exceed ten per centum (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company for that particular year as per Malaysia Companies Act. After getting AGM's approval, then the directors would proceed to submit & apply to “BURSA” to get the approval, by giving reason that RCN programme has been agreed and passing through AGM. And normally “BURSA” won't or can not object the RCN programme and has to approve as accordingly as the RCN programme has been agreed and passing through AGM by most of the shareholders. ( This is also explained why if got investors are trying to report that the company directors are “eating & chewing” shareholders money through RCN programme to “BURSA”, “BURSA” can't take any action against to the directors by giving reason that RCN programme has been agreed and passing through AGM by most of the shareholders; i.e. the “eating & chewing” shareholders money issues is not right & exist as the directors have already obtained approval from AGM & support by most of the shareholders ).


2018-11-05 23:56 | Report Abuse

Dear Mr. Tiong Kung King Zien, thanks for your concerned, response and proposal. Your concerned and question are a bit longer and need more data and clarification. Therefore, please allow me to response to Mr. miniminer statement 1st. Would replied to you as accordingly later as i need some more time to figure out more data and statement for you.


2018-11-01 23:17 | Report Abuse

If all Tiger shareholders are agreed to above mentioned Agenda, just give the support & vote agreed. Same things, if all the Tiger shareholders are not agreed with the Agenda, just show the disagreement to vote against the Agenda on this coming AGM.

Please always bear in mind that, It is the shareholders' right, whether to vote support or against to the Meeting Agenda.

Therefore, nobody could force any body or shareholders to vote to their favor parties, only the shareholders themselves could make their own decision & judgement, whether to vote support or against to the Meeting Agenda.

Every single vote from all Tiger shareholders are important & counted. Therefore, all Tiger shareholders are welcome to vote as accordingly on this coming AGM.

It is the duties and responsibilities for all the shareholders to vote as accordingly on AGM and nobody could stop any body/shareholders from voting, as stated clearly in Malaysia Company Act. Whether the shareholders to vote support or against to the Meeting Agenda, all the shareholders are protected by Law of Malaysia. Therefore all the shareholders got the equal rights and freedom to vote as accordingly.

If any shareholders are facing voting problem or hindrances from any body/parties or association, please make a proper police report immediately & forward the report to "BURSA" for further judgement as accordingly.

And last, wishing all shareholders could have a happy voting day on this coming AGM.

Good luck.


2018-11-01 22:50 | Report Abuse

Dear all Tiger shareholders, please spent some valuable time to read, study & understand above mentioned Agenda Meeting carefully and vote as accordingly on this coming AGM.


2018-11-01 22:45 | Report Abuse

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Twenty-Third Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at Klana Resort Seremban, Jalan Penghulu Cantik, Taman Tasik Seremban, 70100 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
Darul Khusus on Wednesday,26 December 2018 at 11:00 a.m. for the following purposes:-


As Ordinary Business
1. To receive the Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended 30 June 2018 together with the Reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon.

2. To approve the payment of Directors’ Meeting Allowance of up to RM100,000 for the period from January 2018 until the next AGM to be held in year 2019 and be payable after the meeting in arrears. (Resolution 1)

3. To re-elect the following Directors retiring pursuant to Article
71 of the Company’s Articles of Association (Resolution 2) :-

(a) Datin Sek Chian Nee; and
(b) Low Boon Chin.

4. To re-appoint Messrs. UHY as Auditors of the Company until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting and to authorise the Directors to determine their remuneration. As Special Business To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following Ordinary Resolutions with or without modifications (Resolution 3):-

subject always to the Companies Act 2016 (“the Act”), the Articles of Association of the Company and the approvals from Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) and any other relevant governmental and/or regulatory authorities, the Directors be and
are hereby empowered, pursuant to the Act, to issue and allot shares in the capital of the Company at such price and upon such terms and conditions, for such purposes and to such person or persons whomsoever the Directors may in their absolute discretion deem fit provided always that the aggregate number of shares issued pursuant to this resolution
does not exceed ten per centum (10%) of the total number of issued shares of the Company for the time being;AND THAT the Directors be and are also empowered to obtain the approval for the listing of and quotation for the additional shares so issued on Bursa Securities; AND FURTHER THAT such authority shall commence immediately upon the passing of this resolution and continue to be in force until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company.” (Resolution 4)

(Please refer to
Explanatory Note 1)
(Resolution 1)
(Resolution 2)
(Resolution 3)
(Resolution 4)


2018-10-31 00:15 | Report Abuse

Don't make too much useless complaints over here, if most of the shareholders think that Dato Tan can't perform properly as a "good" director for all Tiger's shareholders, what the shareholders could do are just use theirs shareholders' rights to vote Dato Tan out from board of director. Just simple like that. And this is a very basic shareholder's knowledge and rule which are protected by law of Malaysia.