those who only accept people calling them investor and strictly reject the name of trader but not performing well 😂 ofcoz those who performing well are exception😂😂😂
Some people dumping warrants. Everyone just given up on the board and thong. I hear sadly he lost his wife end of last year. Dont think he is bothered about company anymore
MGO is the only way forward if controlling shareholder Dato' Sri Thong and PAC what to increase their holdimg from 32.96% to anything above 33%. The 33% is the threshold that trigger the MGO
They could do this at any time for many years and have never done it as they don't want or need to. Thong already old does not care about insas anymore.
MGO will sure fail and Dato'Sri Thong and his PAC increase their Insas holding by exercise their WC into Insas share at conversion price of 90 sen.
After that Dato' Sri Thong will ask Insas BOD to give a special dividend of XX sen so that Dato' Sri Thong and PAC will have enough money to repay loans taken for the conversion of WC to Insas share.
You can calculate with cash hoard of billion and still increasing from selling of inari share and cash inflow from the conversion of WC to insas shares. Insas will be full of cash to give a very special dividend
Another option for Thong is let the WC expired out of money and Insas issue special bonus of one new warrant (WD) for every 2 Insas hold conversion price 80 sen.
Just read the microlink rights issue, basically they are insolvent as people are jot paying them including an rm 10 mill default from overseas customer and they have been spending way over budget. This new share issue and warrants will decimate current shareholders of which omesti is the biggest. Thongs son of course sits on microlink board and like is father run compnies he is suppose to manage into the ground. Part of the deal to make him a board director even though he is not qualified was insas would save microlink by giving over cash that it will never see again. So thong and insas board screw over there own shareholders with terrible dividends whilst over rm1 bill in bank just to support thong family ambitions. This is crony territory and corrupt. Of course insas independent directors just turn blind eye and take payments. Thong will not take insas private as no meed when he uses it like a bank account and makes private money with the boards blessing. Keep away from insas shares and warrants…
In addition, the following factors also contributed to the Group’s losses: (a) one-off impairment losses on trade receivables amounting to RM11.33 million was provided for as a result of the clients of two of the Group’s overseas projects under its Financial Services and Enterprise Solutions segments, having defaulted in payment; (b) higher recurring software development expenses of RM14.17 million for the Group’s Financial Services segment in order to meet projects’ expectations within the delivery timeline; and The Group’s operating cash flow for the FYE 31 March 2024 decreased significantly to negative RM27.96 million, a decrease of RM32.66 million from RM4.70 million in the preceding financial year, mainly due to: (i) late payments from trade and other receivables amounting to RM52.35 million mainly from the Group’s Enterprise Solutions segment; and (ii) higher purchases of contract costs and inventories amounting to RM17.43 million to fulfil the expectation of the tight delivery timeline of projects under the Group’s Financial Services segment as well as to cater for the incremental demands from projects under the Group’s Distribution Services segment which collection is only received after the contract has been fulfilled. As at 31 October 2024, the total outstanding trade payables of the Group amounts to RM51.85 million, of which RM51.07 million has exceeded the credit terms. The Group intends to utilise up to RM8.00 million to repay aged outstanding trade payables. The ageing analysis of the outstanding trade payables as at 31 October 2024 is as follows: Outstanding trade payables as 31 October 2024 RM’ million Within 1 month 0.78 1 to 2 months 27.30 3 to 6 months 9.23 More than 6 months 14.54 Total 51.85
if now Insas share price is 2.00 Insas Warrant will be sought after with exercise price 0.90 and if Insas share price now is 2.00 with business structure unchanged as it is now no one will question Mr Thong ability and all will sing song happy
So imagine if price at RM 2.00 and once he exercise his right to convert his WC to Insas share and hit 33% MGO threshold. The MGO will be at RM 2.00 for insas share and WC at RM 1.10.
If he keep WC expired out of money, he can convert his WC and trigger 33% MGO. The MGO will be 90sen for Insas.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
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Posted by xiaoeh > 2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
those who only accept people calling them investor and strictly reject the name of trader but not performing well 😂
ofcoz those who performing well are exception😂😂😂