
Alibaba008 | Joined since 2020-04-30

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2020-07-17 16:04 | Report Abuse

why so impatient. You should know madam is a lady mah. lady like slow and steady one lah. just like you watch love story movie but you want action pack show leh. .you enter wrong movie theatre leh.


2020-07-17 11:10 | Report Abuse

short term traders still want to sell after madam increase her stake from 132mil to 225.4mil shares. really noobs lah.


2020-07-16 20:48 | Report Abuse

good news. good news. confirmed madam converted 66mil PA shares. now own 24% of VC. still have 152,413,903 about 69% of outstanding PA shares.


2020-07-16 14:24 | Report Abuse

most likely Madam converting PA again. 66mil so many shares. only left Madam holding such huge qty of PA. Stay tune wait for announcement. If madam convert like this no one can fight with her already.


2020-07-16 09:19 | Report Abuse

old folk cutloss one cone back with another theory again. why not I write another theory to counter your theory. l also can write lah. lol

when dato started to acquire more and more VC fighting with Madam. Choo and Goh also thinking the price will go higher. so they also convert all their PA to mother shares at 10sen anticipating Dato will buy more shares and push up the price to above 10sen or even 15sen or even higher like most of the noobs short term traders. when Dato ended up with 132mil Madam also holding 132mil at stalemate. Dato gave up knowing he cant ctrl VC as long madam keep converting her PA to mother share. On top of that VC decided to issue 10% more PP shares will dilute dato shareholding making him even more difficult to ctrl VC. So dato decided to give up and sold his shares at 10sen to Madam. Choo decided to cutloss all his shares as he know mo price war anymore. similarly Goh also decided to sell all his shares when vol increased with many short term trader rushing to buy in when price move upwards. Goh striked a deal with madam after madam offered Goh a director post at Mmag and with
condition he buy over 70mil shares from dato so dato can abandon VC plan totally. At the end. all 3 parties happy achieving their aim except Choo licking the wound sold all his shares at hefty loss after converted his PA shares at 10sen plus 5sen original PA cost. Choo is the only loser among the 4 parties in the corporate tussle.

noobs. ike this write the theory ok or not?


2020-07-15 17:41 | Report Abuse

SSLee. you can rest your case. no one bother about your questions. you just follow Thong get the pref share and free warrant. enjoy your profit later from free warrant. after all your shares still there whether it is 40sen or rm1. do you intend to sell it?


2020-07-15 17:24 | Report Abuse

philip the noobs...pchem rm4 rebounded to rm6.18 today up 54%. Insas 40sen up to 74.5sen today up 86%. KLCI from 1207 to 1585 up only 31%. philip the noobs really noobs doesnt know which is better return. Insas lah. noobs.


2020-07-15 17:11 | Report Abuse

philip the noobs. what you know about Insas. you dun own insas like Dr Leno. Insas better than pchem. you know in term of recovery rate? you noobs lah.


2020-07-15 14:21 | Report Abuse

if you believe madam if the shinning star. you follow her lah. Since she manage to removed dato from making a takeover bid. she must be capable to make VC proud again. Madam jia you. We all support you to make VC proud again.


2020-07-15 14:18 | Report Abuse

you long or short term? long term dun bother it. like I said b4, if you scare get out when the price hike. After all market forces decide it lah. not me lah. I only provide positivity to counter those negativity voices.

maggiemee macam mana ni Alibaba. no direction now
15/07/2020 2:11 PM


2020-07-15 12:24 | Report Abuse

SSLee. no doubt everyones are entitle to have their own opinion. You have been to idealist person want to have your opinion accepted by the company. Since 2017 you have been talking about unlocking insas value. Did the BOD really do that? So far only entertained you once by adding 1 more sen dividend to 2sen. What else did the BOD do ? Dont waste your time keep repeating the same thing making the BOD also fed up of you. You just accept the RI and go along with what Dr Leno said. this is one way to unlock insas value too as long as you earn extra money from warrant lah and it doesnt affect Thong and Insas lah. All parties happy too except the noobs keep talking badly about Insas who doesnt own any shares at all. noobs alot. listen to Dr Leno. others just keep quiet lah.Who know better than Dr Leno about Insas. Anyway Dr Leno is old bird lah. His kuku is longer than you lah. got it.


2020-07-15 11:12 | Report Abuse

why Insas raise fund again? Why Pref Share with free warrant. No doubt Insas need fresh fund to settle the bridging loan. think again lor. Thong is happy to subscribe pref shares with fixed dividend and free warrant as a sweetener where he can sell to get extra money later. anyway company will redeem back the pref share after maturity date. thats why Thong still in ctrl of the company as he know Insas price will not make those pref shareholders and warrant holders to convert to insas shares.

Thong is a clever man lah. He plans and executes well. you shareholders just follow him subscribe the right issue and get the free goodies lah. No point talk about want to unlock insas value. If Thong really want to unlock it to make shareholders red eyes again to mount a takeover bid against him? Why he want to take the risk?


2020-07-15 10:40 | Report Abuse

Hope Philip cam be professional abit when he comment about Insas. Insas shareholders are happy with latest fund raising with free warrants. why you still come here to talk badly about Insas. Are you noobs dunno the good deal about the fund raising to the shareholders. You better keep quiet else Insas promoter Dr. Leno will come out to scold you naive. He has been Insas shareholders earning millions from it since the last fund raising using the same method. Issue pref with free goodies. Noobs.


2020-07-15 10:34 | Report Abuse

Philip claimed is unfounded about PChem vs Insas. when bursa at worst period recently.

pchem dropped to rm4 and rebounded to rm6 plus at current price wherelse Insas dropped to 40sen and currently is above 70sen.

in term of recovery. Insas recovered more than Pchem. No doubt about it. Insas is better than Pchem lah. noobs.


2020-07-15 09:55 | Report Abuse

VC mmag myscm all involve in same type of business. IT ICT property money lending business.. will Madam merge all the 3 companies? madam is the largest shareholder of VC and mmag. mmag own 30% of myscm. Can cut down the operating cost if merge them together. all cash rich companies.


2020-07-15 09:28 | Report Abuse

why no more noobs short term traders cutloss oredy? you cutloss for others to buy cheap again? noobs lah.


2020-07-14 20:18 | Report Abuse

Goh striked deal with madam. madam gave him mmag director post. Goh guy back more shares at lower price. What a good deal for Goh. Can have Director post at mmag and some cash sell high buy lower. Only short term traders cutloss buy high sell low. really noobs lah.


2020-07-14 12:40 | Report Abuse

Another old folk with negativity. ask ppl to cutloss at 6.5sen. You better keep quiet and dun come out here to demoralise all the investors here. noobs

haohaohao Not worth for holding ,better cut loss

14/07/2020 10:53 AM


2020-07-14 12:36 | Report Abuse

another old folk newbie. use your brain. PP is to non related party. not to directors or substantial shareholder. so far Goh is net seller not net buyer lah. From 108mil to 70mil only. Unless his company buy more share from open market again. you are the 3rd noobs.


2020-07-14 10:35 | Report Abuse

madam chan is a person with brain. thats why she worked in MNC like Oracle and DHL b4. without brain she can work in those well known companies? Give madam a chance to prove she has the ability to turn around VC. What I see her will be a new shinning star in Bursa in a matter of time. We invest on her brain not her beauty. See you all later when she make her name as the Queen of IT & ICT later in Bursa.


2020-07-14 10:02 | Report Abuse

another chicken or egg question. any promoters will say it is worth to hold. you ask yourself lah. worth to hold or not. No one know when madam can turn around the company. You decide your investment horizon. short or long. Madam long term one lah. she cant exit at short term at loss with her substantial holding at current price. Only choice is to turn around the company else all sink together with her lah.


2020-07-14 09:51 | Report Abuse

No free lunch. More short term traders cutloss lah. 2 days high vol with Dato exited nicely. left those short term traders licking the wound. old folks keep talking negativity making the boat sinking more. what else to expect. down lor. noobs short term traders with their so called cutloss trading method.


2020-07-14 09:34 | Report Abuse

more short term traders cutloss again. Thinking Madam chan is riding short journey boat. no free lunch. really noobs.


2020-07-14 08:57 | Report Abuse

you ask me. VC lah. any ctr also can buy as long you know it wont go bankrupt yet. it is a matter of time only. VC not that bad at current price with Madam become major shareholder. look at mmag, madam started in 2018 bought at what price now at what price. Did she bring mmag shareholder to holland? No lah.At least current price is higher than when she started to acquire mmag shares. give madam a chance to be Queen of IT n ICT in Bursa


2020-07-13 17:01 | Report Abuse

many short term traders cutloss again. noobs.


2020-07-13 16:31 | Report Abuse no need to oppose. You only minority. Either you follow them or you quit. Thats all. anyway issue Pref shares with free warrant also not bad lah. Those got it b4 will praise it. At least can earn back your money from warrants mah. pref shares can get dividend mah. win win lah. Sure they will goreng the warrant to high high and exit one.


2020-07-13 09:03 | Report Abuse

old folk noobs still come back here want to join the temple again. you better dun come back with negativity. noobs lah


2020-07-12 21:10 | Report Abuse

hold or sell? Your share you decide. depends on your investment horizon. short or long journey riding the boat with madam chan. anyway just update company businesses. Main business still in ICT n IT business after slowly opening up MCO in last qtr business getting better. Property development is the next core business. need time to turn around. currently at loss as per last QR . Construction sector so far no business as reporter in last QR. money lending business is getting better from end June Updated outstanding loans at 27mil with cost at 23.8mil better than prev qtr in march. outstanding loan at 24mil with cost at 22mil. The news about acquiring stock broking firm still pending. another good news is VC is selling a factory to existing tenant in mar 2020 at 10.8mil with 1.8mil profit. More cash available from here on top of PA shares conversion at 10sen and incoming PP fund raising to pare down the property development loans so as to cut down the interest payment. The choice is your whether to hold or to sell at current price. anyway my cost is lower than current price. nothing to scare if price go lower if more short term traders cutloss after bought at higher price one.

Amos1234 Alibaba 008
How do you do it? Sell or hold ?
12/07/2020 8:29 PM


2020-07-12 12:54 | Report Abuse

roll roll roll your boat
who are the noobs on the boat
the 2 noisy old folks
cutloss are the only noobs

roll roll roll your boat
who are still on the boat
madam chan mr goh
still happily on the boat.


2020-07-12 12:40 | Report Abuse

dato sold total 125mil not 110mil. Mr Goh bought 70mil @8sen. madam bought 25mil plus 30mil @10sen. at the same time Goh sold 108mil probably at 7.5sen to 9sen at open market. Madam sold 35mil less than 9sen at open market. Mr Goh was appointed as Executive Director of Mmag on 10/7/2020 after he bought 70mil at 8sen from dato on.9/7/2020. look like madam and Mr Goh striked a deal again the only gang left in VC. Madam offered Mr Goh Director post at Mmag to strengthen their partnership? After all Mr Goh shares are pledge to Mmag Capital as collateral.

mystery solved? why Mr Goh bought the 70mil shares from dato on 9/7/2020 after sold 108mil on 8/7/2020 and 9/7/2020. They removed dato as the potential corporate raider in the corporate tussle happening in thr past 4 mths. Both side ended happy. Madam control VC as the largest shareholder with Mr Goh hrlp. Dato exited happily with few millions more in his bank acct. Only those short term traders at loss like the 2 noobs ex temple master cutloss all their shares.

Amos1234 Dato direct sell 110mil to Mr goh 70mil and mdm 30mil
12/07/2020 2:47 AM


2020-07-11 14:55 | Report Abuse

old folk are noobs also ex temple master. what a disgrace. time to retire from the temple lah. your negativity noises no longer need at here since you have parted your shares to someone else. noobs will always be noobs only know to bring devotees to cutloss like your are leading devotees to holland. how to command respect from devotees wirh noobs ex temple master.


2020-07-11 12:56 | Report Abuse

the 2 noobs. you have sold all your shares. you can retire from the temple. the temple form new committee members and decided to sack you 2 noobs from the temple. noobs cannot be the temple master after all you are noobs. only demoralise the temple devotees with negativity.


2020-07-11 12:36 | Report Abuse

old folk sold all at loss still come back again. you look like begger that want to sink the boat further? keep talking negativity after lost your hard earned money in the short term trade? why you flip flop again and again. pls rewind all your posts and find out why you are a loser in the short term trade when you keep talking and holding for longer term. you not even know you are riding on short or long journey with madam chan on the boat. flip flop for no apparent reasons. better dun come back to influence and demoralise others and sink the boat with negativity. you are a pest. noobs lah.


2020-07-11 11:58 | Report Abuse

the old folk cutloss one still come back again. better dun come back here to sink the boat further. Directors also investors. They also have the right same as you to buy and sell their shares to adjust their shareholding. Without them there wont have such high volume in the last 2 days. you can cutloss at higher price if there is no such vol? noobs stop talking negativity again. ypu claim you are senior citizen at here talk so much but cutloss one better keep quiet. shame on you cutloss instead of cutwin. flip flop again and again. noobs


2020-07-10 19:05 | Report Abuse

one funny thing is happening. Why Madam want to buy total 55mil @10sen shares from dato neoh but sold 35mil yesterday at less than 9sen? really puzzling. another puzzle goh sold all his 108mil last 2 days but bot 70mil @8sen from dato neoh. what actually was going on here? from the transactions not much can Madam Chan and Goh earn from these transactions. only dato neoh earned a few millions from his disposal. Are they acting in concert?


2020-07-10 18:49 | Report Abuse

Another old folk sold all the shares. at loss? senior citizen always talked the most but cutloss? what the heck lah. another noobs.


2020-07-10 18:42 | Report Abuse

Now can see the picture clearly oredy. They change shares here and there. End up Madam and Goh still holding shares. dato neoh only passing by and took money and go. Mr choo sold mostly left nothing. better stop playing shares only. go back to work lah. Madam Chan oh Madam Chan. The boat still floating or sinking?


2020-07-10 18:36 | Report Abuse

old folk come out complaint again. why always say Directors con you one. you noobs lah. How can directors con you. They converted PA at 10sen lah. cost at 15sen. Sold also at loss lah. only Dato neoh earn few millions lah. go and do the homework lah.noobs lah.


2020-07-10 16:07 | Report Abuse

roll roll roll your boat
must know who are on the boat
if old folks are on the boat
you better jump from the boat

roll roll roll your boat
must know who is on the boat
if madam chan is on the boat
you can sleep well on the boat


2020-07-10 15:59 | Report Abuse

old folk really noobs lah. talk so much at here as the most senior citizen at the end cutloss. what the heck. you better dun come back newbie. noobs lah.


2020-07-10 14:26 | Report Abuse

Ignore those old folks that always talk negativity complaining non stop ones. noobs also noobs forever. lets us all support madam chan who is the new captain that going to bring VC to the greater high. yeap yeap hooray.

roll roll roll your boat
who is on the boat
madam chan madam chan
is on the boat.


2020-07-10 13:47 | Report Abuse

noobs old folk you come again. what have done to the boat? the more you talk negativity the more the boat is sinking. keep your mouth shut pls. you have been so long at here you only complaint complaint complaint demoralise the whole forum. what else have you done to help the investors? you are a pest you know or not? noobs.


2020-07-10 12:51 | Report Abuse

If madam bought the 70mil shares direct deal today then her holding will exceed 30% and we all wait for her to re organise the company. we all support her to make the company great again. Give her some time to perform.


2020-07-10 12:19 | Report Abuse

you small fly do not understand why the direct deal at higher price. best is keep quiet. you are not at madam level yet.


2020-07-10 12:06 | Report Abuse

The best is the Mr Goh company selling more shares yesterday and today. Kick the 2 directors out from the company immediately. non performance directors are like makan gaji buta at the shareholders expense only.


2020-07-10 12:03 | Report Abuse

call your remisier to check if you want to confirm the 70mil direct deal @8sen today. wait for the company announment to see whether madam bought it or someone else.

Ting Ting How do u know?
Seem like fake queue again for director to dispose shares

10/07/2020 11:56 AM


2020-07-10 11:59 | Report Abuse

madam is the captain of the boat now. if you believe madam can make the company great again, you ride with her else you can alight at any of the jetty when the boat stop there.


2020-07-10 11:57 | Report Abuse

Are you in the long journey boat? If you are in a short journey boat, pls alight.


2020-07-10 11:54 | Report Abuse

For those noisy old folks. you all better keep quiet dun spread anymore negativity if you want to continue riding on the boat. this is a long journey boat especially the 2 noobs. keep quiet pls.


2020-07-10 11:52 | Report Abuse

Today another direct deal transaction 70mil shares @8sen. Look like madam in buying spree again.