
Hevajra9999 | Joined since 2018-06-14 17:10:26

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2019-08-14 23:19 | Report Abuse

Agreed 100% with TanSri and Minister Brother Syed.

Lets do some revision on our Bolehland's history before we look into this Pervert Indian Terrorist Inspirer cum preacher --- Zakar Naik's logic,

1. The earliest inhabitants here are the Orang Asli (Pri Bumi). Others all came here later.

2. Then Hindus are the earliest to come here. Ancient sites of settlements have confirmed that (Evidence based) .

3. Then followed by the Buddhists (The Great Sri Vijaya and Maja Pahit 's Empire in South East Asia).

4. Then after many hundred years, we have the Hindu Prince Parameswara, later became the first Sultan of Melaka.

5. Then came the Chinese army of Admiral Cheng Ho. He sent his famous Hang's soldiers who settled down in Melaka to protect the Sultan.

6. Then the Mat Salleh Colonial Masters came ---Dutch, Portugal, Britsh all come along. The British ruled Bolehland for many years.

7. The British colony masters brought in the Chinese miners (from Southern China), Indian rubber plantation workers (mainly from Tamilnadu). Later, small number of Mamak also came along (Including the OLD CUNNING VENOMOUS AND BLACK HEART RACIST SNAKE MM KUTTY's father).

8. Malaya achieved independence in 1957, thanks to the joint effort of the Malays, Chinese and Indians, under the leadership of TAR. THE MALAYS, CHINESE INDIANS are the CITIZENS, not GUEST.

(By the way, where is ZAKAR NAIK and many other Mamak at that time?)

9. Then recently, many other country's muslims came to Bolehland (Pakistan, Bangldesh, Nigeria etc) including this wanted fugutive ZAKAR NAIKL.

10. However, the Chinese, Malays and Indians are local citizens, unlike the pervert terrorist ZAKAR NAIK, who is a Permanent Resident cum wanted criminal.

So, based on ZAKAR NAIK's logic, then ALL CITIZENS IN Bolehland are merely GUEST. So PERMANENT RESIDENT LIKE ZAKAR NAIK becomes UNTOUCHABLES, while original CITIZENS become GUESTs.

Then based on his pervert LOGIC and LAST IN FIRST OUT rule, BEFORE Bolehland send back the GUEST, the OLD CUNNING VENOMOUS AND BLACK HEART RACIST SNAKE MM KUTTY's family have to be sent back first, right?



Correct me if I am wrong.

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2019-04-24 23:00 | Report Abuse

It is pathetic that a company like UBS can have such a mediocre senior analyst who simply gave away comments without any facts and evidences.

The apology by UBS Adeline does not sound sincere at all, it does not help in any damage control either.

Besides, the excuse given by Adeline(due to the confines of short interview) sounds even more intrigue and vague. The length of interview has nothing to do with the professionalism of a senior analyst representing company like UBS and the likes.

I wonder what actions the Singapore Lee government will take if that kind of comments are hurled against them?

In conclusion, this is not due to misunderstanding nor negligence but a total disregards of professionalism and ethics. It should not happen in UBS Singapore or any similar company based in Asia, especially.

The relentless and baseless prejudice views and comments by these so-called senior analyst only make us smell rat, a systemic built up of tidal waves to wreck havoc on the financial markets where these companies can make tonnes of monies from the currency and equity markets.

The recent acts by these analysts only draw their companies on par with the notorious Goldman Sach who plays a major role in the 1MDB saga. By the way, doesn't it sounds funny and fishy where all these things originate from Singapore? Any coincidence?

As a reader of i3Investor, I have to voice my concerns because these people from UBS Singapore and the likes ( and the big power/deep state who is condoning them) are trying to disrupt the financial markets o f Malaysia to make immoral gains or with reasons only they themselves know.

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2019-04-19 18:35 | Report Abuse

Sorry, typo error, should be "UBS".

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2019-04-19 16:29 | Report Abuse

Well said, Dr. Ong. UOB President should reprimand him for making such a shallow and foolish comment and this kiasu-guy should be sacked immediately. Anyway, there are plenty of similar species out there, just opened your eyes and think critically when you read Bloomberg's news and comments.

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2019-02-10 19:27 | Report Abuse

China today has learnt from the Japan's Toshiba lesson, and they will not let the same incident repeat itself this time. Last year, ZTE has swallowed a bitter pill and this is great humiliation to China.

USA thought they could do the same thing through trade war and hitting hard on Huawei by arresting their CFO Meng wanzhou, and I guess this time it will be a different situation altogether.

China will definitely retaliate and Apple will suffer the most, and this will bring down NASDAQ and Dow Jones if the trade war continues after Mac 2019. Another gigantic financial tsunami will come in due course. That is the reason why USA hopes to win the trade war as soon as possible, but China is not Japan, they will fight to the end.

Trade war will bring harm to every nation including all the USA allies. None will be spared. USA cannot last forever but China can last because many countries are willing to trade with China. For example, Malaysia and Indonesia are most willing to sell palm oil to China if China stop import of soya bean oil from USA.

USA can force some of their allies to shun away from Huawei 5G, but UK, and many other European countries are singing a different tune. Even our neighbour Thailand is also working closely with Huawei 5G besides Ericson. (Malayia is working with Ericson 5G instead if I am not mistaken).

Why? As the CEO of Huawei, Ren zhengfei said in a recent interview, "Huawei 5G is the most advanced technology in the world, it is the world leader of 5G, USA is far lagging behind and therefore they are spreading all kinds of lies and using dirty tactics in order to knock down Huawei. Any country which does not want to align with Huawei 5G now, will still have to use Huawei 5G technology in the future because it is still the most affordable and most advanced in the market. The wise will choose Huawei as it is the ultimate choice."

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2018-11-02 22:03 | Report Abuse

My humble opinion on the 2019 budget:

This is an overall business friendly budget for 2019, very well thought and pragmatic, as promised by Tun Dr M.

Now the direction is very clear, with development expenditure intact, while construction and housing sectors will be able to kick start soon after being in the valley for months.

The reduction of tax for SMI will be good for the economy and of course the effect will trigger down to the FBM small caps.

I guess no downgrading risks by Fitch and Moody especially with fuel subsidy rectified.

With the news of US-China trade war tapering, November onward will be good months for world stock market I guess and our stock market will rally to 1870 by year end 2018.

Good luck everybody. Cheers.