
DreamCommander | Joined since 2015-01-10

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2015-05-22 11:37 | Report Abuse

Tough call, Wealthy ...


2015-05-22 11:34 | Report Abuse

KAQ, if you hv a monthly pay slip, and your personal monthly cash flow can handle it, you cud try MBSB, BSN or Bank Rakyat ... They're the ones offering the lowest interest rates at the moment, as far as I know ...

But don't ever get within even mile of any ah long, you'll just end up being slaughtered by them ...


2015-05-22 11:30 | Report Abuse

KAQ, no need to be impatient ... Just 1 sen per round, or even 0.5 sen per round, is enough ... The important thing is you keep making profit ... Regularly ...


2015-05-22 11:27 | Report Abuse

Try harder, AndyChucky. No loss, dude. No loss at all. Maybe you are the one who made big loss. And now trying your darndest best, albeit without much success,to try to make some else feel as frustrated, bitter & disappointed as you hv been & still are ... right? ...

What do you really know about intelligent stock investing, dude ... All you're doing is drifting around I3, constantly looking for someone to hassle & heckle ... In order to forget & drown out your own continuous investing failures, bad judgements & lousy decisions ... LOL

If I go back into Suma WB now, @13, after my next sure-to-come round of profit with Nova, I'd be getting close to 1,400 big lots ... So, 5,000 big lots is within realistic reach for me now ... Steadily coming nearer & nearer ... And there ain't anything so smart-arse clever that you cud say about that now ...



2015-05-22 10:50 | Report Abuse

KAQ, gua sudah dapat selonggok ... Tak kicik, tak besar, tapi boleh kata solid jugak la ...

Harap2, touch wood, ini tahun ini dapat ansur2 jadi longgok besar jugak la ...


2015-05-22 10:30 | Report Abuse

Semalam sudah mimpi ... Ini hari lagi mau jadi ... Kanan kiri, kanan kiri ... Mimpi sudah ada, wang misti mari ...


2015-05-22 10:28 | Report Abuse

Huh? Why discussing IFCA stuff on Suma forum? ...


2015-05-22 10:25 | Report Abuse

Lagi ada orang mau juai @19.5 geh ... Haiyyaaa, susah mau cakap la ini macam punya orang ... Dia suka beli tinggi, jual murah ... Itu dia punya hobby, apa nak buat ...

Tunggu dia bosan dulu lor ...


2015-05-22 10:16 | Report Abuse

Now, now, what latest silly ghost story is makin da rounds out there right now, one wonders ...


2015-05-22 10:15 | Report Abuse

Wonder what latest silly ghost story is makin da rounds out there right now ...


2015-05-22 09:49 | Report Abuse

So, what is your next sell price target, or buy price target, DonLee?

Or maybe you don't hv any target at all ...


2015-05-22 09:43 | Report Abuse

ItikMuda mana tau main, dia belum cukup ilmu lagi ... Kena la pegi menuntut dengan itik tua dulu ...

Tak tau menari, nak salahkan tanah pulak, kata tanah tinggi rendah pulak ...


2015-05-22 09:39 | Report Abuse

Semalam sudah mimpi ... Ini hari lagi mau jadi ... Kan kiri, kanan kiri ... Mimpi ada, wang mari ...


2015-05-22 09:35 | Report Abuse

And you are the new 'he he' guy, right? ...


2015-05-22 09:32 | Report Abuse

Always frightened this, frightened that, how to play ...


2015-05-22 02:01 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-05-21 23:50 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-05-21 23:05 | Report Abuse

Lu jangan main, Eric ... Don't play play ... Nanti satu hari Glotec shoot up to 60, baru la lu tau ...


2015-05-21 22:56 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-05-21 22:36 | Report Abuse

Dia cakap Sumatec HAPRAK stock, tapi hari-hari mari bikin sibuk kat Sumatec forum, itu orang satu orang tu ...

Apa pasat dia ini macam ah ...


2015-05-21 22:14 | Report Abuse

Sum55, what's dat herb you're smoking ... Wonder if I cud hv some ...


2015-05-21 21:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by beruangemas18 > May 21, 2015 08:05 PM | Report Abuse


So, betul la macam gua suspect selama ini, kan ... For YOU, and ESPECIALLY for you, Sumatec is a HAPRAK stock ...

Thank you for your long-in-coming admission & confession. Only now we know this for certain. God bless ya. Dude.


2015-05-21 20:42 | Report Abuse

Sum55, I hv a suggestion for you ... Start learning to play short term, and making small profits regualrly ... While still keeping a view of the long term and dreaming of ginormous but achievable wealth ...


2015-05-21 20:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by beruangemas18 > May 21, 2015 08:05 PM | Report Abuse

Im not like u bro.i dont promote anything.i dont have any second intention like u.i know there is people out there who are not being exposed by the growth of potential company.im sharing bro im enjoy sharing.i dont give a da.mn fu.ck care if u dont want to buy .your money power.just sharing bro.

Kalau mahu ditakdir kan stock grow price,grow jugak bro.aku tau berapa banyak orang sangkut glotec sama sumatec.kalau gua ada intention macam lu DC, WA CONFIRM KINA TIAU MACAM LU.CON PEOPLE HARI2 CAKAP STOCK BAGUS TAPI HAPRAK .EXAMPLE STOCK KAU PROMOTE ADALAH SUMATEC.

I must've pressed a sensitive button somewhere ... LOL

Well, you won't catch me going into another stock's forum, slyly sprinkling bits & pieces of info which wud likely cause adverse impact on that stock price-wise, then subtly promoting Sumatec to da dudes in there ... Say what you want, dude, but that's what you been doing all this while ...

I hv even advised dudes in here, lately, to consider playing in & out while waiting for da big rise ... Is that still promoting Sumatec? ... Nope. But I will defend it against anyone who comes in with a personal secret agenda to downgrade it & bring it down ... as I hv always done from day one of joining Sumatec forum ...

And, dude, you sound rather angry ... I'd watch your blood pressure if I were you ... And your heart condition ... Stay cool ...


2015-05-21 20:01 | Report Abuse

Just made some yesterday ... A quite substantial some ... Will be making some again tomorrow, or next week ... Yup, Miss Nova is a cool game, for sure ... Oh yeaahhh .... For those who know how to play with her ....


2015-05-21 19:55 | Report Abuse

BeruangEmas, doesn't look like your desperate hard-sell strategy to hawk your not-so-glowing Glotec in Suma room is working so well ...

Maybe you need to polish nup a bit more on marketing technique ... You don't seem to be very good at it, do you? ... LOL


2015-05-12 20:09 | Report Abuse

Now oready 1.76, end of year only 2.xx ah. Very slow lor, like dat one. DEve for long term investment.

Depends on the value of xx also la. If 2.xx = 2.98, then maybe can consider okay la ...

But if 2.xx = 22.12, then a bit slow la ...


2015-05-12 19:27 | Report Abuse

If I were ya all, I'd e seriously considering changing horses. The abang has travalled far. He looks like he's getting tired. He needs a break, ya know ...


2015-05-12 19:23 | Report Abuse

Nova-MSC, dudes. IFCA-MSC's little brother.

Of course, he's got da same surname. Poised to follow in his dear abang's footsteps soon ... Fairly soon ...


2015-05-12 19:19 | Report Abuse

if know how to prepare


2015-05-12 19:18 | Report Abuse

Salted fish also, if know to preare, cook & eat, can be very tasty lso, you know ...


2015-05-12 19:17 | Report Abuse

Eric, really ... You mean always like to play with salted fish? ...


2015-05-12 16:53 | Report Abuse

You can buy me a few drinks, Conn. At a club of my choice.


2015-05-12 16:52 | Report Abuse

Or perhaps it's factored in oredy


2015-05-12 16:51 | Report Abuse

But we're in mid May now, Sephie dude. What happened in Jan - March ain't so relevant anymore ... I think da market will absorb the dissappoinment, if it's a disappointment ...


2015-05-12 16:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by sephiroth > May 12, 2015 03:00 PM | Report Abuse

B careful guys on o&g counters, once their results out this month , BOOM downwards as the overage oil price from jan to mar, maybe used 50-55

Dude. It's attacking the 70 level now. Well, Brent is.


2015-05-12 15:10 | Report Abuse

6 Hot Pennies (Focus Magazine):

EG Industries, Century Logistics, Y&G, OCB, JCY, TPC Plus.

Funny they didn't mention NovaMSC. This one has been good for me.


2015-05-12 15:07 | Report Abuse

Focus magazine:

UEM Sunrise, Current Price 1.30, TP 2.15

Edge Magazine:

MMC, Current Price 2.68, TP 4.95
Press Metal, Current Price 2.93, TP 5.41


2015-05-12 14:53 | Report Abuse

In Malaysia also got nice, clean, magical mountain water, BMS. No need to go to Kazakhstan one. Can get at Gunung Kinabalu in Sabah, Gunung Tahan in Pahang or Gunung Stong in Kelantan.


2015-05-12 14:50 | Report Abuse

Mau bili murah-murah ... Habis, baru naik 0.5 sen sudah cipat-cipat juai, dia apa macam mau fly klu selalu ini macam ...


2015-05-12 14:45 | Report Abuse

KAQ, don't tell me lu bulum cuba lagi. Gua sudah dua round untung wor. Solid2 juga wor. Now waiting for third round. I know it will come. I just know it.


2015-05-12 14:39 | Report Abuse

Yes, you tell us, Bodoh.


2015-05-12 14:35 | Report Abuse

What end of game, BBoy ... Lu no play punya boy, how to hv end of game ...


2015-05-12 14:32 | Report Abuse

OTOH, that does hv its risks too, though. One might hv bought @ 13.5, say, then sold to make small profit @14.5, say, only to later be watching it sail gradually up to 17.5, say ... Well, stuff happens ...


2015-05-12 14:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by blackmagicshares > May 12, 2015 02:02 PM | Report Abuse

all those shares bought .. the money can be put in other counters for day of week trade, buy n sell.. here is like a rat got stuck to a glue patch ..

So, you one of da stuck rats ah ... Well, cud try using some of those voodoo tricks of yours then, to set yourself free, one wud hv thought ...


2015-05-12 14:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by supernova > May 12, 2015 12:13 PM | Report Abuse

im still queuing at 20 cents almost 10 days

Just going by your name, one wud hv thought dat you were a Nova dude ...


2015-05-12 13:59 | Report Abuse

Just becos some dudes queing & hoping @19.5, doesn't meant dat it's going to hit 19.5


2015-05-12 13:57 | Report Abuse

Ya lor. Must hv patience lor. If no patience, how to succeed one. Wely difficult like dat one.