None of the bank dare to borrow money to Junk stock Jaks and they not even have enough money to pay stuff salary with in 2 months so sad this company going to bankruptcy anytime soon 😂😂
A.) Raising Funds for coming projects n future growth.
1.) monetise the Penang land for RM 77.74 million on 9/9/2024 , net book value as at December 2023 is RM 15.97 million with a net pro forma gain of RM50.38 million.
2.) JAKS Resources Berhad Proposed medium term notes ("MTN") programme of up to Ringgit Malaysia Two Hundred and Fifty Million (RM250,000,000.00) in nominal value ("MTN Programme") 2024-12-06 .
> Referred to Annual Report FYE2023 :
1.) Evolve Mall : Occupancy Rate increased to 75 % from 59 % FY2022 .
2.) Pacific Towers Business Hub : Occupancy Rate increased to 54 % from 35% FY2022 .
B.) Vietnam JV Power Plant 1200 MW EPCC RM 8.7 billion is started payout Dividend on June 2024 , ie from yearly to half yearly !
C.) Current tender book exceeds RM4.0 billion, covering water and sewerage systems, flood mitigation projects in multiple states…. 👉 as well as EPC roles for our renewable energy projects.
( Note : if LSS5 2000 MW EPCC tender bid is with Low / Single Digit IRR … better do EPC on construction of the Solar Plant/ Farm like Solarvest in LSS4 , EPCC and EPC from those Winners not in the Renewable Energy industry.
Hoho as said Gameplay’s in Solar RE industry is different liaw …better do EPC construction contract liaw …
👉 TNB among LSS5 winners, bags 500MW solar farm project in Kedah By theedge 26 Dec 2024, 06:27 pm
Aside from the highly sought after LSS awards, the government last year also announced efforts to support the development of solar parks in the country under the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR).
This is led by TNB, via five 100MW solar parks in different locations in the country, and another 1GW under Khazanah Nasional Bhd through UEM Group.
Hoho just TNB n UEM total Solar RE projects is 500 + 5 x 100 + 1000 =2,000 MW .. equivalent to LSS5 2000 MW , EPCC RM 7.2 billion.. EPC construction is ard RM 5.0 billion ..
👉👉 No wander Analyst said since LSS1 to LSS3 , LSS4 tender rate is the most competitive n getting Lower … the IRR is expected to be Low Single Digit.
👉👉👉 Jaks still need LSS4 50MW project as it shl provide recurring “ Revenue “ n Profit over 25 years … is 100 % Financing: EPCC RM 200 million … Loans with Overdraft facility is RM 220 million.
LSS5 2000 MW EPCC RM 7.2 billion….Tender is even more competitive.. bid rate is even Lower than LSS4 …better opt for EPC construction contract from the Winners as What Solarvest did in LSS4 .
The LSS5 2000 MW shortlisted companies did not included Jaks , Solarvest, Gading Kencana and Sunview .
As of 31 May 2024, the outstanding order book amounts to RM68.8 million, last until end 2024 , encompassing six projects located in the Klang Valley, Sarawak, and Penang.
These projects primarily consist of water / sewerage infrastructure and road/building infrastructure, with the majority being public sector initiatives.
👉👉👉EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Executive Summary highlights only the salient information of the Proposed DRP. You are advised to read the Circular in its entirety for further details of the Proposed DRP and not to rely solely on this Executive Summary in forming a decision on the Proposed DRP before voting at the forthcoming EGM. Reference to Key information Description Circular Details of the Proposed DRP Overview Section 2 The Proposed DRP will provide Shareholders with an opportunity to reinvest their Dividend in New Shares instead of receiving it in cash.
Our Board may, at its absolute discretion, determine whether to offer the Reinvestment Option to the Shareholders as and when a Dividend is declared and announced. In the event that the Reinvestment Option is applied, our Company will declare the size of the Electable Portion. If the Reinvestment Option is not exercised by the Shareholders in whole, any remaining portion of Dividend will be paid in cash.
In this respect, the Electable Portion may encompass the whole or part of the Dividend declared. In the event the Electable Portion is not applicable for the whole Dividend declared, the Non-Electable Portion will be paid in cash. Shareholders should note that our Company is not obliged to undertake the Proposed DRP for each and every Dividend declared. Unless our Board has determined that the Reinvestment Option will apply to a particular Dividend declared (whether in whole or in part), the Dividends as may be declared by JAKS will be paid wholly in cash to Shareholders in the usual manner.
Election to reinvest Dividend in New Shares
👉👉👉Shareholders shall have the following options in respect of a Reinvestment Option announced by our Board under the Proposed DRP:-
(i) to elect to participate in the Reinvestment Option by reinvesting the entire Electable Portion in New Shares at the Issue Price on the Price-Fixing Date and to receive the Non-Electable Portion in cash, if applicable;
ii ) to elect to participate in the Reinvestment Option by reinvesting part of the Electable Portion in New Shares at the Issue Price and to receive the balance of the Electable Portion and Non-Electable Portion in cash, if applicable; or
iii ) to elect not to participate in the Reinvestment Option and thereby receive the entire Dividend entitlement (both Electable Portion and Non-Electable Portion) wholly in cash.
👉👉👉Pricing of New Shares The Issue Price, which will be determined and fixed by our Board at a later date after receipt of all relevant approvals on the Price- Fixing Date, shall be at an issue price of not more than a 10% discount to the 5-day VWAP of JAKS Shares immediately prior to the Price-Fixing Date. For avoidance of doubt, the VWAP shall be adjusted ex-dividend before applying the aforementioned discount.
The Board of Directors of JAKS (“Board”) is pleased to declare a first single-tier interim dividend of 0.5 sen per ordinary share in JAKS (“JAKS Share(s)”) in respect of the financial year ending 31 December 2024 (“First Interim Dividend”).
The Board has also determined that subject to the relevant regulatory approvals being obtained, the dividend reinvestment plan (“DRP”) shall apply to the entire First Interim Dividend, whereby shareholders will be given an option to elect to reinvest the entire or part of the First Interim Dividend into new JAKS Shares in accordance with the DRP which was approved by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Company held on 27 June 2023 and renewed at the AGM of the Company held on 27 June 2024.
The entitlement date and payment date of the First Interim Dividend will be determined and announced at a later date.
Hoho TinKosong KonHuangbk blowing PMCORP with TP RM 2.00 , see its Value since November 2013 wow … must be loss naked liaw .. hibernated more than 7 years in cave since 2014 …
Holding Long Term wow >>> 2014 to 2024 is 10 years liaw …today Price is RM 0.135 …. PMCorp Sold Assets to acquired 100 % A&W ..Latest 4 consecutive QR are in Loss ! 😱🤣..
And keep lying and twisting shamelessly on her PMCorp cost is RM 0.245
Ppl in PMCorp asked him is a F or M , he just bla bla bla want to share ❤️ wow ..🤣🤣🤣🤔
👉Posted by Huangbk72 > 2013-11-21 11:51 | Report Abuse To mikekong55 I have been a follower of your stock recommendations. You have been fairly accurate in your assessment of PMCorp movement.
👉 I am also in PMCorp as I believe in buying and holding long term. Been accumulating from .27 till .36 till .26 and today .28. Being involved in FMCG business, I understand and see the value in PMCORP.
>>>> After k awaken by Kon BobAxelrod on 2021 .. both as Pretending Negative Commentators in Serba …
Her partner Kon BobAxelrod said will not recommend best stocks wow but used many aka id to promote.. 👉 Kon Bobaxelrod
1.) Use many aka id to promote stock : Trevor777 , Trevor888 , Dr Michael
2.) Used id image to Axe Capital CEO Billionaire BobbyAxelrod and New Boss Michael .
👉👉👉 TinKosong AuntieKonHuangbk72 Twisted saying I am the One whom said will Not Promote stocks . Her Partner KonBobAxelrod is Missing in Action liaw … I am debated against KonBobAxelrod n Mabel in Serba … Huangbk defended KonbobAxerod n challenged me to see who can post continuously without stopping until 5 pm … without facts n figures… just a TinKosong Kon twisting shamelessly .
👉 His latest aka id MrHuangbk is banned permanently as used many similar id/abusive id to post abusive n unethical contents .
Posted by Huangbk72 > 47 seconds ago | Report Abuse
LOL... What a joke? Current ratio 1.04 means working capital enough for 1 year??
What mindset and knowledge this Miketikus has? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hoho why ? U loss naked in Lambo ke .. thinking is Rambo ke .. but is defeated as Lambo is Delisted on October 2024 . Pls take the right medicine le n wear proper panttties le ..🤣🤣🤣🤫 —- Posted by JediMaster1 > 5 hours ago | Report Abuse
Miketikus @ mr twist mah !
When we see the creature is deer he can tell you is horse !
D.) LSS5 2000MW Solar Project, EPCC value is estimated RM 7.2 Billion, tender RFP dateline is brought forward to 25/7/2024 from December 2024 ):
Jaks partner again with CPECC ( Vietnam 1200 MW Power Plant partner 70 % ) >>> Jaks 51% : CPECC 49% , tendered 200MW ( with intention up to limit 500 MW ) …..
👉Land : 1730 acres in Terengganu is leased from TDM . Can be a 200 MW to 500 MW Solar Farm depending on Solar Panel efficiency 12 % or 18 % .
Still remember Donkey wrote above to promote jaks. And now that same donkey sing a different tune that jaks is EPCC contractor. What a joke.
4.) Current tender book exceeds RM4.0 billion, covering water and sewerage systems, flood mitigation projects in multiple states…. 👉 as well as EPC roles for our renewable energy projects. ( Note : if LSS5 2000 MW EPCC tender bid is with Low / Single Digit IRR … better do EPC on construction of the Solar Plant/ Farm like Solarvest in LSS4 , EPCC and EPC from those Winners not in the Renewable Energy industry
Posted by jjohnchew > 18 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Hoho oh TinKosongleader Kon ss leee call his gang is DonkeyyTinKosong gang ke .. most suitable Name le …👍🤣🤣… no wander he is the Leader le :
1.) owned Claimed TA n FA Guru in Yinson .. see 5 waves is coming wow , but did not know the Waves name is EW .
2.) Shouting happily said Yinson Wave 2 is coming wow but did not know Wave 2 is Downtrend…
3.) did not understand Labour Expenses n Capex.
4.) Did not understand Corporate Structure: Group subsidiaries n associates company, Direct n Indirect and to plan Corporate Taxes. ( as Insas No corporate structure) .
5.) Did not understand Current Ratio n DE Ratio .
6.) Did not understand FCF Growth n DCF .
7.) Did not understand Jaks Financial Reports is follow IFRS ( ie Cash Flow from Investing activities rather Operating activities, as Yinson is not follow IFRS , currently Financial Reports is Operating Lease rather Finance Lease ( IFRS ).
8.) Did not understand Impairment n Depreciation .
9.) finally is cannot read n understand Financial Reports such as Jtiasa Annual Reports on Impairments.
10.) as usual a DonkeyyTinKosongLeader Kon ss leee is thick skin , best in Pretending n Twisting shamelessly…
Posted by Sslee > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
Donkey can't even show proof of jayatiasa latest financial report 2024 impairment of RM 151.2 million.
And still he is so thick skin to continue posting more gibberish on jayatiasa impairment.
Hoho as posted earlier on Jaks cash n cash equivalents, that the Other Operating, Administrative expenses is greatly reduced.
Good for Jaks to reduced the loss making business… esp on local Construction contracts on investment properties , eg : RM 1.1 billion Pacific Star Towers and Highway… eg : RM 509 million SUKE
Hoho no worries… FY2024 oredi 3 Quarterly Reports with total Net Profit RM 43.4 million .
If can sustain as FY2021 n FY2022 Net Profit over RM 51 million..( Note : Vietnam JV Power Plant is fully COD on January 2021 ) .
>>> FY2024 EPS shl be 1.96 sen with PE Sector Median 21.5 … Forward Price shl be RM 0.42 ( current NTA RM 0.60 )
👉 Question : Jaks FY2023 Net Profit is RM 15.5 million… FY2024 Net Profit can be RM 51 million ( Total 3 QR = RM 43.4 million) ??? >
Position sign observations:
1.) 6 years Legal Battle against Star on RM 1.1 billion Pacific Star Towers project is settled out of court on November 2024 .
FY2023 Annual Report:
> Trade Receivables
Third Parties RM 147.6 million
Retention Sum RM 134.4 million
>> the Retention Sum is for the RM 1.1 billion Pacific Star Towers Project .
2.) As of 31 May 2024, the outstanding order book amounts to RM68.8 million, last until end 2024 , encompassing six projects located in the Klang Valley, Sarawak, and Penang.
These projects primarily consist of water / sewerage infrastructure and road/building infrastructure, with the majority being public sector initiatives.
3.) the occupancy rate at Pacific Towers Business Hub improved from 35% in FY2022 to 54% in FY2023, while Evolve Concept Mall saw an increase from 59% in FY2022 to 75% in FY2023.
4.) Current tender book exceeds RM4.0 billion, covering water and sewerage systems, flood mitigation projects in multiple states…. 👉 as well as EPC roles for our renewable energy projects. ( Note : if LSS5 2000 MW EPCC tender bid is with Low / Single Digit IRR … better do EPC on construction of the Solar Plant/ Farm like Solarvest in LSS4 , EPCC and EPC from those Winners not in the Renewable Energy industry.
👉👉 Hoho no wander Jaks , Solarvest , Sunview and Gading Kencana not in the LSS5 2000 MW Shortlisted list also . ( LSS4 823 MW ) . These 4 companies are LSS4 n CGPP Winners.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
3,637 posts
Posted by musangfoxking > 1 week ago | Report Abuse
Hoho..jjohnchewing jaks 0.32, now 0.13