
CityTrader | Joined since 2013-05-04

Investing Experience Beginner
Risk Profile Moderate

Trading since Nov 2012 & start using TA to trade since Feb 2013. Trading without knowing what a Company's back ground as i believe Chart is similar to Financial Reports. Chart is equivalent to a map & a compass to find our destination.





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2014-03-10 15:47 | Report Abuse

Hi bros n sis, how is your trading today? Pelikan broke the res oredi n looks good for final upleg.


2014-03-10 07:44 | Report Abuse

Good morning Mike n lady hepi n the gang. Any ctrs to recommend? Happy Trading.


2014-03-10 07:33 | Report Abuse

Good morning bros n sis.


2014-03-09 21:33 | Report Abuse

I dont think the plane was hijacked by terrorists. There is a cctv installed at the main door of the cockpit where pilots can view from inside. If terrorists are detected, pilots will definately initial stress call before the door is forced open unless. ........

The plane was not exploded in mid air too as no sign of debris floating in the ocean.


2014-03-09 21:20 | Report Abuse

Kikiki, im a pilot but i fly pc x flight only n is a flight simulator, quite similar to the real cockpit. Taking off is easy but landing, we need regular practice, is not easy. We can apply for ppl, private pilot license n the exam is tough. After getting the licence, ppl can only fly VFR, Visual Flight Rules but not IFR that operates in IMC! Instrument meteorological n is a Class A airspace.

Kuya ft, i jst posted hello to test as tge address has been saved. Now i got to delete it.

News & Blogs

2014-03-09 19:45 | Report Abuse

If it is done by terrorists, why til now, none of any groups come out to announce it is done by them. Before the plane is found, all are wild guesses only & only hijacking is the only hope that all passengers will be safe & alive & let us pray this is the case.

News & Blogs

2014-03-09 18:25 | Report Abuse

I dont think it was hijacked. If so, pilots got the time to initial stress call before terrorists cud manage to force the door. It is extremely mysterious n the chance of sudden nosediving into ocean is high due to completely breakdown of cockpit n jets. Only sudden breakout of cockpit may turn pilots unable to initial stress call n such breakout may cause transponder unable to send signal to radar. Kikiki, my 2sen only n personal guessing only.


2014-03-09 17:44 | Report Abuse

Hi Mike, i dont know what was happenining to 932kaki n m not aware. No sensitive issued were brought up n it shldnt b banned by the admin. Thus being TA, i got ans. Kikiki, tessa knows. Hehe


2014-03-09 17:10 | Report Abuse

Hi kuya ft, last time got but after we left, all locks were changed so no keymliao. Kikiki, jst testing testing the old home n it was confirmed closed door due to poor biz, kikiki.


2014-03-09 09:36 | Report Abuse

Kikiki, flag or be flagged is nothing at all for me nowadays. Tq lady hepi to flag me means LIKE.kikik

Connie, this room is for everyone who wants to sing song talk c. Kikiki. We wont stop n our bro bull wont stop too. Pl treat here as your home n bring kuya hawk here too. We can learn wa from him. I have said oredi that i m a "p" wa only n frequently make mistake in counting wave n u re more smart than me to count waves n glad to note u have improved tremendously. LIKE


2014-03-09 08:13 | Report Abuse

Good morning n morning good to bro n sis.

Lady hepi, u wanna flag ppl? Jst click the report abuse of that person posting.


2014-03-09 07:34 | Report Abuse

Good morning n morning good, finally kuya tj has his own home, cheers bro.


2014-03-08 22:20 | Report Abuse

Bro hiddengem, so far i flagged two guys in this i3. Recent one who commented u, i flagged one bcos i found yr postings didnt offend anyone. Kikiki.


2014-03-08 22:16 | Report Abuse

No worries bro bull, so long we re here, we are ensure u will not get insulted unless we miss the postings. So far, i have no problem with your postings esp yr rm1 profit margin, nothing wrong n it motivates me to earn as much as possible. For those we cud get 1.40-1.50 of habis during its plunge, he earned rm1 profit margin recently. For those who are not interested to listen, ignore them as there re ppl out here listening to u n im the one, bro. Cheers n g9..;


2014-03-08 21:00 | Report Abuse

Kuya ft, our bro bull will not remove this room. Kikiki.


2014-03-08 18:38 | Report Abuse

Bro hiddengem, who flagged u? Got 2 meanings. Either LIKE or Hate. I get used to b flagged.


2014-03-08 15:20 | Report Abuse

aiya, kuya tj, why creates own room? Here also your home ma, right! Aiya


2014-03-08 14:35 | Report Abuse

Hi Mike, for prof chartists with years of experiences, i dont think they will make mistake n mistake if, only small. For my few months of experiences, i do make mistake that cause me huge lost such as silk i name one here. But when time goes, i believe i will make less.


2014-03-08 13:50 | Report Abuse

Hi Mike!!! Reading chart is only a guide & if a chartist wanna make plenty of money, quantity per counter is the only choice when they detect the uptrending.

For me, i like reading chart & just like FA who like to know eps, pe & financial reports.


2014-03-08 13:39 | Report Abuse

Hi hunter33, welcome here n we re all band of crazy bro n sis that we love to b flagged. Kikiki.

Kuya hawk, wat trading flatform do u use? Easier to read the chart. I found out that chart shown in mbb doesnt give me a panoramic view n i got to move cursor left right left n such inconvenient that i make mistakes frequently. Tq in advance.


2014-03-08 13:21 | Report Abuse

Hi meena tq for the info & let the members solve themselves ..


2014-03-08 13:19 | Report Abuse

Kuya FT, Pesona maybe in trouble & it means im in trouble too. Based on how im looking at the chart, it may look like it is in Corrective A mode. The lowest price it may go is 0.47. My 2sen only & need expert kuya Hawk to double confirm.


2014-03-08 12:52 | Report Abuse

I dont think it is removed by admin as all friends there did not post sensitive issues so far. They only shared info & jokes that i personaly viewed not a problem to public.. I concur with kuya FT that it cud be removed by the creator & i maybe wrong too..


2014-03-08 12:30 | Report Abuse

Hi kuya FT, i stil hold pesona... Need kuya Hawk to help double confirm on its wave if he doesnt mind to help.. kikiki...


2014-03-08 10:00 | Report Abuse

Ooo! Bro mc is here n nice to see u here, bro.

Kuya ft, i didnt enter any new trades since tue so no luck lol.


2014-03-08 07:50 | Report Abuse

Kuya tj, same to me. I like nite clud type. Talk n build love then if can, later make lol. Kikiki


2014-03-08 07:48 | Report Abuse

Good morning n morning good bros n sis.

Kuya ft, sorry not to respond u last nite as i bedded earlier too tired after few nites companied my boss. Finally he went back to kl. I missed few days of trading. So no money to count.


2014-03-07 20:44 | Report Abuse

Bro fortunebull, no need to scare hantu. We catch it together. We re buddies, we got here alot with kuya ft. Kikiki.


2014-03-07 20:42 | Report Abuse

Hi bro hiddengem, sad that to note u were commented in other room. Come to join us here n nobbody will personal attack each other here as we can express freely here. I dont like that guy too n who he thinks he is. In this forum, we re doing our own biz n we re the bosses. Whether lost or profit, this s our own biz. Cheers bro.


2014-03-07 20:34 | Report Abuse

Ialah, why last msg? Join us here n believe we got big fun n earn more, bro.


2014-03-07 20:17 | Report Abuse

Hi bro fortunebullz, i have not left n only busy with my works. My big came here for past few days n left today. How re u bro?


2014-03-06 14:11 | Report Abuse

Ho bro hawk, m stil holding 50% of salcon. Due to busy in office works, i cant monitor n no new trades so far. 88, busy again. Happy trading everyone here.


2014-03-06 08:55 | Report Abuse

Bro hawk, maybe i got yr posting wrong dated 280114 at 6.04pm. If that is in w2, then there is more retracement to come. I tot it is in w4 thus i didnt want to cut when it reached 75sen that day. Ok tq n happy trading.


2014-03-06 08:34 | Report Abuse

Morning bro hawk, in regards of silk, u ever said w5 will b the next upleg but yr recent postings said it is now in w2. May i know which is which now? Tq.


2014-03-05 07:30 | Report Abuse

Good morning n morning good bro n sis. Today weather soooo good n bursa will b the same goood weather.

Hakka moi hepi, ngee u knm mo?


2014-03-04 22:02 | Report Abuse

Tq hawk for sharing yr blog n i find it interesting n educating indirectly. Among few ctrs, my l&g doesnt extend n my first stop point is at 545 that why i sold first before it retraced. My w4 has begun then n final upleg will hit at your tpnzone too but mine is final upleg whereas yours is extension. For me, im ok as i know where to get out first n enter later.

Dreadly mistake is silk. I cant join u in this trading field for time being. Take care all bro n sis. G9.,


2014-03-04 21:45 | Report Abuse

Tq ys of yr song. G9. Out of bursa for time being for weeks maybe to focus on important assignment first. Happy trading.m


2014-03-04 11:30 | Report Abuse

Only technical rebounce. Kikiki, hit n run is the best strategy in current market. Will fish knm again when it is KO.


2014-03-04 11:17 | Report Abuse

Kikiki, today i got pocket money so focus on work first,, continue this afternoon. See u all. Happy fishing.


2014-03-04 11:14 | Report Abuse

Bro hawk, u said it wud go lower again so better listen to u n took profit first to ease my hunger this weekend first. Kikiki. Tq.


2014-03-04 10:19 | Report Abuse

Tq sephi, too high for today. Scare mah. Best price is 58-59. So i missed yesterday.:(


2014-03-04 10:18 | Report Abuse

Hakka moi is teaching at school now n i think her mind is at zai chao ying xin zai han. Kikiki. Or maybe is bullied by students. Hahaha.


2014-03-04 10:16 | Report Abuse

I missed the chance of pjdev wc.


2014-03-04 10:10 | Report Abuse

So becareful bro n sis. Precaution is better than cure. We stil got alot of golden opportunities such as once war is confirmed no more n b friend again, then it is right time to sapu all. Now we earn duit cigi, kfc, n copi.


2014-03-04 10:07 | Report Abuse

Once russian or whoever triggers the first fire, bursa will drop like lausai.


2014-03-04 10:05 | Report Abuse

Morning bro hiddengem n to all bro n sis here.


2014-03-04 10:03 | Report Abuse

Morning hawk. I jst sold my silk n knm. No need to take maggie mee this weekend. I wont hold any ctrs during this war time. Scared.


2014-03-04 09:46 | Report Abuse

Same thinking n m monitoring very closely but i cant park my money. Parking liao, i cant song song to play hunting.


2014-03-04 09:44 | Report Abuse

Kuya tj, im worried about war. Apply hit n run strategy during this uncertainty period. One day got few hundred oredi can big drink big eat. Too bad mah. Kikikik.


2014-03-04 09:40 | Report Abuse

Salcon, luckily sold my salcon 50%. Kuya tj, u re right on salcon that day. LIKE