
DreamCapturer | Joined since 2015-11-11

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2018-07-01 14:25 | Report Abuse

Come, come. Lai, lai. Intai, intai.



2018-06-23 19:50 | Report Abuse

New wonderboy fin min too rash, to easily excitable, too brash & too reckless. Not good for stock market. Not suitable for fin min position.

Fin min shud be someone calm, solid, dignified, full of restraint, poise & dignity. Maybe can switch him with azmin ali.


2018-06-23 19:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by moneypedia > Jun 23, 2018 12:24 PM | Report Abuse

aduii apebenda ikan jipun nak express ni fenin la ana fenin

gih gih gih

Tia ponttan queen lor, lu lg bulum tau gah. Queen Polycarp = deMusangKing = MusangFoxKing

Tia apa hat pun poleh pikin, apa maciam pun poleh ciagap lor.

Tia tingok ah moy ponttot yuga tia lansjeow talak ngang pinya lor

gih gih gih


2018-06-23 19:38 | Report Abuse

PakTua73 = DragonSlayer gah

gih gih gih


2018-06-23 19:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by derrickinvestor > Jun 22, 2018 08:51 PM | Report Abuse

oh... dream surah hilang from this suma?

Posted by paktua73 > Jun 22, 2018 09:24 PM | Report Abuse

ah dream ala ala...
lia pegi dialog sana

tut tut

Gua pulan pulan pigi migrate tikat itu Dialog shikit lor. x poleh put all your eggs in just one basket lor. Butut ah.


2018-06-10 15:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by kaikai010 > Jun 10, 2018 03:16 PM | Report Abuse

Compare with Dialog? Dialog making profit every quarter while Sapnrg is opposite With huge debt, big share float, EPF already left it hard to tell when this company will recover even oil price stay at $70++

Exactly. That is why I keep saying that Dialog is the real deal. Especially for the true long term investing types. Becos it has been making profit every quarter for so many donkey's years already. Guys tend to get distracted by stuff like upside/downside, year low/high, but these are all not much related to real solid fundamentals but more about perceptions, which come & go with the seasons.

Same time, it still displays enough volatility range at times for some quite viable short term play.


2018-06-10 14:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by AmstrongKL > Jun 10, 2018 09:46 AM | Report Abuse

Now we see those fully invested with margin facilities looking for handsome profit, are in deep trouble. They are having huge amount here. I think they will slowly dumping. Need all greedy uncle/untie to help buy in. :/

Heh heh heh

Well, like that renown management guru said: The first rule of business is to stay in business. That is, not to make a loss.

So, likewise, the first rule of investing is to stay in investing. That is, not to make a loss.


2018-06-10 13:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by GayauQwe > Jun 10, 2018 09:22 AM | Report Abuse

I jual Sumatec, semua tukar ke HartaLega Holding, counter ini futute akan naik ke rm35....jgn beli counter pariah Sumatec, not cash rich company,,,,

Posted by GayauQwe > Jun 10, 2018 11:05 AM | Report Abuse

I sdh jual Sumatec, ini pariah countet, semua jadi Harta Lega,,,,

Dialog better than HartaLega


2018-06-10 13:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by mobuzz > Jun 9, 2018 10:01 AM | Report Abuse

lets say we have rm100K to invest...
we can buy 29.4K of Dialog
or we can buy 157.5K of Sapnrg

lets say they move up 30sen

Dialog....profit ...300×29.4 = rm8,820.00
Sapnrg...profit....300×157.5 = rm47,250.00

by AmstrongKL > Jun 10, 2018 08:57 AM | Report Abuse

How about both Dialog & Sap lost 30¢ ?

Good question, mate. And I hv a simple answer for it. A very simple answer.

If Dialog drops 30 sen, I can still sleep good at night. Becos I know with great confidence that it is not going to crash, and that it wud only be a matter of time before it recovers.

But if SapNrg drops 30 sen, I'm not sure that I wud be feeling as cool.

On top of that, if they both drop 30sen

Dialog.... LOSS .... 300×29.4 = RM8,820.00
SapNrg.... LOSS .... 300×157.5 = RM47,250.00

Now then, allow me to rest my good case. Merci beaucoup s'il vous plait.


2018-06-10 08:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by mobuzz > Jun 9, 2018 10:01 AM | Report Abuse

lets make a comparison.....
Dialog @rm3.40.....trading at highest now
Sapnrg@0.635sen......trading at the bottom

lets say we have rm100K to invest...
we can buy 29.4K of Dialog
or we can buy 157.5K of Sapnrg

lets say they move up 30sen

Dialog....profit ...300×29.4 = rm8,820.00
Sapnrg...profit....300×157.5 = rm47,250.00

Dialog is riskier bcoz its already at its highest
Sapnrg still has a potential to move up to 93.5sen..
which one do u think is better?

Aah. I see. Pretty piece of simplistic, wishful-thinking arithmetic. But you're making a helluva lot of assumptions there, my friend. First off, you're imagining a scenario where Dialog moves up 30 sen & SapNrg also moves up 30 sen. Which is a rather fantastical scenario right now.

Simply becos, at the rate that things are going currently, taking into account company fundamentals, recent profit performance reports etc., the chances of Dialog going up 30 sen are about 100 times better than that of SapNrg going up 30 sen. Mokhzani or no Mokhzani.


2018-06-04 19:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by DO RE MI > Jun 4, 2018 08:40 AM | Report Abuse

what happen if company buyback?

If you make some effort to think, then you might just understand.


2018-06-01 13:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by dragonslayer > Jun 1, 2018 12:52 PM | Report Abuse

Aiyo ah dream ah....ya lor....you buy 1000biji busat lah....can get or not....so many queue in front of you....you get it first lah.......unless ada big kakai sold down lah....wakakaka....kikiki

Why not. Every day got people selling 8,000+ busat bijit.


2018-06-01 12:46 | Report Abuse

Not a few folks making some reasonable money buying @4 & selling @4.5 every day. You play 1,000 big lots, cost you only 40k, and every half sen you make comes up to 5k.


2018-06-01 12:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by RedEagle > May 31, 2018 10:11 PM | Report Abuse

US imposes steel and aluminium tariffs

US commerce secretary Wilbur Ross has confirmed that it will impose steel and aluminium tariffs on the EU, Canada and Mexico from midnight tonight.

The tariffs will be 25% for steel and 10% for aluminium. Amid fears of a trade war, Ross said if any party retaliated that did not rule out further negotiations.

He said talks with the EU had made progress, but not enough to continue an exemption from tariffs, which was due to expire tomorrow.

Just let them Americans buy & use their own expensive domestic steel & aluminium. Then we wait & see how long they can sustain their lifestyle & standards of living with that.


2018-06-01 12:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by Desmond Chew > Jun 1, 2018 11:37 AM | Report Abuse

I am late to the party. I have following this stock long ago then stopped monitoring. Now got interests again. Is it still the old days WCT back in 2000? I heard online that some WCT owners have sold their shares. Is it still in good hands?

You hv to buy some, then see the moves. Then only you will know.


2018-06-01 12:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by blue_bird > May 31, 2018 11:03 PM | Report Abuse

wah ! i almost fall down from my chair, got ppl understand bird language, lol

Of course got. I was speaking it all the time, some years back. Calling chicken, ducks & geese to come hv their feed. Even got to the stage that I was exhorting young juvenile cockerels to begin attempting their first awkward crowings.


2018-05-28 21:13 | Report Abuse

Cud be good for in & out & in & out game.


2018-05-28 20:28 | Report Abuse

Ah Likk, you're wasting time here. Put what you got in Dialog. It's twenty times better & robuster.


2018-05-28 19:50 | Report Abuse

3.7 gah, 3.8 gah, 4 gah, nt tingok apa maciam lor. Klu itu yam lg tingok maciam manyiak guat 4.25 gah 4.5 gah, pun lg poleh bili lor. Mau tingok apa maciam tulu lor.

Mana poleh siang siang ciagap pinya leih.

Tp gua butut butut ciagap itu Dialog is real potential high flier pinya. Mau tingat, poleh tingat. x mau tingat pun poleh. Gua apa pun talak lugi, apa pun talak untung. Sintili tingok apa maciam, sintili evaluate, sintili decide yuga lor.


2018-05-28 19:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by jasontan1177 > May 27, 2018 06:42 AM | Report Abuse

itu la wa ciakap u jahat la..sendiri pun tak mau beli 3.7 3.5...asyik sulu olang beli wor.......sulu olang naik kereta ga......masa itu 3.06 lia sendiri beli . liam liam saje

Gua sutah lama panggit lu olang sumua tingok mah. 2.96 pun gua sutah panggit tingok wor, lg itu yam pun gua bulum ata funds libih lor.

Lg lu olang sumua pun buat buat x tingat caja itu jam mah. Lg apa gua itu yam mau ciakap. Nt lu sumua ciagap gua bullshit la, buluk loyar la, apa lanscheow la.


2018-05-28 19:29 | Report Abuse

Holding strong


2018-05-18 21:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by polycarp > May 18, 2018 08:53 PM | Report Abuse

Dream serioualy you shd warn us instead of
giving false hope. Maybe you are paid to do a dirty thing. That's why you don't know any better than.showing girls asses

Ha. Tu la. Lu olang lg bulum faham pinya lor. Ini gua sutah lama pinya investing technique & strategy. Gua talak allow gua pinya kapala libih fikit, excessive fikit, excessively analyse anything, becos it is only counter-productive & futile.

Gua sambit tingok ahmoy ponttot, gua pinya internal supercomputer lg ata yalan, kashi gua inspiration what other stock to diversify into. Tia sutah kashi tau shama gua, panggit gua diversify into itu Dialog. Gua pun sutah ikut shama tia lor. Ha, lu olang mana tau. @around RM3 yuga, gua sutah sapu. In hali sutah RM3.40 lor.

Blapa busat bijit gua sutah shimpan? Secret lor.


2018-05-18 21:39 | Report Abuse

Ha! Tu la. Itu hali gua sutah panggit lu olang sumua bili shama itu Dialog kan. Ha. Tu la. Klu lu olang bili sutah ata untung mali wor.


2018-05-18 20:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by Diven Teh > May 17, 2018 09:30 PM | Report Abuse

SUMATEC alway gostan

Yah gah. Tia gostan mau kashi hantam shama tia ponttot lor.


2018-05-18 20:23 | Report Abuse

sted by DkNY > May 18, 2018 09:48 AM | Report Abuse

banyak pening awal awal pagi banyak buntut pusing depan mata. Pi lain forum dulu.

Aik! Yah gah. Buntut buntut itu maciam ah. Lu sutah libih tingok shama tia lor., itu pasat pinya lor.


2018-05-16 11:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by jasontan1177 > May 16, 2018 11:52 AM | Report Abuse

u ok or not sikalang olang oil price up la...

sure want buy upstream la aiyo...ini pun mau olang ajar you ka....

You in love with Miss Sapura gah. Lai dat okay lor.


2018-05-16 11:53 | Report Abuse

Sapura in upstream. Dialog in downstream.

Upstream affected by oil price. Downstream not affected, in fact make even more profit when crude oil price down.

Also, look at last seven - eight years financial performance, whose is better.


2018-05-16 11:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by ProRoy > May 16, 2018 10:27 AM | Report Abuse

I profit much after leave this shit counter.. Go Sapura still cheap..

Yah gah

Buntut buntut itu maciam ah. Lg hali hali mali tingok pinya gah.

Dialog better than Sapura.


2018-05-16 11:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by jasontan1177 > May 16, 2018 10:08 AM | Report Abuse

wa tala sumatec now la...move to other oil stock already

Yah gah

Buntut buntut itu maciam ah. Lg hali hali mali tingok pinya gah.


2018-05-16 10:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by jasontan1177 > May 16, 2018 09:54 AM | Report Abuse

Wat credible turnarond story you are talking here ?

tong karat berlubang lubang . since jun 28th 2017 till now..

turnaround wat ? pisang turnaround story ala la.

Then you sell off everything you're holding now lor. Since it is all toilet paper to you. Why still keeping & crying every day.


2018-05-16 09:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by Alex™ > May 16, 2018 09:37 AM | Report Abuse

haha, i tot can all in my double storey house, iswara, gold, trading account + sailang, then cash out 100% change bungalow, suzuki swift, and more cash to punt hehe

Not so daring la. Lai dat cannot one la. But a few thousand that you cud afford, just for fun, can la. Just to cover for your next several visits to the spa lor.


2018-05-16 09:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by Alex™ > May 16, 2018 09:33 AM | Report Abuse

fuiyo ah dream, lihai wor....come give buy call alex want 100% return satisfy d~

Now WB cannot half sen anymore lor. But 1 sen still can. Try it some time.

If you satisfied with 50%, @1.5 sen you can sell oledy lor.


2018-05-16 09:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by dragonslayer > May 16, 2018 09:24 AM | Report Abuse

Aiyo ah dream ah...skilful player...buy toilet paper jado golden paper gah...aiyoyo...hope you manage to do it again this time..time is running out lah.....all the best ya.....aiyoyo....kikiki

I oledy did. Bought some more WB @half sen that time, and sold oledy @1.5 sen. Crazy, I know, but it works for me. 200% plofit.


2018-05-16 09:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by Alex™ > May 16, 2018 09:21 AM | Report Abuse

ah dream ah, that one is dream la, survivorship bias.

if all pn17 will rebound, then should all in sailang sell car sell house, hehe....

Not all PN17, of course. You hv to be selective & choose a good one with some viable assets, and a credible turnaround story.


2018-05-16 09:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by Alex™ > May 16, 2018 09:19 AM | Report Abuse

hehe, yalo, ah buffet also say ma, protect capital~ buy PN17, very fast holland o~

That wud be the usual, standard, textbook advice. It is good, sensible advice. But a skillful player, like a skillful footballer, knows that in certain situations he can forget the textbook & try some crazy, but brilliantly effective stuff.


2018-05-16 09:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by dragonslayer > May 16, 2018 08:59 AM | Report Abuse

Aiyo...oil price no relationship with production lah....still infant stage lah.....mau dapat cash injection first lah....no cash...hard to survive lah.....mau PN17 itu keluar dulu lah....aiyoyo...kikiki

PN17 is the time for buying, instead of crying.

Then when the financials are resolved, and price is sky-rocketing, that wud be the time for cool, calm selling, instead of furious, frenzied panic buying, and then smiling & laughing while taking one's slow, lazy stroll to the bank.

Way to play. Way to go.


2018-05-16 08:44 | Report Abuse

Ah Loy, lu buntut buntut confirm pukan itu gang gah

gih gih gih


2018-05-14 19:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by Desirees > May 14, 2018 07:43 PM | Report Abuse

hope so lor.

gih gih gih


2018-05-14 19:41 | Report Abuse

Posted by Desirees > May 14, 2018 07:38 PM | Report Abuse

Hahaha. debt laden with no money to fix up old well. how can?

Ha ha ha. Old well cannot fix can golek young well lor.


2018-05-14 18:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by derrickinvestor > May 14, 2018 06:51 PM | Report Abuse

aiyook dream.. wb tarak naik la

Haiyyaahhhh, Ah Likk. Lu talak bili @half sen, itu pasat lor ini hali tia naik smpy 1.5 sen pun lu talak nampak lor.

You must start learning to see it in terms of % ROI, not just absolute sen. You must forget that old bunch which you bought at high price for the time being. Cannot leave your investment mind sangkut at that place forever lor.


2018-05-14 18:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by derrickinvestor > May 14, 2018 05:58 PM | Report Abuse


since u r a sorceror... pls cast a spell to sunatec so that it can erect to rm1

That's why lor, Ah Likk. I asked you oledy to hantam WB gaw gaw @half sen. But you didn't want to hear me last week & week before that.

If you had, then you only need to sell @1.5 sen to get 200% profit. Enough lor, for one year. No need to be so greedy & want some more.

You know, even if you had bought 1,000 big lots @half sen, it wud hv only cost you 5k. And if you now sell @1.5 sen, you wud oledy make 10k gain. See, now you shud be able to see why I prefer hawt young daughter to mature milf. Not that mature milf is so unattractive though. She ain't so bad also.