Apollo Ang

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2017-05-26 23:38 | Report Abuse

if cannot 1.20 wait cos don't worry cos bursa still have over 1000 counters left to buy


2017-05-26 23:37 | Report Abuse

and people here been calling me to buy at over 3.10.....hahaha. i sold all at only 1.40 if i buy back at over 3.00 mr lim kang hoo will laugh and call me sorchai.never do that sell low buy high,maybe i will back if down to below 1.20 lah


2017-05-26 23:31 | Report Abuse

I sold off mine all at 49cts, now I syok syok tarik harga and buy whatever I suka......hahaha


2017-05-26 23:29 | Report Abuse

market bad better avoid these kinda stocks,can go down a lot one


2017-05-26 23:24 | Report Abuse

when i bought SAB at 2 something many were laughing at me this tortoise stock everyday untraded,when i sold all above 5.00 people tell me how i spot this kinda tortoise stock and can make a lot from it.i told them i buy undervalued stock by not chasing junks.once upon a time in 1996 a fren of mine bought EKRAN at 2.30 150,000 units,the stock went up to RM 30 over and he's greedy and wouldn't sell, in the end the stock kena PN 17 and he owe AMFB at that time 200k.


2017-05-26 23:17 | Report Abuse

no need to see this company a/c profit or whatsoever, all u need to do is when u see news all the illegal outlets and internet have been close down then only can invest in magnum n toto, otherwise shun it


2017-05-26 23:15 | Report Abuse

i just wanna buy cheaper than datuk butayap and i can sleep well already.....hahaha


2017-05-26 23:13 | Report Abuse

holding power is needed if u invest in dutaland,i am sure if market recover it will eventually above 50cts, wanna say 1.00 i dare not say but if market recover i can confidently say it can cross 50cts. i say this not i own this stock but i say this is cos i see based on the value of the assets. i used to own a more laggard stock than dutaland, SAB this tortoise stock i even can make a lot from it.


2017-05-26 23:08 | Report Abuse

look at gpacket,silk,theta all lost more than butaland


2017-05-26 23:07 | Report Abuse

i sold oskvi-w at 18cts 200,000 units years ago


2017-05-26 23:05 | Report Abuse

if lost a bit nevermind but if it posted a loss of over 100mil better don't buy.there are many companies suffer losses not only butaland.only losses companies u can buy cheap, profits one mostly expensive already.


2017-05-26 23:02 | Report Abuse

I prefer butaland than aemulus,kronos or whatever ace stocks that suddenly can limit down one.u are safe with butaland as it won't go haywire like the ace stocks.many of my rich buddies told me they rather investing in these kinda penny stocks than any blue chips if the companies is liquid enough for them to trade


2017-05-26 22:57 | Report Abuse

considering dutaland a liquid stock it can easily be traded and not like some illquid stock like some example u can't hardly trade at all,u can make better profits than dividends


2017-05-26 22:54 | Report Abuse

oskvi paid up smaller,huge paid up stocks hardly can goes limit up or down unless it's a political motivated company like iwcity


2017-05-26 22:50 | Report Abuse

landmarks example lost a lot why still 93cts instead should be below 50cts? because the assets are worthy


2017-05-26 22:49 | Report Abuse

we buy the value of the share net worth not rely on the profit. some profitable companies but assets kosong I wouldn't invest that kinda company. same like JJPTR they can show u they can pay interest only but their assets are all rented one same like aemulus,assets only rented properties


2017-05-26 22:46 | Report Abuse

up maybe can but for insas to limit up is like can kena 4d.....hahaha,same goes to butaland.these kinda stocks is slow slow one,cannot limit up or limit down,movement is just a few cts a day


2017-05-26 22:44 | Report Abuse

many companies rely on profits to jack up the stock price,cos many of the ace counters are pocket kosong,cakap besar,ada gaya tak ada isi. what we are telling people is don't fall prey to these kinda junk like money games.


2017-05-26 22:41 | Report Abuse

who cares the name butaland as long as it's worth.like calvin says the hotel and the land already exceeded the market capital of the stock. look at landmarks lost so much but the assets are valued more than the market cap is consider ok already.


2017-05-26 22:37 | Report Abuse

this lousy bank ATM wanna apply 100,000 units of EWI also cannot,maximum transfer of 50k only per day


2017-05-26 22:32 | Report Abuse

ivory no tie up but datuk low personally tie up with teddy bear teow,they are bff....haha


2017-05-26 22:30 | Report Abuse

usually I look in a/c I will look for a few years record not just this quarter or only for last year.from what I see in insas is a stable stock only worrying thing is the profit not stable.that is why when my fren bought at 1.20 in 2014 it went down half the value and until now he's still losing.as for dutaland this stock cannot be like perwaja,perisai,sumatec or any other PN17 counter.why? 1st of all dutaland is not a high flyer.most stocks I see kena PN17 is high flyer stocks. goring too much counter only in long run can kena PN17.defensive and coward companies mostly cannot go down until pn17 but only when moving they are consider like tortoise.....haha


2017-05-26 22:13 | Report Abuse

this stock no doubt profit is good but can it be sustainable? to me if 90cts is consider a 50-50 chances, anything below 75cts only can consider to be cheap. if bought at that price even profit down also we are not worry


2017-05-26 22:01 | Report Abuse

someone ask me to chase this stock when trading at above 48cts in i3, I would be foolish to do that, this krono 10cts I also seen before. over 40cts is very risky to buy.maybe can make but not much,chances of losing is more than winning.


2017-05-26 21:59 | Report Abuse

next week mana can 0.90? unless something big unknown happen lah


2017-05-26 21:52 | Report Abuse

talking about insas,i forgot my fren a former floor manager in genting casino bought insas at 1.20, 3 years ago 100,000 units,when I met him last year he talk about this stock and told me that this lousy stock only half the value he bought. I told him this stock is not bad just that mr thong only push inari,his insas and syf sleeping.i should have bought that time but I didn't because a lot of counters are undervalued that time,so I choose others instead of insas.


2017-05-26 19:01 | Report Abuse

insas if below 90cts only I buy,cos this counter is mr thong 1st wife stock dunno how to goreng one. inari his 2nd wife counter only pandai goreng.if no pandai goreng counter we must wait to buy when low,just like this butaland.....haha, only can fishing if no catch anything,smile and go home empty handed and wait till another day


2017-05-26 18:57 | Report Abuse

patience is the name of the game,u think everyday can make one meh? if so everyone no need to work already


2017-05-26 18:48 | Report Abuse

sorchai drove merc one ar? sorchai rode a Honda cup only....haha


2017-05-26 18:32 | Report Abuse

now I slow slow find stocks to buy not like some weeks ago many chase high stocks, I will get my gunny sack ready soon from those who kena force selling.....hahaha. I only buy when people is scared


2017-05-26 18:30 | Report Abuse

I always buy low sell high not buy high sell low......hahaha. high one please don't tell me. I will not buy high. nevermind I didn't make fast money, I just no wanna lose.make some also ok to me,no need that much also.....hahaha


2017-05-26 18:24 | Report Abuse

then why down? u buy more and more lah now?


2017-05-26 18:22 | Report Abuse

I bought at 48cts sold at 49cts only, now no more.i key in to sell at 0.545 and they saw me,mine one didn't done and drop. after release the results I felt will support at 50cts but instead open at 49.5 cts only which broken the support level and I quickly dump all at 49cts. now everyday down 1ct so dato buta yap still have 46 days left before butaland become zero....hahaha


2017-05-26 18:14 | Report Abuse

only this past year been good for prestar, in fact 1 of my fren been holding for so long he bought at 80cts until fed up holding he sold at 65cts only in jan this year.at that time I told him prestar is a good stock but a sleepy stock


2017-05-26 18:09 | Report Abuse

u no let go but others did,or else why can go down?


2017-05-26 17:22 | Report Abuse

Monday open green again then profit taking coming again end the day on the red, just like ann joo,prestar,petron and many more


2017-05-26 17:20 | Report Abuse

I hope I help people not to chase at high price


2017-05-26 17:18 | Report Abuse

this contest can make RM 1 mil or not?


2017-05-26 12:32 | Report Abuse

teddy bear teoh support ivory only or else last time already ivory in trouble,if mbi mati ivory pun mati


2017-05-26 12:10 | Report Abuse

even theta loss more than dutaland can up


2017-05-26 12:09 | Report Abuse

if no loss how to buy cheap? loss a bit nevermind, if losses are huge must avoid the stocks such as perwaja,hubline,kinsteal,sumatec,perisai. loss a bit anytime can recover one,just timing


2017-05-26 12:05 | Report Abuse

once upon a time nekosan your nylex also same like dutaland loss making,also went up


2017-05-26 10:53 | Report Abuse

coming or kambing? hahaha


2017-05-26 00:09 | Report Abuse

that's is what I said if a sudden downturn in steel prices it would affect the company performance.likely it won't be a loss making company but profit down will in turn drag the stock price down also.nothing is 100% but hopefully touchwood it won't down to damper your spirits


2017-05-26 00:04 | Report Abuse

like they usually say market forces....hahaha


2017-05-26 00:00 | Report Abuse

in 2014 and 2015 why the stock down to below 50cts only?


2017-05-25 23:57 | Report Abuse

I know abt that I just say what if a sudden downturn in steel prices? that unforeseen things cannot be predicted


2017-05-25 23:52 | Report Abuse

yeah all control,fund managers,stockists all hired by the datuks and tan sris to earn for them.....hahaha


2017-05-25 23:49 | Report Abuse

precaution not negative comments.better be safe than sorry.wanna buy a lot cannot simple pick and pluck. have to think carefully before investing