
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2015-03-23 05:38 | Report Abuse

Orang ajar simple punya method, dia tak mau dengar. Lagi main-main sama orang juga.

Nanti dia sudah rugi banyak, main banyak fancy punya pasai, baru la dia nangis, balik cari Mummy, ngadu kat Mummy ...

Ha, itu jam sudah banyak lewat la ... Apa yg Mummy boleh tolong sama dia ... Boleh kasi wang tambah sama dia la ... Dia punya Mummy banyak kaya punya orang ...


2015-03-23 04:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by cruiser > Mar 22, 2015 09:11 AM | Report Abuse

Oh..what an investor. Buy low sell high..Buy when people ran away and sell it high.

Lagi belum faham ah. Lagi mau belagak tunjuk pandai ah. Okay la, gua kasi ajar lagi satu kali, ah. Banyak sinang punya ini hat.

When people scared ah, price low or high? Price low la bukan? That's the simple meaning of buying low, when people scared.

Then, you gotta wait unti become confident & come back la. This wud take patience. Impatient people not suited to playing stocks anyway, you know. Thay can go visit some casinono somewhere, and try their luck there.

When people confident ah, price low or high? Price high la, bukan? That's the simple meaning of selling high, when everybody confident.


2015-03-22 00:29 | Report Abuse

Woi, Eric. Kita cakap pun mau ada ambition sikit. Itu jam mau pigi 1.80 pun, kuragn2 pun dia ada pigi 62 tiga empat hari juga kan.

Ha. Kira okay la tu.


2015-03-22 00:27 | Report Abuse

Eric, lu jangan main-main cakap bayang hantu tau. Nanti lu balik rumah, lu satu orang saja itu jam, itu jam lu nampak bayang hantu, ha, baru la lu tau. Ha ...


2015-03-21 19:30 | Report Abuse

Today & yesterday forum so quiet. Not like last weekend, busy & active from Friday afternoon, all the way through to Sunday evening.

After Suma suddenly spiked up 4 sen in late afternoon Friday trading.

You see. People go quiet when price drops relatively low. But that is really the time to go in. Not when it has suddenly spiked up relatively significantly.


2015-03-21 18:58 | Report Abuse

Well, there are plenty of dudes who insist, just from the way they talk, that they're playing to win.

But hv you really stopped, to really observe & really notice, just how many people, judging from the way that they play, that they're really going to lose.


2015-03-21 18:53 | Report Abuse

Be brave; Buy when others are afraid.
Be wise; Sell when others are confident & fearless.


2015-03-21 18:51 | Report Abuse

Buy at low; Sell at high.
And eventually, your net worth will fly.

Don't buy at high; Don't sell at low. Sounds like obvious & common-sensical advice, this one, but one would be surprised how many dudes keep practising this ludicrous investing habit.


2015-03-21 18:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Mar 21, 2015 05:26 PM | Report Abuse

Just because something isn't happening for you right now, doesn't mean that it will never happen. You never know what's around the corner! “No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time" Warren Buffett

That's why la. When it was cheap & stagnant, and someone recommended it to you for buy, you just wanted to argue, querry & condemn. Then, when it had only started galloping like a Kazakh stallion, then only you started sitting up & taking notice, and you cud not hold your excitement anymore. And you bought at high.

Learn something new every day. :-P


2015-03-21 18:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by eric_b7b > Mar 21, 2015 05:45 PM | Report Abuse


is.that true halim the buaya will push up b4 ri?
im holding suma wb at 38 cents x 100 small.lot and suma mother 5600 unit at 56 cents

That's why la. When it was cheap & stagnant, and someone recommended it to you for buy, you just wanted to argue, querry & condemn. Then, when it had only started galloping like a Kazakh stallion, then only you started sitting up & taking notice, and you cud not hold your excitement anymore. And you bought at high.

Learn something new every day. :-P


2015-03-21 14:41 | Report Abuse

If privatisation in the pipeline, then cannot buy for long term la huh?


2015-03-21 00:04 | Report Abuse

Need a short nap too now ... Happy dreaming ...


2015-03-21 00:03 | Report Abuse

14.5 for WB, I mean ...


2015-03-20 23:59 | Report Abuse

Mencuit hati gua? Awek man kah agaknya tu ...


2015-03-20 23:58 | Report Abuse

Put order for buy @14.5 Monday, DuitKita ... Then you will see a few sen profit pretty fast, no prob ...


2015-03-20 23:56 | Report Abuse

Stay cool, Bro ...


2015-03-20 23:54 | Report Abuse

Sorr Oz, just horsing around ...


2015-03-20 23:53 | Report Abuse

Unicorn in your dream ... or perhaps your gf see a unicorn in your sarung ... LOL


2015-03-20 23:51 | Report Abuse

Well, I can see & sense the mood kind of shifting in the sands of investors' opinion ... It's cool ...


2015-03-20 23:50 | Report Abuse

La, kejap ada, kejap dah hilang pulak dah, si Ozzie kita tu ...


2015-03-20 23:48 | Report Abuse

Aik, dah datang balik Ozzie kita. Ingatkan dah masuk tido tadi tu ... LOL


2015-03-20 23:46 | Report Abuse

Ummm ... ohhh ... errr ... wellll ... With the right woman to ride me, why not ...LOL


2015-03-20 23:45 | Report Abuse

And its also like Godzilla ... Once sudah bangun, & start fighting back, tak da siapa yg boleh lawan ...


2015-03-20 23:43 | Report Abuse

Like Ganghiz Khan's Kazakh stallion ...


2015-03-20 23:41 | Report Abuse

Like a Kazakh stallion ...


2015-03-20 23:39 | Report Abuse

You know la, our Suma's record ... Once it starts galloping, it's like a steppe stallion, flying across the plains like a typhoon on hooves ...


2015-03-20 23:36 | Report Abuse

Whoops, sorry, I was talking about WB prices, cos I'm playing WB ...


2015-03-20 23:35 | Report Abuse

DuitKita, you should hv come in @13.5 on Thursday last week. Then you cud hv sold @17.5 on the following Friday. And then come back in @14.5 or 15 today ...


2015-03-20 23:31 | Report Abuse

It's up to you, push up or buy ...


2015-03-20 23:30 | Report Abuse

Luu kurang masuk Suma pun ke na flag juga ka, DuitKita. Ada musuh lama, musuh guerilla, mush halimunan, menyorok kat dalam semak kat mana-mana la tu.


2015-03-20 23:28 | Report Abuse

As long as you don't hesitate when the price is good, DuiKIta, then you will be all right with Suma ...

Spend some time observing & studying, then pick da best moment to come in ...


2015-03-20 23:23 | Report Abuse

Woi, DuitKita. Evening, man.


2015-03-20 23:23 | Report Abuse

Itu jam pun dah terlewat juga la dia tu. Nama dia pu dah berapa kali tukar, sebab dah berapa kali kena ban, sbb selalu sangat bikin kacau, selalu sangat bikin taik dalam forum.

Orang lain dah merasa the benefits of RI satu round last year, ha, dia baru nak belajar main Suma. Ha, sekarang ni, dah nak tunujuk lagak pulak dah. Macam la dia tu pandai sangat main saham la kan.


2015-03-20 23:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Mar 20, 2015 11:07 PM | Report Abuse

LOL..kakakaka..dah jadi investor cap ayam la ni...HAHAHAHAHAHA... (scalping). Ko tau ke bila nak masuk dan keluar..Silap2 sekali Kaboom..jadi ikan bilis sangkut dalam jala..KEKEKEKE..

Macam tikus pula, nibbling....

Tu la, ada orang tu, dulu dia yg takut sangat nak masuk Suma. Berbulan-bulan masuk Suma forum, tak habis-habis hari-hari duk condemn Suma aja, hentam Sma aja. Tapi, bila dia tengok Suma dah jalan sikit, terus cepat benar dia tukar tune dengan tukar warna, sebab dia pun macam chameleon juga kan.

I know a chicken-brand investor in here, and definitely it's not me.


2015-03-20 23:13 | Report Abuse

DS, market cap 5 bil or not 5 bil is not that important, in my opinion.

The key thing is for investors THEMSELVES to transform their own pessimistic, cynical & negativistic perception & mindset regarding the long term viability & sustainabil;ity of Suma.

Every quarter, for the FOUR quarters, Suma has been reporting consistently decent profits. Thereby for the entire 2014, posting annual profit not far behind the declared profit projection. But apparently, this is still never enough to satisfy the majority of players & investors, judging by what I read in their postings. They still ask all kinds of questions, they still raise all kinds of doubts, about everything under the sun, as far as Suma is concerned.

It's like, they just find it so darn difficult to really, really believe that this little once deeply troubled company is now actually turning around and making consistent profits, and that under the helm of a tycoon that many of them still find hard to accept in terms of honesty, credibility etc., simply becos they do not hv access to the real truth about the man, and that they hv to resort much hearsay info about him.

Or maybe also because, like many players & investors, they hv built up the habit of preferring to listening to unsubstantiated hearsay & rumour, rather than verified facts.


2015-03-20 22:46 | Report Abuse

Ini minggu, ada in & out sikit. Strategi lama juga ni, tapi biasa tak berani nak buat dengan SUma, sebab takut sangat kena terperangkap ...


2015-03-20 22:43 | Report Abuse

Gua ini minggu, God willing, dapat la profit sikit. Dah lama sangat tak merasa profit, kan. Sebab asyik duk hold aja, kan.


2015-03-20 19:00 | Report Abuse

One's wealth will come to one, some time, God willing. It won't stay at a distance forever.


2015-03-20 18:44 | Report Abuse

Oh, I see. The Singaporean BC contract. That's cool.


2015-03-20 18:43 | Report Abuse

Getting what contract there. Pls share. I've been monitoring this one. Thinking of going in some time.


2015-03-20 18:36 | Report Abuse

Why so worried, NoManLand? Life is not for worrying. It is for being happy.


2015-03-20 14:44 | Report Abuse

"Shareholder misti la positif. Misti belieeeeeve in coampany goals, mission & vision, sama dia punya strategies."

Ya, rugi takpa, kapa1 tenggelam pun tak pa..tapi positif macam TITANIC punya kapten.

Gua ada cakap pegang mati ka? Gua ada cakap klu positive tak boleh main in & out at the same time ka?

Cakap belagak lebih juga lu ini. Belum faham habis apa maksud orang sudah cepatnak tembak, dia nak tunjuk dia pandai sangat la tu konon. Tapi tak pandai sangat pun. Semua orang pun sudahh tau punya.

Dulu lu nerapa bulan argue dengan old time pasal the investment-worthiness or otherwise of Suma. Bukan main belagak lagi lu itu jam, condemn Suma itu macam, ini macam. Orang lain dah puasa main, itu jam dia baru nak belajar main Suma. Bodoh pundek punya thambi kontuik. Belagak juga lebih.



2015-03-20 14:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by dragonslayer > Mar 20, 2015 01:49 PM | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH......wa mau cut kuku tebrau teguh......aiyoyo.......itu juga manyak property projects celita.....aiyoyo.......Suma takla celita lah.....aiyoyo....jangan salah faham ya.....aiyoyo......ha ha ha

Mana pulak tak da cerita. Klu lu beli 100 big lots @13.5 Thursday last week, then you cud hv sold it @17.5 on the Friday. For easy 4k profit over one trading day. Tak da cerita ini macam geh.


2015-03-20 13:39 | Report Abuse

Aiyya, DS jangan la cakap downgrade Suma, Lu sharehollder tau. Shareholder sendiri pun kasi taruk sama itu syarikat ah, habis la ini macam.

Shareholder misti la positif. Misti belieeeeeve in coampany goals, mission & vision, sama dia punya strategies.


2015-03-20 12:03 | Report Abuse

And there is also Cliq, which is due to complete its proposed acquisition of a quite sizeable O&G asset in Kazakhstan ... by month end ...


2015-03-20 12:00 | Report Abuse

Well, let the market & also HS do their jobs ... We all can only wait & see ...

Whether one wants to wait & see while staying invested ... or one prefers to wait & see after having cashed out first ... that would be up to to one's own personal judgement ... after having weighed carefully & thoroughly all the pros & cons ...


2015-03-20 11:44 | Report Abuse

... before making your own final judgement & decision ...

Gotta start weaning yourself off other people's advice ... Although you can still use that for guidance ...


2015-03-20 11:42 | Report Abuse

SLM, go talk to your remisier, then, after he has explained to you properly how an RI works, spend some time in deep contemplation ...


2015-03-20 11:40 | Report Abuse

Maybe cud put a portion of your capital in Nova, Noraini ... I've been hearing some folks saying good things about it ...