
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2015-07-23 13:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by derrickinvestor > Jul 23, 2015 09:27 AM | Report Abuse

DreamConqueror... It is a fact... Iam just telling you the fact....

Fact huh ... Of course ... 'Fact' constantly & regularly being manu-fact-ured by the Oppo & Oppo-sponsored & Oppo-influenced trash in the increasingly out-of-control blogosphere ...

And I'm not talking about any cell-phone manufacturer from China here ...


2015-07-22 18:15 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-07-22 18:11 | Report Abuse

Derrick, you yourself keep on propagating falsehood & misinformation about 1mdb ... therefore also contributing to da market's fall ... and then you complain about falling stock prices ...

You see, how stuff happens ...


2015-07-22 17:55 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-07-22 17:22 | Report Abuse

Po dah la lu, DickyMe ... Nama pun confirm macam enyah gatai juga ... Dia banyak suka panggil orang kasi dikky sama dia la tu ... Itu pasal, dia suka pakai itu nama ...

Aik, dia suka bapak Alab ah ... Oh, itu pasal la, gua kasi tunjuk video dancing pompuan Alab, semua pun yg cun cun kaw kaw pinya, dia langsung sikit habuk pun tak pernah ada tunjuk minat atau response ... Oh, patut laaa ... Baru la gua tau, sekarang ... Dia suka yg yantan pinya leihhh ...


2015-07-22 17:09 |

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2015-07-22 16:19 | Report Abuse

Around Hari Raya time last year, IFCA WA was 20, Suma Mother was about 50, and Suma WA & WB was about 40 ...

Now, if that time someone had said that both IFCA Mother & IFCA WA were gonna whup Suma Mother & Suma Warrants in one year's time, everybody would hv shouted to him, 'Bollocks!' ...

But look where Suma & IFCA are now ...


2015-07-22 16:13 | Report Abuse

Now Nova can get 14.5 - 15.5, Derrick dude ... Ya never know, it could do a mini-IFCA type of rally one of these days ... And it's also got the MSC brand, just like IFCA ...

Don't wait for it to get to 40, then see & hear every Tan, Din & Hari talking about it darn everywhere, then only you wanna start chasing it ...

Just like Sumatec, just like EG, just like IFCA, grab a penny stock that you hv studied hard, long & deep about & you think it has got reasonable potential, before everybody else wises up to it & starts chasin it up the wall ...


2015-07-22 16:04 | Report Abuse

Depend on market conditions also, Derrick ... If buy when cheap, before everybody notice & get excited, sometimes can make big gains, especially if Lady Luck on your side also ... ...

I bought IFCA-MSC WA last year Hari Raya @20 ... Went up to 1.60 in around March - April this year ...


2015-07-22 15:58 | Report Abuse

Focusing on Nova for now, Derrick dude ...


2015-07-22 15:56 | Report Abuse

Where got I sell at loss leih ... I sold WB also at 17.5 leihh ... Then bought back 13.5, then sold back @14.5 leihh ... If wanna buy back again now also can get 10 - 10.5 leihh ...

Now play Nova for the time being lor ...


2015-07-22 15:51 | Report Abuse

15.5 looking strong ...


2015-07-22 15:49 | Report Abuse

Cannot say tarak luit la, DS ... Investor ma, how can say tarak luit ... If tarak luit, how come can do investing leihhh ...


2015-07-22 15:28 | Report Abuse

Hv to play big la, DS ... Like I suggested to you already ... Cheap stock, once you've identified a 'relatively safe' range, you play big ...

1 sen, if play 500 big lots, gives you 5k ... If can do just once a week, 1 month you get 20k ...


2015-07-22 15:13 | Report Abuse

Waah, sulah up 1 sen leihhh ...


2015-07-22 15:10 | Report Abuse

Can shift some cap to Nova la, PRC4Wife ... Now special offer ...


2015-07-22 15:09 | Report Abuse

Trap? PRC4WIfe got trapped oledy ah? ...


2015-07-22 15:05 | Report Abuse

when is this warrants' expiry date ...


2015-07-22 13:10 | Report Abuse

Stay cool ... If you wanna stay ...


2015-07-22 12:50 | Report Abuse

Gua klu gua urut awek, tak yah pakai minyak pun boleh jalan ... Tapi klu dia nak jugak, gua recommend minyak serai wangi ...

Klu dia yg urut gua, boleh pakai minyak dhab campur minyak ikan linang campur lavender essential oil ... fooohhhhhh ... kaw kaw pinya ...


2015-07-22 12:47 | Report Abuse

Aik, AyamTua dah tukar ka business minyak urut pulak dah ...


2015-07-22 12:30 |

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2015-07-22 12:10 | Report Abuse

Gorla, oh nooooo ... Can't just stick to pertinent stuff all da while, ya know ... Da stress & seriousness of it all would end up being counter-productive for you in dat case ...

Gotta learn to chill ... Investing in fun & joy ... Making money while being happy, ya know ...


2015-07-22 12:06 | Report Abuse

Posted by KAQ4468 > Jul 22, 2015 10:59 AM | Report Abuse

Mana itu mak nyah tarak melawat ini reban ka ?? Kikikiki
Gua rasa dia belum bangun lagi tu , semalam kerja teruk....kikikiki itu lorong haji taib semalam demand over supply ....hihihihi Bangladesh & Myanmar turun cuci plug ...

Itu enyah gatai DickyMe tu ka ... Dia hari-hari mari Nova dah sekarang ni ... Dia dah nampak Nova pinya potential la tu ...

Maklum aja lah ... Dia dah dapat duit kerja part-time dia tu lebih sikit la kan, musim raya ni kan ...


2015-07-22 12:02 |

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2015-07-22 11:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Jul 22, 2015 11:26 AM | Report Abuse

Aiyooo..ada pengalaman ka..KAKAKAKa...manyak suka main buntut ka? kekekeke...

Ha, habis la kau, KAQ ... Dia dah kasi pelawa sama kau tu ... Dia pinya ketawa pun dah merengek-rengek lain macam aja dah tu ...


2015-07-22 11:54 | Report Abuse

DickyMe la yg confirm paling banyak pengalaman, ini bidang ... Ai, dia punya nama pun DickyMe, itu memang confirm golongan enyah gatai punya nama, panggil orang kasi dikky sama dia juga ...

Lagi nak putar belit pusing cerita pulak ... Puttar walla punya enyah gatai juga ...


2015-07-22 10:18 | Report Abuse

Gua prefer to save my mind for da big solid deals, KAQ ... Klu tikam kichit-kichit ni, bagi gua la, buat serabut aja ...

Nanti kita distracted, maybe to the point of missing the big ones ...


2015-07-22 10:11 | Report Abuse

Strong volume this morning ... Hmmm ...


2015-07-22 09:38 | Report Abuse

Gua suka yg ada solid business potential ... Jadi klu dia ada drop sikit bila-bila tu pun, kita still tak takut nak hold ...


2015-07-22 09:35 | Report Abuse

China punya too unpredictable for me la, KAQ ... Susah sangat nak analyse & sukar nak cari & study the facts ... Tu pasal gua kurang minat ...


2015-07-22 09:21 | Report Abuse

Aih, ini hari cam boleh naik 16 ni, nampak dia punya gaya-gaya tu ...


2015-07-22 09:18 | Report Abuse

Dia mana nak faham concept trading canggih cam tu ... Cakap besar kolang ajat juga yg dia tau, dia tu ... Tapi hati chickenheart punya hati juga ...

Lain orang ada lionheart la, ada braveheart la, dia tu apa, chickenheart juga ...


2015-07-22 09:13 | Report Abuse

Aih, klu ikut gua punya kefahaman, klu nama 'DickyMe' tu maksudnya panggil lain orang kasi dikky sama dia leihh ...

Golongan enyah gatai la tu ...


2015-07-22 08:45 | Report Abuse

Oh, golongan enyah ka dia tu ... Memang kelompok enyah gatai la, rupanya ... Patut la, dia punya nama pun lain macam aja bunyinya ... DickyMe tu ...

Macam dia panggil orang kasi dikky sama dia la tu ... Don't play play one wor ...


2015-07-03 00:20 | Report Abuse

But if you don't perform up to da mark, you get all your wages deducted ...


2015-07-03 00:17 | Report Abuse

DamianTreez, you cud offer yourself for da job of free lance alternate PM, maybe for a month or two, for half pay or something, while you're on probation ... Then you can keep us posted on your progress ... If you do make any ...


2015-07-02 14:43 | Report Abuse

Apa maciam mau naik ... bilik pun tiam-tiam saja ...


2015-07-02 11:17 | Report Abuse

Guys, it's easy to whine, but ain't so easy to lead ...


2015-07-02 11:11 |

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2015-07-02 10:56 | Report Abuse

Kontuik investors la itu ... Lain olang sulah bili 15.5, lia lagi mau kasi juai 15 ...


2015-07-02 10:29 | Report Abuse

Looks like TomYumGoong is losing his goong ...


2015-07-02 09:58 | Report Abuse

Now, about Greece ... If EU eventually completely rejects Greece's bailout appeal proposal, then that means EU can confidently cope with a Grexit scenario ...

OTOH, if EU not confident that it can handle a Grexit scenario, then EU will eventually accept Greece's bailout appeal proposal ...

Either way, the Greece issue will be eventually resolved ... without permanent serious damage to EU ...


2015-07-02 09:50 | Report Abuse

That's why he made all your posts disappear leihh, CartoonBullz ... ki ki ki


2015-07-02 09:47 | Report Abuse

CartoonBullz, you think God so easily listen to you one ah ... You think he love you so much ah ... No la, he laff at you only, you CartoonBullz ... ki ki ki


2015-07-02 09:44 | Report Abuse

Today break 1.40 la, hor ...


2015-07-02 09:38 | Report Abuse

Apa maciam, woi, ShhittyObserver ... Sulah 15.5 leihhh ... Lu pinya shhitty prophecy sulah manyiak salah wor ... Manyiak manyiak salah wor ....

Ini maciam ah, siapa olang lagi mau lingat sama lu pinya prophecy lain kali leihhh ... Talak siapa leihhh ...


2015-07-02 09:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by fortuneebullz > Jul 1, 2015 04:11 PM |

Post removed. Why?

Aik, CartoonBullz pinya post suma sulah kina buang geh ... Apa pasat ah ... ki ki ki


2015-07-02 09:28 | Report Abuse

Looks like IdaHow's bomoh power is continually dissipating ... Up, up into da clouds ... Where are you, Ida ... Wooooo hoooo ...