
DatoT20 | Joined since 2023-05-09

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2023-08-07 11:34 | Report Abuse

I am thrilled that SAPURA has finally reclaimed 0.05 with significant volume! Over the past few months, I have been passionately advocating for the truth and urging shareholders not to sell cheap at 0.03/0.035 during the market downturn.

I wonder where Bob & Huang are now? They were consistently encouraging shareholders to cut losses daily, but it seems they are now in hiding


2023-08-07 11:31 | Report Abuse

mana bob? haungkuang? sudah lama diam. sudah RIP ke?


2023-06-28 10:11 | Report Abuse

If you have sold your SAPURA shares at a loss, please don't hold a grudge or hope for SAPURA to fail. SAPURA will continue to exist and do well. It's not the company's fault that you chose to sell your shares and incur losses.


2023-06-27 15:33 | Report Abuse

Sapura Energy has achieved a significant portion of its Q1 FY2024 revenue from international operations, with nearly 70% of the revenue generated from its activities outside of Malaysia. What's noteworthy is that a substantial portion of this revenue, approximately RM748 million, was denominated or earned in US dollars.

The fact that Sapura Energy earns a significant portion of its revenue in US dollars is advantageous for the company, especially considering the strengthening of the US dollar in recent times. As the US dollar gains strength, it enhances the value of the revenue earned by Sapura Energy, leading to increased profitability and financial gains for the company.

With a significant portion of its revenue derived from international operations and denominated in US dollars, Sapura Energy is well-positioned to capitalize on the favorable exchange rates and leverage the strength of the US currency to bolster its financial performance. This diversification and exposure to the global market, combined with the advantageous currency dynamics, create opportunities for growth and profitability for the company.


2023-06-27 15:27 | Report Abuse

Sapura Energy has undertaken a Proof of Debt exercise involving trade creditors as part of its efforts to address its financial position and regularize its status. Through this exercise, the company has validated approximately RM1.5 billion in claims from about 2,000 vendors. The majority of the claims have been processed, with only 8 remaining to be resolved.

The Proof of Debt exercise is an important step in the company's restructuring process, as it allows Sapura Energy to assess and verify the debts owed to trade creditors. This exercise helps in determining the fair and equitable treatment of these creditors within the proposed restructuring scheme.

As the process nears completion, it is expected that vendors will experience a haircut in the range of 60% to 70%.


2023-06-27 15:02 | Report Abuse

According to the requirements to lift Practice Note 17 (PN17) status, a company must report at least two consecutive quarters of profit. If Sapura Energy continues to report a profit in the next quarter, it will be a positive step towards meeting this requirement.


2023-06-26 18:19 | Report Abuse

Revenue: RM952 million
EBITDA: RM332 million
PATAMI: RM146 million
New contract wins with a combined value of RM1.4 billion

later SAPURA cutloss geng will say, this is Fake News. SELL NOW, RIP! 0.03 coming. Beyond repair.


2023-06-26 18:17 | Report Abuse

hoi hoya hoi
hoi hoya hoi
hoi hoya hoi
hoi hoya hoi


2023-06-26 13:00 | Report Abuse

Talk #1, no latest update for now. I'll share as soon as i hear anything.


2023-06-26 12:40 | Report Abuse

No skin in the game
make the most noise in SAPURA Forum
Shareholders goyang kaki, Yang tak beli PANAS hari-hari hahahaha


2023-06-26 12:38 | Report Abuse

Hi Bob. Still here? So passionate ya with SAPURA hahahah


2023-06-21 16:32 | Report Abuse

Why are u here everyday Bob tua?


2023-06-21 15:06 | Report Abuse

His attempt to time the market is bound to fail.


2023-06-21 15:05 | Report Abuse

Huang72 is an example of individual who consistently visit this forum, posing as Sapura Energy haters, with the intention of gathering information and waiting for a favorable signal to buy the company's shares. It is worth noting that when Sapura Energy begins to show positive movement, He will likely come forward and claim that he has already bought.


2023-06-21 13:05 | Report Abuse

oh waiting for signal to BUY?


2023-06-21 12:13 | Report Abuse

"The only solution is winding up, RO expired"
RO extended

"The only solution so far on the table is bankers willing to take a big haircut.. which is not happening.."
few months later u gonna hear bankers agree big haircut


2023-06-20 16:00 | Report Abuse

Sapura Energy is currently undergoing a significant restructuring effort to address its financial challenges and ensure its long-term sustainability. The restructuring process involves several key elements:

1) Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV): An SPV will be established to facilitate the restructuring. The collaboration of the government and Petronas, Malaysia's national oil company, is expected to be involved in this SPV.

2) Government Support: There are indications of a potential golden handshake from the government to support Sapura Energy's restructuring. However, the full details and extent of this arrangement have not been disclosed yet.

3) Involvement of CDRC: The Corporate Debt Restructuring Committee (CDRC), associated with Bank Negara Malaysia, is playing a role in ensuring a smooth restructuring process for Sapura Energy. The CDRC is working internally to facilitate the necessary steps.

4) Financial Injection: As part of the restructuring plan, there is a proposed injection of RM1.8 billion into the company. Additionally, approximately RM0.8 billion will be allocated for repaying existing loans.

5) Creditor Haircut: Creditors of Sapura Energy can expect a significant reduction in the amount owed to them, with a haircut of more than 50% on outstanding debts. This means that creditors will need to accept a lower repayment amount.

6) Timely Obligation Settlement: Efforts are being made to prevent Sapura Energy from going bankrupt, and there is an urgency to settle outstanding obligations to creditors promptly. Creditors have the option to accept a 60% haircut and receive the funds in a timely manner. However, if they choose not to agree, they may need to wait for the process to unfold, which could take a considerable amount of time.


2023-06-19 17:07 | Report Abuse

cakap pun no facts. Dah tua, boloh pulak tu.


2023-06-19 17:07 | Report Abuse

Diam la Bob. hari2 bising sini.


2023-06-16 16:36 | Report Abuse

It's quite an interesting world we live in. When I share insightful information with fellow shareholders, some label me as a scammer or a promoter.

However, when someone urges shareholders to cut losses and abandon their investments in SAPURA ENERGY, they are hailed as heroes and protectors of investors.


2023-06-16 16:27 | Report Abuse

Dear fellow shareholders,

I hope this update finds you well. It has been some time since I last shared information with all of you, and I believe it's important to keep you informed about recent developments. Please note that the following update is specifically intended for shareholders, and if you have a negative outlook or encourage others to cut losses, I kindly request you to refrain from reading further.

Sapura Energy is currently undergoing a significant development in its restructuring efforts. According to the information I have received, there are several key elements involved in this process.

Firstly, there will be the establishment of a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to facilitate the restructuring. This SPV will likely involve the collaboration of the government and Petronas, the national oil company of Malaysia.

Additionally, there is news about a potential golden handshake from the government to support Sapura Energy's restructuring. The details and extent of this arrangement are not yet fully disclosed.

Another important aspect is the involvement of CDRC (Corporate Debt Restructuring Committee), a team associated with Bank Negara Malaysia, the central bank. They are reportedly working internally to ensure a smooth restructuring process for Sapura Energy.

As part of the restructuring plan, there is a proposed injection of RM1.8 billion into the company. Also, approximately RM0.8 billion in loan will be allocated for repaying existing loans.

These developments are considered as internal measures and can be seen as a form of bailout to support the company's sustainability.

For the creditors, it is expected that there will be a haircut of more than 50% on the outstanding debts. This means that creditors will need to accept a reduction in the amount owed to them.

The urgency to prevent Sapura Energy from going bankrupt is evident, and efforts are being made to settle outstanding obligations to creditors in a timely manner. As part of the deal, creditors have the option to accept a 60% haircut and receive the funds promptly. However, if they choose not to agree, they may have to wait for the process to unfold, which could potentially take a significant amount of time.

It is crucial to monitor further updates and official announcements from Sapura Energy regarding the details and progress of this restructuring plan.

DatoT20 (Sapura Shareholders, Diamond hand, Skin in the game, AkuYangBeliKauYangPANAS)


2023-06-16 09:22 | Report Abuse

JPMorgan in to shop SapuraOMV’s NZ, Malaysia oil and gas assets worth RM6.78B!!!


2023-06-09 13:13 | Report Abuse

have received the latest update, but I'm uncertain whether I should share it here or not. It seems that no matter what information I provide, Bob will label me as a scammer if it is positive.


2023-06-07 15:50 | Report Abuse

During 12th AGM on 26 JULY 2023........

Example of Questions from Shareholders like us:
1. What steps is Sapura Energy taking to address its debt challenges and ensure long-term financial stability?

2. Can you provide an update on the progress of the debt restructuring plan and any negotiations with creditors?

3. What measures are being taken to optimize operational efficiency and reduce costs across the organization?

4. How is Sapura Energy managing its oil and gas reserves to maximize value and mitigate potential risks?

5. What steps are being taken to enhance transparency and improve communication with shareholders and the investment community?

6. Can you provide an update on the progress of ongoing projects and highlight any significant achievements or milestones?

7. Can you provide an outlook for the future of Sapura Energy and outline key priorities and strategies for driving growth and creating shareholder value?


Example of questions from cutloss people & panasbontot like Bob, huang, ularkepalabana:

1. When winding up?
2. Why no pay debt? Hutang bila mauuu bayar!
3. Why RO extend?
4. PNB why hold 0.16% ONLY?
5. When close shop?
6. RIP soon? or not so soon? Why no RIP yet?


2023-06-07 15:27 | Report Abuse

betul-betul budo pekat lah geng-geng ni. Hari-hari wish nak SAPURA tutup ya. hahaha


2023-06-07 15:26 | Report Abuse

cicakkobeng & nikolas
hahah RO sudah extend. lagi mau sembang Sapura tutup, Winding up? Lu mana Sekolah? hahaha


2023-06-07 10:03 | Report Abuse

Few days ago....

SELL and CUTLOSS NOW! Delisting, Winding up soon! RO will not extend, Bankers want to liquidate!!
RO expire
RO expire
RO expire
RO expire

RO extension is bad. stuck for 9 months. SELL! SEL!!!



2023-06-07 00:07 | Report Abuse

hai Ular kepala bana,

We all have different perspectives and approaches. I share my assumptions and expectations based on my analysis, and it's rewarding when those expectations align with reality.

On the other hand, it seems that your comments focus on unrelated topics such as snakes, mouse, and cats, which do not contribute to meaningful discussions. As a result, people in the forum may not find value in what you write, and it might be overlooked or disregarded.


2023-06-06 23:50 | Report Abuse

I have noticed that my comments are being read by many individuals, and some of you have even shared them in Telegram groups through copy-pasting or screenshots. I am an active member of the SAPURA TELEGRAM group, and I am aware of the discussions and opinions circulating there. I want to express my gratitude to those who find my insights beneficial, especially during these challenging times.

I want to clarify that I do not urge people to buy more shares every day. My intention is to provide support and guidance to SAPURA ENERGY shareholders. As a community, we may feel isolated as there is limited coverage from investment banks or other sources. External perspectives often paint a pessimistic picture for SAPURA Energy.

My presence here is to offer my unwavering support and share valuable insider tips (though not everything, just selected information) to assist shareholders and provide them with a sense of comfort. It is essential to remain cautious and not be influenced by those who advocate for cutting losses prematurely. Let's stay united and focus on making informed decisions based on reliable information. Together, we can navigate these challenging times and work towards a brighter future for SAPURA ENERGY shareholders.


2023-06-06 23:42 | Report Abuse

Lets talk about what to expect NEXT....

RO extension provides the company with a valuable window of opportunity to execute its strategies and negotiate with creditors, paving the way for a more sustainable and stable financial future.

During this period, Sapura Energy is expected to focus on several KEY STEPS and make notable progress:

1. Communicating Progress to Stakeholders: Transparency and effective communication will be crucial for Sapura Energy during this period. The company will likely provide regular updates to shareholders, creditors, and the market on the progress of its debt restructuring efforts. Transparent communication helps build trust and ensures stakeholders are informed about the steps being taken to address the debt challenges.

2. Negotiating with Creditors: With the RO extension in place, Sapura Energy will have more time to engage in productive negotiations with its creditors. The company will work towards reaching mutually beneficial agreements, including modifications to repayment terms, interest rates, and maturity dates. Successful negotiations can lead to a more manageable debt structure that aligns with the company's cash flow.

3. Implementing Debt Restructuring Plan: This involves executing strategies such as debt consolidation, asset sales, equity infusion, and business restructuring to optimize its financial position. By streamlining operations, divesting non-core assets, and attracting new capital, the company aims to reduce its debt burden and improve overall financial stability.

4. Strengthening Financial Position: Over the next 6 months, Sapura Energy will focus on enhancing its financial position through various measures. This may include cost-cutting initiatives, improving operational efficiency, and maximizing revenue generation from core business segments. By bolstering its financial performance, the company aims to increase its ability to meet debt obligations and regain market confidence.

5. Seeking Support from White Knights

6. Monitoring Industry Trends: Sapura Energy will closely monitor industry trends and market conditions during this period. By staying abreast of developments in the oil and gas sector, the company can proactively adjust its strategies to align with market dynamics. Adapting to industry changes will be essential for Sapura Energy to maintain competitiveness and seize growth opportunities.

Overall, Sapura Energy's robust debt restructuring efforts, coupled with the granted extension, provide an encouraging outlook for the company's future. By actively addressing its debt challenges, Sapura Energy is taking significant strides towards achieving financial sustainability and creating value for its stakeholders

Investors who recognize the company's commitment to debt restructuring and its potential for long-term financial stability may find Sapura Energy an attractive investment opportunity. However, it is crucial for investors to conduct their own thorough analysis, consider the inherent risks, and consult with financial advisors to make informed investment decisions.


2023-06-06 23:00 | Report Abuse

In 2023, Sapura Energy has made significant developments that shape its future prospects and strengthen its position in the energy industry. Here is a recap of the latest developments:

1. The recent extension granted to Sapura Energy for the Restraining Order is considered a positive development for the company. The extension, which spans nine months from 12 June 2023 to 11 March 2024, provides Sapura Energy and its subsidiaries with additional time to address their financial constraints and work towards a comprehensive debt restructuring plan. This extension allows the company to continue its operations without the disruption of legal proceedings, ensuring stability and continuity.

2. Oil Discovery in Mexico: Sapura Energy, through its joint venture SapuraOMW, announced a substantial oil discovery in Mexico. The estimated reserves of 200 to 300 million barrels of oil , with an estimated value in the billions of Malaysian Ringgit, contributing to the company's potential growth.

3. Progress in Debt Restructuring: Sapura Energy has made progress in its debt restructuring efforts, with negotiations with creditors nearing completion. This crucial step improves the company's financial stability and paves the way for long-term success.

4. Appointment of Experienced Directors: Wan Mashitah Wan Abdullah Sani and Datuk Nur Iskandar A Samad joined Sapura Energy as independent non-executive directors. Their industry expertise and leadership experience enhance the company's strategic execution and future growth.

5. Capital Injection from a White Knight Investor: Sapura Energy secured a substantial capital injection of RM1.8 billion from a white knight investor. This financial support reinforces the company's ability to navigate its debt restructuring and strengthen its operations.

6. Potential Merger Discussions: Speculation arose regarding a possible merger between Sapura Energy and Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Holdings Bhd (MHB), a unit of Petronas. The discussions, involving major shareholders PNB and Petronas, are at an early stage.

To all Sapura Energy shareholders,

We understand that the current price of the stock is at an all-time low, which may be disheartening. However, we urge you to hold onto your shares and resist the temptation to sell at such low levels. Selling cheap to stock scammers will only lead to further losses.

Instead, consider this as an opportunity to accumulate more shares at these attractive prices. Efforts are underway to put Sapura Energy back on track, and there is hope for the company's recovery. By holding onto your shares, you can potentially benefit from any future improvements in the company's performance.

Remember, investing in stocks requires patience and a long-term perspective. Selling at a low point may result in regret later on when the stock price recovers. Stay optimistic and have faith in Sapura Energy's potential for growth.

Together, we can weather this storm and work towards a brighter future for Sapura Energy.

Hold your shares, believe in the company, and let us navigate through these challenging times with determination.

Sapura Energy Shareholder, DatoT20


2023-06-06 22:57 | Report Abuse

Those individuals who were vocal about the Restraining Order (RO) expiring and the possibility of winding up Sapura Energy have suddenly become SILENT (Shivering in a closet).

They persistently urged shareholders to cut their losses, adopting a similar approach themselves. In contrast, there were shareholders like myself who spoke up and encouraged others to hold onto their shares, advising against selling at a low price.


2023-06-06 22:53 | Report Abuse

As previously stated, I have consistently mentioned that Sapura Energy would receive an extension. Despite doubts and accusations from individuals (Bob & Huang) in this forum, the official announcement confirms that Sapura Energy has indeed obtained an extension. This serves as validation of my earlier statements.

With the extension now granted, it is important to note that the process has reached a significant milestone. Now I'm telling you, the extension period "primarily serves to facilitate necessary paperwork and administrative procedures only. THE CORE DECISION REGARDING THE EXTENSION HAS BEEN FINALIZED.


2023-06-06 22:47 | Report Abuse

The recent extension granted to Sapura Energy for the Restraining Order is considered a positive development for the company. The extension, which spans nine months from 12 June 2023 to 11 March 2024, provides Sapura Energy and its subsidiaries with additional time to address their financial constraints and work towards a comprehensive debt restructuring plan. This extension allows the company to continue its operations without the disruption of legal proceedings, ensuring stability and continuity.

By granting the extension, the High Court of Malaya recognizes the importance of allowing Sapura Energy to pursue its restructuring efforts and find sustainable solutions for its financial challenges. The additional time enables the company to engage in negotiations with creditors, explore debt restructuring options, and implement strategic measures to improve its financial position.

This extension signifies the court's confidence in Sapura Energy's ability to navigate through its current financial situation and emerge stronger. It provides the company with a supportive environment to execute its plans and pave the way for a more sustainable future. The positive outcome of the extension is expected to bring greater stability, increase investor confidence, and allow Sapura Energy to focus on its core business activities while addressing its financial obligations.


2023-06-06 20:24 | Report Abuse

I previously mentioned multiple times that the RO would be extended. However, there were individuals, like Bob and his B40 geng, who called me st**id and accused me of being a scammer.

Now, the question arises: Who is the real scammer asking people to cutloss because of RO expired? Who is hiding?


2023-06-06 20:20 | Report Abuse

Bob mana bob? shivering in a closet ke? Winding up? RO expired?
Lu mana sekolah Bob?


2023-06-06 18:23 | Report Abuse

The following write-up is intended exclusively for SAPURA ENERGY shareholders. If you're not a shareholder, you may skip reading this, as it may not hold any value for you
To address its RM15 billion debt, Sapura Energy can consider implementing several strategies:

1. Debt Consolidation: Consolidating its debts into a single loan with more favorable terms, such as lower interest rates or extended repayment periods, can simplify the debt structure and ease financial strain.

2. Negotiating with Creditors: Engaging in negotiations with creditors to restructure the debt by modifying repayment terms can help make the debt more manageable. This may involve reducing interest rates, extending maturity dates, or adjusting repayment schedules to align with the company's cash flow.

3. Asset Sales: Exploring the sale of non-core assets can generate funds to repay the debt. By divesting underperforming or non-strategic assets, Sapura Energy can raise capital and reduce its debt burden.

4. Equity Infusion: Attracting new investors (WHITE KNIGHT) or seeking additional capital from existing shareholders through equity infusion can provide the necessary funds to repay or refinance the debt.

5. Business Restructuring: Sapura Energy may consider restructuring its business operations to improve profitability and generate sufficient cash flow for debt servicing. This may involve optimizing operations, reducing costs, or focusing on core business segments with higher profitability.

Over the past 6 months, SAPURA ENERGY has been diligently executing its reset plan, focusing on addressing the strategies mentioned above.


2023-06-06 18:22 | Report Abuse

Mabel, who are these people? Bob fake account or what? I'm confuse


2023-06-06 15:39 | Report Abuse

no meaningful discussion so far..


2023-06-06 10:45 | Report Abuse

I am feeling confused and unsure about the current situation or discussions taking place here.


2023-06-02 14:39 | Report Abuse

This current phase can be seen as an accumulation period, where investors are actively acquiring shares. It is advisable to remain vigilant and prepared during this time. Stay informed and be ready to take action when necessary.


2023-06-02 12:17 | Report Abuse

As of the latest update, Sapura Energy's Scheme of Arrangement and Restraining Order are still in progress. The company has been actively working towards implementing its debt restructuring plan to address its financial challenges and improve its financial position.

The Scheme of Arrangement, which is being proposed under Section 366 of the Companies Act 2016, involves meetings with creditors to seek approval for a plan to settle the company's outstanding debts. If approved by a majority of 75% of each class of creditors and granted final court sanction, the Scheme of Arrangement will become binding on all creditors.

Meanwhile, the Restraining Order, granted under Section 368 of the Companies Act 2016, provides a temporary halt to any legal proceedings against Sapura Energy. This allows the company to negotiate and implement the proposed Scheme of Arrangement without disruption from ongoing legal actions.

These measures are crucial for Sapura Energy's ongoing efforts to restructure its debt and improve its financial stability. The company remains committed to fulfilling its obligations to creditors, clients, and vendors throughout this process.

Shareholders are advised to stay updated on further developments regarding the Scheme of Arrangement and Restraining Order, as they play a significant role in Sapura Energy's overall debt restructuring strategy.

Insider: Restraining Order extension approved. Thank me later. Ciao!


2023-06-02 10:07 | Report Abuse

Let's stay focused on the actual issue and refrain from engaging in negative discussions or personal attacks. It's important to maintain a respectful and constructive conversation to address the matter at hand.


2023-06-01 17:25 | Report Abuse

The following write-up is intended exclusively for SAPURA ENERGY shareholders. If you're not a shareholder, you may skip reading this, as it may not hold any value for you

Negotiating with creditors is a crucial strategy for Sapura Energy to restructure its debt and make it more manageable. Let's explore an example to illustrate how negotiating with creditors can work for the company:

Assume Sapura Energy has outstanding debts with two creditors:

Creditor A: RM8 billion at 12% interest, to be repaid over 5 years.
Creditor B: RM7 billion at 10% interest, to be repaid over 7 years.

Sapura Energy can approach its creditors to negotiate more favorable repayment terms. Let's assume they successfully negotiate the following changes:

Negotiated Terms with Creditor A:

Reduced interest rate from 12% to 9%.
Extended repayment period from 5 years to 10 years.

Negotiated Terms with Creditor B:

Reduced interest rate from 10% to 7%.
Extended repayment period from 7 years to 12 years.

By negotiating with creditors, Sapura Energy achieves the following benefits:

1) Lower Interest Rates: The reduced interest rates of 9% and 7% for Creditor A and B, respectively, decrease the overall interest expenses, resulting in potential savings.

2) Extended Repayment Periods: The extended repayment periods of 10 years and 12 years for Creditor A and B, respectively, spread out the debt obligations over a longer timeframe, reducing the immediate financial burden and providing more breathing room for cash flow management.

By negotiating with creditors and obtaining more favorable repayment terms, Sapura Energy can improve its cash flow, enhance financial stability, and reduce the immediate burden of debt repayment. It allows the company to allocate resources more effectively towards operations, investment, and long-term growth.

** It's important to note that the above figures and example are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the actual negotiation outcomes or terms for Sapura Energy. The specific terms and results of any negotiations would depend on the discussions with individual creditors and their willingness to accommodate the company's financial situation


2023-06-01 17:21 | Report Abuse

The following write-up is intended exclusively for SAPURA ENERGY shareholders. If you're not a shareholder, you may skip reading this, as it may not hold any value for you

Debt consolidation is a strategy that Sapura Energy can employ to streamline its debt obligations and make them more manageable. Here's an example to illustrate how debt consolidation can work for the company:

Let's assume Sapura Energy has outstanding debts from multiple loans with different interest rates and repayment terms:

Loan A: RM5 billion at 10% interest, to be repaid over 5 years.
Loan B: RM3 billion at 12% interest, to be repaid over 3 years.
Loan C: RM2 billion at 8% interest, to be repaid over 7 years.
Loan D: RM5 billion at 9% interest, to be repaid over 10 years.

To consolidate these debts, Sapura Energy can approach a financial institution and negotiate a new loan with more favorable terms. Let's assume they secure a consolidation loan with the following terms:

Consolidation Loan: RM15 billion at 7% interest, to be repaid over 10 years.

By consolidating the debts into a single loan, Sapura Energy benefits from the following:

Lower Interest Rate: The consolidation loan offers a lower interest rate of 7% compared to the individual loans' rates, reducing the overall interest expenses.

Extended Repayment Period: The repayment period of 10 years allows for more manageable monthly payments, relieving immediate financial strain.

By consolidating the debts, Sapura Energy achieves simplified debt management, reduced interest expenses, and improved cash flow, enabling the company to allocate resources more effectively towards operational and growth initiatives.

** Please note that the above figures and example are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the actual situation of Sapura Energy. The specific terms of any debt consolidation would depend on negotiations with lenders and the financial institution providing the consolidation loan.


2023-06-01 17:04 | Report Abuse

The following write-up is intended exclusively for SAPURA ENERGY shareholders. If you're not a shareholder, you may skip reading this, as it may not hold any value for you
To address its RM15 billion debt, Sapura Energy can consider implementing several strategies:

1. Debt Consolidation: Consolidating its debts into a single loan with more favorable terms, such as lower interest rates or extended repayment periods, can simplify the debt structure and ease financial strain.

2. Negotiating with Creditors: Engaging in negotiations with creditors to restructure the debt by modifying repayment terms can help make the debt more manageable. This may involve reducing interest rates, extending maturity dates, or adjusting repayment schedules to align with the company's cash flow.

3. Asset Sales: Exploring the sale of non-core assets can generate funds to repay the debt. By divesting underperforming or non-strategic assets, Sapura Energy can raise capital and reduce its debt burden.

4. Equity Infusion: Attracting new investors (WHITE KNIGHT) or seeking additional capital from existing shareholders through equity infusion can provide the necessary funds to repay or refinance the debt.

5. Business Restructuring: Sapura Energy may consider restructuring its business operations to improve profitability and generate sufficient cash flow for debt servicing. This may involve optimizing operations, reducing costs, or focusing on core business segments with higher profitability.

Over the past 6 months, SAPURA ENERGY has been diligently executing its reset plan, focusing on addressing the strategies mentioned above.


2023-06-01 16:13 | Report Abuse

ok Cicakman. I stay.
U apa bikin sini?


2023-06-01 12:36 | Report Abuse

Celebrating and praying for others to lose money is an extremely unethical behavior. It demonstrates a lack of compassion and empathy towards fellow human beings. I

t's important to remember that karma has a way of coming back around, and those who take pleasure in the misfortune of others may eventually face consequences for their actions.


2023-06-01 12:31 | Report Abuse

I have repeatedly mentioned that PNB still holds a 40% stake in SAPURA, but many people remain skeptical. I have even shared a screenshot from Bloomberg to support my statement, but it seems that some still doubt its accuracy. They claim that the Bloomberg data is outdated because it shows the filing date in 2022. However, I have explained multiple times that filings are only made when there is a business transaction, and since there have been no recent sales or purchases, there is no reason for a 2023 filing. Unfortunately, some individuals have been misled by unreliable websites and sources, resulting in a few members here cutting their losses at RM0.035. It is disheartening to witness such misunderstandings, as even a three-year-old child could easily comprehend the situation.