
AyamTua | Joined since 2013-10-16

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2014-08-15 11:30 | Report Abuse

hihihi WELCOME! Jangan lupa semayang, kurangkan B2B - pasti HUAT.. kakakakkaaaaa

Posted by eric_B5B > Aug 15, 2014 11:28 AM | Report Abuse

wa sudah beli frontkn 300 lot


2014-08-15 11:24 | Report Abuse

musti dengar cakap sifu and grandmaster FX Lee- gua ikut dia.. so far make money! wakakaaa


2014-08-15 11:22 | Report Abuse

tukar nasib: EAH. AHB. frontkn! wakaaaakaaaa!!


2014-08-15 09:48 | Report Abuse

KingCobra ada, Sang Jero ada, FX Lee ada, semua hero ada... kikikiki


2014-08-15 09:42 | Report Abuse

@KingCobra: gua sudah tatak ada wang.. boleh pinjam kah? hihihiihi


2014-08-15 09:41 | Report Abuse

dont worry cun cun sui sui punya... wakkaaa!


2014-08-15 09:39 | Report Abuse

DJI-Proof. KLCI Proof. wakakaka


2014-08-15 09:39 | Report Abuse

DJI-Proof. KLCI Proof. wakakaka


2014-08-15 09:39 | Report Abuse

DJI-Proof. KLCI Proof. wakakaka


2014-08-15 09:33 | Report Abuse

bolih cuba sikit nasib dalam cousin dia: FRONTKN wikiki hihii dikiki


2014-08-15 09:32 | Report Abuse

God Bless You.. health and wealth everyday! :-))
asakura i hope fx lee and AT everyday morning afternoon stock up up.. night xx upup
15/08/2014 09:30


2014-08-15 09:27 | Report Abuse

closing gap 0.260 ... RM40? aiyo... musti dapat juga .. kalau think positive.. wakakkaaa!
Posted by eric_B5B > Aug 15, 2014 07:25 AM | Report Abuse

ayam tua, wa rasa eah boleh rm 40 sen sebelum december 2014, lu apa maciam fikir ???

wa mau long term play la... sulah untung RM3k pun tatak mau juai lagi...disiplin + conrol macho...kikikikikiik


2014-08-15 09:26 | Report Abuse

pasti menuju langit ! welcome to psycho world .. EAH = Ends At Heaven .. kikikii

Posted by asakura > Aug 15, 2014 09:23 AM | Report Abuse

so i shud say "up" by here to say hi?


2014-08-15 09:16 | Report Abuse

welcome to the new horse.. YEEHHHAAAAA


2014-08-15 09:15 | Report Abuse

cheaper. limited downside. more upside baru aja 0.180 wakakaka ... naik minyak also... wakakkaaa


2014-08-15 08:01 | Report Abuse

gua tak ada niat bawa olang pigi tour holland except hollyland .. jangan fikir, beli saja wakakaka

314 posts
Posted by eric_B5B > Aug 15, 2014 07:23 AM | Report Abuse

ayam tua FRONTKN boleh naik lagi kah??? lu betulbetul ciakap , wa betul betul beli la, tarak banyak .. RM30K saja...kkikkiikiik


2014-08-15 03:36 | Report Abuse

nice poetry. i appreciate even if no one else in the world appreciate.

Posted by matakuda > Aug 14, 2014 10:50 PM | Report Abuse

Uncle bukan uncle yang aku kenali dulu. Uncle bukan uncle yang pernah memukau. Di belakang kita, uncle dua insan berbeza yang mencari-cari arahnya sendiri. Dahulu suara senada, seia sekata. Tibanya saatnya, bercanggah jua.

Uncle yang bersifat baru, berubah dengan waktu. Uncle dan keangkuhan uncle mencabar kesabaran aku. Ke mana kelembutan, uncle yang bersopan. Diri aku dikasarkan oleh pengalaman.

Kini uncle berjauhan, rahmatnya kedamaian. Biarkan uncle pergi, biarkan aku di sini. Biarkan uncle pergi, aku redha sendiri.


2014-08-15 03:35 | Report Abuse

that's why better use the word - keep the faith by Bon Jobi ! kikikiii

titus hi matakuda, understand your pain. Luckily i only have mudajaya and not the rest but i buy not because mr.koon recommend. Bought it before he recommend but when he did, i bought more loh. So bcome water fish. Kiddin la. Not blaming anyone. I still hold as i still see potential. As least it have not reach the stage of hopeless but buying any stock with the hoping it go up is not good either.
Hopefully you can recoup your loses. Darn, need to stp using the word hope :)
14/08/2014 18:05


2014-08-15 03:26 | Report Abuse

doa supaya tidak ada senduk patah. wakaka
good night love


2014-08-15 03:25 | Report Abuse

bbq menu for tommorow my dearest kaki judi??? hihihihi


2014-08-15 03:21 | Report Abuse

dengar gua punya Tok Guru cakap

111 posts
Posted by strategisst > Aug 14, 2014 11:49 PM | Report Abuse

..... waiting patiently for Suma to spike..... hehee


2014-08-15 03:18 | Report Abuse

sumatec evergreen mantras:

1. tungguuuuuuu - Doctor Sang Jero
2. cobaannnnnn - Tok Guru Strategist
3. so how? - Fengshui Grandmaster YK John
4. Gelek Gelek video and mighty cockerel theorists from Langkasuka, Dato Sri Dreamhunter



2014-08-15 03:13 | Report Abuse

while wok still hot: EAH, AHB and Frontkn. kikikiiiii


2014-08-15 03:02 | Report Abuse

when predict correct - michael jackson status.
when predict wrong or fruit not yet fruit - kena sumpah.
aiyooooooo normal mentality. kikikikiiii


2014-08-15 02:56 | Report Abuse

sad right? we will never get appreciated. no one.

11 posts
Posted by brendayeap > Aug 15, 2014 02:51 AM | Report Abuse

you can predict 10 counters and 9 counters fly high. double or tripple within weeks. nobody give a fucked of the 9 counters, many will point to your 1 counter that does not perform! tiuniasing i3 ppls.


2014-08-15 02:54 | Report Abuse

whats the diffrence?

Investors: with facts and figures, organic/inorganic growths prediction (soft word projections) with bit of luck.

kaki lima punters (advanced stock picker): rely on nothing but constantly making money out of pure luck. beating market everytime.

bottomline: investors and kaki lima guerilla punters subjected both to same market risks.

hihihihihi kikikikii


2014-08-15 02:46 | Report Abuse

market scenario, case studies of para ahli nujum kikiki

when predict up, cun cun sui sui - status: god of bursa. opss! michael jackson of bursa
no one will appreciate you.

when down - status: curse of century.
guaranteed loathe. outcast.



2014-08-15 02:40 | Report Abuse

"better stuck in fast rising uptrending stock than coma stock"
- unknown pasar malam kaki.



2014-08-15 02:37 | Report Abuse

any stock pick recommend by fortunebull is a buy! elon musk of future! wakakkaaa


2014-08-15 02:33 | Report Abuse

jawapan: buku doa - jiwa selamat (minda selamat which translated to duit selamat juga) kikikiki

10 posts
Posted by brendayeap > Aug 15, 2014 02:27 AM | Report Abuse

yang berhormat tansri dato dr ayamtua. apa buku bagus recommend?


2014-08-15 02:31 | Report Abuse

anyone makes money in EAH even RM1.00 profit on paper .. after brokerage fee?
pride yourself - you have graduated from Bursa University kikikiki


2014-08-15 02:25 | Report Abuse

tksw: malam baca buku, pagi tidur - bursa automatic makes money . graduated from bursa since 1990s ... wakakaka


2014-08-15 02:22 | Report Abuse

university ideology / school of thoughts

investor = professional time and space continuum phd gamblers / risks takers
punters = kaki lima professional hahaaa

early bird scenario:
prosper cepat, prosper lambat - buy low, sell high or buy high, sell higher.

late bird scenario:
mati cepat mati lambat - buy high, sell low.


2014-08-15 02:15 | Report Abuse

rewritting warren f buffet rules ala pasar malam mamak style:
bad cat, good cat, so long make money!

theres something called "wisdom of century" or magic tiger show - no need phd or master degree - senang saja click buy, click sell

A. Entry Point (Margin of Safety) means buy low
B. Making money and keep making (intrinsic/fair values)
C. money making limited (fully valued)
D. losing profit before losing capital money .. sell

follow own guts...



2014-08-15 02:06 | Report Abuse

School of Thoughts: pretty sure those in "stable counters" makes more money that "EAH rubbish" - when all stocks in bursa facing same risks.

safest places to invest? under my grandmother bed.



2014-08-15 02:03 | Report Abuse

jealousy is bad for the mind and heart. kikiki


2014-08-15 02:02 | Report Abuse

which ones better? stuck in guaranteed coma stock? or make money in fast moving risky stock? whats the difference invest in BAT and EAH when both prone to risk? drown by water or died burning by fire? kikikiki


2014-08-15 02:00 | Report Abuse

sorry, the membrane in my cortex - it got it terbalik. kikiki


2014-08-15 01:57 | Report Abuse

when people from mudajaya, maxis, digi, csl, luster, dbe, pdz, ra, cme etc comes and advise me or others not to buy EAH because of goreng stock ..

really fascinate the cortex in my membrane...



2014-08-15 01:50 | Report Abuse

bluechip and rubbishchip collectors level 1 and level 2 School of Thoughts:
i have collect my rubbish at 0.120.. any rubbish collector above me? sell your rubbish even higher .. kikikiki


2014-08-15 01:47 | Report Abuse

any rubbish that you think can make you money (not lose money) - stick to it. enjoy the show kids. kikikiki


2014-08-15 01:46 | Report Abuse

when people kokokoko from 0.120-0.130 no one listen.. now 0.170 - pretty sure my sakit kepala no longer there anymore loh for me or early investors or infestors ... wait down? man man lai.. kikiki


2014-08-15 01:42 | Report Abuse

the best nujum, messenger of self proclaimed bursa god? izzit warren f. buffet? no. always had been you. kikikiki


2014-08-15 01:39 | Report Abuse

dont buy EAH - its bad, its fishy!
buy pbank - its not bad !
but when market uncertain, EAH up - buy?
pbank down - sell pbank?

dont cross the road until you cross the road ?

what's the difference between "mati kena cancer" than "mati kena accident" ?
answer: market timing - buy low, sell high. buy high, sell higher.



2014-08-15 01:32 | Report Abuse

to stock old timers: any "rubbish stock" from 0.120 (early bird) until 0.170 - buying mass quantities - with potential to close gap at 0.260 - dont one think its better than dsonic, maybank and pbank counters combined ? kikikiki


2014-08-15 01:25 | Report Abuse

even bluechip also can turn into rubbish chip.. and rubbish chip can turn into blue chip! it's what we called luck .. wait, dont believe in luck but believe in hope? no wait, dont believe in hope but believe in luck? gotta be frigging kidding me ..

"dont buy EAH because goreng stock but buy Luster - a good advise? "
"dont buy penny but buy bluechip when market uncertain penny up sell bluechip theory?"

apa ini ? tiger show ka? kikikiki

ha ha ha ha


2014-08-15 01:12 | Report Abuse

talk about people whom bought LUSTER .. and advising others NOT to buy EAH because its a goreng stock? the blinds leads the blinds .. ? funny

ha.. ha.. ha .. ha ..

Posted by edwin8910 > Aug 15, 2014 12:21 AM | Report Abuse

I found this post regarding acquisition of MTSB by EAH.


114 posts
Posted by Romjam > Aug 15, 2014 12:30 AM | Report Abuse

So how Ayam tua any idea ka

114 posts
Posted by Romjam > Aug 15, 2014 12:36 AM | Report Abuse

Haiya tomorrow hope no panic


2014-08-14 23:09 | Report Abuse

40k loss on mudajaya? aiyo ...


2014-08-14 22:25 | Report Abuse

dont worry barang baik punya.. wakakaka


2014-08-14 22:22 | Report Abuse

extend fun and entertainment: EAH, AHB & Frontkn kikiki