ELLIPSE08 | Joined since 2017-07-16

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2019-10-14 19:33 | Report Abuse

you are too worry i spoil the uptrend of Jaks

Nikmon //ELLIPSE08 why should I compete with you ?
I am more interested to prove you are not a good teacher
I am your paid subscriber , i am your boss, i have the right to scold you if do not do you job well


Very uncivilized...Money is not the king so as customer, we need respect each other regard less where stand at...

Share up also fight...for what. We should enjoy this moment.


2019-10-14 19:31 | Report Abuse

not agree ,
if you go to a restaurant, you bought fried rice , you paid for it, bring home you discovered it is rotten or it is cooked from unfresh food,
nothing wrong , tomorrow buy again from the same shop
is that what you mean ?

dailyklse2010 Dish choosen by ourself, no body is forcing. The taste of food maybe no suitable for you only.
14/10/2019 7:17 PM


2019-10-14 19:23 | Report Abuse


do not need to refund me the money
I do not need it
but I suggest and request you share your homework here free of charge for the year 2020
let the reader be the judge whether you are indeed that in that talented as you had claimed
you are rich man , you have made ten of million cash in your bank
no reason you dare not accept my challenge .

Ooi Teik Bee //Ans :
Please tell me your name, I will refund your subscription.
I do not wish to earn any money from you.
You have no manner at all.
I did not say a single word on you.


2019-10-14 19:09 | Report Abuse


am I telling lie ?
I am your subscriber,
I paid you 1000 to buy your tips
you claimed you made 140% ROI
how about me ?
still a few stocks following your buy calls stuck deep in the market
it you do not show off with your 140% ROI
i may quietly accept the bad luck
but when you keep telling the whole world your 140% success and all your subscribers are laughing happily to the bank
I find it hard to remain silent
now you are asking me to compete with you
if i can win you i would not pay you 1000 and call you sifu
hopefully you see the problem in your coaching program'
how can you read my feedback as an provocation to compete with you

Ooi Teik Bee //ELLIPSE08,
You have not reach the level to compete with me.
You are better than me in telling lies here.


2019-10-14 18:54 | Report Abuse

why should I compete with you ?
I am more interested to prove you are not a good teacher
I am your paid subscriber , i am your boss, i have the right to scold you if do not do you job well


Ooi Teik Bee //ELLIPSE08,
You have not reach the level to compete with me.
You are better than me in telling lies here.


2019-10-14 18:49 | Report Abuse


there are many good and trustworthy sifu in i3
of course , there even more cari makan kaki in i3,
all information shared in i3 are free
no one forces you to believe and accept
you have no right to demand more
it is not right to blame the sifu who shared with you for you own failure
but the expectation and the demand is different if you paid for the service
why ?
it is better we think seriously about it and exchange our view later


2019-10-14 17:52 | Report Abuse

if i pay you money , then I am your boss
I have the right to scold you
if not . share it free like many great sifu are doing here


2019-10-14 17:49 | Report Abuse


you are a good man , sincerely want to share your knowledge and your homework with us
you do not collect a sen from anyone of us
we are not your boss
we have no reason to scold you

please carry on with your good works
since you are already doing it for so long
the credit should go to you
not someone else


DK66// In order to protect my charming face from rotten eggs, I have made a statement a few months ago that My advice is to buy Jaks below RM0.80 or don't buy at all!
14/10/2019 5:48 PM


2019-10-14 17:43 | Report Abuse

let this be the last comment about OTB from me

thank you


2019-10-14 17:43 | Report Abuse

please do not talk about this man
i do want a single cent of my gain in Jaks has anything to do
please I do not wish to prove him not worthy of your respect or trust non stop


2019-10-14 17:40 | Report Abuse

there are his subscribers or ex-subscriber here
why they did not prove me wrong ?
if that man had help them make 140% ROI this year


2019-10-14 17:37 | Report Abuse

i believe many of his subscribers had left
only tinggal a few VVIP like zhuge_liang
who bought million and earn million
but the non VVIP earn kacang


2019-10-14 17:34 | Report Abuse


don't worry, based on my observation , dia punya power sudah kurang
it is safe to ignore this man and dumb dumb hold


2019-10-14 17:32 | Report Abuse

that is a good thing i like to see
i am very happy to see that Jaks can fly to 2.50 without OTB


2019-10-14 17:31 | Report Abuse

but i like you question

OTB influence has reduced as shown in the price move of Jaks these few days


2019-10-14 17:29 | Report Abuse


if you want a well manner reply from me
do not use the word "cock"


2019-10-14 17:25 | Report Abuse

if you truely love OTB , then do not mention his name here
praise him in carimin and uzma
i do not want any single cent of my gain in Jaks has anything to do with this person


2019-10-14 17:19 | Report Abuse

i am qualify to scold OTB , because I am his boss


2019-10-14 17:18 | Report Abuse

may be he will give you some tip to make some money since you can't even afford to pay him 1000 to be his boss


2019-10-14 17:17 | Report Abuse

go respect your OTB more
he like it


2019-10-14 17:17 | Report Abuse

you are just a PLP
Ido not think anybody want your respect

TanDavid88 //Respect is not given free.
You need to earn the respect.
This type of behaviour, god or even ghost will run away.


2019-10-14 17:15 | Report Abuse

I am better than you
I have DK66 knowledge and also OTB trading skill
do you have these
you only know PLP


2019-10-14 17:14 | Report Abuse


you are not the only one who make money when Jaks moves up
when I read DK66 article your name still not appear here


2019-10-14 17:10 | Report Abuse


it is good you share with us your TP
we appreciate your effort to share with us all the useful and valuable knowledge about the power plant
you are a good man


2019-10-14 17:04 | Report Abuse

who is zhuge-=_liang?
his subscriber ?
no !!!!
must be more than his subscribers
because there things like Ravi kumar donate money to him
zhuge_liang knows but none any of his subscriber know that

when you make money , I am very happy
when otb makes money , I am not happy
but, we can do anything
it is exactly like we can do anything to ask GOD not to make KYYY make another 100M in dayang


2019-10-14 16:59 | Report Abuse

he has many subscribers
they are reading my comments now
why only zhege_liang defended the great sifu but other keep quiet
why ?
they know I speak the true !!!!


2019-10-14 16:56 | Report Abuse

if OTB is that great as you said
why so many of his subscribers curse him
of course, including me


2019-10-14 16:53 | Report Abuse

you should praise DK66 not OTB
market prove DK66 right not OTB
market only prove OTB very lucky this year


2019-10-14 16:51 | Report Abuse

if you following OTB but not his subscriber , you will find yourself caught many times


2019-10-14 16:48 | Report Abuse

otb do not have dayang , he sold long ago ,he will buy back after RI

he has uzma and carimin and i believe by now he has most probably clear his position


2019-10-14 16:45 | Report Abuse


I will join you I will dumb dumb hold until 2.50 even OTB issue sell call


2019-10-14 16:37 | Report Abuse

what is there to prove ?

DK66 hardword is bullshit compare with OTB

I suggest you subscribe to OTB stock picks and come back to tell me how good is OTB .

TanDavid88// Posted by Zhuge_Liang > Oct 14, 2019 3:52 PM | Report Abuse

We made million because we follow OTB.
Still want to talk bad about OTB.
It is privileged to follow him.
Do not talk cock here.

Do not believe this Sifu is so geng.
Follow chart is not jiak-sia.
Follow chart is forward looking.
"Human can lie, chart never lie" - OTB millionaire advice.


2019-10-14 11:38 | Report Abuse


if you do not even understand what I am trying to deliver here now, how can you understand what the power plant can deliver to JAKS later .


2019-10-14 11:36 | Report Abuse

if OTB is sincere to help , why he can't do it like sifu DK66 or Icon8888 are doing

is it very important to Jaks and for us to know he made 140% and all his student laughing all the way to the bank ?


2019-10-14 11:33 | Report Abuse

am I not telling you a truth ?
am I not protecting you hard earned money ?


2019-10-14 11:31 | Report Abuse

if your choice is A , then you are good
if your choice is B , then you must learn to run before the sifu run


2019-10-14 11:28 | Report Abuse

I am not TYYap student ,
i am just one of his audient learning to invest in a right way free of charge


2019-10-14 11:25 | Report Abuse

do just just cursing me ....
read my comment carefully
which one is not true ?
which one is not a good advice to the readers here ?


2019-10-14 11:21 | Report Abuse

TYYap is the best , he never come to I3 to promote himself
but provide live time in face book to guide you


2019-10-14 11:19 | Report Abuse

KYY also promoted himself with all the great history
what had happened to his many followers now ?


2019-10-14 11:17 | Report Abuse

just focus on the power plant
not OTB or KYY
they made 140% or million doesn't mean we can make it

don't have to argue with me if you do not agree
just join him as his subscriber
if you do not want to be a Christian , what the hell tell the whole how good is Jesus Christ


2019-10-14 11:11 | Report Abuse

Great wall,

My target is not jaks
I am just warning the players here
When kyy participate we must beware of the forced selling
When otb group enter, we must beware of the short term sudden retreat
If you are a long term player better, you should not fear of the daily price movement


2019-10-14 11:08 | Report Abuse

I never doubt OTB made 140%
But how much his studentd had made
May be zhuge_liang had made 200%, that is why laughing so happily

Zhuge_Liang //I told Mr Ooi do not waste time in I3, he refused to follow my advice.
He should care more about us, the subscribers who feed him.
Anyway, we are laughing all the way to the bank (his famous statement).
140% ROI despite bearish market sentiment in Bursa.
Ravi Kumar gave him extra bonus for this excellent performance.
Not only teacher does well, we the students also do very well in 2019.
14/10/2019 10:21 AM


2019-10-14 10:09 | Report Abuse

Smelly mouth?
Whose mouth not smelly?
The problem is we can smell our own mouth


2019-10-14 10:06 | Report Abuse

So you see, in bursa, you do not need to worry there are no ikan bilis to feed the big fish.

DK66 was stuck in the power plant for years but I do not consider he is a failure, I believe eventually he will gain

Icon8888 is the best trader, he knows how to turn his losing position into multifold gain


2019-10-14 10:01 | Report Abuse

Why so worry if you are confident your tp will achieve?

You must be the #E, I buy you buy, I run you run.


2019-10-14 09:58 | Report Abuse

More wrong if you can not read the fact or truth a sohai is sharing


2019-10-14 09:49 | Report Abuse

The success of a teacher is measured by how much his students had achieved not how much the teacher had achieved


2019-10-14 09:41 | Report Abuse

You do not want to become a Christian what the hell telling the whole world how good is the Jessus Christ.
Are you not the #E


2019-10-14 09:35 | Report Abuse

His subscribers is here reading my comment
I believe many will agree the saying
If you think Jessus Christ can save you, then become a Christian