
GM68 | Joined since 2016-11-30

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2017-04-07 09:34 | Report Abuse

it does not matter how many rig count is or stockpiles, the demand for oil will alwayse increase due to teh demand for growth.. a Libia,Syria, Iraq & Nigeria production is decreasing again and this will push the oil price up.. the summer is comming and this will increase the land transportation, shipping, airfright, manufacturing to high level..


2017-04-07 09:31 | Report Abuse

brent oil price will not fall below 54 USD at all, Hibiscus share based on thsi price should be at least 0.485 or beyound..


2017-04-07 09:30 | Report Abuse

Hibiscus RM 1.0 by June- July 2017, simply because of Sabah field new aquisition approval from Petronas....wait and see..


2017-04-06 14:56 | Report Abuse

last Friday , hibiscus went up by more than 8%.. hope today and tomorrow will move up the same..


2017-04-06 14:48 | Report Abuse

Brent price is moving up niow 54.17 USD..big day this afternoon session and or Hold if you can.


2017-04-06 11:47 | Report Abuse

if you r a man,,sorry if not..


2017-04-06 11:46 | Report Abuse

very funny, this is History man, i am refering to the Future,,, hahah


2017-04-06 11:33 | Report Abuse

brent 54 USD Hib 0.46 RM
brent 55 USD Hib 0.48 RM
brent 56 USD Hib 0.510 RM
brent 57 USD Hib 0.555 RM
brent xx --- Hib xxxx. Can you Guess..


2017-04-06 11:26 | Report Abuse

Hibiscus is also holding at 0.46, this is a good sign, hopefully will move up soon.


2017-04-06 11:14 | Report Abuse

I guess new investor missed the boat to catch DNex at 0.4, luckaly for thsoe who had bought DNEX before yesterday.. I was waiting the good moment to buy DNEX, next tiem better..still good stock to invest same as Hibiscus..


2017-04-06 11:11 | Report Abuse

crude oil brent is holding above 54 USD,,,


2017-04-06 10:25 | Report Abuse

previous profite was based on 43 USD oil price (Oct to Dec 2016, the upcomming profite will be based on at least 53 USD oil price (Jan to Mar 2017). This is an increase of 23%. With this increase, the share value per asset will have to increase too. the previous share value per asset was 0.52 so that make the current value of Hibiscus share should be 0.52*1.23= 0.64 RM as minimum.. the current Hibiscus share is still undervalued and have at least a potantial increase of 0.64/0.46=1.39 thsi is a +39%..Hold if you ave Hibiscus share or buy if you are a new investor.. this is my recommendation for all of you who are willing to invest.


2017-04-06 10:09 | Report Abuse

2 cent up a day more than enough, better slowly up than suddenly..Hibiscus fundamental is resilient, Hibiscus oil production is up and running all day long


2017-04-06 08:16 | Report Abuse

B4b4, Hibiscus produce oil in Australia as well and own exploration and drilling licences in Australia, we should not forget the value of these licences as the Australian governoment have lifted the ban on drilling and gas production a month ago.


2017-04-06 08:13 | Report Abuse

Canadian crude shipments to the U.S. are poised to shrink just as the effects of OPEC-led output cuts are being felt in the Caribbean. That’s good news oil producers including Hibiscus..


2017-04-05 17:23 | Report Abuse

correction, DNEX rose more than 16% today..


2017-04-05 17:22 | Report Abuse

tomorrow , big day for Hibiscus..should be able to close at 0.5 RM, take your place in queing for tomorrow befor too late, Hold if you can, buy more if you can..


2017-04-05 17:20 | Report Abuse

DNEX, own 30% of ping petroleum (partner with Hibiscus 50% in Anasuria FPSO) it share rise today by more than 8%, this is also a good news for Hibiscus as it confirm that the market is picking up for oil and gas counter..


2017-04-05 17:18 | Report Abuse

Crude oil brent 54.81 USD, still going up..


2017-04-05 16:33 | Report Abuse

waw,, crud oil brent price 54.74 USD, going up faster than planned..


2017-04-05 16:31 | Report Abuse

let us bring Hibiscus to the Top, today Top active is open to grab..


2017-04-05 16:30 | Report Abuse

KNM, Armada, Sapura Energy lost money last Quarter and their share is now moving up.. Hibiscus declare profite in teh last two quarter.. so he should move up faster..than other oil and gas / energy companies..


2017-04-05 16:23 | Report Abuse

KNM is flying up, Armada is flying up, SapuraKencana is flying up, Hibiscus is actualy a leader of flying up and scoring Top active...big big potantial is underway for Hibiscus..


2017-04-05 15:55 | Report Abuse

Hibiscus share as of now 0.460 till reach 0.555 still +20% margin to go.. good potantial here


2017-04-05 15:31 | Report Abuse

Crude oil Brent 54.61 USD...this is 3.5 USD more than last week.. 4000 bbls/day = 14000 USD/day more profit for Hibisucs.....this is 3c per share more for Hibiscus..haha...


2017-04-05 15:27 | Report Abuse

I notice that all shares of oil company counters are up today, means enough confident that the oil price is continously in uptrend.


2017-04-05 15:24 | Report Abuse

All big Hibiscus share holder did not disposed any of their shares since 2015 at least..they are holding, so we do Hold if you can, two month ago Hibisuc share was at 0.555 when oil price reach 57 USD , so grab your chance and buy Hibiscus if you want a great investment for your money. However its all on your own risk..hahahha


2017-04-05 15:22 | Report Abuse

grab your chance and join Hibiscus, still cheap to enter, Hold if you have Hibiscus, how much you hold how less share is on teh market and how faster the share price go up.. this is my philosophy..the marketis great for Hibiscus, oil price in general will fly back to 57 USD by next week, not enough oil on the market, oil trader are realy fighting to secure oil now at low level before flying to 60 USD..the summer is comming, oil demand for the transportation sectore or shipping sector will increase significantly..


2017-04-05 13:35 | Report Abuse

JN88 if USA want to see growth, than they will consume more and more oil, same for China, so don't be surprise that from April 2017 there will not be enough oil produced to counter teh supply and therefore the additional oil needed will be taking off form the stock. The oil stock according to API is dropped and this pushed the oil price up..


2017-04-05 13:32 | Report Abuse

I fully agree with B4B4 estimation, as long as the Brent Crude oil price is above 50 USD and the sustainable oil production of about 4000 bbls/day..hibiscus asset value per share should be valued at above 0.6 RM in the upcomming QR and within 6 month and beyound could touch 0.9 RM or 1 RM.


2017-04-05 12:01 | Report Abuse

if you have Hibsicus share, HOLD, do not sell will be soon humble recommendation.


2017-04-05 12:00 | Report Abuse

oil counter is very HOt now,, grab your chance before too late, operator are preparing to jump in..share will rise very fast..


2017-04-05 12:00 | Report Abuse

JN88, even better, Crude oil is almost 54.40 USD (USD 52 is for WTI), Hibiscus produce crude oil USD 54.41..


2017-04-05 10:50 | Report Abuse

even with Libia oil production, the crude oil price is still moving up, this mean that the current oil price is still cheap..assume to move up to 60 USD by Mid August 2017..


2017-04-05 10:49 | Report Abuse

Oil price is moving up very fast 54.34 USD now.. USA inventory report show oil stock is getting less and less, more oil demand exceed teh supply, this will continue for about 3 month now.. see link


2017-04-05 10:27 | Report Abuse

today, almost all oil counter are moving up, i guess Hibiscus should touch 0.475 by today.


2017-04-05 10:26 | Report Abuse

Skybursa, Seadrill is not related to hibisucs. Seadrill is a drilling rig company which did performe job for Hibiscus back in 2015 and have drilled hibiscus Sea lion filed.... you may be confused between Sea drill and Sea Lion...Hibiscus is strong now, especially the oil price is up, now trade at 54.27 USD.. god for Hibiscus.


2017-04-04 17:13 | Report Abuse

today is was a very quite day, hope for tomorrow, API inventory tonight


2017-04-04 16:42 | Report Abuse

if the share price fall today means grab yoru chance and buy more if you can,, this is my recommendation, however you should know what best for you.


2017-04-04 16:41 | Report Abuse

What i also know is that non of the major share holder has disposed his share since a year, this means that they all have enough confidence to HOLD for better price..check Bursa Malaysia announcement, you will see that no major or medium size share holder have disposed any of his share, the major share holder have about 22 milion share.. arround 25 major share holders of Hibiscus posess about 40% of Hibiscus shares still holding since 2015..


2017-04-04 16:37 | Report Abuse

If you ask me how do I know, I guess that since last week , about 40 milion shares bought at average of 0.435, so i assume that this is the lowest level, usually at this tiem the share price rebound..0.435 is very attractive price at this stage.. Hibiscus share value per asset is 0.52 according to previous QR.


2017-04-04 16:33 | Report Abuse

I think Bank Julius Baer (Singapore) and Libra invest..


2017-04-04 16:30 | Report Abuse

buy, buy , buy before too late.. rebound is comming.


2017-04-04 15:30 | Report Abuse

Crude oil price is holding above 52.90 USD, this is a sign that the market is stabilized by now, since about one month teh average cost of crude oil barrels is about 51 USD, this is enough for Hibiscus to maintain a confortable long term profit, as he have manage to reduce it oil production cost to 13 USD per barrel . the margin of profite today is equal to what it was when the oil price was arround 100 USD, the cost of one crude oil barrels at that time was about 45 USD. Good to know these history if you wish to invest, share price now is still cheap.. have a high potantial to increase to 0.6 in a very short term.. once the operator agreed that the oil price is now stable, than the share can only go up as long the profit is maintain..


2017-04-03 16:52 | Report Abuse

LTk88888 nothing will bring Hibsicus down, show some support.Crude oil price remain abobe 53 and showing stability. Hibiscus is entering 3 Quarter of 2017 with better oil market performance comparing to last month..hehe, up up up is more likely expected, no may day here for a long time to come,, All operator have averaged at 0.450, this is the new low level for Hibsicus month to come, do not wait long, buy if you can before climbing up to next level 0.485..


2017-04-03 12:05 | Report Abuse

I am not against promoting other stock for profit sharing in General..


2017-04-03 12:04 | Report Abuse

I am glad to see that your stock is moving up, however yoru stock company lost money last QR, unlike Hibiscus which he make more than 10 Milion ringgit profit last QR and thsi Quarter i assume the profit will be increased by at least 50 %. Hibsicus share value by asset according to its previous QR is 0.520, so for thsi QR its hould go up to 0.6.. sell your stock and join Hibiscus before too late, if you dont have hibiscus yet..


2017-04-03 12:00 | Report Abuse

I am not realy intrested in your stock, i am Happy with Hibiscus..thanks for the highlight, please keep this counter for what is belong to Hibiscus..


2017-04-03 11:36 | Report Abuse

Crude oil is holding above 53 USD, this will positively increase Hibsicus share, i recommend a strong buy..Target price is no less than 0.6