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2019-06-30 08:22 | Report Abuse

NDL is NETX. More like helping 2GoTrade to meet the legal obligation s, funding in respective bankers, licensing in regulated bodies in Malaysia.

So,it's like Advisors. No material cost effect to NETX performance.


2019-06-30 08:20 | Report Abuse

Obligations and Responsibilities of the Parties:

NDL shall be responsible at its own costs and expense to inter alia:-
(a) present the viability and the efficiency of the platform to the respective authority
and regulatory bodies in Malaysia;

(b) obtain the necessary licenses and/or approvals for the platform from the
respective authority and regulatory bodies in Malaysia;

(c) provide a strategic business plan, funding strategies and commercialization
roadmap for the platform;

(d) source or provide the required financial funding for the customization of the
platform upon receiving the approvals from the respective authorities and
regulatory bodies of Malaysia subject to the parties agreeing to the terms and
conditions of a definitive agreement; and

e) to identify and provide the vehicle for the deployment of the platform.
Except for the software development costs of the platform for the Project, 2Go shall
be responsible at its own cost and expenses to inter alia:-

(a) provide the required resources to identify the specific software and/or
technological requirements for the development of the platform;
(b) provide its expertise (or the expertise of other third parties) from the stage of
development until the date of deployment of the platform; and
(c) provide to NDL the development roadmap and the proposed milestones of the full
development of the platform.


2019-06-30 08:16 | Report Abuse

vasu, it's data security thru e-KYC


2019-06-30 08:14 | Report Abuse

In a bid to further enhance data privacy of users and bring increased efficiency to the data verification process of business platforms, the initiation of this collaborative partnership will see both parties joining forces to develop and deploy e-KYC. The aim of this e-KYC platform is to be a verified and widely accepted data passport. This product is planned to be capable of being implemented into a variety of platforms, ranging from basic account verification, trading platforms to e-commerce platforms and everything in between.

With increasingly compounding concerns on data security echoing through the general
sentiment of internet users, a single, unified, and widely accepted source of truth when is comes to data verification has been long needed.
“We believe that, as the ever-changing landscape of cyber security and data protection evolves, so should we. We hope that this collaboration would reduce the burden for individuals as well as services providers, provide heightened and widely accepted data security for users, and secure and packaged data for backend verification for businesses.”

said Charissa Lim, Vice President of NetX Holdings Berhad.


2019-06-28 21:43 | Report Abuse

Netx in my radar.


2019-06-28 21:37 | Report Abuse

Fintec is very cheap. Got cash can buy more and keep


2019-06-28 21:35 | Report Abuse

When is the AGM?


2019-06-28 21:32 | Report Abuse

When price fall, u called it bitch, but when the price went up, all quiet and discredit it.


2019-06-27 07:55 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-06-27 07:53 | Report Abuse

Yawn.... feed me with new news. Enough of the sympathetic management stories.

To Datuk Azhar, We will pay when you deliver your performance. Not when FGV is yet to be fully turnaround. A staggering of more than 2mil benefits you reaped from FGV doesn’t deemed justice to what has been the outcome of FGV as to today. Just like during those days, when school report card speak louder than us saying how hard we have work for studies in those days.

FGV is a company, Datuk Azhar. Gov picked you to help to clear the mess and thousands of lives and mouth to feed is in your hand. Farmers aren’t making enough to pay their living and been from hand to mouth kind of life. It’s everyday, Datuk Azhar. What are they to compare to you, with such million payout and they are crying foul ? You have a high jetting lifestyle. Have you forgotten the poor kampung life of these people ?

Datuk Zaharia resigned and what has he got to lose so far? Besides sumptuous paid cheque, leaving his FGV Dramatic saga behind, what is there for FGV, none other than a big tunnel hole that dug years by years of corrupted CEOs?


2019-06-26 23:25 | Report Abuse

Fintec Management so careful. Sekejap ada, sekejap takda.


2019-06-26 23:22 | Report Abuse



2019-06-26 23:19 | Report Abuse

Fintec VenFx, Daily8 no more here meaning they cut loss?
26/06/2019 8:55 PM

still here. No cut.


2019-06-26 22:57 | Report Abuse

Marihome http://www.enanyang.my/?p=1247233
26/06/2019 10:07 PM

amfukvest engaged them to do this. same statements. lol


2019-06-26 22:15 | Report Abuse

Energy consumption and Biodiesels is NEVER LACK IN MANKIND. WE all need bio-energy for longevity and travelling.

Now time, endurance, committed and high resilience TEAM WORKS is the only keep to turnaround this fukked FGV.



2019-06-26 22:02 | Report Abuse

bahai4453 I can tell you that nobody is able to take over FGV even Dr.M himself. The whole story will end when FGV worthy only 25 sen and get delisted. That's what happened to MAS line last time. Just imagined MAS bought an egg costed one ringgit. How to make money with this type of management? The management showing no pride be part of the company, you think it is healthy? That time I bought MAS line below 0.25 sen and I made money.
26/06/2019 4:19 PM

Another lousy commentor who compares MAS to FGV. Reading too much of this comments from online? Use your brainlah, bahai4453.

"Imagined MAS bought an egg costed one ringgit??" Muthefuker, what is this mean?

"How to make money with this type of management??" Well, you be the Director and see how good you execute the job. Maybe you don't even qualify the Security Guard in FGV.

Talk use your brainlah.

Overall palm oil price is not lucrative enough to enlarge profits for the coming quarter. With the initial penetration to downstream line, FGV need time and patience and lots of contingency plans to work at full force.

The land lease issue with Felda still ongoing, and it's going to add more cortisol to FGV directions.

Farmers/ Settlers are adding more expenditures to FGV accounts.

"FELDA’s grouse is that its 33.67%-unit FGV has only forked out an average of RM400 million a year, in contrast to FELDA’s minimum requirement of RM800 million per annum, which is largely used to manage and ensure the wellbeing of the settlers."

Quoted :https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/cover-story-three-options-fgv-and-feldas-lla

Land Lease agreement (unupdated ) put a toll onto current FGV with a 248mil +15% profits from plantation yearly. Dato Azhar, this needed to be done ASAP.

LLA dated 2012 ( CPO 2800 pmt) Hello.... ( current CPO only 2000 pmt dated 26/6/19)
Been a half year CPO not even corssing 2400 pmt. How much more FGV going to pump you profit FELDA???

DR M need to bring Settlers and Felda, with Sub Stakeholders, ALL SIT in for new LLA AGREEMENT. Outdated LLA is deemed unfair and obsolete.


2019-06-26 18:45 | Report Abuse

It will surprise the unknown. hold for mid term and wait for luxury rewards


2019-06-26 18:34 | Report Abuse

Maju Development (ASM) used to be Najib kroni. Most of his projects MRT Sg Buloh to Serdang Putrajaya , KTM Komuter all during Najib reigned. Now no more gov BN support, eat what? Last 2 years, they alrady intend to sell their huge stakes in Maju KL.

So, don't punish Econpile for garbage major con.


2019-06-26 17:53 | Report Abuse

Break 80 cents maintained. Ride on!


2019-06-26 17:52 | Report Abuse

Amfukvest failed to acknowledge that Econpile wi law-suit of 67.7mil compared to 80mil claim is a difference of 12.3mil. Small figure. what to condemn about?

Stupid amfukbrain.


2019-06-26 17:35 | Report Abuse

wait patiently lah. no hard feelings.


2019-06-25 16:45 | Report Abuse

PP at 0.01119 , 252 mil shares.


2019-06-20 17:55 | Report Abuse

accumulation phase. By next week, more than 70s cents. High chance of hitting 80


2019-06-17 22:36 | Report Abuse

If majority don't sell, AMinvest no chance to hedge. If they hedge, they loss.


2019-06-17 22:35 | Report Abuse

wait for price to go up to short then. AMINVEST is dirty as hell. Can't push the price to go down, they use IDSS instead.


2019-06-17 18:47 | Report Abuse

Not selling. Holding


2019-06-16 21:36 | Report Abuse

10 Jun 2019


2019-06-16 19:05 | Report Abuse

Cheong disposed 20mil of it's shares via off market.

Why and who is buying at other end ?


2019-06-16 17:58 | Report Abuse

bargadcapital, are you Promoter for Netx ? lol


2019-06-16 17:30 | Report Abuse

Let's wait for it to cross over 1.00


2019-06-15 01:52 | Report Abuse

Going for 50 cents


2019-06-07 23:02 | Report Abuse

lets's evaluate the GEM app. Does the theme fulfill the market demand? Making reservation in restaurant before arrival? Does it workable? I believe it does.

Netx need to make sure those who use app for booking will received better discounts than paying it with cash.
1. Use token
2. special order app rate.
3. Do not allowed cash. All use bank transfer and credit card booking and enjoy good attractive prices.
4. participation restaurants need to be franchise, in KL spots, all participating outlets are famous amongst diners.

If all these is fulfilled, then it's going to be achievable good aps.


2019-06-07 16:42 | Report Abuse

still holidaying mood. Lots are jalan-jalaning.


2019-06-07 15:06 | Report Abuse

If you follow IB, you will die first. lol


2019-06-07 15:05 | Report Abuse

Buy at 67 is good too. 80, 90, 1.00


2019-06-07 14:27 | Report Abuse

Plenty of room for FGV. Hope they sell off the un-utilized assets to boost up the NTA share price again. Given 2 years, mess is over, this time for FGV to shine.


2019-06-06 19:19 | Report Abuse

ivan9511, thanks for sharing. I have not average down Media, but to be frank, the potential for turnaround on Media is positive for me.


2019-06-06 15:35 | Report Abuse

Read Adam & co was the Auditor that resigned. After browsing thru the firm, I have to say this is one in competent accounting firm. U google and u know what I mean. They are not resourceful


2019-06-05 20:41 | Report Abuse

Bankers representative are making monkey comments to cause a stir. Believe them at your own risk.


2019-06-05 14:41 | Report Abuse

Juliusceasar, dont think will be any right's issue.


2019-06-04 06:48 | Report Abuse

Main attraction:
Property Construction
The construction segment recorded revenue of RM9.59 million in the current financialquarter ended 31 March 2019 as compared to immediate preceding correspondingquarter revenue of RM2.84 million. This is due to the progress billing of the projects.

The construction segment recorded profit before taxation of RM0.75 million as
compared to loss before taxation of RM0.06 million in the immediate preceding
corresponding quarter.


2019-06-04 06:47 | Report Abuse

The Group recorded revenue of RM14.18 million, 124.72% higher than RM6.31 million
recorded in the corresponding quarter last year. This is due to the progress claim of the
property construction business during the quarter under review.
The Group recorded a net loss after taxation of RM2.17 million as compared to the last year
corresponding quarter’s loss after taxation of RM1.24 million despite the increase in revenue.
This is due to the increase in depreciation arising from the data centre and the fair value loss in
other investment incurred during the quarter under review.
The performance of the respective business segments for the quarter ended 31 March 2019 as
compared to the last year corresponding quarter is analysed as follows:-

1) Cloud and IT Services
The cloud and IT services segment recorded revenue of RM1.20 million in the current
financial quarter ended 31 March 2019 compared to RM1.49 million recorded in the
last year corresponding quarter.

2) Trading of Kitchen Appliances, IT and Office Automation Equipment
The trading of kitchen appliance recorded revenue of RM0.47 million in the current
financial quarter ended 31 March 2019 compared to RM0.49 million in the last year
corresponding quarter. The kitchen appliances recorded loss before tax of RM0.25
million for the current quarter ended 31 March 2019 compared to profit before tax ofRM0.11 million in the last year corresponding quarter. This is due to the reversal of impairment loss incurred in the last year corresponding quarter.
The trading of IT and office automation equipment recorded revenue of RM4.03
million for the current quarter under review as compared to RM4.20 million in the last year corresponding quarter. The IT and office automation equipment recorded loss before taxation of RM0.81 million as compared to loss before taxation of RM0.16 million in the last year corresponding quarter. This is mainly due to the adjustment of interest expenses during the quarter under review and reduce in revenue.

3) Property Construction
The Property Construction has recorded a revenue of RM9.59 million during the
quarter. The construction project has only commenced in the year 2018.


2019-06-03 18:56 | Report Abuse

If at this price, Lonbis is able to turnaround, then chances are the stock price will fly at least 50 cents.


2019-06-03 18:56 | Report Abuse

they need funds to settle bank loans and opt for credits maintained. To see Lonbis are able to turnaround or not.


2019-06-03 18:02 | Report Abuse

Pos a sunset business??? kepala otak lu.


2019-06-03 18:01 | Report Abuse

HYBRIC8888, they wanna buy mah. If they don't give bad review, how to shake you to sell? Right?


2019-06-03 18:00 | Report Abuse

Looks like nut head Mplusonline also wanna buy Econbhd. Missed the boat say missed the boat.No need to trash Econpile with negativity.


2019-06-02 20:34 | Report Abuse

@minimiser, impairment.


2019-06-01 19:32 | Report Abuse

BIZ? what is that?