
Huangbk72 | Joined since 2013-11-21

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2021-08-23 16:23 | Report Abuse

InterFund kita sama cina must support olang kita Sii Chiong Wei..................
23/08/2021 4:19 PM

This is the biggest difference between Chinese and you.

We dont support based on race.. we support based on merit.


2021-08-20 10:56 | Report Abuse

Im surprised to see many die-hard fans here flogging the dead horse.

Fitch ratings is out of SD and will have factored in the future events.. they dont change ratings on whim and fancy. The accounting grapevine is abuzz with rumors of EY confirming KPMG findings.

As mentioned by current gangster SD chairman, the issues raised by KPMG was trivial... unfortunately EY found it not trivial. The days and weeks taken and not concluded doesnt bode well for SD.

My advise again:

1) Dont buy into SD and wait till EY findings released
2) EY will confirm KPMG findings
3) Dont be in the same room when SHIT hits the fan. Stay on the sideline for now.


2021-08-06 15:24 | Report Abuse

sharewiz118 RM 0.60 Good - RM 0.45 better - RM 0.42 best - RM 0.38 excellent and RM 0.35 sell all cut losses. RM 0.60 buy and keep, RM 0.45 buy and keep. RM 0.42 buy and keep, RM 0.38 buy and keep and RM 0.35 - Mati Katak. CARA IKAN BILIS INVESTMENT
06/08/2021 3:19 PM


.35 they also say keep and relax... maybe .20 start to Mati Katak..


2021-08-06 13:34 | Report Abuse


If lose money in stocks, blame yourself. Putting blame on others, forever you will fail! Cannot berak, dont blame the ground is hard.

Everyday we have winner and losers.

Admit your mistakes, learn and be a better investor.

For SD.. no action till EY findings.. so stop flogging the dead horse. Wait for the "good show"


2021-08-06 09:55 | Report Abuse

tradersampah yg bengong p juai murah2 ni aku xphm la betui la..mabuk ketum ke apa? Company tgh discount lg mau buang harga ka
06/08/2021 9:43 AM

Jangan tak beli... regret seumur hidup..

Minta abah, mak, bang, kak, jiran, kampung semua beli.... confirm untung besar2

Pinjam bank, ahlong, kawan beli... confirm profit.

Go Go Go


2021-08-04 10:40 | Report Abuse


1 day green after 2 weeks red.. and we see heavy promotion now.. all senseless marketing talk

EY will confirm KPMG findings
Don’t be in the same room when shit hits the fan.
Invest wisely


2021-08-03 11:19 | Report Abuse

This is the real "happening" now.

Sharks ( not bilis pretend to be shark ya.. here a lot) collected below 40... biggest daily volume days. Average holding cost 34.

Price up above 40 then drop daily.

Sharks are disposing their holdings daily now. Can see reduce volume and reducing price.

Bilis can never outsmart the sharks.. accept this fact.

So.. there is no need to FLOG the dead horse... it will not run anymore.

Wait EY findings.. then play.


2021-08-02 19:17 | Report Abuse

@Gerrardo You seems very sure on the EY will confirms KPMG.

Let see the end later

I am sure EY will confirm KPMG findings.. 100%

If by miracle that Im wrong, then 100% i will buy into SD...

For now, many are on sidelines waiting for EY results. Either way, we wont lose.


2021-08-02 19:13 | Report Abuse

Everyday I sympathize..

Everyday I felt pity for the SD holders..

Everyday I felt happiness seeing Suepipi suffer...

Everyday I laugh when i see Uncle Lim posting messages from Hospital Bahagia

Everyday i say the same for weeks and weeks....

EY will confirm KPMG findings.. Dont be in the same room when shit hits the fan.

Stay sideline and enjoy the show..


2021-07-30 20:28 | Report Abuse

Crazy people cannot differentiate between weekdays and weekends.. LOL..

Uncle need medication over weekend because stock market closed.....


2021-07-30 19:58 | Report Abuse

DickyMee How come everyone on i3 bought at 30+ sen? No one bought 40+ sen, 50+ sen, RM1+? All so accurate?
30/07/2021 7:34 PM

No le.. not me.. not buying till audited report is out.

To those fanboys, they always adjust their holding price... From high 70 till now, still claim holding cost is 30.. lol


2021-07-30 19:56 | Report Abuse

bilisutara Huangbk72.. tak perlu kutuk-kutuk orang.. Jaga duit you sendiri.. Orang lain tak kutuk you pun..
30/07/2021 6:40 PM

Takut pedas.. jangan makan cili..

This is a public forum. You post nonsense, be prepared to be measured.


2021-07-30 18:40 | Report Abuse

22nd June.. SD in their press conference claims the KPMG audit red flag are trivial matters.

2nd July... EY was appointed as SIR under directive from Bursa.

30th July... EY hasnt finished the SIR report.

For such trivial issues as claimed by SD, 20+ days is way too long to finalize this the matters are trivial or not??


2021-07-30 18:29 | Report Abuse

bilisutara As of now.. we are still making profit in Serba..
Kalau harga turun kami happy.. kalau naik pun kami happy...
We know what we are doing... We are already in share market since 1995... Mungkin masa tu you masih sekolah lagi.. Haa.. haaa.. haaaaaa...
30/07/2021 6:22 PM

From the way you promote..

From the way you write...

In 1995, you are still a telur..

Dont la embarrass yourself.. most forumers here are astute investors. Wanna brag, talk to your friends.


2021-07-30 17:57 | Report Abuse

hahahaha.. now start telling stories

I also an say I buy Tesla when its USD58.. sold off at USD700. Shiok sendiri.

Bilis Brain already muddled from the paper losses...

SD is DIFFERENT from all listed companies.. They have AUDIT issues. No companies can recover from this.

Once EY report is out, it will drop till oblivion...


2021-07-30 12:54 | Report Abuse


I dont hate, I pity.

Been saying the same thing since June.

hanna20 The haters coming

Posted by Huangbk72 > Jul 30, 2021 12:16 PM | Report Abuse

Sorry my bad.. today he added 2 ridiculous claims.. i have to add in. LOL

Crazy SD claims:

1) he will make SD price 0.60 since 2 weeks ago.. till now.. nothing.. FAILED
2) Dont worry.. he is big shark and will work with Karim to boost price to RM5.0... FAILED
3) Karim bought back shares 0.465 last week.. till now no announcement. FAILED
4) PWC will be final external auditor for SD..... PENDING to FAIL
5) EY insider collecting shares ..... PENDING to FAIL
6) Najib back in power this counter shoot RM130 like nestle de.. SURE FAIL
7) Sapura different industry and share also 12 billion more than serba. EPF secretly buy can still see their citigroup nominies order ...... SURE FAIL
30/07/2021 12:21 PM


2021-07-30 12:16 | Report Abuse

Sorry my bad.. today he added 2 ridiculous claims.. i have to add in. LOL

Crazy SD claims:

1) he will make SD price 0.60 since 2 weeks ago.. till now.. nothing.. FAILED
2) Dont worry.. he is big shark and will work with Karim to boost price to RM5.0... FAILED
3) Karim bought back shares 0.465 last week.. till now no announcement. FAILED
4) PWC will be final external auditor for SD..... PENDING to FAIL
5) EY insider collecting shares ..... PENDING to FAIL
6) Najib back in power this counter shoot RM130 like nestle de.. SURE FAIL
7) Sapura different industry and share also 12 billion more than serba. EPF secretly buy can still see their citigroup nominies order ...... SURE FAIL


2021-07-30 12:01 | Report Abuse

When you see crazy uncle talking.. better ignore or you end up in the hospital with him...

Crazy SD claims:

1) he will make SD price 0.60 since 2 weeks ago.. till now.. nothing.. FAILED
2) Dont worry.. he is big shark and will work with Karim to boost price to RM5.0... FAILED
3) Karim bought back shares 0.465 last week.. till now no announcement. FAILED
4) PWC will be final external auditor for SD..... PENDING to FAIL
5) EY insider collecting shares ..... PENDING to FAIL

I think Hospital Bahagia has a special room, set up with computers and i3 forum id.. so "special patients" can simply talk with no consequences and release their stress here.. no need so much medicine.


2021-07-30 07:51 | Report Abuse

Never fight the “Process”

Moo got into a mess because he is fighting the process.

Karim got into a mess for fighting the process

Winter has officially arrived in SD

EY will confirm KPMG findings
Don’t be in the same room when shit hits the fan.
Stay sideline and enjoy the shitshow.


2021-07-29 11:41 | Report Abuse

SpikeNow hahaha .. i want to unload now ..see you guys at 0.2 if it ever happens
29/07/2021 11:38 AM

Wah... your sword cut so deep....

Dont need 0.20.. even 0.30 already many will jump.. hahaaha


2021-07-29 11:19 | Report Abuse

superrr Maybe he will bring his HK rich friend and promise goreng it to 1.00 again...hahaha
29/07/2021 11:15 AM

Haiz.. i think wait till next year also not going to happen.

His claims are all super OUTLANDISH.. till it doesnt even make sense.

I think Hospital Bahagia has a special room, set up with computers and i3 forum id.. so "special patients" can simply talk with no consequences and release their stress here.. no need so much medicine.


2021-07-29 11:12 | Report Abuse

When crazy uncle talk to himself.. better ignore or run away...

Crazy SD claims:

1) he will make SD price 0.60 since 2 weeks ago.. till now.. nothing.. FAILED
2) Dont worry.. he is big shark and will work with Karim to boost price to RM5.0... FAILED
3) Karim bought back shares 0.465 last week.. till now no announcement. FAILED
4) PWC will be final external auditor for SD..... PENDING to FAIL
5) EY insider collecting shares ..... PENDING to FAIL


2021-07-29 06:53 | Report Abuse


I have been expecting a cold and harsh winter for SD. The signs, actions and reactions from BOD has been loud and clear.

The final nail in the coffin is the announcement of Intention to Deal during Closed Period.

A listed entity primary focus is to increase its stock price, not depress. To monitor directors selling, it shows a breakdown in relationship. Something bad and smelly are brewing in SD.

Every step, every move, every announcement by SD are detrimental to their stock price. They have successfully hammered down the stock price from 1.60 to current range. Kudos to SD management, in this aspect, they did an exemplary job.

My daily mantra continues....

EY will confirm KPMG findings.
Dont be in the same room when shit hits the fan
Interested to invest, gamblers wait till SIR findings and investors wait for Audited accounts.. Take your pick.


2021-07-28 18:26 | Report Abuse

IronShirt Not necessary Karim will buy or sell after this announcement. Saw this in AirAsia every Quarter
28/07/2021 6:12 PM

The directors can either sell or buy during this closed period.

So follow their actions... wont go wrong.


2021-07-28 16:52 | Report Abuse


when you see crazy people shouting and talking..

Better ignore them.

What a fanboy will say to defend his beloved stocks.. crazy.. hahahha


2021-07-28 10:51 | Report Abuse

Plantermen Nexia is not another shop house auditor. They are rank among the top ten globally. To accept Serba nomination. NEXIA appointment is based on criteria set out by the companies act, capital market, listing requirements, code on corporate governance, MIA standards, Bursa etc
28/07/2021 10:40 AM

There are around 39 firms in Malaysia able to audit listed company under AOB.

So there is actually alot of company qualified. Nothing stands out in the area for Nexia.


2021-07-28 07:20 | Report Abuse

Stop flogging the dead horse!!

There will only be sideways movement till EY findings. And I’m 100% EY findings is similar to KPMG.

So don’t be in the room when shit hits the fan..

Stay outside and observe


2021-07-27 10:34 | Report Abuse

DL60 There are some local audit firms affiliate themselves to international accounting firm to look "big". They only need to pay registration fee and yearly subscription fee for the affiliation. Heard from my audit practitioner friend, Nexia Malaysia barely makes it top 20 in Malaysia in terms of fee revenue or no of staffs.

Nexia is not in Top 10 accounting firm in google search. Guess all the Top 10 audit firms stay away from SD. Why not appointing one of the top 10, BDO who was previously nominated to replace KPMG?
27/07/2021 10:29 AM

Yes.. Nexia is part of NEXIS membership group, made all the smaller pcs look big.... Worldwide Nexis is mid-tier.. in Malaysia, Nexia is small-tier

They got the job because the bigger boys dont want this "hot potato".

I had hoped PWC or Deloitte will come in...


2021-07-27 10:18 | Report Abuse

wah.. when you see crazy Uncle talking to themselves.. better ignore or run away.. might be escapee from Happy Hospital.. lol


2021-07-27 06:07 | Report Abuse

It is a fact that a new auditor will have to come in replacing KPMG.

It’s also a fact that with the crows gathering around SD audit issues, they needed the best auditor. When u get a lawyer, u get the best one available.

But alas, From driving a continental car, SD just downgraded to a China Geely car by getting Nexis.

This just shows how bad the situation at SD that none big audit firm willing to handle this “hot potato”.

At least BDO, Crowe or Baker Tillly..: BUT NEXIS ….. hahahaha

Wish the best to all fanboys.


2021-07-25 14:35 | Report Abuse

Macgyver11 Don’t Fall in Love

You may own a particular share or other investment which has performed very well for you in the past. However, if it has started to perform badly then you should think about selling. Don’t fall in love with your investments – ask yourself, “Would I buy this share today?” If the answer is no, then give serious consideration to selling. As we are constantly told, ‘past performance is not a guide to future performance.’

Similarly, investments do not ‘owe you money.’ If you bought a share at RM1.50 and it has fallen to RM0.40 it doesn’t owe you fifty pence. RM0.40 is what people think the share is now worth: don’t be afraid to cut your losses if something is clearly going wrong.
25/07/2021 10:41 AM

What you just mentioned is one of the basic tenets of investment.

What is not practiced … losses too painful to cut. Hold for hope.

We only want to make money from stock market…. I never ask people to sell SD, just don’t buy till audited accounts is ready. Now who knows the real value of SD.. Nada, Zilch


2021-07-25 14:31 | Report Abuse

wongchin Anyone got special news auditor accuse of raising red flag wrongly or not?? Pls post related news n useful news. Pls check in malaysia history listed firm how many x auditor hv raise red flag?? I lazy to google cos i js look at the share price of the co i already knew its a serious matter nt to be taken lightly. If 0.43 so cheap all director n board will be buying especially ily.. Thats insider news. If not pak karam can give 0.32 esos to subcribe new board of member n director n staff if so confident.
25/07/2021 8:39 AM

No need to google.. the answer is NO or NEVER. All red flagged audit issues will be proven correct. How can you dispute a “process”. Like that, building inspector don’t approve OC, developer sue ?


2021-07-25 07:36 | Report Abuse

Everyday fanboys showing KPMG audit news.

All wrong comparisons!!

Wanna compare, make apple to apple comparisons, don’t twist fact to suit own agenda.

1)Auditors worldwide gets sued all the time for LACK of Audit. Means shareholders or liquidators sue auditor.
2) in SD case, auditor OVER audit in raising red flags.
3) Surprise surprise.. EY top in 2020 for lack of audit. Kenna sue left and right much much more than the other Big4


2021-07-23 17:04 | Report Abuse

Getting ridiculous now.. claiming to be from UK but English writing style really Ulu Kelantan. Grammar all over the place


2021-07-23 09:28 | Report Abuse

Wirecard was a euro 24b company in 2018.EY was the auditor.

Now its left a meager 44m due to accounting irregularities.

Trivial audit matters are trivial pebbles that starts an avalanche.


2021-07-23 07:21 | Report Abuse

PSAi3alert I was beginning to feel sorry for Serba and Karim, and was contemplating to stop publishing my findings. Really.

After reading your comments and accusations, I'm reminded of Serba's arrogance.

I am now motivated to continue in my pursuits and will not stop until the Fat Lady Sings!

Don’t forget the “silent” majority here. The smart, the knowledge seeker, the truth holders, the righteous ones..

When u see crazy people talking to themselves, don’t bother.

Your valuable information helps the smart investors look through the fake facade presented by SD and their band of merry “ra ra makers”


2021-07-22 21:39 | Report Abuse

No la.. All powerful He-Man will save the day... soon will have "Special" external Auditors.

Both "Special" Independent Reviewer + External Auditor will be reporting concurrently to SD and Heman..

Lets see if SD can delay.. hahaha.


2021-07-22 19:17 | Report Abuse

When you see crazy people talking to themselves, best is to avoid them..

This no need fortune teller.. hahaha

Everyday also promote...everyday also trying to pull people to drown with you. If so good, diam diam and accumulate.. why promote non stop.

No other ending for SD.. EY will confirm KPMG findings. High possibility to find other "skeletons" in the closet.

Want to buy, wait for audited accounts.


2021-07-22 07:50 | Report Abuse

nashvz SERBA and REACH for me, especially with oil price rising back up above $70 now
22/07/2021 7:49 AM

This is a weird group of SD supporters here so beware:

1) Oil price up.. SD becomes an oil company
2) Oil price down.. SD is NOT an oil company



2021-07-22 07:49 | Report Abuse

DepecheM The news indirectly hints that EY's IR will have no issue...u think any world top 10 auditing firms will want to clean somebody's dirty laundry... they will only just turn their heads.
21/07/2021 9:01 PM

hahhaa... would a lawyer take up a " big" case even though the client is guilty??

Money and Prestige.. Get big fee.. and Get Prestige from uncovering more audit issues. Auditors dont get free publicity from doing a good audit.. They get BIG PUBLICITY from uncovering dirt and skeletons..

All the 2nd tier audit companies would love to audit SD. Get an indemnity letter, then work starts. Find skeletors, get fee and prestige.


2021-07-22 07:45 | Report Abuse

i3lurker of course and the final TP is USD1,000,000,000.00 per share

JovaneChua I think limit up will happen tmr.
22/07/2021 12:49 AM
22/07/2021 12:50 AM

Really ?? then I should SaiLang.. LOL


2021-07-21 06:17 | Report Abuse

The top world audit firm now is EY.. in terms of audit scandals.


So how, does this mean IR result cannot be trusted? Appoint PWC or Deloitte better ??

Funny people using Audit company to blame, when audit itself is a process.

EY will confirm KPMG findings. No Doubt about it and probably dig up more skeletons in SD closet.

Read up Wirecard case. EY refuse to sign off accounts and KPMG appointed as IR and found other “skeletors”.

Don’t be in the same room when shit hits the fan.

Wanna buy, wait till then. Plenty of money to be made if audit issues resolved. Be smart.


2021-07-19 17:44 | Report Abuse

bobvic96 Steady Punpipi Karim oledi knows the outcome of SDK the rest here only speculations ...that is facts. His action of share buy back is indirectly sending a positive even the no brainer will spot it...hahaha
19/07/2021 4:18 PM

UnSteady ConPeepee, if that is the case, why hasn't he sold everything and gone all in buying Serba shares?

Maybe he:

(1) is already too rich?
(2) has no cash?
(3) can't get loan?
(4) knows Serba is not a good investment!
19/07/2021 5:33 PM

I think its (5) Not too smart.

Small audit red flag matter, blow up like this.

Then get a new chairman to talk in public.. 1st PC, walked right into a ditch.. Now new chairman also muzzled.

Everything Chef K does, haizzzzzz... better he dont do anything.


2021-07-19 17:30 | Report Abuse

That Conpipi already walk till dead-end. He has forgotten that he is born a human..

Earlier I pitied him.. now I rejoice seeing him in anguish.

Karma will always haunt you.. will come back to bite you when you least expect it.


2021-07-19 17:28 | Report Abuse


Haha.. okok.. shhhhh

But you forgot something also.... the number of shares still held by Chef K pending margin call.. LOL


2021-07-19 17:07 | Report Abuse

IbnuShaari If the book is clear, you won't get this price, so it is your choice, buy and keep or wait until the price is perhaps doubled than the current price upon completion of the audit. The price also can drop further if the book is not clear. Looking into Karim's action to buy back, he is so confident that the price will be moving up further, else why he keeps buying instead of selling?
19/07/2021 5:02 PM

Fake news!!!

Chef K sold more than he bought la.. hahhahaha


2021-07-19 07:18 | Report Abuse

Another week has passed..

We are getting closer to the resolution of this audit issue..

We can expect announcement by next week if external auditors are not appointed yet.. SC will have to step in again. EY as SIR, another audit firm as SEA.. a first in Malaysian corporate history where a company has both SIR and SEA..

I stand firm in my opinion:

EY will confirm KPMG findings.

Don’t be in the same room when shit hits the fan..

Till then, trade happily.


2021-07-19 07:13 | Report Abuse

Uncle_Lim Closing ssh port is the dumbest thing i've heard today. The industry standard is to disable root ssh, not disable ssh lol
18/07/2021 8:13 PM

LOL.. u really epic… I see crazy people like you, usually I ignore but can’t help it this time.

Assigning ROOT to SSH is the dumbest thing you can do..

Hahah hahahahaha


2021-07-17 05:43 | Report Abuse


Good work…

The info you found sure looks bad..

Billion revenue SD doing business with shady companies.. hahaha

Every year will have this talk :

CFO: Boss… this year can give magic number ah?? How high GP and NP u want??

Boss reply: Keep number 1811… my lucky number.. means everyday Fatt..

CFO: ok boss.. kaotim. But boss.. we have so many clients, so many different business, keep 1811 very strange.. how to explain EVERY CONTRACT we sign have 18% GP regardless of country and financial year ?? Who believes? I can probably adjust 11% NP.. but tricky la 18% GP.

Boss: never mind, many blind people including our auditors.. they only look at NP.. just do it


2021-07-16 12:53 | Report Abuse

xskyriver Mike, huangbk, psai3 are like going into the worship place of certain religion group, and tell them their god is fake.

Sure kena hantam teruk teruk.
16/07/2021 12:43 PM

hahaha... correct "analogy"

Same as in other counters like Londbisc, Welli, Transmile and many more.. all red audit flag, all kena hentam kuat2 for calling their god a "fake"..