Blog Posts
2023-03-13 13:52 | Report Abuse
Yeah, No-understand also got a good kick in the teeth at SD last year.......Ouch!!
2023-03-13 13:22 | Report Abuse
Maybe he forgotten to add that the 110 B is all Revenue added up for the next 1,500 years, BUT before deduction for Cost and Expenses.......laugh die me.
2023-03-13 10:31 | Report Abuse
He also doesn’t know what Winding Up means.... what a joker!
2023-03-13 10:30 | Report Abuse
No wonder he doesn’t know the Net Current Liabilities and he thinks Oil n Gas = 5c = cheap....
Laugh die me.
2023-03-13 10:14 | Report Abuse
Good at talking??.....(you left out)...talking Facts and Figures!
2023-03-13 10:01 | Report Abuse
Now little kid is saying the volume trade are tipu one. They are pulled from a Mission Impossible movie........hahahaha
2023-03-13 09:58 | Report Abuse
You should read what you wrote and try to understand what you said.......LOL
2023-03-13 09:51 | Report Abuse
Masuk pagi pagi???? You must be delusional..... at what price and what's the price now???? THEY HAVE BEEN WAITING TO DUMP ON YOUR HEAD!!!
Masuk your azzz hole maybe.
2023-03-13 09:37 | Report Abuse
60 million shares dumped on Buyers at 5c......hahahahaha
2023-03-13 09:35 | Report Abuse
How much better would you assume it to be??? Enough to repay some loans and deflect the Winding up????
2023-03-13 09:34 | Report Abuse
Just like last QR with only 10 million NPS???
2023-03-13 09:20 | Report Abuse
More than 130 million done at 0.055c and over 80 millions dumped at Buyers, and you call this a winner???
2023-03-13 09:16 | Report Abuse
Jamal Jamban can now take up more cheaper than ESOS shares at below 58c.........hahahaha
He is so jealous with that Malay lady Director.......but cannot see their ESOS priced at 58c......laugh die me.
2023-03-12 15:09 | Report Abuse
Your so called White Knight works along the lines like Najib getting his "donations" from Saudi King???....hahahaha
And how does 1.8 B is sufficient for over 10+ B in Debts??
No wonder Bankers are not coming to the Table to discuss.
2023-03-11 09:25 | Report Abuse
epal, you baru primary 3 ke? Tak tau arithmetics lagi????
2023-03-10 19:55 | Report Abuse
Who is the one laughing last now...??
Posted by SinGor > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
donT worry he will buy when price reached 30sens
Posted by SinGor > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
missed Genting Bus, all cursing at Genting Bus stop. Can take Taxi mah!!. After arrived 30sen, lagi cursing
Posted by SinGor > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
wah, didnt know so many people missed the Genting Bus....all talking deliriously, some banging their head on
Lamp post
Posted by SinGor > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
Looks like tomolo also 10% UP------26.5sens
Posted by SinGor > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
27.5 is peak and breaching 27.5 means Velesto is in super Bull Mood Or no mood to Talk, just Charge
2023-03-10 19:42 |
Post removed.Why?
2023-03-10 19:39 | Report Abuse
At 97 and resigned twice as PM.......what more does he want??? To be in power to shield what's been kept in the dark?
Just as Moo was fighting tooth and nails to be PMx???
2023-03-10 19:23 |
Post removed.Why?
2023-03-10 16:56 | Report Abuse
Sorry, he cannot hear you. He's locked in the washroom, cleaning toilet.
2023-03-10 16:52 | Report Abuse
Bye bye Silterra...
bye bye PING?
Moving to another house called something like a "stone"??
2023-03-13 13:56 | Report Abuse
And a white knight pumping, or donating (without strings?) 1.8 B for 10 + B loans with 22 Creditors/Bankers.........which cavity to cover???
Creditors/Bankers would gleefully accept the 1.8 B Without Prejudice and their Rights to enforce and proceed with Winding Up, unless an acceptable Proposal is offered.
The Loans were under Recalled long ago and have reached the point to Wind to make a u-turn???? with just 1.8 B???