
Caveman | Joined since 2014-04-01 11:48:41

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2016-05-17 09:00 | Report Abuse

Simple, there is nothing else to say. The Court of Appeal, with their complete understanding of the law no misinterpretation, they made a decision period no if, ands, or buts. What do you not understand about this? The Court of Appeals ruled a decision in favor of DPS and sent the matter of settlement amount to be clarified once and for all in The High Court.

I will no longer suffer your insults as you do not want to understand.

Peace and grace be upon you forever and ever amen.


2016-05-16 07:28 | Report Abuse

Hope this helps. The Court of Appeal ruled very clear already in the matter of a settlement amount to be determined by The High Court. The Court of Appeal made a sure ruling. The Judges followed and understood the matters and came to a decision. The Court of Appeal could have sent the matter to The Federal Court themselves if they could not come to a decision. I cannot find any reason why this would even be considered a misinterpretation of law or any higher matter. I am not a lawyer, by any means, but I do understand meanings of words.

Peace and grace be upon you beloved brothers and sisters forever and ever amen.

All glory goes to The Father


2016-05-15 19:22 | Report Abuse

MSIG can only appeal to Federal Court if there need be a very special interpretation of the law. Meaning if the Judges did not understand something. Federal Court is not going to waste any time with such case as this. DPS has won original and appeal so it is time for MSIG to honor the insurance contract and quit chasing their tail. Now MSIG will have to pay for original court cost and now also appeal court cost. How much more are they going to pay is the question. The settlement should be the maximum. MSIG will still pay interest as time keeps going. More and more.
If you had a business and it burned wouldn't you want the promised insurance, that you pay a premium every month for, to help you get back to business? I would think so. Imagine if you depended on this business to feed your family. MSIG is in business to make money and not friends.
Please learn the parable of the fig tree.


2016-05-13 09:59 | Report Abuse

Let them sell. The blind will lead the blind and both shall fall into a pit.


2016-05-12 15:05 | Report Abuse

The market maker will shake them from the tree before moving each cent. Contra will become bored and go looking for another tree to climb.


2016-05-12 11:24 | Report Abuse

Be patient. Let the word have time to reach the ear. Many do not know the result yet.


2016-05-12 09:51 | Report Abuse

Anyone have eyes on LaoTze? He has been waiting for positive wave for surfing for a while as I.


2016-05-12 09:45 | Report Abuse

Please understand that the market maker does not wish to attract unwanted attention to receive an "UMA". Slow your roll and research with understanding.


2016-05-12 09:25 | Report Abuse

Relax. You know the ball is in DPS hands and will take a few weeks to wind up so enjoy the ride and do not sell out too soon.


2016-05-10 10:19 | Report Abuse

Banksters are taking profits out of the market. Been going down for a few months now. Where will the bottom be? Only the banksters know. When you see an undervalue grab it before the banksters so you have an opportunity to sell to them. Happy Trading ;D.


2016-05-06 09:23 | Report Abuse

Year end announcement end of this month. Profit will be less than last year unless win court case and funds are released. Going to have to hold until.........?


2016-05-05 09:18 | Report Abuse

Watch the WA. This always gives away the operators move.


2016-04-29 08:24 | Report Abuse

DPS motto is "sell then build" so each quarter should be better and better. Court case is cherry on top of the ice cream. Hold and sell only bit by bit if need. Happy Trading ;D!!!


2016-04-23 12:14 | Report Abuse

What is the trend. Postpone until the next available Friday court time so that it will be postponed due to not enough time again and again and again. This is why the hope has become less and less and less. IF postponed again look for the rescheduled day. Money will be on another Friday. I wish there was a more positive trend but facts are facts.


2016-03-31 10:26 | Report Abuse

DPS has already won the case. The appeal is just a dog chasing its tail show to delay. Good things come to those who wait. Patience is a virtue. Stay positive so positive results will be manifested. Thought is powerful. Happy trading ;D.


2016-03-24 09:54 | Report Abuse

IF postponed then it would have been announced already. The case is ongoing. Possible just like many have said maybe arbitration. fl888 would be very right with a "win - win" IF arbitration is the situation. What else could be going on? Everyone went holiday to Holland?


2016-03-11 12:03 | Report Abuse

This is not retail buyer/seller.......this is operator manipulation.....scare tactic......just relax, take a breathe, and enjoy some lunch.


2016-01-26 08:55 | Report Abuse

Big sell-off today.....get ready to add more. Buy when raining and sell when fruit is ripe. Happy Trading ;D.

News & Blogs

2016-01-22 22:13 | Report Abuse

chyokh is right....I believe teaching your children just the opposite would be best. Money equals slavery in any way shape or form. Created in a bank, with interest, only to forever return to the bank, with interest. You should be teaching your children truth about money and becoming free and not a slave. Whether you would admit it or not, money is like a drug feeding addiction and corruption. What children need is shelter, clean food, clean water, clean environment, clean purpose etc..... We are all ONE! Same needs, maybe different wants.... Think of what life would be like if you were not chasing your slavery addiction to money. You would have more time with what matters most FAMILY.....we are all FAMILY.....think about IT do not believe THINK


2016-01-22 06:47 | Report Abuse

Koon Bee has been suspended which is definitely well deserved ;D. LoL Too many negative people trying to bring down others to their level. Be positive and good things will happen. Just consider DPS wins appeal = 20 mil + CASH. DPS is almost debt free.


2016-01-21 16:10 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow after 17:30 or Monday after 17:30.


2016-01-21 16:02 | Report Abuse

Banksters are taking back their money. Angpow.


2016-01-15 10:43 | Report Abuse

Follow exactly what LaoTze has said many times. Watch trend of TA and enter/exit accordingly. DO NOT depend on court case. IF DPS wins appeal then this is your bonus. Happy Trading ;D.


2016-01-14 10:04 | Report Abuse

I believe this forum is about DPS. Please go to IFCAMSC and ask there.


2016-01-14 09:50 | Report Abuse

Well so far directors have sold 47.78 mil WB taking out RM 2,849,508.00 from stock value. Do you believe they will be kind and reinvest? Why sell if there is 9 1/2 years left on WB? The director's could just convert when WB hits 0.10 cent right? What do you all think?


2016-01-12 17:04 | Report Abuse

It all depends on how much you can buy in order to get the best performance of course.
Broker Fee RM Gain % Gain
1 mil WA @ .045 = 45k
.050 = 50k RM 328.50 RM 4,306.50 9.5%
.055 = 55k RM 401.50 RM 9,270.00 20.45%
.060 = 60k RM 438.00 RM 14,233.50 31.40%
.065 = 65k RM 474.50 RM 19,197.00 42.35%

1 mil WB @ .070 = 70k
.075 = 75k RM 547.50 RM 3,941.50 5.59%
.080 = 80k RM 584.00 RM 8,905.00 12.63%
.085 = 85k RM 620.50 RM 13,868.50 19.67%
.090 = 90k RM 657.00 RM 18,832.00 26.71%

The only reason to look at exercise price is IF you wish to convert to parent share. You do not have to convert you can just sell in open market just like the directors are doing WB now.
Hope this helps and Happy Trading ;D.


2016-01-12 11:44 | Report Abuse

You are right LaoTze IF BB will reinvest and buy parent; however, not to be negative but I believe this is the way the directors are taking out the profit for themselves. This is my opinion believed from past director transaction history. I wish for the BB to reinvest not just keep all profit for themselves.


2016-01-12 08:04 | Report Abuse

DPS will have 5 working days to submit any decision about the appeal to Bursa. Please pay attention to Bursa rules and regulations. You won't see anything about the decision either way until next Thursday or Friday.


2016-01-11 15:00 | Report Abuse

Exactly ;D. This is what you should be doing. Collect just like the sharks. Do not give them your shares.


2016-01-11 14:58 | Report Abuse

This is exactly how the shark eats LoL ;D. The sharks love the contra players. They taste as good as lobster thermidor. fast as you the middle of the middle of your frustrated fears.....


2016-01-11 11:00 | Report Abuse

Everyone is cautious since last time going up and come right back down. No one wants to be stuck so there is uncertainty about moving up now. Just have to see what the market maker has up their sleeve. Stay tuned.


2016-01-08 14:34 | Report Abuse

Excellent hehe ;D


2016-01-08 14:31 | Report Abuse

Profit and sentiment will work its magic in due time ;D. Happy Trading ;D.


2016-01-08 14:09 | Report Abuse

You may be correct; however, it will take some time to do all the conversions IF everyone wishes to convert or just sell straight in the market. WB has already hit .10 cents with no conversions to date. This is why at 1st the share could limit up ;D.


2016-01-08 13:36 | Report Abuse

DPS should have 1 to 2 mil profit from their last property development project being posted end of February 2016. IF the appeal is added....well......then.....that is your bonus which could limit up share price. Stay positive and wish for the best news ;D.


2016-01-08 13:27 | Report Abuse

@ decentguy.....Thank you very much and to add you have very good commentary as well ;D. Happy Trading 2016 ;D.


2016-01-08 12:49 | Report Abuse

Before doing any investment, please do some research so you will understand market conditions.


2016-01-08 12:48 | Report Abuse

Only their free WB's.


2016-01-08 12:35 | Report Abuse

Please look at the share disposal. These were sold direct market transaction. Meaning to the retail market that which we buy from. Therefore YES they sold their own shares directly to the retail market as it is posted.


2016-01-08 12:32 | Report Abuse

Glad to hear you didn't throw your shares away ;D. Happy Trading ;D


2016-01-08 12:29 | Report Abuse

The director's sold very few to the market anyways so they have many more still in pocket. This is just pocket money for them.


2016-01-08 12:27 | Report Abuse

@ confuse.....The director's subscribed for the warrants during the fund raising implementation last year by purchasing more parent shares. These WB warrants were free paper for them so why not trade these in for cash and take value from parent.


2016-01-08 12:20 | Report Abuse

Yayasan has been with DPS, and vise versa, a very long time. Research their history. This is not "new" news.


2016-01-08 11:19 | Report Abuse

IF DPS gets the right appeal court Judges THEN they WIN. They postponed because of one appeal court Judge. The High Court has already ruled in favor of DPS. Did the High Court make a bad decision? I think not. Happy Trading ;D.


2016-01-07 08:16 | Report Abuse

Sorry, not the case at all. The directors are trading imaginary warrants for cash which comes out of the original value of the parent hence the doubling of the original parent shares with the "Fund Raising" implementation last year. You are correct about whose money they are taking and that is the contra casino players LoL.


2016-01-06 12:23 | Report Abuse

Laotze and I have been trading DPS for a few years now enjoying the new money as you bring it to us ;D. TY very much. Happy trading ;D.


2016-01-06 12:20 | Report Abuse

No ktrader I sold to you and now have some extra change in my pocket. TY very much ;D. Happy trading ;D.


2016-01-06 11:52 | Report Abuse

LaoTze, you are correct and you have very good commentary as always. Very wise. Glad to see you are still working DPS. Happy Trading ;D.


2016-01-06 10:44 | Report Abuse

The empty can rattles the most ;D.