Miz Raya Bloom

5894 | Joined since 2012-05-30

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile Moderate

I made up my mind about Hibiscus, my target price RM3.00. Ingat ya, buying and selling is your choice. And I only promo my friend's blog; https://tessalala.wordpress.com https://tjrevs.blogspot.com/





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2018-02-03 14:51 | Report Abuse

arr aku main gak bila free, boleh pi party, main slots, menang beli baju untuk avi hehehe


2018-02-03 14:35 | Report Abuse

pada yang stress, X payah lah gaduh2, main game ini lagi baik https://vegasworld.com/vg



2018-02-03 11:07 | Report Abuse

kalau open tak 87, awak cut kuku hehehe


2018-02-03 10:55 | Report Abuse

kalau aku jadi halim aku jadikan 10 shares kapada 1 share


2018-02-03 10:49 | Report Abuse

laaa sini dah macam forum sumatec :P


2018-02-03 10:45 | Report Abuse

Ini dah lama tukar, orang dok bising sebelum thaipusam lagi, dari port klang - batu caves, lama dah tak ada, baru sekarang nak war war kan turun kat KL Sentral. Ramai kawan2 dok cakap, kecuh tambah masa thaipusam tau. hehehe kutpai!


2018-02-01 09:33 | Report Abuse

apa khabar duit? rindu laaa harap awak sihat selalu dan sentiasa maju jaya. memang aku nampak banyak new ID, aku pun silent reader hehehe ingat lagi dulu tessa ct connie chris satu rumah, rumah tu tutup, tessa ngan ct duduk rumah ini, chris ngan connie duduk rumah satu lagi, aku ngan mark ini ciluk sana ciluk sini, aritu mark terkejut beruk, dia komen kat satu forum ada orang tuduh dia connie, macam mana lak lelaki jadi pompuan hehehe KUTPAI


2018-01-31 23:38 | Report Abuse

kaya raya O&G companies!


2018-01-30 10:54 | Report Abuse

Mark, ada Sa bagi link closed group tapi aku X main saham lagi, aku jaga cucu, tapi aku ada baca sini ramai gaduh bila saham jatuh, sebenarnya tak susah kalau saham asyik jatuh, jual, perasaan rasa lega tak stress lagi, walau rugi kutpai hehehe


2018-01-21 21:57 | Report Abuse

sape X pakai baju dalam, seluar dalam?


2017-03-01 10:06 | Report Abuse

Eversendai ends FY16 with more kitchen-sinking

This article first appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, on March 1, 2017.

KUALA LUMPUR: Eversendai Corp Bhd’s share price plummeted 17.2% yesterday to close at 53 sen after the group posted a net loss of RM193.08 million in the fourth quarter ended Dec 31, 2016 (4QFY16), dragged down by surprise impairments of RM176 million.

In contrast, the group posted a net profit of RM7.3 million in the corresponding quarter last year.

“We made further impairments last year, in order to start on a clean slate. Our focus is now to show a steady growth in quarterly profits going forward,” explained executive chairman and group managing director Tan Sri AK Nathan at a press briefing yesterday.

He explained that the latest round of impairments was due to cost overruns of RM112 million and provisions of doubtful debts of RM64 million. Both are one-off, he said.

In the group’s recent financials, however, neither is stated as one-off charges.

The RM64 million in provisions for doubtful debts was lumped into the group’s operational and administrative expenses, which swelled RM83.45 million or 64.9% year-on-year (y-o-y) to RM128.69 million.

“We decided to be more prudent, hence, we recognised the bad debts. But that doesn’t mean we won’t get paid. We are still looking to get the payment, and when we do, it will be reflected positively in our books,” AK explained.

The cost overruns were reflected in the group’s lower revenue — down RM149.4 million or 30.3% y-o-y to RM340.97 million.

Instead of booking an expense, the cost overruns were recognised in the accounts as a downward adjustment to revenue.

AK explained that the cost overruns stem from an eight-to-nine-month delay in securing financing for a project. The delay incurred penalties, increased cost of materials and reduced utilisation at the fabrication yard.

However, AK stressed that both impairments were one-off.

Nonetheless, investors were not impressed. Eversendai’s share price rallied 56% to a high of 74 sen in early-February, on expectation that the group completed the bulk of its impairments in the 3QFY16 results.

Recall, Eversendai recorded a one-off write-down of RM110 million for its failed venture into the Singapore-listed Technics Oil & Gas Ltd.

Combined, the impairments totalled RM286 million for FY16, resulting in a net loss of RM257.5 million for the year or 33.27 sen per share.

On a positive note, Eversendai booked RM801.4 million in new contracts in December and January, bringing its total order book to RM3 billion. Barring additional surprise impairments, Eversendai is poised to quickly return to the black after FY16’s heavy kitchen-sinking.


2017-03-01 10:02 | Report Abuse

Good morning empty house, I am here to decorate you hehehe

CIMB IB Research has maintained its “Reduce” rating on Tan Chong Motor Holdings Bhd at RM1.66 with a lower target price of RM1.56 (from RM1.61) and said Tan Chong’s FY16 results were above expectations as core net loss was 15% and 14% lower than house estimate and consensus, respectively, due to narrowing losses in 4Q16.

In a note today, the research house said Tan Chong slipped into core net loss of RM51.1 million in FY16 from core net profit of RM55.4 million in FY15 due to poor sales volume on the back of weak consumer sentiment.

It said the company proposed a final dividend of 1 sen for FY16, below house expectation.

“We cut FY17-18F EPS by 42-73% to account for lower sales volume assumptions in view of weak consumer sentiment and lack of new model launches.

“Switch to Bermaz Auto Bhd for better exposure to auto sector,” it said.



2017-01-22 09:30 | Report Abuse

my friend says this, very simple, the swaps UMWOG shares par value 50 sen, but valued at 0.80 sen, my friends says la


2017-01-20 14:02 | Report Abuse

gtcu 2, kaki flag macam rumah hantu


2017-01-20 13:56 | Report Abuse

wah ada lagi tempat ini, bravo connie!


2017-01-20 13:20 | Report Abuse

aku tak takut dengan hibiscus, aku takut dengan unwog je, icon tu aku boleh harap lagi, hibiscus pada aku bagus no problem.


2017-01-20 13:13 | Report Abuse

0.65 is latest tp from HLIB, you can read theedge online, UMWOG or ICON, I buy ICON


2017-01-20 10:40 | Report Abuse

lagi satu sebab, hari ini Friday, orang jual tak tau apa nanti jadi weekend ini, news jual beli UMWOG ICON vague, pendapat aku yang bodoh bodoh ini la


2017-01-20 10:36 | Report Abuse

sbb UMWOG tak ada business ICON ada business


2017-01-20 09:40 | Report Abuse

pada pendapat aku yang bodoh2 ini, ICON patut naik UMWOG patut jatuh, sebab pembelian via issuance of UMWOG new shares par value 50 sen but valued at 80 sen.


2016-05-11 11:34 | Report Abuse

Gud morning!

Mark, awak kat mana? Apa pasal Koon tu sesangat le femes, aku nengok kat wall Tessa tu ada 2 news dia hehehe


KUTPAI hehehe


2016-02-22 10:08 | Report Abuse

Selamat pagi semua

Tessa aku rasa group investment samada whasap atau telegram kalau 10% boleh ikut recommendation diberi kira dah bagus, masing2 ada recommendation lain gak, ikut selera masing2 ler. Aku fikir gitu aje, nak harap semua ikut susah ler hehehehe



2016-02-18 15:48 | Report Abuse

Tessa, tu ler anak aku kata, depa dok buang members, masuk pun tak diminta hehehehe Tapi awak pun selalu update website awak, aku baca situ pun cukup der

KUTPAI hehehe


2016-02-09 23:28 | Report Abuse

Tessa, aku dah lama tak datang sini, baru baca posting awak, tapi website dan email awak aku rajin baca hehehe

Awak masih dengan telegram group lagi ke? Anak aku tak suka telegram, dia kata sapa sape pun admin, boleh add boleh remove, entah bila join, tiba2 kena remove, anak aku kata lerr, aku fikir pelik lak bunyinya, betul ke Tessa?

Alahai dah malam, aku tido dulu ya hehehe


2016-01-20 18:12 | Report Abuse

pengalaman aku main saham kena duit spare, takleh duit pinjam atau duit nak pakai cepat..

mark, puncak dah 1.24


2016-01-20 18:02 | Report Abuse

betul tu rata2 merah, kena ada holding power, ada duit bila masa murah tambah lagi, simpan naik baru jual, tak payah kecuh2 macam si anu anu tu hehehehe


2016-01-20 17:55 | Report Abuse

Ooo apa khabar, lama tak nampak, sibuk dengan telegram ke? hehehe


2016-01-20 17:50 | Report Abuse

mushashi KING OF ANYTHING lagu tu khas buat awak yang asyik meroyan pagi petang siang malam hehehe


2016-01-20 17:49 | Report Abuse

betul tu hold! sape jual rugi


2016-01-20 14:41 | Report Abuse

aku tak kisah, aku tambah lagi, lagi murah lagi aku beli :)


2016-01-20 14:36 | Report Abuse

Bunga raya, haters tu memang ramai sini ada 2 3 4 ID tapi depa komen hibiscus jer, lain kaunter tarak hehehe


2016-01-20 10:17 | Report Abuse

kalau sumatec dapat peluang macam hibiscus bagus kan kan kan


2016-01-20 09:59 | Report Abuse

dah aku cakap, sini ramai kaki dengki, ada minyak kata tak ada minyak, dapat business baru kata business tu tak bagus, tauke agama christian kata hindu, macam2 hal, yang bagus mesti kata tak bagus, tak bagus, haters hehehehe


2016-01-14 08:49 | Report Abuse

mark, aku dengar tauke besar hevea nak saman, elok ler saman juta2, sini ramai yang suka buat fitnah nak jatuhkan company, patut ramai lagi ikut hevea, saman jangan tak saman hehehehe


2016-01-12 23:40 | Report Abuse

laaa nanti tauke besar saman juta2 baru tau hehehe


2016-01-12 10:41 | Report Abuse

aku silap patutnyer sarawak dan sabah hehehehe


2016-01-12 09:31 | Report Abuse

aku beli KTC, sebab makanan makanan dan makanan hehehhehe, bayangkan sarawak sebesar semenanjung, fuyo hehehehe


2016-01-11 16:33 | Report Abuse

Mark hehehe


2016-01-11 14:54 | Report Abuse

OO rikki, tu news kat the star, aku lak baca TA dari RHB kat wall tessa hehehe

terima kasih rikki, aku rasa rasa macam boleh naik lagi, aku cuba masuk sekali lagi


2016-01-11 12:08 | Report Abuse

Hello sokmo, thank you tessa, aku buat duit sikit kat AWC hehehehe


2016-01-08 12:29 | Report Abuse

aku baca pasal notion nie



2016-01-08 12:28 | Report Abuse

laaa org lain pun rugi gak, tapi they move on la, apa la u all ini, aku ada turun pun aku diam, sementara tu cari lain, apa la macam budak2 tadika hehehe


2016-01-08 09:45 | Report Abuse

optimistic ler sikit today 80 sen


2016-01-08 08:38 | Report Abuse

lagi awak bebel bebel lagi la awak tak buat duit, cipta ID 2 guna untuk kutuk hibiscus, you tak ada kerja lain ke, anak aku sekolah menengah pun tak macam tu hehehehe


2016-01-08 08:35 | Report Abuse

selamat siang semua disini

all the best!


2016-01-07 22:24 | Report Abuse

ini anak aku share, aku copy paste kat sini

This may seem like a joke, but it really does make a lot of sense... business sense, horse sense and common sense ~~~~

An old Native American wanted a loan for $500.

The banker pulled out the loan application.
"What are you going to do with the money?" he asks the Indian.

"Buy Silver, make jewelry, and sell it," was the response.

"What have you got for collateral?"

"Don't know collateral," replied the Indian

"Well that's something of value that would cover the cost of the loan.
"Have you got any vehicles?"

"Yes. 1949 Chevy pickup," replied the Indian

The banker shook his head, "How about livestock?"

"Yes, I have a horse," replied the Indian

"How old is it?" the banker asks.

"Don't know, has no teeth," replies the Indian

Finally the banker decided to make the $500 loan.

Several weeks later the old man was back in the bank.
He pulled out a roll of bills, "Here to pay." he said.
He then handed the banker the money to pay his loan off.

"What are you going to do with the rest of that money?" the banker asks.

"Put in hogan", replied the Indian

"Why don't you deposit it in my bank," the banker asked.

"Don't know deposit," replied the Indian

"You put the money in our bank and we take care of it for you.
Whenever you want to use it, you can withdraw it."

The old Indian leaned across the desk and asks the banker...
"What you got for collateral?"



2016-01-07 22:13 | Report Abuse

hitman ada copyright ke? Nanti siNinja saman awak. boleh aku tumpang semangkuk ais kacang hehehe