
AnakUlarSawa | Joined since 2021-09-22

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2021-09-23 15:04 | Report Abuse

Ya low tech need 38 PhD holders 130 master degree holder kerja kah. Get bangla enuf lah. No wonder many company closed shop after short period lah. Correct?

xiaomixiaohai Glove is low tech products mah....u can see tom,dick,harry companies also can easily join the bandwagon to produce lah
23/09/2021 2:58 PM


2021-09-23 14:59 | Report Abuse

Tan sri cakap ASP turun usd30 leh. Not usd15 leh. See who correct lor. You macam better leh. But you not Tan Sri leh. You Pom Pom Girl only leh. Correct?

xiaomixiaohai Even if ASP stabilize but demand falling like fast & furious....dare to deny meh?
23/09/2021 2:57 PM


2021-09-23 14:55 | Report Abuse

SIA got Temasek rescue also dying. AA ada Tony can survive kah. Dunno lah. Correct

Foreign_Invest market back to normal, the price back to 2.6-3.0 is normal, This just a new start. Airasia with heavy RSS still green today.
23/09/2021 2:48 PM


2021-09-23 14:53 | Report Abuse

Let them learn the lesson also lah. Their choice mah. Correct?

Gtrade if you have not exit Tech stock with PE of 100 or 200, better get out before the EVIL RSS syndicate start to bomb the tech stock.
23/09/2021 2:49 PM


2021-09-23 14:37 | Report Abuse

Not hidden hand lah. Openly tell you they are shorting lah. RSS can tell openly mah. Correct?

Benhobenhobenho Just the drop in asp alone does not warrant for such a drastic drop in share prices. It's very much overdone. Hidden hands are manipulating the prices too
23/09/2021 2:26 PM


2021-09-23 14:35 | Report Abuse

No lah. ular put FD only want decent interest rate can beat inflation rate is enuf lah. If can have more then can laughdieular lah. Better than expected mah. Correct?

xiaomixiaohai U want spectacular profits for glove makers? Another pandemic u wait another 100 years maybe lah
23/09/2021 2:05 PM


2021-09-23 14:32 | Report Abuse

Now you change so fast cakap no more qtrly loss but profit drop kah.
Panlai pusing leh. Qtrly profit loss pun ada dividend mah. Interest rate lower only mah. If price macam Tiger price think still ada better than bank interest lah. Correct?

xiaomixiaohai Profits keep falling and slapped with windfall tax.... no more dividend loh
23/09/2021 2:10 PM


2021-09-23 14:07 | Report Abuse

Dividend yield pun ada kira already mah. The lower the price the higher the dividend rate mah. If can get Tiger price even better mah. Common sense also mah. You said qtr loss then You must answer if no qtr loss next qtr ok. Ular Screenshot already ok. Next QR see ada Qtr loss or not lah. Correct?

xiaomixiaohai U talk dividend yield? Next quarter will be losses ah especially government announced windfall tax.... really kaput lol
23/09/2021 2:04 PM


2021-09-23 14:03 | Report Abuse

Ya lah. We all remember all the IBs TP until rm100 pun ada lah. Legendary Analists lah. Correct?

kotatata RIP top glove we will remember your legendary price nearly rm30 , while you rm0.10 in graveyard ... ;(
23/09/2021 1:56 PM


2021-09-23 14:02 | Report Abuse

Thats why Tan Sri clever mah. See those minister want to raise windfall tax. Spending on Capex in billion yearly for expansion to remain as taikor in Gloves industrylah. So mau tax pun kurang in the future lah. Tan Sri macam Legend lah. Clever lah. Correct?

King325462 rewarding to dividend yield...better than...taxed under windfall...or spend to acquire new business...diversify business...reduce the profit margin....
23/09/2021 1:55 PM


2021-09-23 13:58 | Report Abuse

Even drop to 10sen pun only berapa USD cts. Even drop from rm9 plus lah. pun only usd2.50 only. If in US below usd10 is consider penny stock only lah. Sound like very big kah. Go big ocean see lah. Correct?

kotatata Slowly watching it drop to rm 1, then rm0.50 ,then 0.10 ... ;(
23/09/2021 1:54 PM


2021-09-23 13:55 | Report Abuse

Con Tikus oh Con Tikus. TG one nite only usd0.04. BB one nite stand post market ada usd0.59. How to compare lah. Talk so long winded for few mths TG baru turun berapa usd cts. Use common sense lah. US market better to trade mah. Correct?


2021-09-23 13:48 | Report Abuse

Good also AnakUlar can bargain for bettter FD interest rate mah. Tiger Top Macai work harder. Thank you. very much. Correct?


2021-09-23 13:46 | Report Abuse

Ular tengah makan korean spicy chicken lah. Need to feed ular food to grow the stamina like bapak ular also mah. What you want AnakUlar kasi kfc tops kah. Ular gave 2 tips to you DIDI and BB you pun tak mau makan leh. Not Ular didnt give you tips mah. Correct?

Johnchew5 Hoho today price graph like anakular until 12.30 pm , no rebound at all , anakular no exercise at all . bapak ular pun boleh sampai 5.00 pm
23/09/2021 1:36 PM


2021-09-23 13:44 | Report Abuse

Did ular managed to con you. You pun takda kena conned leh. Correct?

maggiemee Now you all see ularsawa created another ID anakularsawa to con new retailer here again. Not sure the old ID being banned by Investor forum but proven I’m right he create a new ID.

ULAR SAWA, no matter who you are and where you are we won’t let you earn a single cents since you FITNAH us as Jpm and tiger Macai.

U been here acting you are expert and push your so called FD theory to con retailer here to enter. We will let you kena kaw kaw one.

ULARSAWA, lu lan c lu mati
23/09/2021 1:26 PM


2021-09-23 12:59 | Report Abuse

Short kia bombed many lao lang msiakia until live in the condo. Only can depend on dividend to buy groceries and toiletries. Ko lian lah. Correct?

Gtrade HK kia has informed the Msiakia to get out of high valuation Techkia stock.Some earn on 2c eps,but the share price is 20rgt. Careful it may start this afternoon . The HKkia are shifting funds to glove kia which is earning 80-150c eps, but price bombed down to 2-3 rgt by the Short kia
23/09/2021 12:53 PM


2021-09-23 12:51 | Report Abuse

Ya. true also. As long the shortists still willing to short more. this will give ular higher interest rate to renew FD. Correct?

Start_0f_the_bull If more people think that it is a sinking ship and jump now the faster it will fall.
23/09/2021 12:47 PM


2021-09-23 12:49 | Report Abuse

Many tech stocks no earning. share price up can tax on capital gain tax. Also tax lah. Tax ppl earn from share lah. Correct?

luckyfei tech companies making millions n some losing money but their shares prices keep going up whereas TG billions dollars profitable company, share price is really pitiful ! prices are not according to fundamental but base on gambling...only happening in bursa ! sigh ..
23/09/2021 12:47 PM


2021-09-23 12:45 | Report Abuse

PM gave order Ministers only ada 100days to perform. What can you do in 100days only. Find easy way else how to meet the target. Correct?

aspenvit Only need an announcement, no windfall tax, gloves will shoot up.
23/09/2021 12:43 PM


2021-09-23 12:43 | Report Abuse

They are Pom Pom girls mah. Need kotex more than gloves mah. Sure buy kotex lah. Correct?

Posted by khatulistiwa1234 > Sep 23, 2021 12:40 PM | Report Abuse

She will find quarrel me , ask not buying GLOVE , buying KOTEX better , can cover her period BLOOD .....


2021-09-23 12:41 | Report Abuse

Shortists kill all gloves ctrs together so earn more than just from TG mah. Can earn more why want to miss it lah. But many at here no heart one keep cakap they are right somemore. Say they received good karma one. Very panlai lor. Terbalik one cakap pun boleh. Correct?

Posted by niet > Sep 23, 2021 12:25 PM | Report Abuse

The shortist so coordinated they can bring down adventa,carepls, comfort,harta,kossan, ruberex,supermx,topglov, esceram all together down. Wow so powerful.


2021-09-23 12:09 | Report Abuse

Lim kia boh power lose to tiger kia and angmoh kia. Correct?

Gtrade meanwhile LIm kia is waiting for his divident to slaughter the other kia. He has called up big HK kIPO kia to prepare slaughtering
23/09/2021 12:03 PM


2021-09-23 12:08 | Report Abuse

noted. but still higher than Harimau Berbelang belang TP. Tiger macai plenty of them at here. Correct?

paktua73 beware below 2.50 by today..
tax winfall real impact..

tut tut
adjust final reload to 2.46-2.48
23/09/2021 12:02 PM


2021-09-23 12:07 | Report Abuse

You too despearate to laughdieyou but belum die yet. Correct?

xiaomixiaohai Gtrade is so desperate until have to create imaginary story drama? Scriptwriter is it? Lol
23/09/2021 12:03 PM


2021-09-23 11:55 | Report Abuse

Why US market is easier to trade than bursa. Many trade also lose in bursa. Bursa small lah. Shark big lah. Macai pun many too. How to beat them. Correct?


2021-09-23 11:52 | Report Abuse

Bcos Top Tiger macai a few at here. Many Tiger Clan macai more at here too. Bcos it drop. Cant understand now. Correct?

EatCoconutCanWin What happened ... dropped back
23/09/2021 11:49 AM


2021-09-23 11:51 | Report Abuse

Done. screenshot already. Correct?

ChartAnalysis Rm1.60 within 4 months
Screenshot this comment and come back
23/09/2021 11:50 AM


2021-09-23 11:48 | Report Abuse

You TOP Tiger macai ke. Better hit Tiger macai let ular renew FD with better interest rate leh. Boleh?

Markv572421 Too many talk talk talk one is correct ...hahahahahah .......hopefully coming soon 1.40 - 1.50 !!!!
23/09/2021 11:45 AM


2021-09-23 11:46 | Report Abuse

Tax also sikit sikit. But long run effect is irreversible leh. Think twice b4 do it leh. Mau pakai otak juga leh. Short term gain long term lose more leh. Correct?

Fong Kh Government is mulling one off high tax rate
23/09/2021 11:43 AM

AnakUlarSawa PETALING JAYA: The introduction of a capital gains tax on shares and a windfall tax for companies that have enjoyed strong profits during the pandemic will only scare investors, say two economists.

“The (windfall) tax yield would be of no material use in terms of increasing revenue. It is also one-off and far too small to make a difference. It’s more of an envy-tax than anything else.”
23/09/2021 10:43 AM


2021-09-23 11:43 | Report Abuse

Now then you noticed it kah. UlarSawa kena skinned to death mah. Post Remosed Why by the enemy mah. Correct?

xiaomixiaohai Why UlarSawa disappear and change to AnakUlarSawa? Lol
23/09/2021 11:35 AM


2021-09-23 11:09 | Report Abuse

You can write to Deputy Finance minister lah. He will look into it lah. Correct?

Gtrade government should reveal the nearly 3billion rgt RSS shorts in glove companies and impose Windfall tax on them. Estimated $1.5 b profit by these predators
23/09/2021 10:59 AM


2021-09-23 11:03 | Report Abuse

Capital Gain tax good also lah. Gorment desperate to find new income source. So ppl look for dividend ctr to park their money. Is TG a dividend Ctr. Enjoy good dividend or not. No need to pay capital gain tax if you dont sell your share. Less ppl trading shares bursa also earn lesser. Lose-Lose lah. Only those get dividend higher than bank one win lah. Correct?


2021-09-23 10:43 | Report Abuse

PETALING JAYA: The introduction of a capital gains tax on shares and a windfall tax for companies that have enjoyed strong profits during the pandemic will only scare investors, say two economists.

“The (windfall) tax yield would be of no material use in terms of increasing revenue. It is also one-off and far too small to make a difference. It’s more of an envy-tax than anything else.”


2021-09-23 10:38 | Report Abuse

Tiger Clan mafia gang Top Macai sudah show the tiger is roaring today. No more like yesterday kucing meowing lah. Correct?

IronShirt Without Alpha Top-Dog EPF leading the Charge ( selling instead), you think ikan Bilis can
push everyday ( every 5 days once maybe )....Today down 5% easily----Below 2.65
23/09/2021 10:35 AM


2021-09-23 10:36 | Report Abuse

Cakap sure ada lagi windfall tax lagi cakap Qtrly loss. Pakai otak sikit leh. Correct?

xiaomixiaohai Next qr will be losses....high chance probability lol
23/09/2021 10:34 AM


2021-09-23 10:33 | Report Abuse

Why you still laughdieyou kah. Cakap pity orang tapi laughdieyou lagi. Black heart also ini macam leh. Correct?

iaomixiaohai So pity many glove maniac convenient excuse is saying becoming long term investor lol
23/09/2021 9:59 AM


2021-09-23 10:21 | Report Abuse

Ya ke. TG insider say one kah. Ok lor. 200mil per qtr at least pin better than Con Tikus 450mil per annum leh. Correct?

SoldierFront next qr breaking 200m pat is a miracle.
23/09/2021 10:19 AM


2021-09-23 10:17 | Report Abuse

RSS shortinv also want to earn money. They will have to pay Capital gain tax soon. So they short kaw kaw then Ular also can bargain higher interest rate to renew FD. Kira Win - Win also lah. Correct?


2021-09-23 10:15 | Report Abuse

Not your fault lah. Dont blame yrself leh. Dividend Stock no capital gain and ASP drop no more kena windfall tax lah. Correct?


2021-09-23 09:51 | Report Abuse

Con Tikus ada check IP or not. must be belum right. Ular pun malas mau reply lagi leh. Correct?


2021-09-23 09:49 | Report Abuse

Con Tikus you selalu cakap JPM last time rm3.50 follow your TP rm3.40 with rm450mil pa profit tight. Now Tiger followed you with rm450m profit TP rm1.68 kah. Why the Analists like copy your TP one leh. You macam IB punya advisor leh. But sendiri TP rm3.40. Correct?


2021-09-23 09:40 | Report Abuse

Con Tikus dont pity Ular leh. Ular gave you tips to eat kfc. BB pun ada kan. You tak mau kfc you mau jadi Tiger Macai lagi ke. Jadi macai not easy job leh. Correct?


2021-09-23 09:37 | Report Abuse

TG is dividend stock Ular put FD ada salah ke. At least pun ada give dividend better than bank lah. Bargain for the best FD rate is Ular dream now. Con Tikus boleh help Ular get better rate or not. Correct?


2021-09-23 09:35 | Report Abuse

Con Tikus pun otak takda lah. TP rm3.40 with earning only rm450mil profit. Nanti cakap kena windfall tax lagi. That means lesser than rm450mil mau get rm3.40 ke. Otak takda juga ini macam leh. Correct?


2021-09-23 09:31 | Report Abuse

Gorment tax windfall for the past earning kah. Not future earning one kah. Like this better tax 10 yrs ago banks earning sampai now lah. Ini macam fastes get more money lah. Correct?


2021-09-23 09:28 | Report Abuse

You means ASP still very high then ada windfall tax ke. Ini macam ASP no more like toilet paper ke. Then TG earning billion billion lagi ke. Ini macam baru kena windfall tax kah. Ini macam not bad also mah. Correct?

xiaomixiaohai Guarantee will get windfall tax lol
23/09/2021 9:22 AM


2021-09-23 09:26 | Report Abuse

Ular tengah renewing FD with highee interest rate leh. Dont understand ke. Takda pakai otak fikir ke. Con Tikus takkan you so highly educated jobless dunno apa meaning ke. Correct?


2021-09-23 09:24 | Report Abuse

Now is JPM vs Tiger. Siapa more chun leh. Look like JPM more chun now. Tiger Clan Macai macam pun takda power ke. Why price still not moving to Tiger Clan Mafia Gang there kah. Ular mau renew more FD pun takda chance leh. Correct?


2021-09-23 09:19 | Report Abuse

TG is Dividend stock already. No capital gain how to pay capital gain tax. Many Tiger Clan Macai cakap ASP left less than usd30 some even cakap usd15 only dunno true or not also sukasuka cakap one ke. Then how much Glove companies can earn leh. Must think also leh. Dont simply just hang big banner at here repeatedly leh. Takda pakai otak ke. Correct?

xiaomixiaohai “The government is looking at a few ways in which it can increase its revenue, including implementing the taxing of capital gains on shares and also imposing a one-off higher tax rate on companies that have obtained extraordinary profits during the pandemic,” he said during his winding-up speech on the King’s address today.
23/09/2021 7:10 AM


2021-09-23 09:06 | Report Abuse

Con Tikus BB post market up only so little USD0.59 x exch 4.0 = rm2.36 leh. You ada dapat kfc kah. Anyway Ular not wrong leh. Ular gave you tips kfc only wo. You tak mau. You want king crab pun boleh with rm2.36 in just one nite only leh. BB QR better leh. loss USD0.06 per share above expected loss of USD0.07 right. Share price ada up right. Correct?

Posted by Johnchew5 > Sep 23, 2021 7:03 AM | Report Abuse

Hoho why kon actor Ular always promote at high price ? if promote BB 1 year ago , now is 100 % Profit , even can eat Alaskan Crab .