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2020-08-11 11:33 | Report Abuse

Lukey_Greek: I already say I will only invest at Topglove and Supermax, please see clear my comment before you ask me the question. Forever hide behind keyboard you cant earn anything, you must learn, if people say is correct, you must take it and learn. Reject the facts and hypnosis yourself can earn what?


2020-08-11 11:29 | Report Abuse

Lukey: please comment refute me after Kossan and Topglove announced result. After announced result you will see clear the facts but already late. If you want earn big at share market, you must accept the facts, must (look far)****, don't fight with market, invest in value of company not invest at company share price and name.


2020-08-11 11:25 | Report Abuse

Remember, grab the golden opportunity during covid-19, only invest in Supermax and Topglove. Because this two company have very crazy good prospects and it can easily increase selling price to help company make more profit. Now Supermax and Topglove i can say is undervalue and future earning if you do your homework calculate will feel very crazy. Topglove September result net profit will more than 1billion, December quarter result will more than 2 billion, you can go calculate the PE and forward PE. Supermax 24b production but Topglove 80b production, the profit you can calculate is Supermax 3x production. Supermax have only 24b production but the revenue almost near with Harta, net profit higher than Harta and Kossan, report say ASP still not show at this quarter, means November result will more better. You can calculate this years second half Supermax will increase more 2.2b production, Topglove if no wrong is 5 to 7 b production (correct me if i am wrong), so you can calculate how bombastic the company coming quarter result will be? Topglove and Supermax already tell you how the future will be? Why still want reject the facts? You have how much of money? I believe everyone have limited money to invest, than why dont focus only on Topglove and Supermax to maximize your profit? Next show should be Topglove because Supermax already announced the result, market will focus on Topglove because September will announced super crazy result, and the margin profit gap you can earn is the higest compare with other glove counter. If vaccine continue cant be successful i believe Topglove share price more than RM100 is not a dream. I believe vaccine at least need another 1 years time just can launch, they need time to do testing make sure 100% no effect just can inject to healthy people body, and dont forget covid-19 virus keep changing the type. Since you already know Topglove and Supermax business model is most benefit during covid-19, than why still want waste your time at Kossan? Think yourself.


2020-08-10 22:32 | Report Abuse

yongleecheng: Kossan result will be good, like Harta. You need to study Kossan business model, the result announced i can 100% told cant hit market expectations. Accept the facts, dont keep hypnosis yourself. What director told us we must listen, listen what director told you at agm. Why Topglove and Supermax is under value you dont want invest? Dont wait already, Topglove now still consider very cheap. After announced result at least RM40 above. If you no trust me, please refute me at September after result announced. And i believe Topglove will bonus issue at early of September, after split share market retailer will feel share price become cheaper and buy it. Now Topglove share price gapping you can earn is most higher compare other big 3. From 27 to 50, you can calculate how much you can earn the gapping?


2020-08-10 21:59 | Report Abuse

You can see before Supermax announced result PE220 plus, after announced result PE 54. If you calculations forward PE only single digit. One quarter result announced Supermax press down 70% PE. You try think about Topglove? The share price increases gapping higher than Supermax. This two company will give you maximize profit, than why you still want waste your time at Kossan? Is it my comment is super very logic? Think yourself. If Supermax PE from 54 go to 200 again, how much the share price can go? How much you can earn? Same question for Topglove, now Topglove PE only 112.28. After announced result you think PE will become how much? Think, invest we must look far, must always non stop think. Accept the facts.


2020-08-10 21:50 | Report Abuse

Accept the facts,dont fight with market.


2020-08-10 20:47 | Report Abuse

Invest is depend you can look how far, if you cant look far, you cant earn big in share market and financial freedom. Since everyone also know vaccine no so fast can make it success, Topglove and Supermax result will continue better than each quarter. Than the share is no reason to drop, because it have bombastic result to support. Always remember one things, share price can go how far 100% is depend how good the result. Dont touch those company without any market expectations result support. Kossan share price up is 100% because of glove trend, dont have good enough result support, for my advice dont touch this kind of company, the director too conservative, company very hard growth fast like Topglove and Supermax. Remember as a investor, we must choose growth faster company because if you lose the time you cant earn back. Dont waste your time at Kossan.


2020-08-10 20:39 | Report Abuse

Supermax before announced result PE 220 plus, after announced result PE only left 54.87. You can see now Topglove PE only 112.28, after September announced more than 1 billion net profit than PE will become how much? Think, always think before you invest. Until next years if WHO no announced vaccine success, Topglove share price possible more than RM100 base on my calculations. You can go do a research this year second half Topglove increase how much production? August start how much the selling price they increase? 30%? If increase 30% for Topglove production quantity,
how much Topglove can earn and growth? Based on my calculations End of this years 2020 Topglove net profit will earn more than 2 billion, you can see until years end how crazy the Topglove share price will be? Dont let the opportunity go away, switch your Kossan to Topglove, after Topglove announced result at September you just come to refute me see is correct or wrong.


2020-08-10 20:28 | Report Abuse

After Supermax announced the beautiful result, i believe those big funds will turn to Topglove, remember Topglove will announced bombastic result at September. My opinion is dont wait and buy big Topglove, Kyy buy Topglove cost RM25, now RM27 only. After announced result i believe it will have more than 1billion net profit. Share price at least stand above RM40 to RM45, the gap is still higer than you invest Supermax now. For now Supermax share price is considered fair value for this quarter result. Supermax November will announced more better results, big fund October or November just will came back to Supermax. I believe from tomorrow start whole market will strong focus on Topglove because September it will announced super crazy bombastic result, grab the opportunity of Topglove and dont let it go.


2020-08-10 20:19 | Report Abuse

Become financial freedom and smart investors, you must always grab the opportunity and invest your money at most benefit during that situation company. Not invest at no benefit company, as investors we want is maximize our profit, not fall in love with any company. During covid-19 only Topglove and Supermax business model is most perfect, you should only invest in this two company to maximize your profit. Start from covid-19, you can invest at every big 4 company, after 1) Kossan announced result only improve yoy 10%, net profit less than Supermax, Bloomberg interview Kossan, director already told you ASP wont increase much, than you should cut off all your Kossan. 2) After Harta announced the result net profit less than Supermax, the business model same like Kossan already sign contract, cant simply increase Selling price. CNN interview Harta, the director say they will focus on exciting customer, you should cut off all your Harta. 3) You should study deep Supermax and Topglove, which company business model is most benefit during covid-19 and can growth faster and depend the right situation to the final winner company to invest big. I can told you the final winner during covid-19 100% is Topglove because it have the world biggest production. As a supplier, quantity is very important, It can give you a great advantage when negotiating prices with customers. Kossan and Harta now is totally out especially Kossan, Kossan totally dont have any strong point let us to invest. Harta have NGC factory and AMG glove, Supermax have OBM business model, Topglove is the world biggest production company, but Kossan have any strong point let us invest during covid-19? Answer is NO.


2020-08-10 19:39 | Report Abuse

Goldmania: give the value logic comment not give brainless comment.


2020-08-10 19:38 | Report Abuse

Goldmania: please use your brain to think before comment.


2020-08-10 19:37 | Report Abuse

Remember, only Topglove and Supermax business model are more benefit during covid-19. Kossan is most expensive company compare to Big 3. Only Topglove and Supermax will maximize your profit. Until the end, Topglove will be final winner because of the production. Suggest dont wait and switch all your money from Kossan to Topglove. Supermax already announced bombastic result, next is Topglove will announced result at September. I estimate will have more than 1 billion net profit. Think about it, KLCI 30 big company still can growth so big, the share price at least will stand at RM40-RM45.


2020-08-10 18:45 | Report Abuse

Let we see how Kossan result, will it same like Harta?


2020-08-10 18:44 | Report Abuse

Joyvest: now you understand Supermax PE? Is it now Supermax expensive? Now Kossan more worth to invest or Supermax? Use your brain and think it!!!


2020-08-06 17:23 | Report Abuse

Kossan price already price in like Harta, focus only Supermax and Topglove. If you dont believe, let see next monday Supermax result you will know what i want tell you. Remember, only Supermax and Topglove can maximize your profit.


2020-08-05 12:03 | Report Abuse

Suggestions is only focus on Supermax and Topglove. Please open your eyes big big and see the result. River stone will announced result by today. After announced result i think glove counter will follow up. Supermax after announced result RM30 is not a problem. Topglove RM40 close one eyes, let see the result just come and refute me.


2020-08-05 11:40 | Report Abuse

Mr Kiah: when you are talking please use your brain to think it first, your brain already stuck, i explain much also waste my time. Please go take a course study what is invest ok?


2020-08-05 10:05 | Report Abuse

Kossan come on? May i ask have market expectations result support?


2020-08-05 09:34 | Report Abuse

Joyvest: market retail is not idiot, maybe you can take a course to study why Supermax share price keep increase and PE more than 200? This is very normal at Supermax, after result announced you will understand why? Understand?


2020-08-05 09:31 | Report Abuse

Joyvest: you still no understand about PE, still talking about Supermax PE. Really dunno how to explain.... you just will understand


2020-08-04 19:52 | Report Abuse

Amateur JR: Yes, you is clever, good!


2020-08-04 18:16 | Report Abuse

AmateurJR: you need learn from pang72, switch to Supermax is good choice, because he got study the company and know what will happen. Many people scare is because they dont have any knowledge, so they will scare and cant sleep.


2020-08-04 18:13 | Report Abuse

I can told you guys, tmr start market will only focus big on Supermax and Topglove. You can go do the research how much the production between Supermax and Harta?If Supermax result better than Harta, than you try think, the market will become how crazy? Harta already let you see the card is what colour. You think Kossan result will be better? Think, before invest you must think very deep. Now everyone also know only Supermax and Topglove can announced very bombastic result, all the world people will invest in Supermax and Topglove. If you can keep Topglove until next years, the share price over RM100 totally no problem. Because the company growth very strong, business model most benefit at covid-19. Supermax briefing report already told you, Supermax share price is gold, than you guys still waiting what? After Supermax announced the fantastic result, will shoot at least RM30. But Kossan? Before already told you Kossan share price up is purely because of glove trend, totally dont have market expectations result support. Now harta already announced result, people already can estimate Kossan earning, you think Kossan can go how far? Always remember, share price 100% = result. Grab the covid-19 opportunity and dont easily give up. Only ****(Supermax &Topglove) business model is most benefit during (covid-19)*****


2020-08-04 17:58 | Report Abuse

Joyvest: now you still have question about Supermax PE?


2020-08-04 17:57 | Report Abuse

Jouvest: now you still have question about PE?


2020-08-04 15:58 | Report Abuse

Joyvest: go see now Topglove and Supermax share price? Use your brain and eyes to see it.


2020-08-04 15:57 | Report Abuse

Joyvest: you keep fight with others you earn what?


2020-08-04 15:56 | Report Abuse

Joyvest: you can continue dont accept the facts, this is your choice and your money. Is no wrong and correct. If you feel Kossan is the winner during (covid-19), than you can continue. After result announced, you will know who wrong and who correct. Hope you can become smart investor and go take a course study.


2020-08-04 15:54 | Report Abuse

Now you can see after Harta result announced, market already see clear each company inside keep what colour of card. Now whole the market already know only Topglove and Supermax can announced super crazy result, the show now only focus on Supermax and Topglove, you can see how crazy the share price will fly. Share market is like , who can see the future who will win. Before many people scolding me, but have you see them become rich man and financial freedom? No, they cant earn anything, only will hike behind keyboard forever. Become smart investor, invest in company result not the name. Share price can go how far is 100% = how good the result. Buy on company result not buy for company name.


2020-08-04 14:27 | Report Abuse

We comment 100% depend by result only.


2020-08-04 14:27 | Report Abuse

Remember share price can go how far 100% is depend how good the result. I can 100% told you Supermax result will better than Harta and Kossan, let open your eyes big big and see.


2020-08-04 14:25 | Report Abuse

Let we see the result, suggest you study deep the fundamental of company. You scare is because you dont know the company, so you scare. Time will prove who wrong who correct. I hold tight Supermax from 1.37 until now, Topglove 4.700 until now. Later if Topglove and Supermax big drop i will Top up big.


2020-08-04 14:05 | Report Abuse

Remember, only Topglove and Supermax business model is most benefit during covid-19, only this two company have market expectations result support it. When glove company drop, dont scare to collect more Topglove and Supermax. You will win big if you are holding tight tight this two company.


2020-08-04 13:57 | Report Abuse

Lukey: Please refute me with logic and knowledge comment, after Kossan announced result you just use logic and knowledge comment to refute me. Dont forever become poor people, go take a course to improve yourself if you want become financial freedom.


2020-08-04 13:53 | Report Abuse

Lukey: i no professional, just clever than you maybe. You are right, i am wrong, than you maintain invest big at Kossan ok? You win and i am lose, like that you happy?


2020-08-04 13:51 | Report Abuse

Share market actually is very easy to invest. Good result, share price must up, bad result, share price must drop. During covid-19 you should choose which company business model is most benefit? Before i already say, 1) Topglove: because Topglove business model is become world biggest glove production company, during covid-19 is most benefits. 2) Supermax: The business model is OBM, direct sell to customers, agent side Supermax also earn. The selling price is King, briefly report actually want tell you Supermax Share Price is Gold. Since you all already know this two company business model is most benefits during covid-19, and you and me only have limited money, than why dont just invest in this two company to maximize your profit? Good result share price must up, bad result share prices must drop. Since you already know Topglove and Supermax result will very bombastic, than what you are scare? If later all the glove drop because of Harta result, than you guys should do what? Buy big Topglove and Supermax?


2020-08-04 13:39 | Report Abuse

Business mode is very important, invest a company not bet a company. Always remember, share price 100% = result. This is very important, dont dream if dont have result support.


2020-08-04 13:33 | Report Abuse

Mr_Kiah: use your brain before invest, become smart investor. Market have eyes to see, you keep scolding me and don't want accept the fact you cant earn anything, you only will become poor ppl forever. Only can tell you brain is very important. Rule is died, but brain we can turn anytime. You keep scolding me, i keep more rich, you earn anything? Open your eyes big big to see Kossan coming result ok?


2020-08-04 12:59 | Report Abuse

DanielT: use your eyes can look Kossan result soon, only Topglove and Supermax business model can maximize your profits.


2020-08-04 12:58 | Report Abuse

Guys remember, share price can go how far must have result support, dont everyday dream Kossan can go until RM100, accept what the director told you, accept the facts.


2020-08-04 12:56 | Report Abuse

OngKawKaw, shine7: please go see harta result and think about Kossan result, please use your brain and think it?


2020-07-31 16:46 | Report Abuse

DanielT: before comment please use your brain to think it first, dont ask the kindergarten question, remember you is adult, please comment adult questions. If your brain already block, please go study first before you invest. Be patient, August reach soon, open your eyes big big and see each company result, who will announced bombastic results. Refute people must have logic strong point, understand?


2020-07-31 12:56 | Report Abuse

Some real examples here not allow me to comment and my comment automatic take out by i3. Remember, be a smart investor.


2020-07-31 12:52 | Report Abuse

Will China easily lock down a country? If lock down means the virus is very seriously right? During covid-19 we should invest most benefits glove company and good business model company like Topglove and Supermax right? This all you need to think and think, continue think before invest, our money is very hard to earn you know?


2020-07-31 12:50 | Report Abuse

Gabriel Khoo: Diring covid-19, we must invest at most benefit company, no think about after covid-19 which company is better? As a smart investor we must be smart and maximize our profit, understand? Glove is cycling company, after covid-19 finish you still want fall in love with glove company? Before invest you need choose the trend first. Now the theme is covid-19, you understand Mr Gabriel ? Law is always died, but our can turn left and turn right, turn up and turn down. I suggest you better go take a course before invest if you want become financial freedom. I can free you three tips: ***1) Invest in company faudamental not share price. ****2) Share price need result to support.


2020-07-30 16:23 | Report Abuse

Joyvest: just answer, kossan result will better than Top 3 or not? Since you cant refute me with strong logic comment. Than you directly told me Kossan growth will biggest than Supermax, Topglove and Harta or not? You feel Kossan result can meet market expectations or not? Answer me the question can already, because you totally cant refute me with strong logic comment. What i say is logic and true, you only know keep talking about PE, i really lazy explain to you again. You brain already block and please go study deep the company.


2020-07-30 16:12 | Report Abuse

Misk_72: if kossan announced result cant meet market expectations, the share price will have big correction. Result can stable or not is 100% depend of the result.


2020-07-30 16:07 | Report Abuse

Joyvest: i think your brain already block edi, keep comment nonsense without any logic. Nvm, let see the result announced. Be patient.