
Formerbank | Joined since 2018-01-30

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2018-04-12 22:10 | Report Abuse

Will fly by next week! Something for you guys to ponder and observe! Don't have to buy or believe but just observe the movement!


2018-04-12 22:07 | Report Abuse

Latest, this counter will fly by just wait and see !


2018-03-08 13:40 | Report Abuse

It's great to see you back here Mr OTB


2018-03-08 13:39 | Report Abuse

OTB you are Great and we welcome you to this forum to help give advise on Hengyuan. We need credible guys not those con fund managers who lack Thank.You!


2018-03-06 20:32 | Report Abuse

Raider run road, gone to the caves to.meditate to wash his sins.


2018-03-06 11:24 | Report Abuse

Heard OTB recommend a buy now wor! So how?


2018-03-06 10:06 | Report Abuse

Think.stockraider busy selling his underwear and a.... to raise fund to settle losses!


2018-03-06 08:10 | Report Abuse

Genuine stockraider has run road already


2018-03-05 19:05 | Report Abuse

Wah! You are still alive!


2018-03-05 19:04 | Report Abuse

Stockraider! Wah it still alive!


2018-03-05 17:04 | Report Abuse

Hope stockraider is still alive!


2018-03-05 10:33 | Report Abuse

Heard stockraider Kena forceselling big time. So better wait for the forceselling to be over


2018-03-02 16:34 | Report Abuse

Raider already Run Road lo


2018-03-01 17:45 | Report Abuse

Stockraider, Where are you? Please come out and admit that your evaluations are wrong this time! Nobody will laugh at you! By hiding, you tell us so.much of your manhood and bravery! Everyone makes wrong judgement but only the honest will stand up to say so!


2018-03-01 07:34 | Report Abuse

Stockraider, where are ? You should come out like Satan 118 and Probability even if your forecasts are out! There should be more credibility! It's ok for projections to be wrong, after all the profits are still decent!


2018-02-24 04:59 | Report Abuse

Whilst I might agree that to promote the price to above RM20 might be a bit of a tall order now, I must say that earnings of more than RM3 per share will be given its due recognition, so for the share to reach its previous high of RM 19.20 could be achievable. Also to remember China funds are big and formidable. If you have ever looked at the China stock's performance in HK, you will believe that HY is poised to gain momentum.


2018-02-24 03:51 | Report Abuse

Ricky Yeo, I noticed from all your comments your are so negative on Hengyuan. It makes me wonder why you bother to put up all these negative comments. If you don't own any shares, don't you think it's more productive and beneficial for you to look at other counters for you to make money than to do analysis on counters you think so badly of. Unless you are paid by IBs, in which case you are just being mercenary.
Otherwise play get out of HY forum!


2018-02-19 06:51 | Report Abuse

I think kyy will regret holding so much of Jaks without meeting the owners. They will not do things beneficial for kyy as its known they are not too pleased with us accumulation of their stock.


2018-02-18 16:11 | Report Abuse

Agreed, don't swap Hengyuan for Jaks. It's not as good a stock and the directors are not pleased with KYY. This old man will eventually unload and leave you hanging there. Trust no one.and you will find no cause for regret!


2018-02-12 12:32 | Report Abuse

Yes, those who live by irritating others and talking bad will die with fewer friends! If you are old, please be less irritating and spend less time talking bad about the counter and more time meditating as you will be meeting you Karma soon!


2018-02-11 22:34 | Report Abuse

If you subscribe to OTB then you would have known when.he made a buy call. Want information but too cheap and refuse to , that's your problem dragonslayer!


2018-02-11 22:07 | Report Abuse

3iii,.just to let u know that OTB actually asked his followers to buy when the price dropped and he also bought himself. He is just too fed up to be in this forum having to deal with guys like you, coming into the forum with the main objective of wanting to have the pleasure of seeing others lose . No good intention of helping others.


2018-01-30 21:18 | Report Abuse

This stock will remain good as the fundamentals are all Stoll there. The Banks wouldn't be lending such huge some of RM1.7 billion of they deem the future results will not be good. The bankers would have met with the Management and visited the plant, discussed.the potential of the company, the future prospects and earnings to.ensure repayment abilities etc.For such an.amount, the Management would also have to present the papers to the Board and seek their approval. Let me tell you that the Board these days are no longer just rubber stamps but they do question the Management and risks on loans of this size. If it can be approved by the boards of the three banks, take comfort that not all three banks will make bad judgement. Further the Management of Hengyuan would have given them very detailed projections and plans moving forward. What's gone wrong is the IBs like RHB trying to create fears to bring the price down for their own interests.
All the Best and Happy Thaipusam