
BullRun_93 | Joined since 2019-08-26

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2023-11-23 10:26 | Report Abuse

becareful guys after shortist will dump again as usual......don't get caught


2022-01-04 13:36 | Report Abuse

@mh87...............average IB's TP at this moment is 2.07 so it's a no brainer


2022-01-03 17:22 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa Cannot lah. Ular only believe first day of a new year must win in order to be smooth sailing the whole year leh. Else losing money in the year leh. You asked Ular be a vegetarian kah. Ular cannot be a full time vegetarian. Part time vegetarian maybe can lah. Ular by nature not a vegetarian mah. Ular not killing but consume meat only leh. Maybe next time no need to kill animal for the meat anymore. Can cell cultured meat now. Spore serving man made meat in the restoran already leh. Correct?

i did not say cannot eat chicken or must be vegetarian.......and i knew you would reply like this......LOL everyone i tell them also reply like how you did and some even more creative like if i don't eat animal them animal population will surpass human......yada yada.....LOL so funny :))


2022-01-03 17:19 | Report Abuse

our marker is too small (now become the most expensive market) and easily manipulate stocks except gov control stocks which barely moves unless you want safe and low yield return then go ahead


2022-01-03 17:16 | Report Abuse

Noni I still recall when LWC giving interview about surpassing Maybank....not too long ago.
03/01/2022 5:07 PM

nobody was selling at that time.....how can a glove company surpass MAYBANK.....but everyone fell for it except foreign fund or smart investors......everyone was so hyped that time.....when you talk bad about TG you kena bash.....that's was signal that everyone is over confident and it's time to sell......mind you there are still promoter out there but they will be right someday for sure then they'll brag about how accurate their predictions.....the script is same only actor different


2022-01-03 16:46 | Report Abuse

anyone buying TG from $9 buck really kena con by so many of tan sri's promoter......no sane investment funds will do such thing averaging downward......tan sri buy doesn't mean it's a good investment.....he get paid by company and he can always hold his shares until he die pass on to generations.....investors are different....ask yourself are you getting paid by TG board? will you hold controlling stakes (>10%) until you die and pass to children? for minority do you have any say in the company? there are so many promoter who duped retailer on internet, and chat group......many go all in believing those ppl and really they are having sleepless night now onward until one day TG go back to previous high (if it happens in this 5 year time)......newbie really must learn from this big mistake


2022-01-03 16:33 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa You really not believe fengshui one kah. Even Sifu OTB also use fengshui to buy shares leh. Winning on the first day is better than losing on the first day mah. Common sense also know winning is better than losing leh. You want a smooth sailing year or another bad year like 2021 meh. You decide yourself lah. Correct?

if you follow OTB also can......monkey see monkey do np for me......my tips for you is this ==> you want wealth do more moneytary charity (not make profit beginning of the year for good luck).......if you want long live until 100 year old then don't kill animal i.e go fishing or hunting....even going to market ask chicken to be slaughtered also consider killing, or eat live seafood enjoy looking at live prawn or fish jumping up and down when being boil or steam alive is same......you don't need to believe me you can follow whatever OTB do i just follow your heart.....LOL :))


2022-01-03 14:35 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa Today Ular very happy sudah fulfilled first day winning trade. Hope everyone at here also can huat in 2022. Correct?
03/01/2022 10:38 AM

chinese is the most superstitious human species in the world......if everyone do the same and get good result then everyone will be HUAT.......common sense.....the only person who will be HUAT is the chinese fengshui master and that species is the smartest IMO......LOL


2022-01-03 10:30 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa Good Morning and Happy New Year 2022. Sesiapa yang nak huat in 2022 must work harder today. If you make a profitable trade today and you will huat the whole year. No matter what today must have a winning transaction in order to have a smooth sailing in 2022 lah. Correct?
03/01/2022 10:02 AM

you already pointed what you should do in 2022 you basically answered your own question when you made it look like a question with your correct with a question mark. why waste time when you think you're smarter than everyone.....LOL


2021-07-05 10:12 | Report Abuse

@Mesham https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/general/2021-07-01-story-h1567772140...
Can someone tell me the content of this video please. Will be very much appreciated.

this guy reading from newspaper selling his personal opinion and his personal stock pick analysis.....unless you curious can try his service.....as for me can get free from all broker research report and make your own judgement


2021-07-05 09:54 | Report Abuse

on Mac i sold all at 0.91 now only 0.49 really con big time.....those trap above 1.10 i think all gone case......i remember so many show hand bet VIVO.....malaysian market too many conman put out fake news & goreng stocks......i've been out of malaysia market for almost 4 months just look at the price since then........really no hope......i was overly confident too but stopped my losses on other counter......really lucky or else could have loss 6 figure.....go check any counter in case you guys kena or not.....i kena a few also (except VIVO) make 6 figure lose 6 figure waste my 1 year time https :// assets. theedgemarkets. com/pictures/SR_2_TEM1337_theedgemarkets. jpg and also read about this conman https ://kennethvunyunlun. wordpress .com/


2021-04-08 10:39 | Report Abuse

yes i agree.....yesterday when it rebound from 1.00 i think many jump in......i know bcos i was tempted to jump in too but bcos i made a pledge no more invest in malaysia market i refrain from going back in......anyone went in?


2021-04-07 16:08 | Report Abuse

$0.24 now saved 15% further losses since cutting at $0.285 few days ago......if any of you guys here hv any success getting back your losses from this scammer kenneth pump & dump scheme pls update me here......i loss 48% on this shit!! damn it!!


2021-04-07 09:19 | Report Abuse

kalau @Marketsifu takut.....ini counter memang betul-betul menakutkan.....hehe


2021-04-07 09:17 | Report Abuse

i scared get trap and it go back $0.20.....hehe


2021-04-07 09:17 | Report Abuse

got jump in or not.....hehe


2021-04-07 09:14 | Report Abuse

just now who bought $1.00 thinking it will rebound??


2021-04-07 09:13 | Report Abuse

yes from $0.20 to $4.00 and back to $1.00 surely a legend stock


2021-04-06 16:34 | Report Abuse

fuhyoh....DATAPREP limit down


2021-04-06 16:26 | Report Abuse

most VIVO investor is trusting their CEO now....u go there tell them sure you kena scold confirm


2021-04-06 16:24 | Report Abuse

falling from $4.00 my god.....those bought at peak all confirm mati katak


2021-04-06 16:23 | Report Abuse

look at DATAPREP dropping like sky diving exercise


2021-04-06 16:22 | Report Abuse

they can raise fund selling shares and pay themself thru various method.....these ppl very cunning one.....the best is don't ever touch low cap stocks cos easy to manipulate


2021-04-06 16:20 | Report Abuse

tha's bcos they need to control company.....they won't sell even if it goes to $10....these ppl hv ways to make money not thru selling their controlling stakes


2021-04-06 16:12 | Report Abuse

i make money in DATAPREP & VIVOCOM and survive but last last kena this scammer me also die


2021-04-06 16:10 | Report Abuse

yah saw that article too......that time not many know.....i thought small matter......eb=nd up so many know and ppl dumping shares

everytime reach 4pm selling begins.......WTH......i'm not touching MY market ever again.....make money in other country just to lose it in own country really Fxxk man!!


2021-04-06 15:55 | Report Abuse

vincent tan is a famous man back in old days,,,,,,no need to wait confirm will catch those who shock shock making money now


2021-04-06 15:52 | Report Abuse

actually it's already low but the problem is if you hold on you will trap there for years and never know when it will come back......it's a huge risk to take


2021-04-06 15:50 | Report Abuse

our stock market is full of scammer.....they know how to entice ppl let you shock shock make money and catch you off guard then kill you


2021-04-06 15:48 | Report Abuse

got 30 counter brother......i put in a list and see all prices comes down like waterfall......it's going to go back to the low or even lower if got alot of panic selling


2021-04-06 15:46 | Report Abuse

0.255 now.....so easy can save 11% further loss but want to profit 10% also susah........must really thank Kenneth & his buddies for scamming us


2021-04-06 15:32 | Report Abuse

yah i know you are the happiest now especially seeing blood everywhere......good job to you.....u sleep the best at night


2021-04-06 15:30 | Report Abuse

looking at brighter side i cut at 0.285 now already save me 7% of further losses.........i also cut MMAG at 0.285 save another 3.5%.....when comes to cutting i'm not very good but i felt this saga is not goung to end very well......i wish those who hang on good luck......if small amount ok lah but if big like me it can really give u sleepless night....i'm avoiding that and live make the back later


2021-04-06 15:06 | Report Abuse

when read about kenneth i was like "old story lah" don't want to admit mistake getting in.....now regret.......from what i see the whole market could be affected by either political uncertainty or this scammer guys who manipulated a total 30 counter to high of 10B in market cap & also local institution & foreign funds taking turn selling to us noob retailer.......i see further correction across the board slowly but surely......totally no confidence in our country at least with coming nobody can form government story.....go find other investment than shark infested market here.....i'm totally out now.....@Citadel9999 will be much happier later after the crash seeing many losing money here


2021-04-06 12:37 | Report Abuse

know how much ppl loss will make you happy?? why want to know?? go make more money for yourself bro then you will be happy.....don look at others sadness just to make yourself feel good......i loss 48% of my capital from this scammer run kenneth vun my mistakes for not doing homework. hope this makes you happy


2021-04-06 12:33 | Report Abuse

scary to know that 1 year low is 0.10......good luck.....if few thousand shares i don think you scared if few hundred thousand shares then good luck getting a good night sleep.....i rather cut than suffer for year long stagnation


2021-04-06 11:10 | Report Abuse

vivo investor dream come true.....finally below 0.70 for you to buy.....thumbs up! :))


2021-04-06 10:34 | Report Abuse

if market continue to fall.....putiing money in FD with low interest (if u don know where to invest) may even be better option.......malaysia is gone case


2021-04-06 10:29 | Report Abuse

another downside is government sucks....and in a huge mess....like dump shit now.....waste time investing here......even local institution is selling hard and foreign fund takes turn selling too.....most investor like us are buying big......we're like waterfish now....maybe kenneth vun is exception


2021-04-06 10:25 | Report Abuse

it might go below 0.20 and stay there for years so cutting loss is the only way. it may stay at the low for take years or never come back at all. chances of scam stocks coming back is really low.....it may even get delisted sad but true.....really sucks sometimes when kena such stocks


2021-04-06 09:22 | Report Abuse

holding power depends on how much u invested......i u invest 1K vs 100K and counter down 50% which want you think will make u sleep better?


2021-04-06 09:19 | Report Abuse

who kena 1.19 really kena con big time.....next time careful with small cap counter easily manipulated.....report also no point learn from mistakes.......authority won't compensate you a single sen.....the best is fine & reprimand the culprit.....malaysia no hope government in a mess.....go invest elsewhere


2021-04-05 15:33 | Report Abuse

shorturl. at/ pyEF5


2021-04-05 10:54 | Report Abuse

looks like recovery stocks like BJCORP, BJLAND, PARKSON, and many more seems to be flourishing but for how long before another lock down is anyone's guess


2021-04-05 10:50 | Report Abuse

good to know you have diamond hands.....thumbs up!


2021-04-05 10:49 | Report Abuse

yes agree with 3.20 just that i thought not to scare ppl so put roughly 3.40 but 0.20 difference not much difference cos by that time the frog is almost well cooked....like chinese frog porridge......sad to say this and i'm not laughing just stating reality


2021-04-05 10:46 | Report Abuse

it would be a miracle if glove stocks stage a 2020 type of move........just a year ago. yes that's how long one cycle is (back to almost square one)


2021-04-05 10:37 | Report Abuse

either you take the pain or prepare to go all in and pray to whatever god (which i don't think will help) look at the brighter side......businesses which affected by covid is in recovery mode it's a good thing but just that glove investor hv different views ofc....good luck is all i can say