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2013-10-11 11:18 | Report Abuse

wow something is brewing. focus shifted from Instacom to RA?


2013-09-19 00:30 | Report Abuse

Suggest you look at R & A Tel shares to see the pattern that is to come. R&A was promoted as a investment stock to gain from its niche in the market.


2013-09-12 23:32 | Report Abuse



2013-09-11 11:44 | Report Abuse

This share is similar to RA business model. Good to study RA charts for comparison.


2013-08-30 15:48 | Report Abuse

Excuse me.
This thread is OTB stock pick challenge. Please exercise some decorum and show some respect; if not for others, at least for yourself.
Appreciate that you start a new thread to discuss your own challenges.



2013-08-29 10:47 | Report Abuse

Dont be bothered lah. Some dogs bark for no reason, some keep barking because they get excited when some one respond.

These barkers chose not to highlight your preamble :Just be happy if you get it right 60% of the time. So dont respond, let these barkers syiok sendiri.

As For me, I am buying my wife a new car with KHSB profits. Yes I am an OTB ball carrier and proud of it. Yes I am boasting about too. Its my prerogative. See if I can find OTB number plate...


2013-08-28 22:28 | Report Abuse

Sold all at 0.835 for a 20% absolute profit. TQ OTB!!!!


2013-08-28 22:27 | Report Abuse

Sold all at 0.835 for a 20% absolute profit. TQ OTB!!!!


2013-08-15 00:14 | Report Abuse

That was the news b4 as well...what makes it different this time around?


2013-08-14 14:23 | Report Abuse

Spinning luck. What is happening that v shud be watching?

News & Blogs

2013-08-07 23:50 | Report Abuse

Fat pussy probably didnt read OTB's preamble that one cannot be 100 right in trades. The sohai fat pussy probably bought every counter OTB wrote abt..got burnt on one.. and whine like a bitch.

OTB, just ignore the shit n pinch your nose & carry on. The rest of us are what matters. Thks for GOB tip!


2013-07-27 23:01 | Report Abuse

Congratulations to you sifus..
what is yr take on the 2nd half 2013? Will be tumulous without clear directions? Uptrend? Or we shud get out n keep cash.



2013-05-23 19:08 | Report Abuse

flying with good volume.. corporate move brewing?


2013-05-20 14:20 | Report Abuse

TQ.. sold some too.


2013-05-20 14:17 | Report Abuse

This counter has similar biz to R&A Tel n the other one that has since gone off the radar. Will it go same way?


2013-05-14 17:55 | Report Abuse

tommylou. u off loading?


2013-05-09 14:09 | Report Abuse

These people are inflicted with lctc now. Now that PAS & DAP have openly voiced their support for Khalid it is difficult for PKR not to agree..Dont forget the MB has the sipport of the voting public.


2013-05-04 10:45 | Report Abuse

Kenapalah u orang takut sangat dgn perubahan. Biarlah kalau nak tukar. Tak suka tukar selera lah. Haiwan macam kuching pun pandai pilih makan tak akan manusia berbijaksana tak sepandai kuching. Lima tahun segelip mata. Kalu tak perform halau lah. Kuasa dalam tangan kalian. Pandai pandai macam sikuching leh


2013-04-30 15:29 | Report Abuse

Read n understand the underlying message.


2013-04-30 15:22 | Report Abuse

Learn from the Taiwan experience. Kuomintang once the richest political party in the world
ople kicked them out. A reformed Kuomintang returned to power. Lee Teng Hui in later years said that Kuomintang was rotten to the core & and the only way to reform was to destroy it from within. He did just that.

Sometimes I wonder if Pak Lah did take a page from Lee Teng Hui...


2013-04-30 12:18 | Report Abuse

Mr Ooi, you have been vindicated! & I am counting my gains! I shudnt count my chickens yet. Some will predict nullification of deal should PR lose Selangor.But counting chickens is still a good feeling. SIFU Ooi, I hope you win BIG! TQ very much.

News & Blogs

2013-04-05 19:34 | Report Abuse

Kcchongnz, you not only have substance but can also play with court jesters. You have my full respect.

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 22:49 | Report Abuse

Kcchongnz, houseofordos,
Really appreciate your sharing here. TQ


2013-03-28 09:34 | Report Abuse

Diablo, whats yr tp for rsawit. Tq


2013-03-25 22:01 | Report Abuse

I ve good feeling the company is helmed by good people especially Dr Tan. I met him in late 80's when he operated out of a small office in PJ. Nice n humble guy.


2013-03-21 21:41 | Report Abuse

Jacko, you are also a lawyer now as well. LOL


2013-03-21 19:43 | Report Abuse

Very brave indeed. You will be the one crying.


2013-03-21 16:48 | Report Abuse

I feel compelled to inform those who are participating in internet forums where the assumption is, free expression is permitted, that while you can say what you like, you bear responsibility that what you say is factual when you suggest that a person is a fraud, conman, lying cheating, etc.

Unless you can support your assertions with factual proof, I suggest you reconsider your behaviour in any internet forum. Anonymity cannot provide you immunity should the aggrieved feel that his reputation is damaged and decides to take legal action against you.

It does not matter if you will win or lose. You better have the funds to defend yourself. You are talking tens of thousands in legal fees.

There are many cases for you to see where recklessness comes with a price.



2013-03-21 00:26 | Report Abuse


I posted the exchange between OTB & valueinvestor to show that if you do not agree with what OTB or anyone say, you offer your reasons like valueinvestor did as rebuttal NOT simple hentam or worse make insinuations bothering on character assassination.

We hope to gather some insights from those who care to share. There are some like KC Loh, Kchongz, and now OTB who give valueable information. We have to receive in good faith, clever enough to digest, take in what is good and discard what we believe is crap. If we dont understand what they write, dont be bodoh sombong; ask people who know. Then make your investment decision.

The last thing we want is for people like Chong who just got tired of mindless abuse leave the forum. If you know what a basketball court bully is, you know what I mean.


2013-03-20 22:59 | Report Abuse

This is what people here and I included, appreciate.

Example of an objective discourse on Land & General.(Sorry its unrelated but just wanted to make a point)

Posted by valueinvestor > Aug 18, 2012 08:26 PM | Report Abuse

At RM0.465, the co is valued at RM278mil. Its two projects alone, namely Foresta and The Elements, can contribute RM400 mil to RM500 mil profit in a few years. Its annual profit should be on the way to record high in a decade. Hence, will its share price move in tandem to record high in the next 1 or 2 years? Let's see!

Posted by valueinvestor > Feb 21, 2013 08:23 PM | Report Abuse
Can forget about this hopeless stock for the time being. It is ridiculous because its latest quarterly profit had indeed dropped yoy if not because of the write-back. Profit dropped despite the Foresta Damansara and The Elements are selling well?????? The company is simply hopeless....
Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > Feb 21, 2013 08:39 PM | Report Abuse
Dear valueinvestor,

The 12 million is written off in Q2, it is added back in Q3. Hence the actual profit is not affected. This is just accounting which I am not the expert.

I hope I am not wrong.

Wait patience for Durian to drop in 6 to 9 months.

Thank you.

Posted by valueinvestor > Feb 22, 2013 09:47 PM | Report Abuse

The actual operating profit had dropped if the write-back was not taken into consideration. It merely implied that the company was not doing better despite its 2 projects were selling well. Something could be very wrong somewhere.... given that the land cost for Foresta was indeed very low. No more confidence in its management for now....


2013-03-20 22:09 | Report Abuse

Mr Ooi,

You dont need to be upset. You kena whack on KHSB. Luckily you didn't recommend Scomi & Rsawit. Otherwise you will also kena whack. Strange but coincidentally I made money on all these 3 counters. I think I should keep a watch-list.


2013-03-17 16:57 | Report Abuse

I dont understand some people.

Why is OTB been attacked time and again?

Did you play this counter? Bought on OTB's recommendation? If you did, did you lose money and now felt that OTB has misled you. If you did not why do you see fit to insinuate that OTB's honesty is suspect.

If you have reasons to believe that his confidence in the counter is misplaced, you would be doing the community here a service by tabling your facts or even insider information that says to the contrary. Otherwise your insinuations tantamount to slander.

Personally I have gone in and out a couple of times; win & lost but overall, I have profited from OTB's info.

I did not follow his call on L&G as it does not fit my investment criteria.

Have I missed something. Has the offered been rejected,lapsed or aborted. Until then please reserve your venom.


2013-03-11 21:28 | Report Abuse


Some people buy into R Sawit as a long term investment. Even when it dropped, they still held on and last year they were rewarded with a rights issue and also a bonus. Those people were laughing all the way to the bank. With your astuteness, I assume you were one of those smart investors.

If you are, please share with us your wisdom.


2013-03-08 15:09 | Report Abuse

Unless there is a connection, bringing up Puncak here is confusing.


2013-03-08 14:58 | Report Abuse

I think Diablo telling us TA showing rebound frm oversold. His prompt made me revisit. The 2 of u got badblood? Relax lah.


2013-03-08 12:56 | Report Abuse

It appears that at every oversold, it has rebounded and drops when RSI near 80. Made some good money on this counter before.. Re-entered for longer term but will observe for selling signal.


2013-03-08 09:16 | Report Abuse

curious to know how does puncak deal affect khsb deal? Do they or Rozali have any cross holding ?


2013-03-08 00:59 | Report Abuse

hi Diablo,

NTA 0.59 and poor results amidst weak Palm oil prices. Stock price go up, must be some other reason that you are privy to. Do we have to buckle up for a rough ride before your TP is reached.


2013-03-07 22:16 | Report Abuse

Cant blame OTB. Seems like there are a few mocking birds here. Sad...


2013-03-07 16:12 | Report Abuse

Mr Ooi has a forum?


2013-03-06 19:11 | Report Abuse

Good volume! Mana murai yg membebek itu? Dah bisu?!


2013-03-02 16:11 | Report Abuse

Aisay, this is KHSB thread. Would appreciate if can you all start another topic for joining sifu chong forum. TQ

News & Blogs

2013-03-01 09:41 | Report Abuse


Mr Ooi's forum
Please be informed there will be a gathering on 6/2/2013 at G-Tower 18 floor room 14. G-Tower is the building in front of Ampang Park LRT station or building next to Tabung Haji. The gathering is from 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm.

All members in I3Investor.com are invited to attend.


2013-02-28 18:24 | Report Abuse

QUOTE: "wt222, where u find the news from? sounds like still on from the 'news', but why so sharp drop if so?"

ccdev, My opinion is; Whoever rammed the price down probably knew the decision. they buy back at big discount.


2013-02-28 18:20 | Report Abuse

If you have not been proven wrong, your reputation is intact. I wouldn't be bothered by negative comments. I just wish those who have made some money from this recommendation will say thank you.

You have a thank you from me. My only regrets, I don't have balls of steel to collect more when they ram down the price.

Rightly said mansor80! memang. Dah biasa lah.. bila untung puji sendiri.


2013-02-28 15:55 | Report Abuse

looks like somebody throw to create panic then collect back?


2013-02-18 19:18 | Report Abuse

For over a year (perhaps not in this forum), OTB has been telling those who want to listen, to buy and hold this share. It didn't help in investors decision making when all the announcements are dominated by notices of litigation. Those with spare cash and the BALLS bought in low. These people are reaping the benefits.

OTB, continue to share with those who are receptive. Just ignore the noise.


2013-02-14 16:01 | Report Abuse

TQ OTB for yr recommendation for this counter.
The takeover price is so close to your 80 sen NTA. I am grinning widely today.

News & Blogs

2012-11-12 16:02 | Report Abuse

We play the market to our capacity. People who are less wealthy make small bets lor but does that mean that he is a lesser player intellectually. If he choose to make some money teaching and there are those willing to pay to learn from him, so be it.

CP TEH may be eccentric in his ways. I also find some of his innuendos and contradictions discomforting. Until we hear "the truth" from his detractor, I am not sure if he should be chastised in this manner.

I am no cohort of his either.