
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-11-08 19:30 | Report Abuse

Your 'wow' is fair enough, though. Any investment of 200k which builds up to 560k in a mere 10 months deserves nothing less than a big 'wow'.


2014-11-08 19:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreamsConqueror > Nov 8, 2014 05:18 PM | Report Abuse

Now answer this:

1. DREAMCONQUEROR lost RM120,000 in 2013. How much are you losing in 2014?

2. And don't tell me paper lost - you paying interest on your RM150,000 loan is a real loss. Pea brain.

3. You took a loan - so obviously you have to mortgage something - what was is? What is going to happen when you cannot pay back the RM150,000 loan ?

4. I can already see the future unfolding here. Obviously time is NOT on your side - so speculative was the only way for you and you are now caught with your pants down. Monthly interest payment a must - and you are living on borrowed time.

5. NO - I don't get it how duff can one be. Past record speaks volume - lost phenomenally in 2013 and in 2014 - borrowed RM150,000 and dumped into a speculative WARRANT B. WOW, I really mean wowwwwwww!!!

There isn't really much point in me engaging with a kiddy dikkhead dude who obviously has great trouble understanding plain, simple English. So this will be your last bit of fun.

For your Q1, nowhere did I say that I lost 120k in 2013. Scroll back your kiddy dikkhead head and read again. 120k was my TOTAL, ACCUMULATED losses in my ENTIRE investing lifetime. Now, that is a VAST difference.

For your Q2, why is that 150k a real loss? I still hv my 1,010 big lots of WB, which even at 23 is worth over 230k. A loan taken is NOT a loss, if it is still balanced by real, tangible asset worth at least the same value. Now, who's the one with the pea-brain bird-brain.

For Q3, not every loan needs a collateral. All MBSB needed from me was some guarantee and evidence of employment, which they're happy with as long as I'm repaying my monthly instalments regularly, which I am. Come the end of the repayment I'm period, I am debt-free, and my monthly ninancial management. This is called good financial maangement. But it's all alien to you. Dude.

Now, for Q4 and Q5, you don't understand much, so I won't waste any more time giving you more tuition that you cannot absorb properly.

Now, YOU still hv NOT answered MY question. How much are you investing in Bursa, and which stocks are you holding. I demand the answer NOW. The other forummers want it too.


2014-11-08 16:01 | Report Abuse

No fear. Saudi Arabia cannot afford to over-produce and under-price for so long. Their oil reserves might be vast, but definitely is NOT inexhaustible.

They also need to think strategically and long term. If they over produce for short term gains, they compromise on their long term financial security.

They're a one-commodity, one-sector economy. When they run out of their oil reserves, that's it basically for them. Finito. Kaput. Zilch.

They hv virtually zero manufacuring & services wings to their economy. They hv to make what oil they hv under their sands last for as long as possible.

So, over-producing now is simply bad long term economic strategy for them.


2014-11-08 15:40 | Report Abuse

Wait ... I e-mailed them to myself. Lemme see if I can retrieve them.


2014-11-08 15:35 | Report Abuse

I was watching a few videos with some oil dudes in them, off Bloomberg on Thursday.

The impression I gathered was that in the main theyr're predicting a return to at least 90 in 2015, with a couple of bullish ones even saying 100+


2014-11-08 15:25 | Report Abuse

Well, at least that is much better than kiddy dikkhead Mr. March's dikkyme-medikky forecast of a two year abysmal, abyss-level stagnation.


2014-11-08 14:55 | Report Abuse

Next year will see my holdings rise to 2,500 big lots. Ya all just wait and see.


2014-11-08 14:52 | Report Abuse

We just wait for oil price to hit bottom, YK. It can't be falling forever.

Then, next stage after that, we wait for it to rise back up to 90, then 100. And so on.


2014-11-08 14:46 | Report Abuse

Who, YK? Who has been killed twice?

Well, you can see that DreamConqueror is not dead yet. Still holding 1,010 big lots of WB. Still enjoying his weekends, still going to that cool club, watching that hot, exotic, foreign gelek dancer. Just waiting for the right chance to chat her up.


2014-11-08 14:42 | Report Abuse

I'm not worried about short term, YK. I prefer to think long term.

I like to play in cool, easy, laid back style. With lots of good songs, good music, crap talking in I3, belly dancing by beautiful ladies etc. etc. It works for me.

I prefer my journey to 1M, 10M and 100M to be fun, happy and relatively stress free. Which would be difficult to achieve if one plays with a short term mindset.

Which might suit some people, but not me.



2014-11-08 14:31 | Report Abuse

Half year waiting is small matter, YK. As long as after waiting 6 months, Suma flies up to 70 or 80.


2014-11-08 14:28 | Report Abuse

Ini Saudi Arabia pun ada bikin sikit kacau juga sekarang ni. Dia nak tunjuk dia punya power pulak sekarang ni. Dia tak peduli orang lain dapat masalah, asal dia aja yg untung and maintain customers.


2014-11-08 14:14 | Report Abuse

Haiiyyyaaa, YK. You don't over-react la. Like putting triple question marks (???) like that, that is an indication of over-reacting lor. One question mark (?) not enough ah.

Lu tak da baca news meh? Oil prices falling from: (1) increased supplies from expanded production; and (2) lowered demand due to slow growth - even fear of recession - in US & Europe.

Biasa la ini macam. Global economy like this one. Cannot always be up one. Kita tunggu saja lor.

Tapi klu ada sesiapa yg betul-betul confident economy will fall substantially, then they can still make money from index futures and commodity futures trading. If they are really that confident.


2014-11-08 13:51 | Report Abuse

Hey, I'm even enjoying this now, giving the most basic, fundamental, elemental, potentially life-changing tuition to naive, skills-starved, experience-challenged novice newbie kids. Hmmmm, yes, I do surprise myself sometimes.

One thing, though. They seem to hv this penchant for cloning themselves into great multitudes. Oh well, must be that growing-up, teenage-insecurity kind of thing then, I guess.

One kiddy dikkhead dude feels insufficient in dealing with someone he sees as a potential threat to his fragile teenage credibility, then he does the only thing he knows. Clone himself into 30+ clones, and attack his perceived 'adversary' with all of them, thinking that he would really make much headway.

Oh well. Kids will always be kids.


2014-11-08 13:26 | Report Abuse

Now, next time you float again here from under the mental flotsam that you seem to be continually submerged under, let us know how much you hv invested in BUrsa, and in which stocks. We're all still waiting for that.


2014-11-08 13:19 | Report Abuse

Now, off on your bike.


2014-11-08 13:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreamsConqueror > Nov 8, 2014 12:41 PM | Report Abuse

DREAMCONQUEROR - you back !!

Very good - can you please answer !!

1. You posted below on October 18, 2014 that you lost RM120,000 in the stock market up to 2013 - meaning you are very bad with judgement and picking stocks. And you always tell tales you are long term investors - I haven't heard LONG TERM investors losing money unless they bought companies that end up going bust!!

2. You borrowed money now RM150,000 as personal loan and invested in SUMA . How much interest you paying a month?

3. You betting on borrowed money? Wow!! and you trying to preach people here about INVESTING?? Do you really have a clue what you mumble?

4. Your own capital is less than your borrowed sum and then you dump everything into a speculative stock???? Wow! wow! Wow!!!!

Dude. Now, let me give you some massively needed tuition in the most basic elements of finance and investing. Real world stuff, rather than the one you gobble up raw from a textbook and regurgitate back out every time you feel like you need a petty argument to validate your fragile sense of teenage self-esteem. You really need it. Big time.

For Q1, seriously, seriously, you hv not heard of dudes losing money? Then you just hv confirmed-verified yourself as a novice newbie with virtually zero experience. Even big-tycoon dudes like HS has lost money at some time or other during their entire corporate/business lifetime. The important thing is, they hv the courage and resilience to come back, and make good on their previous losses. Like me.

For Q2, we don't bet, we invest, but becoz you don't understand it, especially the skills an expertise involved, you call it by a wrong name. FYI, my MBSB personal loan is at 3.99% per year, which is less than half currently being offered by most major banks. I can use the 150k to buy a small apartment, but then it would take at least 7 years, say, to double in value. If said apartment is in a good location. But with Suma, my 220k investment in late October 2013 became 560k in mid-August 2014. If your form 3 maths is anything up to speed, maybe you can spend some time cracking your little pea-brain bird-brain.

For Q3, what is the big deal about investing with borrowed money. Dudes buy houses and condos with borrowed money too. Now, who is the one with the better clue in his head here.

For Q4, yes, the basic rule is to spread risk over a wide area. But for someone who knows how the rules work, he has the skill and confidence to occasionally break, or bend, or stretch, that rule. But you would hv a big problem with that, I know, and I cannot help you. Now, if I had spread my 220k over 10 stocks in October last year, it would not hv made that much difference right now, anyway. I would still be around break-even point, with the current market scenario, global geopolitical issues, falling oil prices etc. etc.

So, get it?


2014-11-08 12:26 | Report Abuse

When you've just sold some Suma, you badmouth it like heck to make it crash.

But when you've just bought some Suma you talk it up like heck to try to make it rise.

You're just a chronic, pathological chameleon.


2014-11-08 12:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Nov 7, 2014 06:29 PM | Report Abuse

Yes I am, I am not a quitter!

In a way, you could be right. You're a chameleon who never quits being a chameleon.


2014-11-08 11:46 | Report Abuse

Everyone has 24 hours per day. It is up to one how wisely and how efficiently one utilises that time. And who is Mr. Mohandas Karamchand to tell one how one should go around doing that.


2014-11-08 11:40 | Report Abuse

So called 'wealth without work' is limited to stuff enjoyed via inheritance by princes and princesses, and children of multi-billionaires, and other dudes of born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

As for dudes like you and me, if one of us makes 100k a month from some fortuitous investment, that is NOT 'wealth without work', becoz we hv done our work in studying, researching, coming up with the necessary capital, and undertaking the risk.

If we are all going to fulfil and satisfy 'wealth with work' by Mr. Mohandas Karamchand's profoundly misguided criteria, then we'd all hv to be ploughing earth with oxen and picking fruit and grain with our bare hands.


2014-11-08 11:23 | Report Abuse

Every next few miles on his strategic highway, HS surprises us all with some new thing hidden up his sleeve. The last big one being BE, of course. A true master poker player, he is.

So, what would be da next big 'surprise', Ring. What would be the next piece in HS's growing O&G-petrochem-upstream-downstream jigsaw. Well, there is CN Asia for a start, that one would be a reasonable candidate too.


2014-11-08 11:11 | Report Abuse

So, YK, what did I say? Now, you can stop seeing ghosts in trees, in bushes, behind hillocks, in ravines, in shadows and wherever else ... and stop chasin up on other dudes to help shore up your own flaggin internal confidence in Suma ... and go back to focused market predicting using your own quite formidable forecasting talents. Well, even Mr. March seems to be a big fan of yours in that area.


2014-11-08 11:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by march > Nov 8, 2014 10:05 AM | Report Abuse

Arrogant Dreamcon is giving advice to humble yk john ... me think yk john makes more money in bursa than that dimhead ... hahaha

Allow me to display some more arrogance, and to state unequivocally my honest, heartfelt belief that Mr. March has no money to buy even 10 big lots of Suma, and that the only reason he keeps surfacing in Suma room every now and again is to kill his time by engaging in a bit of general shhitting and kacau-kacau. Precious spare time that he should really be saving for studying and going over his class assignments, coz he hasn't even passed his college diploma yet. Assuming that he has actually got through his SPM, of course.


2014-11-07 23:18 | Report Abuse

No, I held EAH for only a few days, Eric. I bought at 12, hoping to sell at 14 fast. But it did not happen, so I sold it and went back to chasing up Suma WB which was going up fast like heck that time, from 25.5 on Friday 12 July to 37.5 on Monday 15 July.


2014-11-07 23:14 | Report Abuse

The wise investor does not put a tight time frame on anything. He is NOT worried about WHEN his stock will deliver. He is more concerned on WHETHER OR NOT a stock he is looking at CAN OR CANNOT deliver. Just saying.


2014-11-07 23:09 | Report Abuse

So, it's DraculaE now, what's happened to DraculEric ...


2014-11-07 23:04 | Report Abuse

Hey, WomanX, you always jump so fast into assuming that someone is talking bad at you. I was not. Was just being talkative and friendly.

But since you've shot your mouth already, I throw the same shhit back at you.


2014-11-07 22:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by woman_x > Nov 7, 2014 10:22 PM | Report Abuse

If not because my quota o's filled I would bang Sumatec kaw kaw and that's a fact.. Did my homework.. Good night guys.. Enjoyed sharing our tastes in music tonight..

The 'what if' game. Oh yeaahhhh, it's really great. Just imagine it, if you had bought kaw kaw into Suma when it was 20, well before the last RI, then taken up RI up to the hilt, then sold out at 62, then bought back at 29.

Oh yeaahhh, cooooolll ...


2014-11-07 22:43 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-11-07 22:20 | Report Abuse

Posted by YkJohn11 > Nov 6, 2014 05:42 PM | Report Abuse

SJ, Noraini, Looiks

I feel no confindence now....

Really kecewa this sumatec...

Should I cut ?????

Some say this is big trap....no hope ald

Game over.....

Market crush soon

HS no come out say something

Look like sumatec not a important at all

U all still hold for miracle????


Dude. Grow up. YOU hv run out of confidence, and you think SJ, Nooraini, LooiKS or anyone else can top it back up for YOU.

Right. Just like you call up Syabas to come top up your area water tank when you've run out of water in your home. Wow. Fantastic thinking.

Sorry, young man, but that ain't how it works. Only YOU can top up YOUR confidence if it has run out. Nobody else can, no matter how hard they try, even as hard as Superman.

As for 'cut loss', one only 'cuts loss' at 10% loss. Definitely NOT at 50% loss. Unless one is absolutely sure that one's stock is going bankrupt.

Do you seriously think that Suma is going bankrupt so soon. No, I don't think so, because it has already collapsed before, then has paid off all its previous debts with proceeds from last year's RI.

FYI, HS is running a serious business. He is not just spending time shuffling shares and shifting stock prices up and down for dudes like you and me. If you hv no faith in him, well, you can shift your money elsewhere. IFCA, PDZ, whatever. Hopefully to a company that you really believe is much berter run, eh?


2014-11-03 05:14 | Report Abuse

So, by extension, if anyone really, really thinks that Suma is gonna fade away forever, they must be really, really naive too. Coz Suma is a rider on O&G. So, as long as the world lives, Suma lives.


2014-11-03 05:05 | Report Abuse

Of course. If anyone thinks O&G is gonna fade away for ever, they must be really, really naive. O&G is what fuels the global economy. As long as the world lives, O&G lives.


2014-11-03 04:08 | Report Abuse

Bilik Glotec ni cam dah jadi bilik geletek ka.

Gua masuk aja, dengar bunyi 'ki ki ki' sana, 'ki ki ki' sini.

Hmmmmm, tak tau la, apa nak jadi ...


2014-11-02 02:14 | Report Abuse

Dia dah terpikat ngan Katerina Shereen ...


2014-11-02 02:12 | Report Abuse

Eric tengah belajar gelek dancing in Suma room ...


2014-11-02 02:11 | Report Abuse

You don't smoke in that favourite B2B place of yours then? What's its name, Ori-something, Omiron or something ...


2014-11-02 02:02 | Report Abuse

'learn up with' = 'learn to put up with'



2014-11-02 02:01 | Report Abuse

Then you don't hv much chance of scorin with Alonna, or Samira, Jameela, or Fawzia, or Whatsshername, then. You'll hv to learn up with a bit of noise and smoke, dude. Coz that's where the action is. If ya get my drift.


2014-11-02 01:53 | Report Abuse

And I'll be goin there tommorow nite. Of course.


2014-11-02 01:50 | Report Abuse

Yup, you just take a slow walk along BB main road. Look for a medium size hotel, like 4-star, or maybe 5-star, which in fact used to be an ofcie building mostly occupied by PETRONAS. And approximtaely opposite it is probably the biggest new hotel in BB area.

So, just on the ground floor is the place, which is kind of semi-open air, so you coud either just gawk and gaze from outside, or you could pop in, hv a smoke or a drink, or even join with the dancin.

And if you feel like watchin some good ori belly dancing, you take a short walk around the corner, and pronto, there's a belly dancin club! Where a gorgeous, exotic foreign dancer, with a body almost like Katerina's, does her hot routine around 1 a.m.


2014-11-02 01:40 | Report Abuse

Nope, in BB area ...


2014-11-02 01:39 | Report Abuse

Come on, DraculEric, young man. Whot's happened to your sense of humour. Okay, perhaps I know why. Maybe you're now drained from spendin too much effort fightin with BeruangEmas in Glotec room.


2014-11-02 01:34 | Report Abuse

Tell ya what, DraculEric. There's a place in KL when you can see similar lookin babes like Katerina - well almost - dancin to their heart's content ... oblivious to the world ... in near complete abandon ...


2014-11-02 01:31 | Report Abuse

Just givin ya a challenge, young man. Can't make anything too easy for ya, can we?


2014-11-02 01:28 | Report Abuse

I'm not sure that you will hit anything. Even after spending all your bullets.


2014-11-02 01:24 | Report Abuse

I knew it, DraculEric. With a girl like Katerina inviting you in, you just can't decline.


2014-11-02 01:04 |

Post removed.Why?