
DreamHunter | Joined since 2013-11-25

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2014-08-15 13:29 | Report Abuse

Gift offer for 60 expired at 4.45 pm last Monday, YK ...


2014-08-15 13:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Aug 14, 2014 07:54 PM | Report Abuse

DH Tarzan......Aik jgn tak pakai apa apa.....Nanti bila nak kejau Jane ...tersangkut kak pokok durian.....apa macam? .....aduuuuhhhh!......

Tu la, susah gak jadi Tarzan tau ... Kdg2 tu, Tarzan yg nak cucuk Jane, tapi tersilap langkah, Tarzan sendiri pulak yg tercucuk duri ... LOL


2014-08-15 13:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by Mustafa Amir Mohamed > Aug 14, 2014 06:25 PM | Report Abuse

Is this a start of a super bull market? underlying strength is so strong.. Suma and Pdz as leaders?

Some folks say that a superbull occurs once every 20 years ... Well, the last one was 1994 ... So, ya just do the maths ...

Only this time, the superbull could be triggered and led by a GODZILLA, which is right now still a toddler GODZILLA albeit already a pretty powerful one ... Our Suma GODZILLA, of course ...


2014-08-15 13:18 | Report Abuse

Well, I ain't too bad at findin and hittin da right spot ... I hit it spot on quite regularly ... LOL


2014-08-15 13:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by alexisvics > Aug 15, 2014 01:06 PM | Report Abuse

The best counter to play contra.Fry while the wok is still hot..

This wok is gonna keep warm for quite a while to come, dude ... Till 2018 at least, by my own personal judgement ...


2014-08-15 13:05 | Report Abuse

I told ya all months ago ... Now it's really, truly happened ... SONA Mother has been whupped big time by Suma Mother ...

Next O&G rival in line for a good whuppin ... Now in Suma's gun sights: THHeavy .... Just hang around if ya wanna watch da show ...


2014-08-15 12:59 | Report Abuse

A female one, of course ... an authentically female one, to make doubly sure ...


2014-08-15 12:58 | Report Abuse

I want a hot, young Arab, Turkish or Iranian masseuse ... you can help get one for me ah ... LOL


2014-08-15 12:56 | Report Abuse

Posted by Nancy Tang > Aug 15, 2014 12:09 PM | Report Abuse

Prophet of doom( you know who) hiding in some toilet ... too embarrassed to be heard or seen ... silly chap!

Well, apparently one particular prophet of gloom is still hangin around, testing his luck ... his initials are LRC ... LOL


2014-08-15 12:52 | Report Abuse

I also do some massage ... part time ... but for ladies only, though ... when they make a special request ... LOL


2014-08-15 11:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by leslieroycarter > Aug 15, 2014 09:10 AM | Report Abuse


Dude. It's really only you who hv been seriously in need of a serious correction, big time ... So, better do it fast ...


2014-08-15 11:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by leslieroycarter > Aug 15, 2014 10:58 AM | Report Abuse


Really ... Much more correct to say that you're the only regularly, constantly bearish dude around in this vicinity ...


2014-08-15 09:29 | Report Abuse

Boleh doa supaya matahari tak terbenam ini petang tak, ManMin ... atau doa supaya dia tak terbit besok pagi, boleh tak ...


2014-08-15 09:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by manmin > Aug 15, 2014 09:21 AM | Report Abuse

Doa terus doa !!!! 7 digit coming soooooon

Doa kosong tanpa usaha dan ikhtiar yg bijak tak dapat hasil menda ManMin ... serupa saja dengan kes orang sakit yg dirawat dengan doa kosong tanpa ubat atau rawatan tepat dan wajar juga ...


2014-08-15 09:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by AyamTua > Aug 15, 2014 03:18 AM | Report Abuse

sumatec evergreen mantras:

1. tungguuuuuuu - Doctor Sang Jero
2. cobaannnnnn - Tok Guru Strategist
3. so how? - Fengshui Grandmaster YK John
4. Gelek Gelek video and mighty cockerel theorists from Langkasuka, Dato Sri Dreamhunter


Super-cockerel scene is still profoundly inspirational for me even to this day ... It keeps me going to the gym regularly ... Becoz I like to be able to perform like that super-cockerel ... LOL


2014-08-15 09:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by slm7212 > Aug 15, 2014 08:41 AM | Report Abuse

sleep only...cannot touch may be...

Once sleep together, mana boleh tak ada touch punya ... misti ada punya ... LOL


2014-08-15 09:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by cakarayam > Aug 15, 2014 08:48 AM | Report Abuse

mari kita berdoa... untuk sumatec pergi ke langit!!! kikikikiki

It is action, not doa without action and strategy using the right means and methods, which brings results ...

Maaf cakap la, tapi kapal hilang tak boleh jumpa dengan doa ... hanya boleh jumpa dengan usaha menggunakan kaedah, cara dan kelengkepan atau peralatan yg sesuai ... Ini apa, kita duk asyik berdoa, lain puak pulak yang bantu usaha mencari ... Ha, itu la dia ceritanya ...


2014-08-15 09:06 | Report Abuse

Gua day dreaming pun wang besar ada mari, MCD ... Ini macam punya day dreaming okay lor ...

Talak srupa lu punya day dreaming ... apa habuk pun talak mari ... LOL


2014-08-15 09:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by slm7212 > Aug 15, 2014 08:39 AM | Report Abuse

so DH manage to get ur cash from the condo yet ?? price getting too high to enter later..hahahaha

Gua ingat gua sudah tak jadi jual la, itu condo ... Gua sudah silap kira itu hari, gua baru start bayar instalment in June, so klu jual skrg pun gua dapat dia punya profit aja, maybe lebih kurang 150 - 160k ... Sebab gua beli harga 270k, now worth about 420k ...

Lagi senang gua tunggu MRT project siap in 2017, hopefully boleh naik itu harga lagi 200k ka ... senang kerja, tak payah kelam kabut ... Klu jual sekarang pun kurang-kuranag 3 - 4 bulan baru boleh tengok itu wang ...


2014-08-15 08:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by afata08 > Aug 15, 2014 08:48 AM | Report Abuse

Aku nak tidur dengan tenang jee....sambil bermimpi tidur bersama bidadari ...

Gua dulu ada satu orang ofis mate yg banyak pandai meditate and controlled breathing ... sampai boleh kasi dia punya telur naik balik masuk ke dalam perut ... lg boleh bikin bidadari mari ... Dia cakap dia sudah talak hairan tengok pompuan cantik yg betul punya ...


2014-08-15 08:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by AyamTua > Aug 15, 2014 08:01 AM | Report Abuse

gua tak ada niat bawa olang pigi tour holland except hollyland .. jangan fikir, beli saja wakakaka

Tapi gua memang ada niat sendiri satu orang mau gi Holland ... Mau jumpa Anusch Alawerdian ...


2014-08-15 08:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by brendayeap > Aug 15, 2014 08:20 AM | Report Abuse

If 60c everyman can sleep with me free

Brenda, really ... Now I hv to quote 80s bad-boy world #1 tennis player John Patrick McEnroe's famous expression, 'You cannot be serious' ...


2014-08-15 08:35 | Report Abuse

Fly day also can ... Rest day also can ... As long as one does not sell bodoh punya murah-murah, one will be all right ...


2014-08-14 18:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Aug 14, 2014 06:10 PM | Report Abuse

DH ....jgn jadi Tarzan lah.....Nanti kena pakai cawat......duit dah banyak tu bole la pakai branded punya barang ....macam zegna, boss, jam Rolex,.....betul tak Sjero & strategist?...hi hi hi....

Ai, klu duk tengah swing-swing sama Jane, tak yah pakai apa-apa pun okay gak tu ... heh heh heh


2014-08-14 18:10 | Report Abuse

1,000 years ago, when the ancestors of present Malays in the Peninsula were Hindus, Buddhists, animists, or mixed-faith etc., they did not have Arabic names like today ... many of them in fact had Indian names ... or also local, native non-Indic, non-Arabic names, like Busu (from Bongsu?), Uda (from Muda?), Utih (from Putih?) etc. ...


2014-08-14 18:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by KS_99 > Aug 14, 2014 04:04 PM | Report Abuse

One more question, if he is muslim. Why he still call Chris Dalton? don need a muslim name? or Chris Dalton is a muslim name?

Malay Muslims now use an ARABIC name out of tradition, and also respect for the earliest Muslims ... who were Arabs ... It is not absolutely compulsory to change name upon conversion ...

CD has an Arabic name, Omar Sharif ... are you happy? ...

But maybe he prefers to use his original name for business matters, perhaps because his old work & business resume all cary his original name ... I'm just guessing here ...


2014-08-14 17:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Aug 14, 2014 05:00 PM | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH..... Buy new lots to swing wor @ 0.54 ......Suma break high 0.565 .( sold 0.56)
Ini bukan terlepas...... Ini rezeki........alhamdulilah.
Terlepas if I defrost....still in freezer old Suma.....

Tu la, gua dah dua kali tersilap swing ... ingat kut nak jadi Tarzan ... tapi jual @24, kelam kabut beli balik @27.5 ... jual @38.5, kecoh ambik balik @40 ...

Sampai lots pun bukannya makin banyak, tapi makin sikit ...

Tu pasal dah phobia dah kat buaian la ni ...


2014-08-14 16:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Aug 14, 2014 04:43 PM | Report Abuse

DH .....Today .....I swing.....macam monkey .....in 0.54 out 0.56 .......now see can buy back 0.54 .....

Nanti klu terlepas kena tinggal, nangis tak berlagu kang ... berendam air mata kang ...


2014-08-14 16:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by leslieroycarter > Aug 14, 2014 04:44 PM | Report Abuse

better follow buyer's market , too risky to hold ?

I suggest you lead by example ... You sell all of yours first ...


2014-08-14 15:43 | Report Abuse

Suma Suma Suma Suma Suma season
You come and go
You come and go oh oh

Living would be easy if your colours were like my dream
Red, gold and green
Red, gold and greeeennnn

Suma Suma Suma Suma Sumillion
You come and flow
You come and flow oh oh

Loving would be easy if your colours were like my dream
Red, gold and green
Red, gold and greeeennnn


2014-08-14 15:39 | Report Abuse

GODZILLA, GODZILLA, come to DreamHunter
Let me be your rider, and your brother
We'll ride to our grand 2018 dream
You and me, we'll both thrive and prosper


2014-08-14 15:37 | Report Abuse

I like HHakim's broken-record style ... Like it, like it ... This is my own new broken record ... revisited and revised to take into account latest developments ...

Now only toddler GODZILLA attacking 58 ...

3 year old GODZILLA will attack 82 ...

5 year old GODZILLA will attack RM1.50 ... around end 2014 to mid 2015 ...

8 year old GODZILLA will attack RM2.60 ...

Teen GODZILLA will attack RM4.50 ...

Full grown GODZILLA will attack RM7.50 ... or RM10 ... in 2018


2014-08-14 15:34 | Report Abuse

In order for a warrior to live ... He has to dare to die ...

In order for a fighter to win ... He has to dare to lose ...

In order for a man to succeed ... He has to dare to fail ...

In order for an investor to get rich ... He has to dare to be poor ...


2014-08-14 15:29 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-14 15:21 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-14 15:15 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-14 14:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by Babeh Pengulu > Aug 14, 2014 02:55 PM | Report Abuse

will drop soon...

Lu boleh kasi juai habis la ku itu macam ... Nanti drop lu rugi banyak busat ma ...


2014-08-14 14:55 | Report Abuse

Ya lor, MBM ... Kita para-para investor ni, kenal la belajar ilmu nujum, sedikit sebanyak, tak sikit pun banyak ... LOL


2014-08-14 14:48 | Report Abuse

A still babyish GODZILLA leading a suiperbull charge ... Ummmmm ... It just makes sense ...

And this GODZILLA has still got much more room to grow ...


2014-08-14 14:38 | Report Abuse

I was contemplating selling my new condo in Damansara Damai last week ... Thinkin that I could get RM420k extra to hantam more Suma WB ...

Then couple of days later only I realised that I don't actually own the thing yet, but the bank does ... And if I do sell it now I might get about RM170k at the most, i.e. profit after the purchase price ... And even then it would take at least 3 months for me to see the money ...


2014-08-14 14:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by satumalaysia > Aug 14, 2014 02:05 PM | Report Abuse

Have sell my house , car ...land ...all in sumatec....

Really ... You could be in for huge wealth coming your way then ... How much you got altogether for what you sold ... Just as a matter of curiosity ...


2014-08-14 09:27 | Report Abuse

Eric, klu lu bili on Thursday 9 July, WB boleh dpt 22 sen ... Pas tu on Monday 13 July dia gi sampai 37.5 ... Lu betul cepat kaya itu jam ...


2014-08-14 09:23 | Report Abuse

Today 50 ah ... Well, let' see how it goes ...


2014-08-14 09:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by leslieroycarter > Aug 14, 2014 09:06 AM | Report Abuse

very overbought shares...too risky....since 27th June...till now...

Dude, sudah berapa lama lu cakap ini macam ah ... Lu ada simpan rekod ah ...

Tapi itu burung ada dengar lu punya cakap geh ... Dia mau terbang, dia terbang juga leh ... Dia ada tanya lu punya nasihat, dia boleh terbang ka tak boleh terbang geh ...


2014-08-14 09:15 | Report Abuse

Posted by eric_B5B > Aug 14, 2014 08:39 AM | Report Abuse

wah, dream hunter ada bulung, itu bulung mangiak ensem

Tu la, kan gua selalu cakap, klu mau tangkap burung atau itik, tangkap masa dia tido atau rehat ... Jangan tunggu dia dah terbang, baru itu jam nak kecoh kelam kabut terkejar-kejar nak tangkap dia ... Tapi banyak pemburu yg tak faham ini hal ma ...


2014-08-14 08:24 | Report Abuse

Ai, senyum aja semua Suma investors & players nampaknya ...

Jalan-jalan satu orang pun senyum aja ... Duduk minum satu orang pun senyum aja ... Hisap rokok satu orang pun senyum aja ... Mandi pun siul-siul nyanyi-nyanyi cam burung aja ...

Tido pun senyum aja ... Mimpi pun senyum aja ... Mengigau pun senyum aja ...

Senyum aja manjang-manjang ... 24 jam 1 hari ...

Bagus tu ...


2014-08-14 08:19 | Report Abuse

Suma la better, of course ... better by many miles ... Suma with Borneo Energy in its bag is gonna get 30,000 bpd production in 2018 ... profit US$328.5 mil (RM1 bil) in 2018 ...

Where got anybody else among small and medium O&G firms who can match that ...


2014-08-13 18:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by steady > Aug 13, 2014 06:01 PM | Report Abuse

so no capital is not good. risk to buy. buy u all love risk :)

Hi, Mr. Steady. Nothing wrong with loving risk ... As long as one also loves making money ... and manages the risk associated with making money with maximum STEADINESS ...


2014-08-13 18:18 | Report Abuse

Conn, I hv in fact met a Kazakh girl in KL before ... and you know what ... she looked almost like a Malay Malaysian ...