
Daily9 | Joined since 2019-07-02

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2020-06-04 12:26 | Report Abuse

XDL play safe in all dealings.


2020-06-04 12:23 | Report Abuse

At least you not pondans.

Posted by Minion88 > Jun 4, 2020 12:21 PM | Report Abuse
Cadbursa- you wont get at 0.05


2020-06-04 12:18 | Report Abuse

If ask Seacera buy XDL can fly or not like Sinotop?


2020-06-04 12:17 | Report Abuse

Report kat Bursa some1 short selling tak pernah beli lu punya jantan boleh hilang?


2020-06-04 12:12 | Report Abuse

Tak pandai salah siapa? Ding PengPeng auditor/advisers not good?


2020-06-04 12:05 | Report Abuse

Red is good for buyers who must trade daily haha.


2020-06-04 12:02 | Report Abuse

If red why can pay dividend?


2020-06-04 11:56 | Report Abuse

>80 sen don't push haha.


2020-06-04 11:55 | Report Abuse

03-Jun-2020 Insider MISS CHEN LEE CHEW (a substantial shareholder) disposed 240,000 shares on 02-Jun-2020.
03-Jun-2020 Insider MR TAN SIEW CHIN (a substantial shareholder) disposed 240,000 shares on 02-Jun-2020.
03-Jun-2020 Insider MR TAN SIEW CHIN (a company director) disposed 240,000 shares at 0.871 on 02-Jun-2020.
02-Jun-2020 Insider MISS CHEN LEE CHEW (a substantial shareholder) disposed 2,450,000 shares on 01-Jun-2020.
02-Jun-2020 Insider MR TAN SIEW CHIN (a substantial shareholder) disposed 2,450,000 shares on 01-Jun-2020.
02-Jun-2020 Insider MR TAN SIEW CHIN (a company director) disposed 2,450,000 shares at 0.912 on 01-Jun-2020.


2020-06-04 11:53 | Report Abuse

Directors sold so must I?


2020-06-04 11:41 | Report Abuse

If no why hard to answer? So is yes?

Daily9 6.5 sen sellers why a lot? I3 members q?
04/06/2020 11:11 AM


2020-06-04 11:36 | Report Abuse

AT no concern Fintec?


2020-06-04 11:36 | Report Abuse

Fintec nobody sapu?


2020-06-04 11:33 | Report Abuse

Contract is 40:60 AT:Sanichi?

lollipopkan Finally this counter flying...Been waiting since last time news broke out that they signed some contract with sanichi and usa distributor.
04/06/2020 10:03 AM


2020-06-04 11:31 | Report Abuse

Sanichi why higher?


2020-06-04 11:26 | Report Abuse

You are right. 14 sen Icon only for Brent <USD40. Abv USD 40 min Icon is 15 sen.

keychain oil get ready to dance
04/06/2020 11:19 AM


2020-06-04 11:20 | Report Abuse

TG bought on 2nd June still higher than today why dare not admit?


2020-06-04 11:11 | Report Abuse

6.5 sen sellers why a lot? I3 members q?


2020-06-04 11:02 | Report Abuse

TG drop a lot lately. Bad karma for you badmouth here.


2020-06-04 10:52 | Report Abuse

Ding PengPeng finally found face mask buyers?


2020-06-04 10:50 | Report Abuse

Nobody here? No wonder I can add at 14-14.5.


2020-06-04 10:49 | Report Abuse

Wrong forum for you. Why not go TG there?

BanglaMan My suggestion is sell based on the chart technical analysis of failing to break 15 cents. Come to top glove, and then while profit there wait here to drop and re enter.. I did few times earn few hundred thousands already.. don’t wait and hope. Take action. See u in topglove counter
04/06/2020 10:20 AM


2020-06-04 10:45 | Report Abuse

Seacera cantik.


2020-06-04 10:45 | Report Abuse

AT 15-20 sen coming?


2020-06-04 10:42 | Report Abuse

6-6.5 sen must buy. 10 sen coming.


2020-06-04 10:42 | Report Abuse

You ask Focus, MyEg first.


2020-06-04 10:40 | Report Abuse

MSM if can sell >0.8 is bonus.


2020-06-04 10:39 | Report Abuse

2 sen dividend end of June is sure $.


2020-06-04 10:39 | Report Abuse

I still add why must sell?


2020-02-14 22:18 | Report Abuse

Zahid directed that Datasonic's passport chips to be used - witness

The High Court was told today that the Home Ministry was directed by then deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to use the passport chips of Datasonic Technologies Sdn Bhd (DTSB), a company owned by his friend, for Malaysian passports.

Former secretary of the ministry’s Procurement Division, Abd Aziz Md Nor, 62, said the directive was in the minutes written by Ahmad Zahid in a letter which was sent to the ministry.

Abd Aziz also identified the letter with the title “Application to begin supply of passport chips together with in-lay to Percetakan Keselamatan Nasional Sdn Bhd (PKN) during the transition period of the existing contract for six months from June 1 to Nov 30, 2016, for Malaysian international passports”.

Asked by deputy public prosecutor Gan Peng Kun to read out the minutes during examination-in-chief, the witness said: “Dato’ Sri KSU (secretary-general), please review the previous decision. Use the chips of this company before studying the contract extension of PKN.”

Abd Aziz, the 33rd prosecution witness, was testifying on the 16th day of Ahmad Zahid’s corruption trial involving millions of ringgit in Yayasan Akalbudi funds and award of contracts for the supply of passport chips.

Gan: What is datuk’s understanding of the minutes?

Abd Aziz: It means the contract with PKN is not extended and instead it is to be negotiated with this company (DTSB).

Asked by Gan why he issued an instruction to speed up the issuance of Surat Setuju Terima (letter of acceptance) to DTSB, the witness said it had to be expedited because the demand for passport chips had reached a pressing level.

Asked during cross-examination by lawyer Hamidi Mohd Noh, who is representing Ahmad Zahid, whether he knew that the Malaysian Immigration Department faced a shortage of passports in 2015 and Ahmad Zahid had asked for the supply of passport chips to be expedited, Abd Aziz said: “I think so.”

When cross-examined by deputy public prosecutor Ahmad Sazilee Abdul Khairi on whether it was a norm for ministers to give orders to expedite certain matters, Abd Aziz said: "Yes, but not always.”

Ahmad Sazilee then jokingly said: "Sometimes it is like P Ramlee films."

Former home minister Ahmad Zahid, 67, is facing 47 charges, with 12 of them for criminal breach of trust, eight for corruption and 27 for money laundering involving tens of millions of ringgit of funds belonging to Yayasan Akalbudi.

The trial before judge Collin Lawrence Sequerah continues on Wednesday.


2020-02-14 21:57 | Report Abuse

Become like Dutch Lady?


2020-02-14 16:49 | Report Abuse

Who eat PR >4 million?


2020-02-14 16:41 | Report Abuse

Focus not mentioned here bec haters busy selling at 4.5 sen?


2020-02-14 16:36 | Report Abuse

Those busybody here sell is it? Let me collect more.


2020-02-03 15:25 | Report Abuse

BN no bailing FGV so lost in GE14. Why PH must repeat BN stupidness?


2020-02-03 15:07 | Report Abuse

Bought at 58-58.5. OPR cut 0.25% can boost home ownership in 2020.


2020-02-03 15:02 | Report Abuse

Dayang higher risk if drop to 50 sen again. Icon already low.

BullRun_93 Oil & Gas high risk high return.....uncle KYY's favourite play....lol
03/02/2020 9:32 AM


2020-02-03 14:57 | Report Abuse

Why PNB CEO become new Chairman can lotus or Sap haters answer?


2020-02-03 14:54 | Report Abuse

Don't scare people. PNB where got sell?


2020-02-03 14:52 | Report Abuse

31-Jan-2020 Insider KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN (DIPERBADANKAN) (a substantial shareholder) acquired 328,300 shares on 30-Jan-2020.
30-Jan-2020 Insider KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN (DIPERBADANKAN) (a substantial shareholder) acquired 265,300 shares on 29-Jan-2020.


2020-02-03 14:52 | Report Abuse

KWAP buying and buying. Today buy even more?


2020-01-06 16:27 | Report Abuse

Buy today for CNY or year of Rat angpow.


2019-12-03 22:15 | Report Abuse

Change name better?

Posted by lee_m2020 > Nov 27, 2019 8:54 PM | Report Abuse
SOLARVEST gone crazy... like everyone sold their shares at other counters just to be into Solarvest.


2019-12-03 22:13 | Report Abuse

Fintec should sell Focus and sapu more Vsolar?


2019-12-03 21:46 | Report Abuse

What if Tun doesn't want to give up? Can you complain at PKR office in your hometown?

Posted by twl5137 > Dec 3, 2019 11:04 AM | Report Abuse
This year no hope d,come back after anwar become PM


2019-12-03 21:30 | Report Abuse

Meaning >1.3 still cheap.

Daily8 why KWAP keep sapuing?
03/12/2019 8:06 PM


2019-12-03 21:28 | Report Abuse

Q3 is exceptional. Q4 still can report profit so NTA still up?


2019-12-03 21:28 | Report Abuse

Agree. No wonder Seacera up in bad mkt today.

VolatileIsMyGold Basic lesson:

If you bought land of size 550 acres (or hectares), it becomes yours to do as you like, no matter what price you bought it for. Whether 500 million, or 50 million, or 5 million.

And it still remains as 550 acres (or hectares). It does not become much smaller just because you bought it dirt cheap (if such was the case).
01/12/2019 10:18 PM


2019-12-03 21:25 | Report Abuse

When no posts some1 posts to push it down you cannot read from i3?