
CoolBull | Joined since 2018-10-22

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2020-02-16 12:55 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-02-16 12:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-02-16 12:46 | Report Abuse

TaikShitWhyShit, stop talking taik.

I bought TDM mid March to early April 2019. Price range 19 -20.5 sen that. Where got 29.7 sen that time. Youre welcome to check back.

I'm posting from touch-screen hfon. Thats why easy to make typo but difficult to copy-paste long post to post again after make correction not like on pc or laptop.

You always simply talking taik.

News & Blogs

2020-02-16 12:26 | Report Abuse

Bought enough already, GooShame. Maybe a bit later.

I always like to go in early at low. That has always been my style.

Not like them 'high flyers'. They like to be bittching boullshitting whining whingeing moaning groaning griping naysaying at low. Then they start running & chasing when the bird is already flying sky high.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2020-02-16 12:13 | Report Abuse


GooShame still cannot believe that one can make 100% gains quite easily in stock investing

He is still at that kind of naive novice newbie level on his learning curve


2020-02-16 12:00 | Report Abuse

TaikShitWhyShit was not even aware of TDM when it was on special offer at 16.5 sen.

Now 28.5 sen still available, but all he wants to do every day is just to keep on crying.


2020-02-16 11:57 | Report Abuse

TaikShitWhyShit every day come crying in TDM now. But still blind to value of TDM from too much crying.


2020-02-16 11:54 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-02-16 11:48 | Report Abuse

TaikCYC is crying again?


2020-02-16 11:48 | Report Abuse

GooShame, most of the time, stock investing does not give you gains as fast as mamak can give you roti canai when you order it.

Waiting is an integral part of real world investing.

Sometimes you do get lucky & make a big harvest within a week. But a lot of the time you have to wait. Sometimes even for months.

There you go.


2020-02-16 11:41 | Report Abuse

Triple Iddiot always likes to pose as the great sage who knows everything


2020-02-16 11:38 | Report Abuse

GooShame is such a disgrace to this room. He even thinks tat it impossible to make 100% gains in stock investing.

Oh, man. He is really such a big goo-shame.

News & Blogs

2020-02-16 11:09 | Report Abuse

Well, Raider. His GKent at 93 sen (31 Jan 2019) is now in our NetX contest.

Our first contest review on 31 March 2020.

We shall overlook his arrogance & boastfulness in the meantime.

They're very likely symptoms and/or overcompensating factors for insecurity etc.


2020-02-16 09:58 | Report Abuse

Yes, DickyMe @ PutDickInMe @ FukkMe @ BuggerMe.

Delisting definitely coming, of course.

Delisting for your non-functioning dick.

As for your 10 sen arse offer, nobody around here is so keen, it seems.

News & Blogs

2020-02-16 09:18 | Report Abuse

Now that you mentioned TDM, it did hit 44.5 not so long after that post of mine which you hv wuoted, didn't it?

You do not expect me to be able to defend it against mahadir's supermouth, nor wuhan coronavirus, do you?

News & Blogs

2020-02-16 09:14 | Report Abuse

No need for any portfolio. Just one stock will do.

We took two for 3i becos he is currently feeling a bit tentative about his Dlady.

News & Blogs

2020-02-16 09:08 | Report Abuse


GKent (PhilipCIAY) 93 sen ==> 107,527 units

Right. Your GKent is in now, man.

Well done.

At least you didn't try to weasel yoyr way out like 3i, by trying to insist on a 15 year contest time frame.

News & Blogs

2020-02-16 08:59 | Report Abuse

Aah. I see. Looks like Philip is another blue chip junkie, just like 3i with his Dlady LOL.

Well, Philip. So, what us your top stock pick now then.

Or maybe you're not really up to it.

News & Blogs

2020-02-16 08:31 | Report Abuse

No point arguing until the cows go home, Philip. Yhere will be no end to academic arguing. The proof of the pudding will only be in the eating.

You should just enter your top stock pick into our NetX stock contest. Based on what RM100k can buy at closing prices on 31 January 2019 (New Year's Eve).

Current candidate stocks being:

Dlady (3i) RM41 ==> 2,439 units
Padini (3i) RM3.15 ==> 31,750 units
Zelan (johnchew) 7.5 sen ==> 1,333,333 units
Benalec (shootup) 13 sen ==> 769,231 units
NetX (NetX Team) 2 sen ==> 5,000,000 units

Then we see later which stock candidate is worth the most money.

Review dates:
31 March 2020
31 June 2020
31 September 2020
31 December 2020
31 December 2021
31 December 2022

You game for it, Philip? Think you can handle the pressure?

If yes, submit your candidate.

If not, just say you're not up to it. We can understand. You got your reputation to keep, right?


2020-02-16 00:43 | Report Abuse


Go flush yourself into the toilet pipe. Then onward into the shit pond.


2020-02-15 18:18 | Report Abuse


Go flush yourself into the toilet pipe

And onward into the shit pond


2020-02-15 18:11 | Report Abuse

TaikSeeWhySee, go flush yourself.


2020-02-15 15:40 | Report Abuse

GooShame, that is exactly what so many guys have done already. Put 5 mil on NetX at 2 sen.

You are among the ones who are going to miss out on the coming big gains. From living only inside your own extremely limited naysaying mind.


2020-02-15 15:30 | Report Abuse

Perhaps stncws is even much luckier than me with TDM. She might hv bought at 16.5, then already sold at 42 sen.


2020-02-15 15:22 | Report Abuse

I dont want to say how many TDM I bought and am still holding. But I bought early, around mid March or early April 2019, cant recall precisely.

I bought after reading & studying Calvin's recommendation which I only daw when it was hovering around the 19 to 20 range. Calvin had in fact bought his first batch even earlier, at around 46 I believe. But he bought another batch at 16.5 later, possibly around September or October. That is what he has in fact shared with us.

It hit peak 44.5 some time in December, IIRC. How was I to know that big mouth mahadir would upset major importer India soon afterward, and that coronavirus would appear even later afterward. If only I have a working & reliable crystal ball. But I still believe that palm oil & thereby TDM still got plenty of legs to run on.


2020-02-15 15:08 | Report Abuse

Yes. Bizarre, possibly.

For someone like you, Targeted.


2020-02-15 15:00 | Report Abuse

Just like GooShame, for instance. Just seeing 2 sen becoming 4 sen is already too tough for him.

Now we know how old he is, and how long he has been in bursa.

Maybe not even out of school yet?


2020-02-15 14:53 | Report Abuse

Yes. Naive novice newbie iddiot kiddy naysaying types will never ever be able to see a 2 sen Miss Penny shifting gear to move gradually to 12 sen, never mind 22 sen.

Becos they only live in their own extremely limited mind.


2020-02-15 13:50 | Report Abuse


Yes, DickyMe @ PutDickInMe @ FukkMe @ BuggerMe. Delisting for your dick, becos it is no more functioning properly.

But still nobody is going to dicky your arse anymore. Even if you're offering it for 10 sen.


2020-02-14 18:21 | Report Abuse

Raider, easily impressed even by some iddiot so called 'sifu' who was still promoting Dlady at RM66, are they?

Iddiot kids fawning at the feet of an iddiot 'sifu' ha ha.

While their abang DogChew is not really that fantastic either.


2020-02-14 18:07 | Report Abuse

This bittching whining boullshitting whingeing moaning groaning griping naysaying kids are all naive novice newbie iddiots who dont know jackshit yet about real world investing.

Yet they're every day bittching boullshitiing like they know everything there is to know already.


2020-02-14 17:59 | Report Abuse

Still cannot understand anything, this ShitUp. The maincon jobs sure go to the big firms. Then the big firms can do everything on their own kah.

Nope. Sure need to outsource quite a lot of stuff to subcon also la.

What la, you. Simple contracting procedures also tak faham. Iddiot.


2020-02-14 17:54 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-02-14 12:26 | Report Abuse

Triple Iddiot, if the power of compounding works for your chicken feed annual 10% ROI, then I guess you just cannot understand that it would also work for another person's annual 100% ROI, judging by the way that your dimwitted iddiot mind seems to work.


2020-02-14 12:19 | Report Abuse

That is just simple standard 3 arithmetic la, Triple Iddiot. I just dont get why you get into your head that you are the cleverest dude in this Universe.

Maybe becos you are such a superiddiot.


2020-02-14 11:58 | Report Abuse

Our contest already started nearly two weeks ago, BinSin @ SinBin. Why, like that also too tough for your SinBin brain to remember kah.

Contest based on stock prices on 1 Feb 2020:

Dlady (TripleIddiot) RM41
Zelan (DogChew) 7.5 sen
Benalec (ShitUp) 13 sen
NetX (NetX Team) 2 sen
Padini (TripleIddiot) RM3.15

Since TripleIddiot now seems kind of a bit ambivalent about his now not so pretty Dlady, we put in Padini at RM3.15 as his second candidate.

We review performance every 3 months for first year. Then every twelve months for following two years.

So, first review on 1 May 2020.


2020-02-14 11:28 | Report Abuse

Triple Iddiot is progressing.

From crazy, to mad, to insane.


2020-02-14 11:25 | Report Abuse

Yes. DickyMe @ PutDickInMe @ FukkMe @ BuggerMe is now offering his arse for 10 sen per bang.


2020-02-14 09:43 | Report Abuse

Triple Iddiot, you're still so deluded & misguided.

Academic claptrap does not count for much in real world investing, dude. If such falsehood truly holds, then every uni prof should be a multibilionaire, no sweat. But, are they?

It is streetwise intelligence & battle seasoned fighting experience, plus a bit of inspired gut instinct, that matters much much more.

Sorry to say, you do not have any of those important talents, Triple Idiiot.

You will always be living in your own naive, simplistic, limited, deluded, misguided world.


2020-02-14 09:03 | Report Abuse

Triple Iddiot, you hv just so proudly & pompously proclaimed, 'I always only invest based on my own analysis & judgement' - or something to that effect - only couple hours ago or so.

So how come you're now so steadfastly, so obediently & so obsessively bound to your buddy Firerain's analysis & judgement.

You preach one thing, then practise another.

Or maybe Firerain is your God of Rain or something I guess.


2020-02-14 08:55 | Report Abuse

Aah. You see.

Truth hurts. No doubts about it.


2020-02-14 08:50 | Report Abuse


What fantastic stock in bursa has this Firerain ever recommended.

Another Dlady lookalike possibly.


2020-02-14 08:45 | Report Abuse

Even hit low 16.5 sen around mid october before surging powerfully to peak 44.5 sen in december 2019.


2020-02-14 08:41 | Report Abuse

Only on morning of 24 april 2019, day before BRI forum (25 - 27 april 2019) in shanghai which mahathir attended, did tdm spike up briefly to hit intraday peak 24.5 sen.

Then back to hovering around 19 - 21 sen for many months.


2020-02-14 08:32 | Report Abuse

Aah, sorry to disappoint you, Triple Iddiot. You must hv been reading with great glee my typo price of '29.7 sen', and you immediately pounced on it. As is your pathetic natural inherent penchant.

You can check back the TDM price in march to april 2019, Triple Iddiot. See if there was any day that it was anywhere much above 20.

My buys were mostly around 19.5 sen. Add brokerage ==> 19.7 sen, very approximately.

Now, we know his dark secret. He likes to delve into people's past posting his, try to find some post that he could use back against them. Typical psycho weirdo behaviour.


2020-02-14 08:18 | Report Abuse

Shut up, Triple Iddiot.

You incorrigible pathological deluded misguided boullshitter


2020-02-14 08:17 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-02-14 08:15 | Report Abuse

Triple Iddiot

Incorrigible pathological boullshitter


2020-02-14 08:13 |

Post removed.Why?