
JJchan | Joined since 2015-05-28

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2017-11-02 09:18 | Report Abuse

anything can happen on Fri/Sat when Trump visit South Korea---to sleep well better not touch stocks


2017-10-17 11:43 | Report Abuse

sold half to buy a good set of Michelin Sport Tires first....


2017-10-13 16:24 | Report Abuse

maybe aiming for 4.50 closing


2017-10-13 13:42 | Report Abuse

atleast 2 rounds this week, BB tries to push above 0.420 and failed.....But the strong resistance at 0.415 is watered Down to 0.410.....If today BB can sapu half of 0.410 parked Vol., next week will
be a good week.....


2017-10-13 13:35 | Report Abuse

so what i observed on 11 Oct is correct, epf is selling (9 Oct as stated above) but it is buying again
on 12 Oct----give or take another 2 week, maybe I can see 5.0


2017-10-11 17:13 | Report Abuse

one big fish went in to support price at 4.30 and now started to dispose at 4.450......once 4.50 is
breached it is Bon Voyage to 5.00


2017-10-06 11:09 | Report Abuse

Jaks will surely end up in very tight cash flow soon. If Najib got money, it is already directed to GE14, next 1MDB, last Gamuda (who is Jaks?) Most of the contractors that bid for Gov. projects
are unknown Co. (2016-7) bcoz GLC knows Fed will ask them to "untang first" ----raise cash yourself......Until now Suke Highway(under Jaks) still cannot pay last batch of properties considering Jaks parcel got to be completed in Feb 2019......of the 500m project only 100m workdone and the deadline is Jan 2019.....


2017-10-06 10:00 | Report Abuse

sure i will "sailang Upside down-"....Roger don't worry, you duduk diam diam here and wait.........my plan is after North Korea Nuked Japan first


2017-10-03 17:28 | Report Abuse

everythings in Jaks house is on Fire Sale-----Jack Ma is Jaks new "lelong manager online"


2017-10-02 16:15 | Report Abuse

tomolo T8 for 417m----wed T8 for 476m----the main problem is at 0.58(61%) have around 100m
that "is enjoying" 10% gain if Hib stand at around 0.620( don't know whether they will throw tomolo
or Not )


2017-09-29 11:24 | Report Abuse


I hope kcchongnz is not talking about Roger123 calling to sai Lang Jaks Or else this toothless bitch will be chewing your nuts soon ( take note kcchongnz)


2017-09-27 17:09 | Report Abuse

tomolo T4 due is even larger than today (476m Vs 416m)....unless Vol breached 200m, 0.650 is
difficult to maintain.....all eyes on "never say Die" contra players tomolo----you never know


2017-09-27 16:46 | Report Abuse

I think contra players are leaving Hib (overbought)----expect spilled over effect and normal GE14
rotational play


2017-09-27 16:41 | Report Abuse

same syndicate as Hib.....I think BB already pullout of Hib on second day bcoz vol. is same as
first day 400m-----This is normal rotational play waiting for GE14


2017-09-27 09:53 | Report Abuse

4 days of marathon run.....Is Hib a hardcore Africa marathon runner Or a 60 years on Steroids??


2017-09-20 13:04 | Report Abuse

172m is difficult to sustain.....too many contra players already in.....sold off at 0.55


2017-09-20 10:41 | Report Abuse

Hib will be running out of steam by afternoon---contra players will unload hib and chase up Ifca (abang/adik )----look at Dne also flying


2017-09-18 09:25 | Report Abuse

Roger is a sore loser (always name calling )....Initially he challenge JAKS will beat KPS....so sure
he enter Jaks 1.30 and leave 2.00(prediction----bcoz he thinks yyK will goreng Jaks ) After leaving
Jaks, he will sailang KPS--most likely. KPS will receive 800m from sales of Splash( Oct 6-8), Jaks will have Cash flow problem throughOut 2018-----How can this 2 stocks be same ( KPS--Arabian Horse, Jaks---local Cow )


2017-09-15 10:04 | Report Abuse

Goldchia, are you a contractor? My project is bleeding like waterfall.....Najib doesn't allow us to
import Steelbar and don't allow Steel Manufacturer to export steelbar. All Jaks steelbar for
Suke Highway are brand new and deliver every 3-4 days----I think Jaks has blown it budget


2017-09-14 15:02 | Report Abuse

hai-hai Bank ( change name so fast )


2017-09-13 19:05 | Report Abuse

if you pump some money into Ammb then it will be hai-hai Bank


2017-09-12 21:23 | Report Abuse

don't be mistaken that Cimb prints money (they take deposits and reinvest at a profit margin )
Cimb will weigh the risk/reward if they want to control Ambank price. A fierce fire fight with a
big fish could end-up forking up 40m/Day while the warrant might have a profit of only 1-2million.
Having so much shares in hand is a Risk itself. 99% cimb will let go the warrant if the stock is
going to Fly.


2017-09-12 16:42 | Report Abuse

I think Junichiro is correct about Cimb's intention But i notice there is a very big fish supporting
at 4.30.....every now and then i jump in to support at 4.30....once cimb exhausted all his bullets
there is nothing he can do.


2017-09-12 16:01 | Report Abuse

Downgrade........that is what I have saying for the last 2 weeks....."Cash Flow problem".....Selling
asset is a way out but timing is important and "are there any taker" ----maybe fire Sale Or "leap
over Roof Sale "


2017-09-10 20:53 | Report Abuse

Do you think Najib will pay Gamuda's MRT project first ( 28billions ) Or Jaks (unknown in Umno) 450million in next 8 months....where Jaks is going to dig 450millio?


2017-09-08 10:40 | Report Abuse

"how to train a dragon" ----convert it into a worm first----make it fart every second-----loud and Clear
"Dragon Fart"


2017-09-08 10:18 | Report Abuse

suddenly so many sellers at 0.095 (2m+)...but only 190K in ringgit....very small fish


2017-09-08 10:16 | Report Abuse

needs about 2 months to prepare poles, flags, T-Shirts etc.....end year seem very likely esp. when
Pkr is fighting among themselves


2017-09-08 09:49 | Report Abuse

who are you "Up_down" to tell yyK---he spent 100s million and never check????
But i think you are damn right( i just want Roger to sailang his last pet dog )......2 year ago when Jaks management said they spent hundred of millions on site....I asked my driver to drop-by the
site.....my nuts nearly fell off ( but i already holding millions of Jaks then----better keep quiet )


2017-09-07 19:48 | Report Abuse

If ANZ sold the last 7 trading days----where is Bursa announcement?


2017-09-07 17:23 | Report Abuse

Just Epf trading tactic----very effective if you got money like epf's pocket....BB push down to collect
and then push up to sell and run......But epf just stomp and stomp the price down, I think at 4.30
most contra players are either Dead or hardly breathing


2017-09-07 17:10 | Report Abuse

I think Bunuhsateman is CalvinTan----he hates Ifca


2017-09-07 11:36 | Report Abuse

ipp( YTL) cannot be used as comparsion becoz YTL ipp is serving as a rent collector for another
Big Boss.....everybody is against ytl ipp----why Tenaga Boss said nothing bcoz "said something means balik kampong tanam jagung"


2017-09-06 21:12 | Report Abuse

This how "Uma" comes to play and "contra players always show Bursa the Finger"


2017-09-06 21:11 | Report Abuse

most rally always starts with gamblers and contra players.....once started, it can go quite far


2017-09-06 21:04 | Report Abuse

I don't think War with North Korea is imminent (beside being Nuke war)....The next number is
cost-----nobody want to start a war without having a rough estimate about the cost and "who is going to pay"
As for USA, taxpayers will be bearing the Cost......but the bill for Harvey is 100billion (insured)
rough estimate for those Un-insured is 200billion
If Irma hit Florida, the damages could be 180billion and Unisured amount ??
All in all, Mr Trump is seating on a "potential" 500billion Bill from 2 disasters


2017-09-06 12:41 | Report Abuse

I think Jaks already used 100million for Suke Highway project by next month.....the big question is
Can Prolintas(project masterbuilder) secure enough Cash to pay Jaks....." the rest of the construction Co. taking Gov. project seem to indicate....." you pay first, I pay you interest---don't
worry Najib got money "-----anyway Jaks can initiates Right Issue-----YYK big supporter


2017-09-06 10:31 | Report Abuse

same person or same group playing.....First round push to 0.11 then push down to 0.08....this round maybe Tp 0.125 or 0.13


2017-09-05 17:30 | Report Abuse

michael. Nuke war is very different from WWi + 2......no mass soldiers shooting at each other....
There is primary blast---everything into charcoal (kill radius with 30Km) Secondary Kill by radioactive Dust (250km) Every human within 250km will die off Radiation in 5 years-----No farmers
mass starvations......Even with heavy protective clothings, you cannot enter secondary kill Zone
in next 50 years (as recorded in Chernobyl disaster )

Just 5-6 Nuke hit is enough to rename North Korea as " Hell on Land"


2017-09-05 13:35 | Report Abuse

I think America is far far more dangerous than Kim Jong-Un....For one is the distance, none of
the NK nuke head can hit mainland USA......But all 7000 american nuke head can hit any NK
town and city within 200metre......the greatest american fear is they allowed one nuke head
to slip by and Seoul is Charcoal Town ( you already know what i am going to said next-----)


2017-09-05 13:04 | Report Abuse

airlines stock is the first counter you should dumped given current Korea peninsular situation.
All airspace within Northern China, Taiwan, Korea and Northern Japan will be Off-limit to
airline flight path in the event if USA/South Korea decided to Shoot down NK's ICBM.
" Are you a Nuke Tourist"


2017-08-30 22:19 | Report Abuse

so "act si", just bcoz roger bought 5000 jaks---everybody must "tepi-tepi" when roger walks past.
so sombong sure falls into a lombong.....by the way Jaks is good at digging longkang and lombong.


2017-08-30 13:54 | Report Abuse

This forum actually got many smart traders......better leave and let Roger stucked here


2017-08-30 13:51 | Report Abuse

another wiseman (smarter than yyk )....margin acct. is a side bet sometimes a death trap when
general market starts to fall. Every night yyk is looking at the night sky towards North Korea.


2017-08-30 12:09 | Report Abuse

atleast somebody here understand margin account........100million-----count interest cost


2017-08-30 11:52 | Report Abuse

why Roger is so upset about rgb and my golf buddies??(long story) But Roger is correct I don't
play Golf, such a tiring game. Nowadays, China Dolls comes in package, they play Golf too.
Just get one that play good golf and we can "side bet" who is the winner----throw-in RGB also


2017-08-30 11:29 | Report Abuse

someone please short Jaks----sure forced yyk to unload more----made big money for Shorties