
Leempeh | Joined since 2019-03-20

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2019-04-22 18:06 | Report Abuse

Just calculated. TDMs landbanks In Trengganu alone (not counting landbanks in Kalimantan and elsewhere) is the size of 143 Subang Jaya’s, leh! As sure as the sun rises in the East, TDM is gonna become a billion dollar company, man!


2019-04-22 17:56 | Report Abuse

Guys, I was supporting the counter not only with words but also with $$$. Some of you may have noticed me doing my little bit to shore up the counter with my relatively small15k lots buy orders, during the panic selling. These 0.195 cents a share will become peanuts when the true value of TDMs gargantuan landbank holdings of 52,000+ Hectares in Trengganu alone, is realized when those feeder railways are built into the Trengganu hinterland, resulting in rapid urbanization.... (that’s hectares; not acres - just to give you an idea of the size of TDMs landbanks in Trengganu; the entire Subang Jaya is a mere chicken feed 900 acres). TDM shares will be unrecognizable when it shoots past RM1! Yet that could even be conservative. So I’m hanging on tight....for the loooong haul, leh! Every retracement, to me is just another opportunity to collect. I may not be KYY but I have enough bullets left to keep collecting some more.


2019-04-22 16:32 | Report Abuse

The tide is turning. I’m busy collecting. There are signs that the syndicate is abandoning their previous bottom-feeding strategies and have switched to “pump and dump”! For us long term investors, we’re playing for much bigger stakes. We’ll keep collecting on every retracement & hold until Talam morphs into a clean debt-free Co, leh! Huat ah!


2019-04-22 11:39 | Report Abuse

I’m busy collecting. It’s obvious that the syndicate has abandoned their previous bottom-feeding strategies and have switched strategies to “pump and dump”! For us long term investors, we’re playing for much bigger stakes. We’ll keep collecting on every retracement & hold until TDM morphs into a billion $Co, leh! Huat ah!


2019-04-22 11:33 | Report Abuse


Woohoo! Dig this. PMs trip to China to woo investments from China in 3 sectors: Ports, Commodities (read palm oil, mah) and tourism.

BullDog you’re right! TDM is gonna morph into a Billion $ co. Huat ah!


2019-04-22 00:23 | Report Abuse

Oh Blacksheep, you are clearly a shiver looking for a spine to run up...With your England soooo bad, there are few precedents for your kind of investment Icarus act! The game’s up, your scams over! So trundle along and suck on your baby’s pacifier, LoL!


2019-04-22 00:20 | Report Abuse

Oh Blacksheep, you are clearly a shiver looking for a spine to run up...With your England soooo bad, there are few precedents for your kind of investment Icarus act! The game’s up, your scams over! So trundle along and suck on your baby’s pacifier, LoL!


2019-04-22 00:12 | Report Abuse

Mabel...the article is spot on! Exactly what I’ve been trying to expose!


2019-04-21 17:29 | Report Abuse

Wow, you son of a gun. You’re truly worried, like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, that Talam shares are gonna recover, ah? 2.5 to 2 cents. Oh pl pl pl pl pl, if it does drop to that level, I’ll huuuuut the counter like it’s going out of style leh!


2019-04-21 16:56 | Report Abuse


Hah, the Edge has predicted that the ECRL will benefit all the States that it runs through. Trengganu has 6 ECRL stops at Kg Raja, KT, Pengkalan Betangan, Dungun, Kemasik & Chukai compared to Kelantan’s 2 at KB & Tok Bali. Meanwhile, the Trengganu State Chairman for Infrastructure, Public Facilities, Utilities and Green Technology, Dr Mamad Putih, had projected that the ECRL would enable the construction of feeder railways that would open up Terengganu’s hinterland following the agreement between Malaysia and China to resume the construction of the ECRL.
“We have waited for this news for some time. We want the ECRL because of its huge economic benefits that will generate revenue for the state government and also the people who will get spillovers from the project.

“It will open up possibilities for construction of feeder railway lines to the industrial districts of Kemaman and Paka as well as the capital Kuala Terengganu.

“Setiu and Besut will see growth hastened, especially in the tourism sector,” he said

Wah, feeder railways into Trengganu’s hinterland/interior? This will result in a rapid urbanization and cause a drastic revaluation of TDMs landbanks and consequently TDMs share prices.

Ha ha ha, Blacksheep....I sorrow you, man. You’re beginning to look like the man walking the wrong way down an airport travelator coz, try as you might, the panic selling has stopped, lah. Nobody’s falling for your scam nor believe your negative talk anymore, mah? TDM is recovering and pffft....there goes your Scam, lor!


2019-04-21 10:11 | Report Abuse

Ha ha ha, you’re truly a Blacksheep. You’re beginning to look like the man walking the wrong way down an airport travelator coz try as you might, the panic selling has stopped. Nobody’s falling for your scam nor believe your negative talk anymore. Talam is recovering and pffft....there goes your Scam!


2019-04-20 13:25 | Report Abuse

You lot, that Blacksheep, Alfonso are hilarious! It’s often said that the loudest boos usually come from the cheapest seats, lor. In the meantime, stick around...learn a thing or two, then report back, lor ...I’ll be waiting, leh.


2019-04-20 00:11 | Report Abuse

Hee Hee Hee, Blacksheep, pipe down you drunkard! So wonderful to see that I’m living rent free in your mind now, leh! Your medications wearing off, so go see your doctor quick, lol! So that’s what they mean by the tyranny of the loud and the few, but Blacksheep, I’m so sorry to have to tell you that you’re a day late and a dollar short in this respect, lah! You obviously haven’t been following my posts earlier.


2019-04-20 00:07 | Report Abuse

Hee Hee Hee, Blacksheep, pipe down you drunkard! So wonderful to see that I’m living rent free in your mind now, leh! Your medications wearing off, meh? Go see your doctor quick, lol! So that’s what they mean by the tyranny of the loud and the few, but Blacksheep, I’m so sorry to have to tell you that you’re a day late and a dollar short in this respect, lah! You obviously haven’t been following my posts earlier. I tp on Talam at 0.055 before the rerouting debacle, leh!


2019-04-19 18:21 | Report Abuse

Oh, Blacksheep, Leempeh ka lu kong, lah. Your soul eviscerating critique has got me shaking....with uncontrollable laughter!, leh! You are truly hilarious! Suffice it to say, that stocks are a golden goose, except to these scammers who try to operate an 8 hr/5 days a week 24 karat omelette station. But the game is up, lah! A forensic audit will expose everything, leh....including my bona-fides, man!


2019-04-19 18:19 | Report Abuse

Oh, Blacksheep, Leempeh ka lu kong, lah. At the risk of sounding facetious, your soul eviscerating critique has got me shaking....with uncontrollable laughter! You are truly hilarious! Suffice it to say, that stocks are a golden goose, except to these scammers who try to operate an 8 hr/5 days a week 24 karat omelette station. But the game is up, lah! A forensic audit will expose everything, leh....including my bona-fides, man!


2019-04-19 14:49 | Report Abuse

With due respect, blacksheep, there are many kinds of scams. What you’re talking about is “pump and dump.” “Pump and dumps” are normally done on mid-scale to higher priced stocks. The “straddle-control Scam” on the other hand works with low priced and penny stocks! Anyway, investigation papers have been opened. Let the investigation run its course. Meanwhile, happy punting everyone, hopefully this time without artificial fake buy price inputs!


2019-04-19 14:37 | Report Abuse

Google the word “Irrelevant” and “MCA’s name will appear, leh, LOL! So I’ll say it again here, as sure as the sun rises in the East, TDM will shoot past RM1 when the land values of its 52k+ hectare landbanks in Trengganu are revalued upwards, now that the ECRL is on! That’s a “when” not an “if”, lah!


2019-04-19 12:08 | Report Abuse

I’ve also listed in my report the Usernames of the scammers’ agents who have been coming to these fora to talk down the stock to help the scammers drive the prices down to fulfil their M.O. agenda! I’m given to understand that it’s easy to track them down using cell phone tower geo-positioning.


2019-04-19 12:02 | Report Abuse

Sorry folks for putting you all through this stress but it’s necessary. The scammers are going to jail and the counter will finally be subject to free market forces! After taking this antibiotic, the bad bacteria will leave our system. It’s necessary and will eventually lead to complete healing.

So I’m glad that there was no panic selling and you didn’t dump your shares and help the scammers, coz that’s what they want!

Spent a few hours in Commercial Crime, Bukit Aman yesterday. I’ve also listed in my report the Usernames of the scammers’ agents who have been coming to these fora to talk down the stock to help the scammers drive the prices down to fulfil their M.O. agenda! I’m given to understand that it’s easy to track them down using cell phone tower geo-positioning. Got an appointment with MACC today. Knowing the possibility of these scammers greasing the PDRM, it’s imperative to get the MACC involved! Next will be the AG’s Chambers. The wheels of Justice turns slowly but surely and with a forensic audit, all will be revealed. This will be all be cleaned up in due course.


2019-04-19 11:43 | Report Abuse

Bulldog, glad you held off until 0.18. Sat fatt, ah! I’m starting to collect too.

Sorry folks for putting you all through this stress but it’s necessary. The scammers are going to jail and the counter will finally be subject to free market forces! It’s like taking antibiotics to get rid of the bad bacteria in your system. It’s necessary and will eventually lead to complete healing.

So I’m glad that most of you didn’t dump your shares and help the scammers, coz that’s what they want! All the other counters mentioned above stopped bleeding and the panic selling stopped by the afternoon session yesterday. So stay calm and do not panic, k? Spent a few hours in Commercial Crimes, Bukit Aman yesterday. Got an appointment with MACC today. Knowing the possibility of these scammers greasing the PDRM, it’s imperative to get the MACC involved! Next will be the AG’s Chambers. The wheels of Justice turns slowly but surely and with a forensic audit, all will be revealed. This will be all be cleaned up in due course.


2019-04-19 07:49 | Report Abuse

If genuine buyers chase the stock higher, they’re happy to sell at the higher price. They then send their agents to these forums to sow fear, create doubt and generally to talk down the stock. You see, all the Calvin-bashing is really aimed at making the stock fall in price for that’s part of their M.O.

....Whatever the case, those of you who’ve been hurt by the actions of these sharks can file a complaint with ALL of the above agencies. Include the Usernames of those who are obviously agents of these scammers who come to these forums to talk down the stock and help the syndicate/scammers drive down the prices! The more people filing complaints and reports with these agencies the better!


2019-04-18 17:50 | Report Abuse

Contd.....Having done that, you should then write to the AG’s Chambers pressing for prosecution and circulate this plus ALL your complaints/reports in your WhatsApp chat groups and other social media. We will not be silenced. 

Let’s free and clean the counters AND Bursa Malaysia from these sort of dishonest manipulation. Many people invest their hard earned money, hoping to make a small profit not expecting to be scammed like this! We expect and deserve a free market, free from all manipulation! How could the company directors of the companies involved and Bursa Malaysia not be aware of this scam or are they complicit or choosing to look the other way? If any of the Company Directors or officials in Bursa Malaysia are involved in this scam, they deserve to be taken away in handcuffs too! If this post is removed, or I’m blacklisted, I’ll lodge a police report against the forum administrators too for it suggests that they’re trying to protect the syndicate/sharks. The rest of you people please save this post right NOW and repost and keep reposting in EVERY FORUM if this post is deleted. Also copy this right now before it’s deleted and post in ALL your WhatsApp chat groups and other social media. A forensic audit of the block buy orders will reveal everything! A lot of scammers are going to be taken away in handcuffs! 

We can’t be silenced.”


2019-04-18 17:49 | Report Abuse


Ever wondered why the counter that you’ve invested your hard-earned money in, can NEVER MOVE, come hell or high water? 

The reason is simple. It is under the control of a bottom-feeding shark cartel. They cleverly place half a million to one million Ringgit in a fake buyers queue to entice buyers to buy.  In Talam’s case, they put a fake buyer’s’ queue of 650k lots to buy at 0.04 cents. That block of 650k lots equals 65M shares amounting to RM2.6M! That block is too big for the ordinary investor to buy up and they know it and that, in a nutshell, is their modus operandi. That’s the reason why the shares won’t move for as long as they have control. 

They are actually ikan-billis sharks. They target lower priced or penny stocks and cos in distress for they know that the owners are as hapless as the rest of us. Their modus operandi is what I would call a straddle-control scam and it works as follows. They pool together a relatively small sum of, say, Rm7M. They proceed to buy up penny stocks or distressed co shares all the way from the bottom to the relative top (won’t be very high as the co is in distress). Then they place RM1M to RM2.6M worth of buy orders at the bottom price (called the bottom fake queue) 

In PHB’s case, they place a fake buyer’s queue to buy at 0.020. That block of 483,430 lots equals roughly 50 million shares (probably the original fake queue) amounting to RM1M! With Netx, they put a fake buyer’s’ queue of 1.08M lots to buy at 0.01 cents. That block of 1.08M lots equals 108M shares amounting to RM1.08M! In TDM’s case, they hide themselves in the second tier queueing to buy at 0.17. That block of 37,518 lots equals 3.7518M shares amounting to RM1/2M! In Daya‘s case, they create a fake buyer’s queue of 2.38M lots to buy at 0.005 cents. That block of 2.38M lots equals 238M shares amounting to RM1.19M! In Sumatec’s case they place a huge buy order of 3.5M lots at 0.005 cents. That works out to 350M shares amounting to RM1.75M!

These ikan-billis sharks are actually bottom feeders. Normally in a free and honest market, with such a massive buy order, it’s inevitable that the sell (ask) order would be executed/taken by someone. But these scammers ensure that they do not. These bottom feeder sharks will ensure that the price of the stock will NEVER rise and they’re happy to make as little as half cent per share. Multiply that half cent with the billions of shares issued by these penny stocks plus the number of daily transactions over the years and these scammers have reaped hundreds of millions and perhaps, billions, from poor investors! Notice that their buy order of 1M lots remain static, come hell or high water. If genuine buyers chase the stock higher, they’re happy to sell at the higher price.  They then send their agents to these forums to sow fear, create doubt and generally to talk down the stock. You see, all the Calvin-bashing is really aimed at making the stock fall in price for that’s part of their M.O. Next, they gently let the price fall towards the level of their bottom fake queue so that first, the contra players are forced to sell at that bottom price and later the long holders who eventually give up as the price keeps falling despite the millions of buy orders (the bottom fake queue)! 

Their objective is to create a situation where they frustrate the hell out of buyers until these buyers sell to them eventually at that bottom price and they’ve profited from the price difference as the seller (previously buyer) bought it from them at a higher price (Talam recently went up to 0.055c) plus they get to buy back the stock at the rock bottom price that these sharks have parked their fake queues! 

Angry? Here’s what you can do. First, don’t EVER sell your shares and help the scammers succeed with their scam. They are going to jail and the counter will finally be subject to free market forces! It’s like taking antibiotics to get rid of the bad bacteria in your system. It’s necessary and will eventually lead to complete healing. So DON’T DUMP your shares and help the scammers, coz that’s what they want! All the other counters mentioned above stopped bleeding and the panic selling stopped by the afternoon session. So stay calm and do not panic, k?

Those of you with contacts in the mass media or Politicians or have saudara in the Police force especially in the Commercial Crimes Division of PDRM or MACC or Bursa Malaysia or the Companies Commission of Malaysia, please contact them and lodge a complaint/report with them.

Whatever the case, those of you who’ve been hurt by the actions of these sharks can file a complaint with ALL of the above agencies. Include the Usernames of those who are obviously agents of these scammers who come to these forums to talk down the stock and help the syndicate/scammers drive down the prices! The more people filing complaints and reports with these agencies the better!


2019-04-18 08:57 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-04-18 08:47 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-04-18 08:35 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-04-18 08:22 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-04-18 08:03 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-04-18 08:01 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-04-18 07:59 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-04-17 23:15 | Report Abuse

The trouble was I bought into a palm oil counter TDM, a dividend stock. Yet these bottom feeder sharks have perpetuated this scam by using this MO to corner that counter!


2019-04-17 23:13 | Report Abuse

Pl take screenshots of the Bursa quotations for this counter NOW, especially the aforementioned fake buyers’ queue to preserve the evidence!


2019-04-17 23:11 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-04-17 23:11 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-04-17 23:09 | Report Abuse

Pl take screenshots of the Bursa quotations for this counter NOW, especially the aforementioned fake buyers’ queue to preserve the evidence!


2019-04-17 23:07 | Report Abuse

Pl take screenshots of the Bursa quotations for this counter NOW, especially the aforementioned fake buyers’ queue to preserve the evidence!


2019-04-17 23:06 | Report Abuse

Pl take screenshots of the Bursa quotations for this counter NOW, especially the aforementioned fake buyers’ queue to preserve the evidence!


2019-04-17 23:03 | Report Abuse

Pl amend the 2nd para as follows: With Daya‘s case, they create a fake buyer’s queue of 2.38M
lots to buy at 0.005 cents. That block of 2.38M lots equals 238M shares amounting to RM1.19M!


2019-04-17 22:29 | Report Abuse


Ever wondered why this counter that you’ve invested your hard-earned money in, can NEVER MOVE, come hell or high water?

The reason is simple. It is under the control of a bottom-feeding shark cartel. They cleverly create half a million to one million in a fake queue to entice buyers to buy. In Sumatec’s case they place a huge buy order of 3.5M lots at 0.005 cents. That works out to 350M shares amounting to RM1.75M! That block is too big for the ordinary investor to buy up and they know it and that, in a nutshell, is their modus operandi.That’s the reason why the shares won’t move for as long as they have control.

They are actually Ikan billis sharks. They target penny stocks and cos in distress for they know that the owners are as hapless as the rest of us. Their modus operandi is what I would call a straddle-control scam and it works as follows. They pool together a relatively small sum of say, RM5M. They proceed to buy up penny stocks or distressed co shares all the way from the bottom to the relative top (won’t be very high as the co is in distress). Then they place half to RM1M worth of buy orders at the bottom price (called the bottom fake queue)

In PHB’s case, they place a fake buyer’s queue to buy at 0.020. That block of 483,430 lots equals roughly 50 million shares (probably the original fake queue) amounting to RM1M! In TDM’s case, they hide themselves in the second tier queueing to buy at 0.17. That block of 37,518 lots equals 3.7518M shares amounting to RM1/2M! With Daya and Netx’s case, they create a fake buyer’s queue of 1M lots each to buy at 0.01 cents. That block of 1M lots equals 100M shares amounting to RM1M!

These Ikan billis sharks are actually bottom feeders. Normally in a free and honest market, with such a massive buy order, it’s inevitable that the sell (ask) order would be executed/taken by someone. But they don’t. These bottom feeder sharks will ensure that the price of the stock will NEVER rise and they’re happy to make as little as half cent per share. Multiply that half cent with the billions of shares issued by these penny stocks plus the number of daily transactions over the years and these scammers have reaped hundreds of millions and perhaps, billions, from poor investors! Notice that their buy order of 1M lots remain static, come hell or high water. If genuine buyers chase the stock higher, they’re happy to sell at the higher price. They then send their agents to these forums to talk down the stock. Next, they gently let the price fall towards the level of their bottom fake queue so that first, the contra players are forced to sell at that bottom price and later the long holders who eventually give up as the price keeps falling despite the millions of buy orders (the bottom fake queue)!

Their objective is to create a situation where they frustrate the hell out of buyers until these buyers sell to them eventually at that bottom price and they’ve profited from the price difference as the seller (previously buyer) bought it from them at a higher price, plus they get to buy back the stock at the rock bottom price that these sharks have parked their fake queues!

Angry? Here’s what you can do. First, don’t EVER sell your shares and help the scammers succeed with their scam. They are going to jail and the counter will finally be subject to free market forces! Those of you with contacts in the mass media or Politicians or the Commercial Crimes Division of PDRM or MACC or Bursa Malaysia or the Companies Commission of Malaysia, pl contact them and lodge a complaint/report with them.
Whatever the case, those of you who’ve been hurt by the actions of these sharks can file a complaint with ALL of the above agencies. The more people filing complaints and reports with these agencies the better! Having done that, you should then write to the AG’s Chambers pressing for prosecution and circulate this plus ALL your complaints/reports in your WhatsApp chat groups and other social media. We will not be silenced.

Let’s free and clean the counters AND Bursa Malaysia from these sort of dishonest manipulation. Many people invest their hard earned money, hoping to make a small profit not expecting to be scammed like this! We expect and deserve a free market, free from all manipulation! If any of the Company Directors or officials in Bursa Malaysia are involved in this scam, they deserve to be taken away in handcuffs too! If this post is removed, or I’m blacklisted, I’ll lodge a police report against the forum administrators too for it suggest that they’re trying to protect the syndicate/sharks. The rest of you people pl save this post right NOW and repost and keep reposting in EVERY FORUM if this post is deleted. Also copy this right now before it’s deleted and post in ALL your WhatsApp chat groups and other social media. A lot of scammers are going to be taken away in handcuffs!

We can’t be silenced.


2019-04-17 22:26 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-04-17 22:24 | Report Abuse


Ever wondered why this counter that you’ve invested your hard-earned money in, can NEVER MOVE, come hell or high water?

The reason is simple. It is under the control of a bottom-feeding shark cartel. They cleverly create half a million to one million in a fake queue to entice buyers to buy. With Daya‘s case, they create a fake buyer’s queue of 1M lots to buy at 0.01 cents. That block of 1M lots equals 100M shares amounting to RM1M! That block is too big for the ordinary investor to buy up and they know it and that, in a nutshell, is their modus operandi. That’s the reason why the shares won’t move for as long as they have control.

They are actually Ikan billis sharks. They target penny stocks and cos in distress for they know that the owners are as hapless as the rest of us. Their modus operandi is what I would call a straddle-control scam and it works as follows. They pool together a relatively small sum of say, RM5M. They proceed to buy up penny stocks or distressed co shares all the way from the bottom to the relative top (won’t be very high as the co is in distress). Then they place half to RM1M worth of buy orders at the bottom price (called the bottom fake queue)

In PHB’s case, they place a fake buyer’s queue to buy at 0.020. That block of 483,430 lots equals roughly 50 million shares (probably the original fake queue) amounting to RM1M! With Netx it’s also 1M lots to buy at 0.01 cents. That block of 1M lots equals 100M shares amounting to RM1M! In TDM’s case, they hide themselves in the second tier queueing to buy at 0.17. That block of 37,518 lots equals 3.7518M shares amounting to RM1/2M! In Sumatec’s case they place a huge buy order of 3.5M lots at 0.005 cents. That works out to 350M shares amounting to RM1.75M!

These Ikan billis sharks are actually bottom feeders. Normally in a free and honest market, with such a massive buy order, it’s inevitable that the sell (ask) order would be executed/taken by someone. But they don’t. These bottom feeder sharks will ensure that the price of the stock will NEVER rise and they’re happy to make as little as half cent per share. Multiply that half cent with the billions of shares issued by these penny stocks plus the number of daily transactions over the years and these scammers have reaped hundreds of millions and perhaps, billions, from poor investors! Notice that their buy order of 1M lots remain static, come hell or high water. If genuine buyers chase the stock higher, they’re happy to sell at the higher price. They then send their agents to these forums to talk down the stock. Next, they gently let the price fall towards the level of their bottom fake queue so that first, the contra players are forced to sell at that bottom price and later the long holders who eventually give up as the price keeps falling despite the millions of buy orders (the bottom fake queue)!

Their objective is to create a situation where they frustrate the hell out of buyers until these buyers sell to them eventually at that bottom price and they’ve profited from the price difference as the seller (previously buyer) bought it from them at a higher price, plus they get to buy back the stock at the rock bottom price that these sharks have parked their fake queues!

Angry? Here’s what you can do. First, don’t EVER sell your shares and help the scammers succeed with their scam. They are going to jail and the counter will finally be subject to free market forces! Those of you with contacts in the mass media or Politicians or the Commercial Crimes Division of PDRM or MACC or Bursa Malaysia or the Companies Commission of Malaysia, pl contact them and lodge a complaint/report with them.
Whatever the case, those of you who’ve been hurt by the actions of these sharks can file a complaint with ALL of the above agencies. The more people filing complaints and reports with these agencies the better! Having done that, you should then write to the AG’s Chambers pressing for prosecution and circulate this plus ALL your complaints/reports in your WhatsApp chat groups and other social media. We will not be silenced.

Let’s free and clean the counters AND Bursa Malaysia from these sort of dishonest manipulation. Many people invest their hard earned money, hoping to make a small profit not expecting to be scammed like this! We expect and deserve a free market, free from all manipulation! If any of the Company Directors or officials in Bursa Malaysia are involved in this scam, they deserve to be taken away in handcuffs too! If this post is removed, or I’m blacklisted, I’ll lodge a police report against the forum administrators too for it suggest that they’re trying to protect the syndicate/sharks. The rest of you people pl save this post right NOW and repost and keep reposting in EVERY FORUM if this post is deleted. Also copy this right now before it’s deleted and post in ALL your WhatsApp chat groups and other social media. A lot o


2019-04-17 22:22 | Report Abuse


Ever wondered why this counter that you’ve invested your hard-earned money in, can NEVER MOVE, come hell or high water?

The reason is simple. It is under the control of a bottom-feeding shark cartel. They cleverly create half a million to one million in a fake queue to entice buyers to buy. In PHB’s case, they place a fake buyer’s queue to buy at 0.20. That block of 483,430 lots equals roughly 50 million shares (probably the original fake queue) amounting to RM1M! That block is too big for the ordinary investor to buy up and they know it and that, in a nutshell, is their modus operandi. That’s the reason why the shares won’t move for as long as they have control.

They are actually Ikan billis sharks. They target penny stocks and cos in distress for they know that the owners are as hapless as the rest of us. Their modus operandi is what I would call a straddle-control scam and it works as follows. They pool together a relatively small sum of say, RM5M. They proceed to buy up penny stocks or distressed co shares all the way from the bottom to the relative top (won’t be very high as the co is in distress). Then they place half to RM1M worth of buy orders at the bottom price (called the bottom fake queue)

In TDMs case it’s 37,518 lots at 0.17 cents. That block of 37,518 lots equals 3.7518M shares amounting to RM1/2M! With Daya & Netx it’s 1M lots to buy at 0.01 cents. That block of 1M lots equals 100M shares amounting to RM1M! In Sumatec’s case they place a huge buy order of 3.5M lots at 0.005 cents. That works out to 350M shares amounting to RM1.75M!

These Ikan billis sharks are actually bottom feeders. Normally in a free and honest market, with such a massive buy order, it’s inevitable that the sell (ask) order would be executed/taken by someone. But they don’t. These bottom feeder sharks will ensure that the price of the stock will NEVER rise and they’re happy to make as little as half cent per share. Multiply that half cent with the billions of shares issued by these penny stocks plus the number of daily transactions over the years and these scammers have reaped hundreds of millions and perhaps, billions, from poor investors! Notice that their buy order of 1M lots remain static, come hell or high water. If genuine buyers chase the stock higher, they’re happy to sell at the higher price. They then send their agents to these forums to talk down the stock. Next, they gently let the price fall towards the level of their bottom fake queue so that first, the contra players are forced to sell at that bottom price and later the long holders who eventually give up as the price keeps falling despite the millions of buy orders (the bottom fake queue)!

Their objective is to create a situation where they frustrate the hell out of buyers until these buyers sell to them eventually at that bottom price and they’ve profited from the price difference as the seller (previously buyer) bought it from them at a higher price, plus they get to buy back the stock at the rock bottom price that these sharks have parked their fake queues!

Angry? Here’s what you can do. First, don’t EVER sell your shares and help the scammers succeed with their scam. They are going to jail and the counter will finally be subject to free market forces! Those of you with contacts in the mass media or Politicians or the Commercial Crimes Division of PDRM or MACC or Bursa Malaysia or the Companies Commission of Malaysia, pl contact them and lodge a complaint/report with them.
Whatever the case, those of you who’ve been hurt by the actions of these sharks can file a complaint with ALL of the above agencies. The more people filing complaints and reports with these agencies the better! Having done that, you should then write to the AG’s Chambers pressing for prosecution and circulate this plus ALL your complaints/reports in your WhatsApp chat groups and other social media. We will not be silenced.

Let’s free and clean the counters AND Bursa Malaysia from these sort of dishonest manipulation. Many people invest their hard earned money, hoping to make a small profit not expecting to be scammed like this! We expect and deserve a free market, free from all manipulation! If any of the Company Directors or officials in Bursa Malaysia are involved in this scam, they deserve to be taken away in handcuffs too! If this post is removed, or I’m blacklisted, I’ll lodge a police report against the forum administrators too and the rest of you pl save this post right now and repost in EVERY FORUM if my post is deleted. Also copy this right now before it’s deleted and post in ALL your WhatsApp chat groups and other social media. A lot of scammers are going to be taken away in handcuffs!

We can’t be silenced.


2019-04-17 22:20 | Report Abuse


Ever wondered why this counter that you’ve invested your hard-earned money in, can NEVER MOVE, come hell or high water?

The reason is simple. It is under the control of a bottom-feeding shark cartel. They cleverly create half a million to one million in a fake queue to entice buyers to buy. In TDM’s case, they hide themselves in the second tier queueing to buy at 0.17. That block of 40,118 lots equals 4.0118M shares amounting to more than RM1/2M! That block is too big for the ordinary investor to buy up and they know it and that, in a nutshell, is their modus operandi. That’s the reason why the shares won’t move for as long as they have control.

They are actually ikan-billis sharks. They target low priced stocks and penny stocks and cos in distress for they know that the owners are as hapless as the rest of us. Their modus operandi is what I would call a straddle-control scam and it works as follows. They pool together a relatively small sum of say, RM5M. They proceed to buy up penny stocks or distressed co shares all the way from the bottom to the relative top (won’t be very high as the co is in distress). Then they place half to RM1M worth of buy orders at the bottom price (called the bottom fake queue)

In PHB’s case, they place a fake buyer’s queue to buy at 0.020. That block of 483,430 lots equals roughly 50 million shares (probably the original fake queue) amounting to RM1M! With Daya & Netx it’s 1M lots to buy at 0.01 cents. That block of 1M lots equals 100M shares amounting to RM1M! In Sumatec’s case they place a huge buy order of 3.5M lots at 0.005 cents. That works out to 350M shares amounting to RM1.75M!

These Ikan-billis sharks are actually bottom feeders. Normally in a free and honest market, with such a massive buy order, it’s inevitable that the sell (ask) order would be executed/taken by someone. But the sharks ensure that they are not. These bottom feeder sharks will ensure that the price of the stock will NEVER rise and they’re happy to make as little as half cent per share. Multiply that half cent with the billions of shares issued by these penny stocks plus the number of daily transactions over the years and these scammers have reaped hundreds of millions and perhaps, billions, from poor investors! Notice that their buy order of 1M lots remain static, come hell or high water. If genuine buyers chase the stock higher, they’re happy to sell at the higher price. They then send their agents to these forums to talk down the stock. Next, they gently let the price fall towards the level of their bottom fake queue so that first, the contra players are forced to sell at that bottom price and later the long holders will eventually give up as the price keeps falling despite the millions of buy orders (the bottom fake queue)!

Their objective is to create a situation where they frustrate the hell out of buyers until these buyers sell to them eventually at that bottom price and they’ve profited from the price difference as the seller (previously buyer) bought it from them at a higher price, plus they get to buy back the stock at the rock bottom price where these sharks have parked their fake queues!

Angry? Here’s what you can do. First, don’t EVER sell your shares and help the scammers succeed with their scam. They are going to jail and the counter will finally be subject to free market forces! Those of you with contacts in the mass media or Politicians or the Commercial Crimes Division of PDRM or MACC or Bursa Malaysia or the Companies Commission of Malaysia, please contact them and lodge a complaint/report with them.

Whatever the case, those of you who’ve been hurt by the actions of these sharks can file a complaint with ALL of the above agencies. The more people filing complaints and reports with these agencies the better! Having done that, you should then write to the AG’s Chambers pressing for prosecution and circulate this plus ALL your complaints/reports in your WhatsApp chat groups and other social media. We will not be silenced.

Let’s free and clean Bursa Malaysia from these sort of dishonest manipulation. Many people invest their hard earned money, hoping to make a small profit not expecting to be scammed like this! We expect and deserve a free market, free from all manipulation! If any of the Company Directors or officials in Bursa Malaysia are involved in this scam, they deserve to be taken away in handcuffs too! If this post is removed, or I’m blacklisted, I’ll lodge a police report against the forum administrators too for it suggests that they’re trying to protect the scammers. Meanwhile, the rest of you people please save this post right NOW and repost and keep reposting in EVERY FORUM if this post is deleted. Also copy this right NOW before it’s deleted and post in ALL your WhatsApp chat groups and other social media. A lot of scammers are going to be taken away in handcuffs!

We can’t be silenced!


2019-04-17 13:33 | Report Abuse

I bought a big block of HTPadu at 0.65c circa CNY after their double limit up and subsequent plunge. The PNB clowns were happily selling and the counter ended up being CORNERED by bottom-feeding sharks. I collected every time these sharks drove the prices down. I knew they’d have to push some day and sure enough, last week they pushed it up to circa 0.90+ cents and I happily took their money. Ke ke ke ke! See, you can’t go wrong if you buy value and hold, leh.


2019-04-17 13:23 | Report Abuse

...we know these bottom-feeding sharks have little capital (or else they wouldn’t be bottom-feeders), so big numbers of contra-players or a counter syndicate can easily overwhelm & wipe them out!


2019-04-17 13:19 | Report Abuse

...but these contra players can also hurt the shorties when they long the counter in huge numbers! For me, I ONLY collect on weakness, so tqvm shorties!


2019-04-17 13:17 | Report Abuse

I’ve patience and I can hold....for years if necessary. So these shorties can only hurt the contra-player....not me, leh!


2019-04-17 13:11 | Report Abuse

...so long as they’re not the red flags of bottom-feeding shorties like Layang, leh, LoL!