
Beary | Joined since 2016-03-06

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2021-07-01 15:53 | Report Abuse

People say buy until laugh ah...haha

I wish I have more cash.

Such opportunity doesn't come often.


2021-07-01 15:40 | Report Abuse

LWC and Harta Kuan loading up non stop.

You say cheap or expensive?

You think they know more or the analysts know more?


2021-07-01 15:26 | Report Abuse

They are trying too hard to justify their agenda.


2021-07-01 15:10 | Report Abuse

I have never seen a more stupeed statement than that in my life. Higher production cost + higher consumption = lower prices???

The research house expects ASPs per 1,000 pieces to reach US$77 (about RM319.92), US$39 and US$29 respectively in 2021, 2022 and 2023, adding that it is “of the view that ASPs will decline to pre-Covid 19 levels” (US$21 to US$24 per 1,000 pieces) given the higher production costs and higher consumption patterns.


2021-07-01 13:43 | Report Abuse

I have already loaded up at this level.

I cannot be emotional and have to be disciplined and stick to my investment plan.

Understand mou chicken?


2021-07-01 13:15 | Report Abuse

Go on embarasing yourselves chickens


2021-07-01 12:12 | Report Abuse

pjseow, do you know why TG total short position reduced from 3.03% to 2.99% yesterday?

There was no mention of TG in the total short selling detail for yesterday.


2021-07-01 11:32 | Report Abuse

Some of you may ask if the sledge hammer approach so good why wouldn't the west use it?

Are they stupeed?

So I used my IMAGINATION while doing my daily workout in the gym just now.

Of course the west are not stupeed.

They could not use the sledge hammer approach because by the time China discovered the virus, it was already widespread in the west.

The virus probably originated in either US or Europe.

You say I believe in China's propaganda.

So I use my IMAGINATION again.

Remember recently Biden asked China to be transparent and open their Wuhan lab for investigations?

China retaliated by asking US to do the same with their Fort Detrick lab.

Everything suddenly went dead silent.

Why you ask again?

Use your brain this time.


2021-07-01 11:20 | Report Abuse

pjseow the original sars-cov 2 virus was not as deadly as new strains.

It only affects the old and the weak.

It actually could benefit mankind in the long run by eliminating the weak and deseased.

It may sound cruel but who are we to judge nature


2021-07-01 11:16 | Report Abuse

How many times do I have to tell you chickens?

I am a bit upset now because the price is not dropping to my average down level.


2021-07-01 10:00 | Report Abuse

Perhaps Trump was right after all.

The best way of course of course is China's sledge hammer method.

But when the virus is already wide spread, the sledge hammer method is not possible.

We then should have just gone for herd immunity and let the virus be defeated naturally like the 1918 pandemic.

Vaccinations will only buy the virus more time to evolve and become stronger.

Short term gain, long term pain.


2021-06-30 18:48 | Report Abuse

Pjseow, don't worry about your temporary paper loss.

Watch this video


2021-06-30 17:48 | Report Abuse

haha tomorrow breaks 3.30 charlest quick quick run ah?


2021-06-30 16:26 | Report Abuse

Comfort PE 2.3 holy moly

Where else on earth can you find such fundamentally strong stocks at such pricing


2021-06-30 16:21 | Report Abuse

pjseow drooling already with gunny sacks ready if the price drops lower..


2021-06-30 16:10 | Report Abuse

If you chickens hope to bash the price down to buy, don't waste your time lah.

Weak holders would have sold long time ago.

Those still holding will not sell to you so easily.

I also hope to buy lower but realistically I think that is not gonna happen.


2021-06-30 14:53 | Report Abuse

Not yet lower low charlest still holding tight tight haha.


2021-06-30 14:25 | Report Abuse

Let me tell you the happenings inside a casino.

Inside you will encounter many hardcore gamblers who gamble for hours on end from morning until night time.

They gamble small portion of their capital each hand.

Thinking that by splitting their bets into smaller portions they can gamble longer and will increase their chances of winning.

Along comes Beary.

100% IN doubling down 3 times in a row on an even bet, I am out the casino door.

Either to enjoy my winnings or going home plotting my next moves.

Let me tell you, up to now, I won more that I lost.

About those kiasu kiasi gambling addicts, 10 out of 10 killed slowly if not instantly by the house advantage.

This is a true story.


2021-06-30 14:08 | Report Abuse

To the chickens

When I say 100%, I mean 100% of my investment capital.

No margin financing.

I don't mean 100% of all my asset.

1 failure would not kill me.


2021-06-30 14:00 | Report Abuse

Glovefinish, you need not pity me.

I am absolutely sure my financial health is many many times better than yours considering the chicken mentality of your comments.

The kiasu kiasu type.


2021-06-30 13:55 | Report Abuse

Dead dog, I have already laid bare my investment plan for all to see from the beginning.


2021-06-30 13:52 | Report Abuse

Dead dog, there is no sure win in the stock market as well as in life.

If somebody promises you that, stay far far away from him.

What I am saying is risk to reward ratio.

What if they are all wrong?

It happens all the time, more often than you think.

You only need to go against the grain and be right a few times to be successful in life.

Some daredevils need to be right only 1 time.

Think about bitcoin.

Knock that into your chicken brain.


2021-06-30 13:39 | Report Abuse

cg lim was merely being diplomatic.

He said a lot but he actually said nothing.

Do you expect him to stick his neck out to be chopped in this current bearish sentiment?

He also said ASP could remain high post pandemic due to higher demand just like what I think.

The last I checked LWC and family are the most aggressive buyer among the top 4.


2021-06-30 10:46 | Report Abuse

Dead dog citadel9999 for your info, my portfolio is still in green territory.

Now the price hanging, average down cannot, average up also cannot.



2021-06-30 10:33 | Report Abuse

To the chickens, why are you here?

No money to buy so create nuisance here day and night?

Don't waste your time here, go improve yourself, learn some skills.

You may then be able save some money to buy some shares.


2021-06-30 10:26 | Report Abuse

To like minded glove investors.

Do not worry about the short term price movements.

To me, every price level down is an opportunity for me to buy more.

The risk to reward ratio is now massively to our advantage.

Below is a piece of my imagination (common sense).

Although most analysts concur that ASP will normalize to pre pandemic level soon, I disagree.

I am confident ASP will remain high although it may not scale the height of previous peak.

With expanded capacity coupled with relatively high ASP, current earning levels could easily be sustained.

Even if the west are able to manage the pandemic with vaccinations, they will not be able to eliminate it for many years.

They will still need to continuously carry out mass testing, genome sequencing, contact tracing (more testing) etc which require enormous amount of gloves.

When countries open up, many other economic sectors other than medical will require ppe to protect their employees thus resulting in more demand for gloves.

Be patient and have some iron and believe in yourself.

There is a chance we may lose but it is definitely a risk worth taking.


2021-06-29 15:04 | Report Abuse

The short sellers testing water.

But very few sellers.

The only way to go is up.


2021-06-29 14:59 | Report Abuse

maxsuper, they criticize because they have no money to buy haha

Thats what we call sour grapes


2021-06-29 14:53 | Report Abuse

It is going to take a long time to bleed a whale dry.

I can wait


2021-06-29 14:52 | Report Abuse

I am going to trade only 20% of my positions the rest hold until short sellers cover their positions


2021-06-29 14:49 | Report Abuse

Of course not.

Just pulling your tail haha


2021-06-29 14:45 | Report Abuse

Thats more like it brother.


2021-06-29 14:38 | Report Abuse

Bloody hell, my gf remisier really put me in a dilemma.

Sometimes I wonder why women cant keep their mouth shut.



2021-06-29 14:34 | Report Abuse

charlest already taken your chicken rice ah?


2021-06-29 13:55 | Report Abuse

Chehhh....up little bit only already so many chicken come out to say the grapes are sour and griping non stop like an abandoned old housewife.

This is just the beginning of second wave tsunami and third wave elliot wave lah stupeed.

If limit up few times how?

Blame your father mother for giving birth to you and being poor therefore have no money to buy glove counters is it?

Believe me, such chicken mentality will get you no where beyond the vicinity of your chicken coop.

You are all destined to feed on chicken feed all your life.

I can tell you the grapes are not sour at all as you imagined, in fact they are super sweet and juicy.

Don't envy us born winners lah, accept fate bah all of you kiasu kiasi low IQ cowards losers.

For your info, I just ridiculed my remisier who called to advise me to take some profit off comfort first.

I told her I was actually considering averaging up instead of taking profit.

What nonsense numb skull.


2021-06-29 09:15 | Report Abuse

Yes I use my imagination too.

Thanks for reminding me.

Only intelligent beings have the capability to imagine.


2021-06-29 09:13 | Report Abuse

Damn why green...NOOOOOOOO!!!!!

WAIT.....I have not bought enough yet.


2021-06-29 09:09 | Report Abuse

Haha I don't give a flying kick fcuk about those 9-5 spineless swaying to the wind afraid to lose their job type so called stock analysts.

I invest with my ears and eyes and some common sense.

I only look at the company's track record, financial health and future prospects and of course the price.

Everything else are bulls.

Crunching complicated numbers with assumptions and speculations does not make your PREDICTION any more accurate than a bomoh.


2021-06-28 18:32 | Report Abuse

Investing need not be so complicated.

Treat projected revenue/earnings with a fistful of salts.

Look at realities on the ground.

If you think the pandemic will be over soon, stay away.

If you think the pandemic will drag on for a long time more, back up the truck and load up.


2021-06-28 16:57 | Report Abuse

That means what they earn billions and billions of rm are toilet paper????

Toilet paper also worth something right?


2021-06-28 16:52 | Report Abuse

If you scared go buy harta lah

That I guarantee you cannot drop 25% or else you sue me


2021-06-28 16:50 | Report Abuse

Tiu....I say cannot drop 25% you dont believe me


2021-06-28 16:46 | Report Abuse

charlest, this time you must wallop kao kao.

Pity ah wong always eat chicken rice only.

Let him eat some shark fin soup and monk jump over the wall this time.


2021-06-28 14:24 | Report Abuse

Frankly its all pure luck.

I would have got trapped at higher level probably 50-61.8% if I was released from prison sooner.

Don't know win or lose yet but I am fairly confident about this one.

CharlesT Posted by Citadel9999 > Jun 28, 2021 2:05 PM | Report Abuse

hehehe we didn't buy Kena diao bought jor Kena diao also, they jealous because they bought at high but we buy at bottom price

Yeap..have to learn fm Berry...drops more buy more very song...

Thats the spirit I like Berry.....


2021-06-28 13:52 | Report Abuse

Bull elephants fight for fcuking rights.

You 2 fight for what leh?

Ego ah?

Oppsssss.... I am going against my own advise of staying away pulak.


2021-06-28 13:48 | Report Abuse

When two bull elephants fight, better stay far far away.


2021-06-28 12:07 | Report Abuse

siaokar, did gohkimhock shared his strong stuff with you?

Not fair, he refused to share with me.


2021-06-28 12:05 | Report Abuse

citadel9999 thats the difference between a leader and a follower.


2021-06-28 12:02 | Report Abuse

pjseow I think the short sellers are in a dilemma now, they are trapped actually.

And they are bleeding.

When you bleed, you know there are sharks circling ready to attack.

If they push the price any lower the sharks may start biting causing the price to spike.

My imagination running wild again...haha