
BuyWithConviction | Joined since 2015-11-17

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2017-06-05 15:47 | Report Abuse

Ringgit at 4.2655. Keep eye on big picture. Hehe


2017-06-05 09:05 | Report Abuse

Keep eye on big picture. Market macros continue to improve. No crystal ball and can be wrong but big picture is again signaling to keep buying AA for the coming weeks. As usual, best to do own research and not follow blindly follow anyone's calls. Happy Investing! Hehe


2017-06-02 18:18 | Report Abuse

AA closed at 3.21. Not surprising there is resistance at about 3.20. For AA to go much higher, i think some positive news or stronger market tailwinds are required. As usual, best to do own research and get a balanced view on AA. Also, be careful of comments made by those who behave disgracefully like they failed primary school. Keep eye on big picture and have a good weekend! hehe


2017-06-02 12:12 | Report Abuse

Ringgit at 4.2815, slightly firmer. As usual, don't behave disgracefully by talking like you failed primary school. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing!. Hehe


2017-06-02 11:25 | Report Abuse

Wrong is ok, we all been wrong before and that is why in the stock market we need to have an open mind. However, to be so wrong like Icon8888 but keep attacking other people's stock comments is disgraceful and shows they either failed primary school or they are dishonestly ganging up to manipulate readers on this forum. Scary, like watching a stock scam movie. Hehe

Posted by supermx2 > Jun 2, 2017 09:53 AM | Report Abuse
Icon,u really got it all wrong.not smart enough.

Posted by Investo > Jun 2, 2017 08:18 AM | Report Abuse
Icon8888 whole life get timing wrong, no wonder he only dare call dumb dumb hold. He dun understand market enough 2 do more than just hold.He should learn big picture N win-win plan. His gang only got learn bad words in primary school, can see them easy when they open mouth 2 comment. Laugh

Posted by Icon8888 > May 25, 2017 12:19 PM | Report Abuse
I jumped back in

Posted by Icon8888 > May 25, 2017 10:05 PM | Report Abuse
I am extremely pleased with the result

Posted by Icon8888 > May 26, 2017 11:05 AM | Report Abuse
sold all I bought yesterday, walk away
incur losses, but never mind.


2017-06-02 09:08 | Report Abuse

Keep eye on big picture. AA continues to recover this morning. No crystal ball but still believe for AA to bounce back beyond 3.20 or so will need catalyst eg AAC sale or even better market macro tailwinds. Those who sold earlier should have bought back and are well positioned for further upside in the coming weeks. As usual, make sure you get a balanced view on AA and be careful about comments coming from those who behave disgracefully like they failed primary school. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! hehe


2017-06-01 18:40 | Report Abuse

AA is having a good bounce. Continued improvements in big picture is helping sustain buying interests in the stock. No crystal ball but still believe that anything above 3.20 would need a clear catalyst. Those following big picture should continue to take the opportunity of the recent sell down to position for another rally in AA, hopefully in the coming weeks. As usual, do own research and get a balanced view on AA. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2017-06-01 11:08 | Report Abuse

AA doing good bounce as big picture remains positive. However, would be surprised if AA can rise beyond 3.20 near term without positive news. No crystal ball. Keep eye on big picture. Hehe


2017-06-01 09:34 | Report Abuse

AA flat. No crystal ball but believe AA needs a bit of time to consolidate and await fresh catalyst. Suspect the game is far from over. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2017-06-01 09:29 | Report Abuse

When they open mouth to comment straightaway you can see they are the disgraceful Icon8888 gang. Failed primary school so that is all they know to say. Hehe


2017-05-31 22:18 | Report Abuse

No point talking to Icon8888 and gang, whenever Icon8888 has a view, the gang will say the same thing. Its clearly coming from the same gang + fake IDs. If you give a balanced view, Icon8888 and gang will say you are the same person, harass you often using vulgar words. So no point wasting time with this kind of dishonest ppl who failed primary school. Just focus on making money and giving balanced view on AA. Hehe


2017-05-31 22:11 | Report Abuse

If you guys really want to gang up with icon8888 to manipulate the views on this forum why don't you create another thread to over-promote him?

This thread is about Airasia, not icon8888 or vuigar words by those who failed primary school. Hehe


2017-05-31 17:22 | Report Abuse

Supermax's big picture has not improved since end last year when we took profit. So continue to prefer other stocks for now. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2017-05-31 17:07 | Report Abuse

As expected after T+4 and window dressing today, we had good close for AA. No crystal ball but i think a stronger recovery is only possible when we get a new catalyst . If you sold at 3.49 like Investo, the downturn has become an opportunity to buy back cheaper. As usual, don't behave disgracefully like you failed primary school and remember to keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-05-31 13:44 | Report Abuse

I am hoping for a strong closing above 3.00 too. Keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-05-31 13:42 | Report Abuse

This is open forum and since Icon8888 and gang left (only 2 - 3 left still around), most people can now freely hope or prefer good or bad catalysts, its their right. Hehe


2017-05-31 13:33 | Report Abuse

As expected, we are getting a good technical bounce after T+4 yesterday, supported by some window dressing. No crystal ball but for AA to sustain a stronger recovery.its big picture suggest AA is probably going to need more time and a new catalyst. Hehe


2017-05-31 13:32 | Report Abuse

Yawn, another Icon8888 gang who failed primary school. Hehe


2017-05-31 13:12 | Report Abuse

We don't reply to those who act like they failed primary school. Hehe


2017-05-31 13:04 | Report Abuse

Have not looked at Supermax for maybe half a year and it has fallen below 2.00 even. On hindsight, was right to sell all due to weak big picture! Its results last night was below expectations yet again. As usual, best to check out the stocks yourselves and do not follow anyone's calls blindly. Keep eye on big picture! Hehe

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Nov 30, 2016 09:11 AM | Report Abuse X
Supermax down 2% on opening. Not surprising given weak results. Looks like it may take longer than expected for Supermax to show impressive earnings. @Investo, since you are still making money you may like take profit on half first, depending on how tactical you want to be.

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Dec 5, 2016 09:15 AM | Report Abuse
@Investo, ok to sell all. happy you made reasonable profit, in this markets that is not easy to do anymore. There are many stocks now that has fallen a lot recently and may be more interesting than Supermax. Best to downgrade Supermax back to a neutral, prefer other stocks for now.


2017-05-31 12:46 | Report Abuse

Ringgit firmer this morning at 4.2775, Keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-05-31 12:22 | Report Abuse

Good technical rebound as hoped. Yesterday we got T+4 already and today we may get some window dressing for month end even. Keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-05-31 12:20 | Report Abuse

Haha. Was right not to answer his question. He could only pretend for 5 min. After not getting what he wanted, his true color and all the crude words came out. Clearly another Icon8888 gang who failed primary school. Hehe


2017-05-31 09:24 | Report Abuse

AA up doing a good technical bounce after T+4 yesterday. Don't forget today can get month end window dressing too. But a sustained rebound needs more time and new catalyst. Keep eye on big picture. Hehe


2017-05-31 09:23 | Report Abuse

No crystal ball, u probably better asking the many sifus on this forum who talks like they can see the future. Hehe


2017-05-31 09:10 | Report Abuse

So far as expected, AA up 2 sen. A mild technical bounce possible but need some time before a sustain recovery is expected. No crystal ball, can easily be wrong. Keep eye on big picture. Hehe


2017-05-31 09:08 | Report Abuse

You expecting a market crash in US soon?


2017-05-31 08:46 | Report Abuse

Yesterday was T+4 of high volume. Will take some time to recover after such a sharp sell down but big picture still positive and that should help support AA at current levels or even a mild technical rebound soon. For a sustained recovery will probably need some positive news on AA. As usual best to do own research and not follow anyone's calls blindly. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2017-05-30 17:27 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 and gang losing money again. No wonder all the time have to dumb dumb hold. Hehe

Posted by Icon8888 > May 25, 2017 12:19 PM | Report Abuse
I jumped back in

Posted by Icon8888 > May 25, 2017 10:05 PM | Report Abuse
I am extremely pleased with the result


2017-05-30 11:36 | Report Abuse

Those punting on a sharp rebound are probably giving up now and selling out. Need time to consolidate and fresh news before AA can do a sustained recovery. Keep eye on big picture. Hehe


2017-05-30 09:54 | Report Abuse

AA under pressure again. Sellers may be those who speculated on a sharp rebound but now it looks like no big rebound expected so soon. Need to exhaust these punters first and then wait for new catalyst. Keep eye on big picture. hehe


2017-05-30 09:11 | Report Abuse

You can spot Icon8888 and gang a mile away. They behave like they failed primary school. Hehe


2017-05-30 08:50 | Report Abuse

Keep eye on big picture. Probably a little more time is needed for sellers to be fully exhausted. Meantime, AA price action could be a bit choppy. Any rebound may to be tentative and limited for now. Announcement of AAC bids or new catalyst required before AA can rally again. Until then need a longer term view on AA. Hope for the best and happy investing! Hehe


2017-05-29 18:49 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 and gang over-promoted the recent result hoping he could sell at a quick gain on Friday morning. That is his standard trick which is to say one thing but do something else. Hehe

Posted by Icon8888 > May 25, 2017 10:05 PM | Report Abuse
I am extremely pleased with the result


2017-05-29 18:44 | Report Abuse

After Icon8888 sold off last Friday, his gang is not harassing those calling a sell anymore. He even started saying AA not cheap and complaining about AAC song and dance. What happened to his call to hold AA like a dummy, call for special div by Aug? Fair value of 5.00 possible? Clearly his integrity is overwhelming. He should be proud of himself. Hehe


2017-05-29 17:21 | Report Abuse

Good to see more diverse view on AA, they are welcomed as long they do not breach I3 rules by using foul language. Diverse views help readers get a balanced view on AA. After Icon8888 sold out last Friday at a loss, many of his gang who were over-promoting AA are suddenly missing and that is why we are able to seeing a healthier range of opinions on AA forum now. Hehe


2017-05-29 17:06 | Report Abuse

Reasonable day for AA. Still got some selling pressure but overall price action is promising. Hope it is building a base from which it can start to recover. Keep eye on big picture. Hehe


2017-05-29 15:16 | Report Abuse

ringgit steady today at 4.2740, Keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-05-29 14:02 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 such a coward, still hiding behind his gang and fake IDs and afraid readers read the truth. Hehe


2017-05-29 13:57 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 and gang still forced to spam here and gang up here to delete comments. Hehe.


2017-05-29 09:30 | Report Abuse

Hope will stabilize at above 3.00. hehe


2017-05-29 09:27 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 left a few of his gang members behind. Hehe


2017-05-29 09:26 | Report Abuse

Yah so much better now that Icon8888 has sold off and most of his gang members have left forum. All of a sudden there is no more the usual harrassments and vulgar language. Proven yet again Icon8888 worked wth a gang to over-promote his trade. Pity the nexgt forum he and his gang goes to. Readers beware.


2017-05-29 09:21 | Report Abuse

AA stabilizing I hope. Big picture continues to improve too and foreigners remain net buyers. Believe the underlying sentiment on AA still positive and so most of the sellers are absorbed, hopefully AA will start to recover soon. As usual, do own research and make own decision, don't blindly follow anyone's calls. Keep eye on big picture and happy investing! Hehe


2017-05-28 18:03 | Report Abuse

Good to see diverse views on AA now. Previously when Icon8888 bought AA, he and his gang kept over-promoting AAC sale N harassed those who commented negatively on AA. Now that Icon8888 has sold out, hopefully the forum can at last see the a wide range of comments which will allow readers to get a balanced view on AA.


2017-05-26 18:31 | Report Abuse

As usual Icon8888 gang can't make intelligent comments so they have to behave like they failed primary school and make crude remarks. Hehe


2017-05-26 16:45 | Report Abuse

Only Icon8888 can believe his own excuses and hair splitting he is making to explain why he sold, bought and sold within a few days and why that is not trying to time the stock. Dare to do at least have the guts to admit lah.

Also when holding AA Icon8888 over-promote AAC despite being warned it is irresponsible to do so and even said 5.00 tp not impossible, special div in Aug but after selling it. Icon8888 is now complaining about AAC song and dance and now say AA not cheap. His integrity is overwhelming! No one need to insult him, his actions doing all that to him already. Hehe

Posted by Icon8888 > May 26, 2017 12:02 PM | Report Abuse
Let me explain the nuances , since you don't seem to have the intellectual capacity to do so

On surface, I did the same thing as you by moving in and out. But it is not as simple as that.

In your case, you claim you can use bug picture to time multiple entries and exits

In my case, I claim I cannot. So I dumb dumb hold. But when it reach 3.50, I sold loh. I sold without expecting it to drop. I just happy to take profit and let others ride all the way to 3.70, or 4.00.

But with a surprising twist, it dropped back to 2.96. At 3.11, I entered again loh, and later decided to sell at a loss as I tired of the uncertainty

In a nutshell, our actions are similar, but our strategy and thinking different. I act dumb dumb hold, you act smart ass.

So, please stop saying I am same as you. That is insulting me


2017-05-26 16:28 | Report Abuse

No wonder he keeps attacking big picture and keep saying that timing stocks and market is not possible. Every time he tries to time, he gets it wrong and losses money. Hehe


2017-05-26 14:28 | Report Abuse

Only Icon8888 can believe his own excuses and hair splitting he is making to explain why he sold, bought and sold within a few days and why that is not trying to time the stock. Dare to do at least have the guts to admit lah.

Also when holding AA Icon8888 over-promote AAC despite being warned it is irresponsible to do so and even said 5.00 tp not impossible, special div in Aug but after selling it. Icon8888 is now complaining about AAC song and dance and now say AA not cheap. His integrity is overwhelming! No one need to insult him, his actions doing all that to him already. Hehe

Posted by Icon8888 > May 26, 2017 12:02 PM | Report Abuse
Let me explain the nuances , since you don't seem to have the intellectual capacity to do so

On surface, I did the same thing as you by moving in and out. But it is not as simple as that.

In your case, you claim you can use bug picture to time multiple entries and exits

In my case, I claim I cannot. So I dumb dumb hold. But when it reach 3.50, I sold loh. I sold without expecting it to drop. I just happy to take profit and let others ride all the way to 3.70, or 4.00.

But with a surprising twist, it dropped back to 2.96. At 3.11, I entered again loh, and later decided to sell at a loss as I tired of the uncertainty

In a nutshell, our actions are similar, but our strategy and thinking different. I act dumb dumb hold, you act smart ass.

So, please stop saying I am same as you. That is insulting me


2017-05-26 14:21 | Report Abuse

Investo! No need la, the truth wil prevail. They can delete but they can't hide.

Anyway, congrats on you selling at 3.49 and buying back nearer to 3.00. I think you can start teaching me already instead. Hehe