
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2015-05-18 17:41 | Report Abuse

Who cares about some frekkin company's record, KLLee dude ... The important thing is one makes some substantial profit ...


2015-05-18 17:39 | Report Abuse

Siapa yg sudah main panic selling tak ada ong lor ... Siapa yg main steady ada lor ...


2015-05-18 17:37 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-05-18 17:31 | Report Abuse

Eric dude, lu sudah lagi lama main Nova drpd gua, lu lagi tanya gua meh ...

25 - 27 pun boleh punya le ... But cannot say when lor ...


2015-05-18 17:27 | Report Abuse

Tipu la lu, Matthew ... Thursday & Friday pun lu sudah kelam kabut panic selling @18.5 ... LOL


2015-05-18 16:56 | Report Abuse

Itu KakiSaham pun sama juga ... geng queue @15.5 juga, itu orang, MatthewLTS punya kawan juga dia itu ... LOL


2015-05-18 16:51 | Report Abuse

Maybe you're a hawker food junkie ... LOL


2015-05-18 16:47 | Report Abuse

Ha, apa macam, MatthewLTS ... lu sudah queue @15.5 itu hari, bukan? ... Lagi sikit hari boleh dapat la hor? ... LOL


2015-05-18 15:49 | Report Abuse

Nope, I missed even that ... I actually got it @19, dat time ...


2015-05-18 15:47 | Report Abuse

Not impossible ... The last time it came back up from 16, it sailed up all day way up to 24 ... Luckily I caught it @17.5 ...


2015-05-18 15:45 | Report Abuse

TylerTan is going for 22, perhaps ... maybe more ... Can't blame him ...


2015-05-18 15:42 | Report Abuse

And 20 is still buyable ...


2015-05-18 15:41 | Report Abuse

Maybe Ken has a taste for dead fish ... That's why he keeps coming back to this room ... LOL


2015-05-18 15:39 | Report Abuse

It's just simple arithmetic ... even a 8 year schoolgirl can understand it ...


2015-05-18 15:38 | Report Abuse

Buy low, sell high ... NOT buy high, sell low ...


2015-05-18 15:35 | Report Abuse

But not for da rest of us.


2015-05-18 15:32 | Report Abuse

Yes, Ken. You're very right. Dead fish. For you.


2015-05-18 15:31 | Report Abuse

Ha! Tengok la tu ... Kan sudah naik 20 balik dah, kan ... Klu dia dah nak jalan, kejap aja, kan ...

Ha. Siapa yang kelam kabut panic selling @18.5 itu hari habis lor ... Sudah rugi 1.5 sen tak pasal2 lor ...


2015-05-18 14:33 | Report Abuse

Many lots la, must be ... Dats why you wely sad one ...


2015-05-18 14:16 | Report Abuse

You holding a lot ah, Sum55 ... Many lots one ah ... Sorry, just curious ...


2015-05-18 13:33 | Report Abuse

Ha, tu la ... Lu tengok dia pun lu sudah geram tak boleh tahan ...


2015-05-18 13:12 | Report Abuse

Me, I like to sell high ... Becos I prefer to be investing in order to make gains ...


2015-05-18 13:10 | Report Abuse

Those who wanna sell cheap, just let them sell ... They like to invest in order to make losses, just let them be ...


2015-05-18 13:05 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-05-18 12:48 | Report Abuse

Every penny stock is an easy candidate for pump & dump ... That is only logical & to be expected, becos of their low price ...

But if there is a 'pump & dump', then, conversely, there can also be a 'dump & pump' ...


2015-05-18 12:03 | Report Abuse

Dare to Dream ... What one's mind can conceive, one can achieve ...


2015-05-18 12:01 | Report Abuse

I like to dream? SLM dude, I was NOT dreaming when I became Mr. Half-M in mid August 2014 ... starting with only 200k capital ...

Well, I'm gonna beat that record of mine some time ... And beat it substantially ... You just watch this space, my friend ...


2015-05-18 11:57 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-05-18 11:30 | Report Abuse

You can say that again, BorneoMalaya ...


2015-05-18 11:12 | Report Abuse

Well, it's gonna hit 22 again, at least, some time, for sure ... And dat time one wud hv made several k more ...


Way to play ... Way to go ...


2015-05-18 10:11 | Report Abuse

Stay cool, dudes ...


2015-05-18 09:44 | Report Abuse

You see, again, for someone brave enough to hv bought in @18.5 on Friday, he cud sell for 19.5 today ...

Compare that to the penakut investor who sold in panic again, on Friday, @18.5, and bought in panic again, today, @ 19.5 ...

Who wud hv been the more productive & the more efficient investor? ...


2015-05-18 09:36 | Report Abuse

Seriously, Mr. Chong, if I'm holding 5,800 big lots, I wud not be jumping down from anywhere to anywhere ...

I wud just be holding ... maybe play some short term games to keep making some regular profit on da way ... while waiting for da big rise to come ...

Then when it hits RM2, one fine day, I hv RM11.6 mil on me ... If it ever touches RM5, and who says something like that cannot happen, becos Amin Shah's PSC Industries once went up to RM16.50, WITYHOUT any big projects implemented to completion, then I wud hv nearly RM30 mil ...


2015-05-18 09:30 | Report Abuse

Ha ha. There's always someone who likes to be dramatic. You say that to EricB7B, Mr. Chong, and yes he will be jumping ... Jumping from da floor to da roof of his kedai at the profound hilarity of your dramatic suggestion ...


2015-05-18 09:06 | Report Abuse

Same thing in badminton ... Why does Lin Dan keep winning & becoming champion all da time? ...

Becos he's always playing tough, strong, robust, resolute & resilient ... He never gives up, gives in or admits defeat easily ... One cud always count on him to put up a tough fight against anyone ...

You beat him in da first game, he comes back strongly in the second game and beats you, and in the rubber set he's sure to beat you ... Becos he's stronger & tougher, both mentally & physically ...


2015-05-18 09:02 | Report Abuse

Even playing squash also, hv to be strong & tough, resolute & resilient, if want to keep winning regularly, especially at high level ... Seriously ...

If don't believe, just ask Nicol David or Delia Arnold ... Main lembut-lembut, banyak cepat letih, banyak cepat mengaku kalah, apa macam mau menang selalu ...


2015-05-18 08:46 | Report Abuse

Yes, just look at our good friend EricB7B ... He's a cool dude ... He's been holding on to his 5,800 big lots of Suma, bought @56 average, since 2013 ...

Right, Eric dude? ...


2015-05-18 08:41 | Report Abuse

Don't say the word 'give up', 'give in', 'back down', 'surrender' or 'quit' etc., Sumatec55 ... Those words should NOT be in any serious investor's dictionary ... Remove them from yours, chuck them into the bin ...

To be a successful investor in da long term, one must develop a strong mind & will ...

It's during times of challenge & adversity that must one must make an extra hard effort to remain firm, strong, brave & resolute ... Like a soldier fighting a tough battle ....

What army will win any battle if their soldiers don't hv enough toughness & resilience, and they buckle & fold in the face of the slightest challenge form the enemy? ...

Investing is very much like fighting a war, and every investor is very much like a soldier .. So, gotta learn to play tough, strong, brave, robust, resolute & resilient ... AND also wise, smart, sharp & intelligent ...


2015-05-18 08:30 | Report Abuse

You can hold on to it dead tite & not let go at all, like holding a bantal golek (supporter pillow) while you're sleeping ... That cud be one option ...

Or you cud slip in & out, on & off, trading short term & making some small profit every now & again, either playing Suma alone, or Suma in combination with some other ... and still be interested & invested in Suma for da long haul ...which is what I'm doing now ...

I've been lucky this last two months or so, playing this way ... playing Suma WB in combo with NovaMSC ... Made profits equivalent to about 15 % of the total capitalcurrently available to me for investment ... Which wud hv been merely 'sleeping' capital if I had not been playing this way ...


2015-05-18 08:18 | Report Abuse

So strong one ah ... I better monitor lor ...


2015-05-17 17:32 | Report Abuse

Stay cool, dudes ...


2015-05-17 17:10 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-05-17 16:03 | Report Abuse

Manohra & Sudhana Kumara, you recall dat chapter title? ...


2015-05-17 15:13 | Report Abuse

Now my gym work very strong on da leg machine ... pushing 300kg regularly now ...


2015-05-17 15:11 | Report Abuse

Talk gym one ah ... I forget da name oledy ah ... now lemme jog my mind a bit ... oh, excuse the pun ...

You da one who tried reading my draft action-adventure novel one ah ...


2015-05-17 15:01 | Report Abuse

KittheungMakmak is Eric-B7B ka ... I think so ...


2015-05-17 14:56 | Report Abuse

Even for Nova also, I thought 20 was a safe price, Sum55 ... Becos I had made a few rounds of profit by buying at that price ...

But last week it dropped to 18.5, while my latest cost price was 20 ... Well, what to do, that's an investor's life ... Just gotta bear with it until it recovers to above 20 again then ...

It wud, sooner or later, I reckon ... Better sooner than later, for me ... LOL


2015-05-17 14:45 | Report Abuse

Suma WB & NovaMSC now, KittheungMakmak ... Just chatting with our friend Sumatec55 ...


2015-05-17 14:40 | Report Abuse

To be completely honest, Sum55, I wud not know what best advice to give to you. Becos there's always some risk, whichever option one takes ...

Just holding & waiting, hoping for da best, is one option, I guess. Or, you cud try to observe and see a current range, like a current, guesstimate weekly low or high, then do some short term play while still remaining invested in the long haul. Which is essentially what I'm doing now, I guess.

But it is not something easy to do, one has to admit. Last week, I thought 13.5 was a safe price to buy, for some easy 0.5 sen or 1 sen profit every now & again. Well, I succeeded in selling half of what I bought at 14, while the other half I had to struggle to sell back at cost (13.5), in order to buy back into Nova ...

No, I don't know shit about TA, I just watch the price trends, and combine that with my own gut instinct ... And fortunately, in the last two months or so it has worked pretty well for me ...

The stable range just keeps changing, it never stays constant form one week to the next ...