
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-11-11 23:07 | Report Abuse

And I thought you only like to tiao amoy in B2B until YOUR mother can't recognice you.


2014-11-11 23:03 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-11-11 22:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by ogre > Nov 11, 2014 10:52 PM | Report Abuse

As for TH Heavy???
Please enlighten......

Try some quiet, laid back, stress-free, zero-pressure, no-time-frame kind of reflection, contemplation and meditation some time.


2014-11-11 22:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreeamConqueror > Nov 11, 2014 08:32 PM | Report Abuse


Salute! Respect! Tabik! Hormat!

Yes. The 'Gua tabik lu, lu tabik gua' game. It could be a fun game to play. Very popular with some kids.

Quite similar to the 'Gua garu nelakang lu, lu garu belakang gua' game.

Yes, of course.


2014-11-11 22:46 | Report Abuse

Whether the tide of battle is going FOR him, or going AGAINST him, a warrior's heart remains strong, brave, fierce and fearless, come what may and no matter what happens.

Remember that, dudes.

Stay cool, stay strong.


2014-11-11 22:44 | Report Abuse

Strong heart & stout spirit, dudes. The way of the warrior. Stock investing is not for the timid and the frail-willed.

Either one has the mental resilience to weather the occasional storm or gale, or one is just not cut out to make it in this hard world.

And that is not saying that a lady can't play stocks and succeed. As you can see and observe from Nooraini, she has a heart that is stronger and stouter than that of many men.

It would not be a shame for any man to learn from her and be inspired by her.

Long live Queen Nooraini.


2014-11-11 22:41 | Report Abuse

As a serious investor, one considers oneself a businessman, prepared to take reasonable risk and to put in significant money into a business or project, for the credible promise of serious profit.

For example, if someone comes to one with a reasonable business proposal, lays out his plans on the table, and manages to persuade one that it has a reasonable chance of succeeding, what would one do?

One would study and scrutinise the plan, of course. And if it stands up to one's own, personal due diligence, then what would one do next?

One accepts the proposal, of course, and one comes on board as a partner. One does not look a gift horse in the mouth, does one?

That is what being a businessman is all about, isn't it?


2014-11-11 22:30 | Report Abuse

Getting money from the market is basically capitalising on (i.e. creating capital out of) the company's own yet uncapitalised assets, including intangible assets.

Assets like a good, credible business turn-around plan in the case of an ailing company being rescued by new buyers, a realistic, viable and potentially achievable going-forward plan (e.g. planned acquisition of another company with strong profit potential, good business networking and connections of the new buyers etc. etc. etc.

After all, that is the main purpose of public listing, isn't it? To enable a company to obtain business capital from the investing market, as an alternative to getting it from the banks, with all the constraints and conditions which that would entail.


2014-11-11 22:09 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreamConquerors > Nov 11, 2014 10:05 PM | Report Abuse

No before you come to conclusion ask The big question : why not borrow some money from bank ? Why only go to shareholders?

Because with banks you have to disclose everything and only after fully fledge DD do you know whether you are going to get the loan or not. So in this case, maybe they already know the answer.

Also - getting funds from shareholders is the easiest route because shareholders know little to nothing and trust everything the owner says. Simple analogy is you buying a soda and trusting whatever written on the can, you don't verify it independently by doing your own chemical analysis to determine the chemical composition to ascertain whether what is written is factual.

The fact that some companies do not run to the banks to offset some of their financial requirements and always load their naive shareholders is already a tell tale sign.

As that is not the case with the banks or financial institution as they have or will pay good money to engage a SME or other means to conduct a thorough DD and only once they are fully satisfied will agree to a loan. Plus you have the payment terms and agreed milestones of loan repayments which includes obligation that you must honor in terms of profits guarantees .

Getting money from shareholders don't require all these, you just take their money and issue them more share. Deal done!

Hmmmm. Like we don't know this already. Tell us something new, dude.


2014-11-11 22:01 | Report Abuse

Ya all hv seen the final confirmation of HS's link with and forthcoming entry into PDZ. After many months of speculation.

Watch out for a couple more similar jigsaw-completing, conglomerate-building initiatives.

DreamConqueror's inspired-guess potential candidates?

Ohhh, ummm, errr, wellll ...

CN Asia could be one, of course.

And the other one could be ... surprise, surprise ... ahem, ahem ...

TH Heavy?


2014-11-11 21:47 | Report Abuse

The Mods know which one is the original McCoy, and which one is the pathologically plagiarising, habitually copy-pasting, chronically copy-catting, perpetually ripping-off trouble stirrer.


2014-11-11 21:42 | Report Abuse

We will see. Hv fun while it lasts.


2014-11-11 21:37 | Report Abuse

Mods, I don't know about ya, but by my reckoning a poster who makes a habit of plagiarising another poster's ORIGINAL name, to the point of even stealing that other poster's ORIGINAL avatar picture, then using that PLAGIARISED persona to badmouth and disredit that other ORIGINAL poster, including by spreading false rumour, is simply the lowest of BAD forumming form, and this kind of forumming misconduct should not be allowed to get away scott-free.

Just saying.


2014-11-11 21:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreeamConqueror > Nov 11, 2014 09:29 PM | Report Abuse

Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock

Is that all? Try harder.


2014-11-11 21:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreeamConqueror > Nov 11, 2014 09:24 PM | Report Abuse

Siput - correct - it all depends on the tonnage price THHE secured the work and how Badli organises his workforce to optimise. I know this year fabrication tonnage contract awards have dropped significantly

When you hv the balls to be posting under your own original, unplagiarised name, kiddy dikkhead dude, then your posts might start getting some serious respect.


2014-11-11 21:25 | Report Abuse

My MBSB loan was approved in mid July last year, Eric. And the first instalment payment started in the October following.


2014-11-11 21:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by Dracular_E > Nov 11, 2014 09:18 PM | Report Abuse

Poo lia boo March.
The way u tock belly lansi ah

You know la, Eric. There is a certain species of man, if one could really call it that, that tends to get into lanxi-heksi-rude mode, emo-ballistic mode, every now and again.

If you get my drift.


2014-11-11 21:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreeamConqueror > Nov 9, 2014 02:23 PM | Report Abuse

Anyway - please do enjoy the rest of your weekend and do have fun this week.

Posted by DreamConquerors > Nov 9, 2014 11:36 AM | Report Abuse

No before you come to conclusion ask The big question : why not borrow some money from bank ? Why only go to shareholders?

Suma dudes, again, all be informed. The above 2 posts are NOT mine. I am DreamConqueror, the real original McCoy with nearly 2,000 posts. Check my name thoroughly to see how it is spelt.

While the above posts hv been made by someone who does NOT seem to hv enough character, personality, self-esteem and balls to use his own original name. But rather = for reasons best known to himself alone - he prefers to plagiarise someone else's name (mine) and copy someone else's avatar picture.

He was named DreamS(Ass)Conqueror until a few days ago. But the Mods eventually wised up to his troublesome, nuisancesome, hustlesome antics and suspended that name.

So, now he's registered himself again under 2 more plagiarised names, i.e. DreE(Eee)amConqueror & DreamConquerorS(Ass).

Just letting ya know, dudes. I know that ya all know me and my no-nonsense style. I can be humorous and friendly to those who I find reasonable, but I will whup any troublesome, nuisancesome, hustlesome kiddy dikkhead dude into eventual submission, no matter how long and how much it takes.


2014-11-11 21:15 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreeamConqueror > Nov 11, 2014 09:11 PM | Report Abuse

March - DREAMCONQUEROR is not worried - he is not holding any SUMA - he just kacau2 here and dreaming only - kikikiki

Whenever DREAMCONQUEROR start posting - SUMA start dropping big time - you can do the graph and extrapolate. Very cun!

He only dream Semua SUMA punya - Habuk pun tadak - kikikikiki

And you're going to be suspended again. Pretty soon. But then that's okay for you, right?

Coz you're just going to register yet another clone name similar to mine. You must be in love with my name.


2014-11-11 21:10 | Report Abuse

Dropping and rising, dropping again and rising again, is all part and parcel of the game, kiddy dikkhead dude March @ DreamS(Ass)Conqueror (which has been suspended) @ DreE(Eee)amConqueror (which will soon be suspended) @ DreamConquerorS(Ass)(which will soon be suspended) @ TruthSeeker @ OptiMouse @ SureLaughDie @ FartLaughCry @ DoraeMon @ etc. etc. etc.

Even a dikkhead drops and rises, drops and rises again, drops and rises again, and again, and again.

Big deal.


2014-11-11 21:03 | Report Abuse

Eric, when AT is down, only one person in this whole wide world can get him up again. Both literally and figuratively.

That would be his forever-forever girlfriend, Miss Fam Jenny.


2014-11-11 21:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by Dracular_E > Nov 11, 2014 08:52 PM | Report Abuse

Who is this woman x.
Is she a she? really sure

Well, Eric. Ummm, ohhh, errr, if you ask me, the way that she sometimes pouts and glares, and goes ballistic with her emo, every now and again, does not really make her sound like a man. At least not a real man.

But as they say, looks can be deceiving sometimes.


2014-11-11 20:51 | Report Abuse

I still hv my 1,010 big lots of Suma WB, Eric. And I hv not bought even a single unit of Glotec yet.

But I do go into Glotec room once in a while. To gv moral support to some old friends.


2014-11-11 20:49 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-11-11 20:39 | Report Abuse

I'm a stupid fart, am I? Well, WomanX, let's see if you still hv the audacity to come to me and say the same thing when I've made myself into Mr. 10M.

And if you're still stupid enough and daring enough to do that come that time, then I shall give myself to do to you whatever I deem appropriate as reward for you. Deal?


2014-11-11 20:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by woman_x > Nov 11, 2014 08:29 PM | Report Abuse

Yo stupid fart while I am deleting all my posts and this account let me just explain to you I am not quitting my investment in SUMATEC we have in fact been accumulating since Sept non stop until last week and busted our quota because we are still confident.. get it? I'm quitting because you are here to mess up this forum by pretending to be doing a noble deed. Rumour has it you disposed off your WB at low and switched to GLOTEC at high and in deep sheet and you blame the 'tunggu' gang for your predicament and you are here to play reverse psychology by creating many trailblazers to fight against yourself. And the way you antagonize the 'haters' with unprovoked hateful comments and your stupendous call of WAIT strategy for your 10M and 100M is so ridiculous . We are here for serious investments millions at stake not 'childish' egoistic display. That is what I am quitting kapish!

Really? Well, I only hv one thing to say about all that.

Ha ha ha.


2014-11-11 20:31 | Report Abuse

Exactly. And holding power is NOT only about having the money.

It is also about having the mental strength and resilience.

And a heart that does not wilt and wither so easily, WHETHER in the most intense of heat, OR the most biting and freezing of cold.


2014-11-11 20:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by Dracular_E > Nov 11, 2014 08:13 PM | Report Abuse

During glory time of sumatec, I see many people here. Tock abt how they love sumatec, bla bla bla.

But finally is Eric still stay here , others... Batang hidung also no c.

Im still loyal to sumatec.

Good lad.


2014-11-11 20:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by Dracular_E > Nov 11, 2014 08:13 PM | Report Abuse

Sounds confident.

And what other choice does one have?


2014-11-11 20:19 | Report Abuse

Just can't take the pressure, can she? Now, how is she ever going to succeed in this hard, challenging, investing world. It certainly is NOT child's play, is it?

Gotta keep one's cool, and calm, and poise, and serenity, in the face of anything. Absolutely anything. Getting all emo-ed up, and angry, and fired up, and burning up, over nothing, is NOT going to get anybody anywhere significant.


2014-11-11 20:12 | Report Abuse

Ha ha, WomanX. We're going to miss ya. Take care, girl.


2014-11-11 20:11 | Report Abuse

I was already Mr. Half M in mid-August, Eric. So, progressing to Mr. M would be no big deal for me.


2014-11-11 20:06 | Report Abuse

I don't hv a crystal ball yet, Eric. I shall tell you when I hv one. But I can tell you that I am going to be Mr. M one of these days. If not next year, then the year after that.

And then, after which, I shall be pursuing the next stage of my dream.

So, it is up to you to remain with me on this, or not.


2014-11-11 20:02 | Report Abuse

Whether the tide of battle is going FOR him, or going AGAINST him, a warrior's heart remains strong, brave, fierce and fearless, come what may and no matter what happens.

Remember that, dudes.

Stay cool, stay strong.


2014-11-11 19:51 | Report Abuse

I don't do talk downs, Eric. You know me. I prefer to play positive, to focus on the upside.


2014-11-11 19:46 | Report Abuse

It would not be a shame for any man to learn from her and be inspired by her.

Long live Queen Nooraini.


2014-11-11 19:44 | Report Abuse

Strong heart & stout spirit, YK. The way of the warrior. Stock investing is not for the timid and the frail-willed.

Either one has the mental resilience to weather the occasional storm or gale, or one is just not cut out to make it in this hard world.

And that is not saying that a lady can't play stocks and succeed. As you can see and observe from Nooraini, she has a heart that is stronger and stouter than that of many men.

It would not be a shame for any man to learn from her.


2014-11-11 19:25 | Report Abuse

YK, grow up will you? This time is a flippin downtrend season for all O&G stocks, Suma included. Of course in the short term it will continue to hv a down side. It does not take an Einstein to predict 'tomorrow low' at a time like this.

I can also say it. You can also say it. Any frekkin Tan, Din or Hari can say it. One does NOT even need to go to Form V class to say this kind of thing in this kind of season.


2014-11-11 19:19 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-11-11 19:16 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-11-11 19:08 | Report Abuse

And now he's back to his spineless, gutless, characterless kiddy flagging game again. That cowardly, stinking, shhit-spouting, kiddy dikkhead dude.


2014-11-11 19:00 | Report Abuse

YK, stop acting like a little boy, stop crying for help, and start playing and acting like a real man, even and especially when the chips are down.


2014-11-11 18:56 | Report Abuse

And he's also registered with multitudes of other clone names, among which are March, DreamS(Ass)Conqueror (which has also been suspended), TruthSeeker, OptiMouse, SureLaughDie, FartLaughCry, DoraeMon etc etc. etc.


2014-11-11 18:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreeamConqueror > Nov 9, 2014 02:23 PM | Report Abuse

Anyway - please do enjoy the rest of your weekend and do have fun this week.

Posted by DreamConquerors > Nov 9, 2014 11:36 AM | Report Abuse

No before you come to conclusion ask The big question : why not borrow some money from bank ? Why only go to shareholders?

Suma dudes, all be informed. The above 2 posts are NOT mine. I am DreamConqueror, the real original McCoy with nearly 2,000 posts. Check my name thoroughly to see how it is spelt.

While the above posts hv been made by someone who does NOT seem to hv enough character, personality, self-esteem and balls to use his own original name. But rather = for reasons best known to himself alone - he prefers to plagiarise someone else's name (mine) and copy someone else's avatar picture.

He was named DreamS(Ass)Conqueror until a few days ago. But the Mods eventually wised up to his troublesome, nuisancesome, hustlesome antics and suspended that name.

So, now he's registered himself again under 2 more plagiarised names, i.e. DreE(Eee)amConqueror & DreamConquerorS(Ass).

Just letting ya know, dudes. I know that ya all know me and my no-nonsense style. I can be humorous and friendly to those who I find reasonable, but I will whup any troublesome, nuisancesome, hustlesome kiddy dikkhead dude into eventual submission, no matter how long and how much it takes.


2014-11-11 18:37 | Report Abuse

OPEC meeting or no OPEC meeting, Suma will not be staying down forever. It's past debts are all paid up. It already has iron-clad gas supply plant construction and operation deals with Markmore Energy that are its profit guarantees for the next several years. The current oil price downtrend is not going to last forever, it's just a load of Saudi hype to intimidate Iran and Russia, and that ain't gonna work for very long.


2014-11-09 03:31 | Report Abuse

Well, they can just delay the dumping, if they still want to dump.


2014-11-09 01:28 | Report Abuse

Aided by expanded oil demand in northern hemisphere beginning in winter, and economic recovery in EU and US, maybe there could be a swing back up some time next year.


2014-11-09 01:26 | Report Abuse

The irony of it is that further falling oil prices could discourage and retard high cost shale oil production, thus gradually contributing to curbing of oversupply, thereby eventually driving prices back up, especially if the rest of OPEC manages to persuade Saudis to reduce production.


2014-11-09 01:21 | Report Abuse

It is both oversupply on one hand, due to Saudi overproduction to keep existing customers and grab new market share, recovering production from Libya, and some US expanded tight shale oil production, and underdemand on the other hand, from slowing economy in both EU region and US.