
AnakUlarSawa | Joined since 2021-09-22

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2021-09-22 23:17 | Report Abuse

Esok AnakUlar will be late come here to lepak. Mungkin esok nak renew FD lagi. Correct?


2021-09-22 23:15 | Report Abuse

Today Green Snake very happy dapat 2x kfc drop from the sky one. Orang lepak happy happy dan ada kfc makan. You Tiger Clan Macai ada dapat apa. Maki sini maki sama apa pun tak dapat. Makan angin je ada dapat kah. Con Tikus correct or not. Betul?


2021-09-22 23:11 | Report Abuse

Why you so sensitive one. Just teased you abit sudah not happy. Typical Malaysian lepak in the forum cannot tahan kena pijak ekor one. So what is your name. Ular want to know you really working inside TG one or not only leh. Like this alsp marah ke. Correct?

SoldierFront pop, mad dog opps triggered. wkakaka. go promote whatever you need. eat more smarties. kakaka

AnakUlarSawa You insider kah. Sure or not. Not Tiger Clan macai kah. Any prove or not. No one know also leh. You apa nama. Can tell or not. Later an check with Tan Sri you really insider or not. Boleh?
22/09/2021 10:57 PM


2021-09-22 23:08 | Report Abuse

Walao Tiger Clan macai one by one carry the same banner kah. Same banner so many Macai carry already leh. Thats why lah. Capital gain not affecting ppl like Ular put FD mah. Wait Tan Sri give dividend also better than bank give one leh. Ular panlai or not. Treat Taikor TG as dividend stock. Collect dividend is not capital gain so No need to pay tax. Not Ular problem leh. RSS shortists also kena pay tax lah. Earning from Short selling also capital gain right. Oh Yeahhh. Correct?

Ryan83 KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 22): The government is contemplating and studying the implementation of a one-off higher tax rate to be imposed on companies that have generated extraordinary profits during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The government is looking at a few ways in which it can increase its revenue, including implementing the taxing of capital gains on shares and also imposing a one-off higher tax rate on companies that have obtained extraordinary profits during the pandemic.
22/09/2021 10:59 PM


2021-09-22 22:14 | Report Abuse

AnakUlar mau muntah like Bapak Ular again. Itu fitnah king Hypo Aliibaba Scenery sudah mari carry same Coffin dia tidur punya sekarang mau tanam AnakUlar. No lucky lah ini macam. Carry Coffin come here again. Apa fengshui pun takda lah. No wonder harga saham turun ini macam jialat lah. Itu Coffin always bring here mana takda jialat lah. Apa macam mau ada good fengshui lah. Correct?


2021-09-22 22:09 | Report Abuse

You insider kah. Sure or not. Not Tiger Clan macai kah. Any prove or not. No one know also leh. You apa nama. Can tell or not. Later an check with Tan Sri you really insider or not. Boleh?

SoldierFront if anyone thinks the next qr will be better, shld think again. myself working inside under NA region also not seeing positive outcome from CBP lift. regretted taking ESOS. klau pandai tu tgk btul2, byk hantu ESOS tunggu cuci.
22/09/2021 10:02 PM


2021-09-22 22:06 | Report Abuse

Today RSS short 3.847mil saham only. So little but also considered quite alot. Esok see how many dare to short further. Mau jaga jaga sikit oh. shortists can play trick one oh. Correct?


2021-09-22 22:01 | Report Abuse

Con Tikus. oh yeahhh dapat kfc liao. No need to wait for QR lah. Correct?


2021-09-22 21:39 | Report Abuse

JKGLand ular not see lah. Penny stock only. TG better lah. Count Sales and profit in billions one. JkGLand berapa only. Correct?


2021-09-22 21:37 | Report Abuse

So fast up usd0.10 already. Oh Yeahh.. Correct?


2021-09-22 21:34 | Report Abuse

Anyway Ular entered BB already. Con Tikus wish Ular good luck ok. God Bless Green Ular dapat kfc. Boleh?


2021-09-22 21:31 | Report Abuse

You cheat ppl one kah. Your earning from Zelan and PA one right. Correct?


2021-09-22 21:27 | Report Abuse

Con Tikus Ular see you jadi macai earn very tough mah. Share kfc with you lah. Expected loss 7cts. If better than loss 7cts. Share price will goreng one. US standard is like that lah. Correct?


2021-09-22 21:17 | Report Abuse

Con Tikus Con Tikus. Ular ada tips for you. You want or not. Today Ular want to bet Blackberry. Post market later QR will out if no delay. As usual Qrtly loss is expected. You want to follow or not. Ular bet it better than expected loss. Follow at your own risk. Ular bet kfc only. Boleh?


2021-09-22 21:12 | Report Abuse

Ini macam kira 80% lose money in Stock market one want to claim losses leh. Gorment dunno how to count kah. Only Gain one tax lah. Lose one cannot claim lah. If both also allowed. Net also zero lah. Why leh. BursaBolehLand is a zero sum game lah. Mana ada growth leh. Stagnant there since PRU 14 leh. Correct?

katsul51 My 2 cents opinion is if the government decides to impose tax on gains on shares then they also must allow losses to be offset against other sources of income. I am happy to pay for the gains and now I have avenue to carry forward the losses or offset against any other sources of Income in a particular year of assessment. I am sure the law must be fair. On a broader prospective government may be on the losing end
22/09/2021 9:05 PM


2021-09-22 21:07 | Report Abuse

Tiger Macai run out of idea ke. Balik Balik use Wondfall tax to cerita ke. Itu JPM macai sudah used for 3 moons already leh. Tiger Macai no more creativity to create new story ke. Keep recycling JPM
Macai story ke. Correct?


2021-09-22 18:01 | Report Abuse

Like this tax. No one is coming to bursa alslready lah. Bursa mau pukul lalat lah. Correct?

Posted by PelitaAlam > Sep 22, 2021 5:55 PM | Report Abuse

".. taxing capital gains on shares.."

Will keep foreign hedge funds away from Bursa.

Recipe for 70% wipeout from KLSE


2021-09-22 17:57 | Report Abuse

Tiger Macai dah lah kata ASP tinggal usd15 lagi cakap windfall tax ke. Be consistent sikit pakai otak sikit lah. Correct?

Posted by GlovesOff > Sep 22, 2021 5:51 PM | Report Abuse

“The government is looking at several measures to increase revenue, including taxing capital gains on shares and also imposing a one-off higher tax rate on companies that obtained extraordinary profits amid the pandemic" deputy finance minister Yamani Hafez Musa said today.


2021-09-22 17:44 | Report Abuse

Con Tikus oh Con Tikus. Where are you. Why today you not like Tiger Roaring but macam kucing meowing only. Meow Meow. Correct?


2021-09-22 17:42 | Report Abuse

Con Tikus. Con Tikus. Didi 7.79 already. Ular vey happy ada drumstick kfc boleh makan lagi. Oh yeahhhh. KFC sedap sekali. Correct?


2021-09-22 17:40 | Report Abuse

Meow Meow. Meow Meow. Kucing je mari. Mana Tiger tu. Hiding ke. Correct?


2021-09-22 17:39 | Report Abuse

Really kah. Then better let them lose more lah. Correct?

dompeilee They're on average losing 11.76c per share LOL
22/09/2021 4:59 PM


2021-09-22 17:38 | Report Abuse

Tiger not only become kucing meow meow bunyi. Kucing pun suka makan sourgrape ke. Oh Yeahhh Green Snake make the Tiger so sour ke. Correct?

HrryPttr Waaaa. You all so happy la today green day. Let’s see the next 10 days
22/09/2021 5:16 PM

bagankia One day green , n days red :)
22/09/2021 5:27 PM


2021-09-22 16:53 | Report Abuse

Oh Yeahhhhh. Closed above 2.80. Cantikkkkkkk. Greennnnnn Snake. Tiger dont angry just bcos it is not red. Try Harder. Correct?


2021-09-22 16:40 | Report Abuse

If you all dont see AnakUlarSawa appear meaning Ular kena Post Removed Why. Then CucuUlarSawa will not appear bcos Ularsawa takda cucu lagi. Dont miss AnakUlar so much ok. Mau lepak pun kena Post Removed Why ke. Like your father owned forum ke. Correct?


2021-09-22 16:31 | Report Abuse

AnakUlar dreaming last few days. Boleh renew FD with higher interest rate. It become reality. Ular so happy. Oh Yeahh. Correct?


2021-09-22 16:29 | Report Abuse

Oh Yeahhhh. Green Snake appear today. Tiger Macai not happy. Kena flag lagi. Correct?


2021-09-22 16:26 | Report Abuse

Ular ada cakap awal awal mah. Lu takda baca semua kah. Ular punya new dream is to renew all FA with higher interest rate. tak fah ke. Pakai Otak fikir lah. Correct?

Posted by RJ87 > Sep 22, 2021 4:24 PM | Report Abuse

U talk like this since RM4.50.

Ok la...instead RM2 loss, becomes RM1.70 loss...
let u celebrate abit...

THis friday become RM2. U also dunno where to hide ontop of RM2.50 loss. =D
AnakUlarSawa Arini Tiger Clan Macai tak nampak alot. leftva few kucing appear only. No wonder lah. Takda power ke. Cepat Cepat mari lah. Tiger Macai where are you. Correct?
22/09/2021 3:49 PM


2021-09-22 16:24 | Report Abuse

Why so hard working keep follow AnakUlar punya backside keep flag Ular leh. no nice lah. want to flag until every single post ke. Correct?


2021-09-22 16:14 | Report Abuse

Oh Yeahhh 2.80 mari. Green Snake is so powderful. Tiger pun takut macam Kucing only meow meow bunyi. Takda dengar Tiger Roaring Sound pun. Hiding ke. Correct?


2021-09-22 16:11 | Report Abuse

Yesterday pre market sudah dapat makan lah. Today pre market belum lagi. Ular tunggu drumstick lah. Ular ada renewed TG FD today with higher Interest Rate also lah. Still not finish renewing all FD yet. Correct?

Posted by Johnchew5 > Sep 22, 2021 4:09 PM | Report Abuse

Hoho Ular tak dapat Didi kfc , anak Ular keluar cari makan ke ? 1 sen per word as yr bapak ?


2021-09-22 16:04 | Report Abuse

Sourgrape ke. Ada beli Didi or not. Ular ada leh. lelong price again yesterday. Correct?

Posted by Johnchew5 > Sep 22, 2021 4:00 PM | Report Abuse

Hoho will be like SD ke , one day show only ?


2021-09-22 16:03 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri openly cakap mah. Competition is unavoidalbe one. TG already prepared for it. TG is open to M & A mah. Big become bigger. Small become even smaller. Look at bigger one that is TG lah. Why look at the small one lah. Small one titup shop is unavoidable one lah. Itvis a matter of time only. Whether big swallow small or they die naturally. CORRECT?


2021-09-22 15:53 | Report Abuse

Oh Yeahhh. Green snake mari today. Tiger become kucing. Scare of Green Snake. Hiding ke. Correct?


2021-09-22 15:49 | Report Abuse

Arini Tiger Clan Macai tak nampak alot. leftva few kucing appear only. No wonder lah. Takda power ke. Cepat Cepat mari lah. Tiger Macai where are you. Correct?


2021-09-22 15:45 | Report Abuse

Whatever lah. How much they can shortist short. The more they short the more AnakUlar renewing FD to get higher interest rate. Correct?

Posted by Gtrade > Sep 22, 2021 3:40 PM | Report Abuse

AS LONG AS THOSE RSS hanging over our head, there is no guarantee of our safety . TOPGLOVE RSS NETT 231M


2021-09-22 15:23 | Report Abuse

Sourgrape ke. Correct?

Posted by AlexZai > Sep 22, 2021 3:22 PM | Report Abuse

Tmlo cirit


2021-09-22 15:21 | Report Abuse

Ya lor. They really no heart one lor. Keep want to skin ular sampai replaced by 2nd generation anakularsawa pun keluar. Cucu belum ada lagi lah. Correct?

Posted by bang_miskin > Sep 22, 2021 3:18 PM | Report Abuse

Welcome back anak ular sawa. Banyak org sini nak panggang lu.Cepat2 membiak, hasilkan cucu dan cicit, boleh?


2021-09-22 15:18 | Report Abuse

why keep flag AnakUlar again kah. Takda kerja lain ke. Correct?


2021-09-22 15:18 | Report Abuse

2.80 can pecah again kah. Boleh kah. Correct?


2021-09-22 15:14 | Report Abuse

Oh Yeahh. Green Today. Green Snake appear today. Correct?


2021-09-22 15:12 | Report Abuse

When can come. Tomolo can or not. If cannot how. Correct?

Posted by danny5678 > Sep 22, 2021 3:11 PM | Report Abuse

DickyMe RM2.50 is coming soon !!


2021-09-22 15:11 | Report Abuse

Who flag AnakUlarSawa. Bapak UlarSawa pun mati already leh. Now AnakUlarSawa pun mau kasi mati kah. So black heart one kah. Lepak pun tak boleh kah. Your bapak punya forum ke. Correct?


2021-09-22 15:09 | Report Abuse

You still laughdieyou kah. Why never die one. Everyday also cakap youlaughdie one leh. you really ada laughdiekah. Correct?

Posted by xiaomixiaohai > Sep 22, 2021 12:43 PM | Report Abuse

Continue being shorted.... laugh die people lol


2021-09-22 15:07 | Report Abuse

You dickyme kah. Correct?

PelitaAlam Kalau ban id mesti lah dia MIA.

Kenapa Ban?

22/09/2021 1:00 PM


2021-09-22 15:01 | Report Abuse

Takda goalkeeper keep track on RSS Shortists kah. Why goal keeper resigned again kah. Correct?


2021-09-22 15:00 | Report Abuse

Ular put FD only. Ini macam pun canmot kah. Mau maki maki sampai ini macam kah. Ular punya choice mah. Correct?


2021-09-22 14:53 | Report Abuse

Apa lah. Cheat Insuran ingat senang ke. Insuran company cheat you senang than you cheat them lah. If not why Insuran company punya salesman semua handsome and pretty one. Pakai Otak sikit lah. Correct?


2021-09-22 14:51 | Report Abuse

What happen to Bapak UlarSawa. Siapa so black heart keep maki whole morning sampai sekarang ni. Sekarang AnakUlarSawa replaced Bapak UlarSawa. Kasi chance sikit lah. Bapak sudah kena tikam sampai mati kudasai lah. Lagi mau tikam kah. Kesian Bapak UlarSawa ni. Correct?


2021-09-22 14:48 | Report Abuse

Anak UlarSawa ada kat sini. Bapak UlarSawa cannot come. Kena Post Removed Why. Correct?