
Leempeh | Joined since 2019-03-20

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2019-07-11 23:14 | Report Abuse

This counter us for hodlers....so HODL...hold on for dear life! You’d be amply rewarded!

My personal investment philosophy:

Ask yourself; What is the most important personal quality an investor can have?

Patience... followed by pretty aggressive conduct. It is given to human beings who work hard at it—who look and sift the world for a mispriced bet — that they can occasionally find one. And the wise ones bet heavily when the world offers them that opportunity. They bet big when they have the odds. And the rest of the time, they don’t. It’s just that simple.


2019-07-10 11:51 | Report Abuse

lobangking Puc ,Netx ,Fintec ,Mtronic potential to reach TP 10sen

Aiyoh, @lobangking! You’ve been posting this crap since time immemorial in various fora and yet NONE of the stocks you’re shrilling for have moved, leh! Just one look at the fake Buyers’ wall and it’s patently obvious that it’s a set-up. Set up to SELL, mah! Only a fool would buy those counters!


2019-07-05 14:50 | Report Abuse

Topped up some more


2019-07-03 10:41 | Report Abuse

I keyed in the Sinchew report into Google translate and this is what I got:

“Hot-selling frequent flyers (KNM, 7164, Main Board Energy Group) have been hot for three consecutive trading days. Today, their short-selling activities have stopped because of the skyrocketing volume.”

It doesn’t say that KLSE have banned short selling on this counter.


2019-07-02 19:32 | Report Abuse

LoL. It was a pleasure watching the IDSS buggers slowly buying back at 0.0300, the highest price of the day. Ouch...it must have hurt as they began shorting first thing in the morning at 0.290!

It was Monsieur Pierre Choderlos de Laclos who first wrote in his epistolary novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses, 1782 this immortal maxim: “La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froide...Revenge is a dish best served cold”


2019-07-02 13:16 | Report Abuse

Those of you who bought in early below 10cents, congrats! I don’t want to sound like a wet blanket but my concern is with the aunties and uncles and contra players going in now willy nilly. If you’re playing contra, sell into strength & get out NOW when you still can for the IDSS buggers can take your shirt! Wait for it to retrace and pick up again after retracement. Even a rocket has to come down. The market-maker(s) too have to tp. They can’t just keep pushing/buying without selling/tp. Even if you’re an institution or big whale, and want to go into this counter to push up, you’d push it down first so you gain entry at a lower price! That’s the way the market goes, I’m afraid. Even if you’re a bull, you gotta learn when to charge, if you don’t want the matador to plunge his sword into you, k?


2019-07-01 13:31 | Report Abuse

tuapuikia If happen to become 0.40 really can buy new house and new car

If you hold until end of this year, just a short 6 months away, when the price hits RM3, you can buy a private jet plus a new house and new car!


2019-05-06 13:05 | Report Abuse

Aiyah, if you can hold this counter, collect now as it is going above RM1 soon! I’m happily collecting kaw kaw.


2019-05-03 12:53 | Report Abuse

Correction? Music to the ears of us long-termers! Collect collect collect! Huuut ah!


2019-05-03 11:59 | Report Abuse

Happily collecting this morning. Huuuut ah! Market’s rebounding!


2019-05-02 21:42 | Report Abuse

Aiyah, there is little doubt that with T+2, the contra period is considerably shorter now, so everyday is forced selling day if contra players are involved. The only way to play it, is to long it and hold. Every Bursa counter!


2019-05-02 00:15 | Report Abuse

On the contrary @SuperPanda. In truth, your comments are sensible and well reasoned, so do keep them coming. At the risk of sounding facetious, it’s just that the over-the-top balls-carrying by @ArmadaTuah2017 was too hilarious to ignore! ROFLMFAO!


2019-05-01 18:04 | Report Abuse

He he he he @SuperPanda, you have a beeeeg balls-carrier here! Didn’t know your balls are soooo big that ArmadaTuah2017 has to offer to carry it, leh? He he he he!


2019-05-01 18:01 | Report Abuse

Tx InvestorKing!


2019-04-30 17:13 | Report Abuse

InvestorKing. Great job stopping those IDSS abuses in their tracks! What’s the email contact for the Securities Commission fella? Wanna follow up to stop these IDSS abuses forever!


2019-04-30 09:39 | Report Abuse

Aiyah, the moment that snake oil salesman Layang (that slimy scum with the goldfish avatar plus Mandarin characters) made an appearance in this forum, I knew straight away that he’s acting on the instructions and behest of the bottom-feeding shorties to come to these forums to spread fear, doubt and uncertainty, leh. He did make an appearance on Fri but his post was promptly removed by admin. I TP quickly when the price movement confirmed my suspicions that these bottom-feeding sharks are back! Now I’m just biding my time to huut TDM again. Meanwhile, I’m writing to SC and Bursa to have them arrested and charged for market manipulation!


2019-04-29 21:31 | Report Abuse

Yeah Meng Yew, Hammer kaw kaw as anyone who doesn’t know the difference between IDSS and RSS deserves it!

MengYew That’s RSS..... not IDSS.... make the fact right and look at mirror and see if you look alike with the person in your description


2019-04-29 21:25 | Report Abuse

Well done, InvestorKing! Although I’ll be happy if they bring Armada prices to me, in truth I HATE Market manipulators!! I hope they get taken away in handcuffs! Whatever it is, I’m celebrating the fact that they’ve suffered a wardrobe malfunction already leh....their fu latt already!

“InvestorKING Dear Thomas,

Thank you for your email dated 25 April 2019. Your case has been logged under Case Reference: [Case:SC2019-4714]. Please quote this reference number for any future communications.

We will review the matter and take appropriate enforcement action should our review reveal any breaches of the securities laws.

In the meanwhile, you may contact us at 03-6204 8999 should you require any clarification on the above matter.

Thank you

Kind regards,

Aduan Duty Officer
Consumer & Investor Office
Securities Commission Malaysia


2019-04-29 13:03 | Report Abuse

Ha ha ha ha ha!! I’ve never seen such a Guinness Book of World Records’ useless and impotent bunch of shorties as these TDM shorties, mah! Leempeh is ROFLMFAO watching them getting their balls bashed in! Throw millions just to short down half a cent at a time, meh? They’re either dumb or plain impotent! Tsk tsk tsk moh kau Lan char hai yoong, ah! What, your millions can’t match the institutions, izzit? Better go and fly kites man. How to depend on you to bring Armada to me, leh?


2019-04-29 13:01 | Report Abuse

Ha ha ha ha ha!! I’ve never seen such a Guinness Book of World Records’ useless and impotent bunch of shorties as these Armada shorties, mah! Leempeh is ROFLMFAO watching them getting their balls bashed in! Throw millions just to short down half a cent? They’re either dumb or plain impotent! Tsk tsk tsk moh kau Lan char hai yoong, ah! What, your millions can’t match the institutions, meh? 158K buyers q can beat your 187k sellers q izzit? Better go and fly kites man. How to depend on you to bring Armada to me, leh?


2019-04-29 12:40 | Report Abuse

Leempeh is thoroughly enjoying watching these boh geh, boh lat and boh hood pondan TDM shorties getting their little titeks get bashed in, leh! Chan hai moh kau lan chat hai yoong, these bloody cowardly useless TDM shorties! Your millions can’t match the millions of the institutions, meh? Like this I have to wait until Christmas next year to huuuuut TDM ah? Yawn!


2019-04-29 12:39 | Report Abuse

Ke ke ke ke! When Layang (that scum with the goldfish avatar plus Mandarin characters) makes an appearance, you can bet your bottom dollar that he’s acting on the instructions and behest of the bottom-feeding shorties to come to these forums to spread fear, doubt and uncertainty! He did make an appearance on Fri but his post was promptly removed by admin. But Aiyah, in truth I’ve never seen such a breathtakingly useless bunch of boh geh, boh lat and boh hood (toothless, weakling & ballsless) shorties as these bottom-feeding TDM shorties, leh! Shorting down half a cent at a time. Really pondanish moh hai yoong, mah! No shortie worth his salt will waste his time on this kind of bottom-feeding, throwing millions at a half cent drop! Go and short Dayang lah. In truth, the Dayang shorties have my respect. At least, they can whack Dayang down 60-70 cents a day, leh. Those shorties I have to tabib, mah? These bloody bottom-feeding TDM shorties deserve my contempt, ptui! Come on man, you want me to wait until next year before you bring TDM to me, izzit?


2019-04-29 09:29 | Report Abuse

Ke ke ke ke! Leempeh is enjoying watching these boh geh, boh lat and boh hood pondan Armada shorties getting their little titeks get bashed in, leh! Chan hai moh Kau Lan chat hai yoong these bloody cowardly useless Armada shorties! Your millions can’t match the millions of the institutions, izzit? Like this I have to wait until Christmas next year to huuuuut Armada ah? Yawn!


2019-04-29 08:26 | Report Abuse

Aiyah, I’ve never seen such a breathtakingly useless bunch of boh geh, boh lat and boh hood (toothless, weakling & ballsless) shorties as these bottom-feeding Armada shorties, leh! Shorting down half a cent at a time. Really pondanish moh hai yoong, mah! No shortie worth his salt will waste his time on this kind of bottom feeding, throwing millions at a half cent drop! Go and short Dayang lah. In truth, the Dayang shorties have my respect. At least, they can whack Dayang down 60-70 cents a day, leh. Those shorties I have to tabib, mah? These bloody bottom feeding Armada shorties deserve my contempt, ptui! Come on man, you want me to wait until next year before you bring Armada to me, izzit?


2019-04-27 11:29 | Report Abuse

....or are you running out of bullets, you boh hood shorties?


2019-04-27 11:26 | Report Abuse

Mabel: “My point is why settle for one wife when you can have four.. ”

Oh Mabel, I’m with you on this one, LoL!

Meanwhile, this bunch of bottom feeding Armada shorties are a really useless boh hood (ballsless) bunch, mah! Moh kau lan chat hai yoong, ah! Dump 80k lots shares after 3pm just to drop Armada by half a cent, meh? No self respecting shorty will put so much resources into so minuscule returns, mah? Come on you bottom feeding boh hood bunch of ikan billis shorties! Show me what you can do....bring Armada to me....I’m patiently waiting to huuuut Armada again, leh!


2019-04-26 17:22 | Report Abuse

Now fetch doggie fetch. Bring those prices to Leempeh, leh.


2019-04-26 17:17 | Report Abuse

These boh geh (toothless) shorties are but a bunch of amateurs! Can’t do better than 1.5 cents a day, after throwing millions at shorting BA, LoL! What poor allocation of resources, mah? Moh Lan Yoong, (no c.ck use) leh. .


2019-04-26 17:00 | Report Abuse

He he he, come to me baby, come to me. Impressive how obedient you can be but is that all you can do? Now be a good sport. Leempeh’s waiting patiently....


2019-04-26 16:12 | Report Abuse

InvestorKing. I’m also speechless why the IDSS fellas so lembek, boh lat leh? They tan boh chiak, gua also tan boh chiak, mah? I’ve been waiting all day for the price to come to me to huuut ah, but these buggers so lembek one? In truth, the shorties really worth their weight in salt would be targeting counters like Dayang where they can short it down by 60-70 cents a day, not BA where they can only break even or make half a cent a day after aiming tons of contra shorting money at it? No meh? Poor use of resources, leh!


2019-04-26 12:38 | Report Abuse

“Ziko Ro Short selling is still sorounding u cannot force him not to sale below 24 if time up !

Aiyoh Zika! You know what’s short selling or not? Markets closed for lunch break now. When it reopens at 2.30pm, short sellers have half an hour to cover their short position; ie they have to buy back the shares to cover back their short position. They can’t buy at buyers q as it’s too long .... even if they’d queued from this morning. So they have to buy the “ask” at the sellers q, leh! Or they’d have to borrow the script from the IB but only if they have the facility and interest/fee is not cheap, leh! No self-respecting shorty will ever short a stock with half an hour to go, unless buyers have totally vanished into thin air, lah!


2019-04-26 11:48 | Report Abuse

“Ziko Ro Going back below 20 to their nest to lay eggs.”

Oooh really? Wonderful....then I’ll huuut ah!


2019-04-26 11:28 | Report Abuse

Oops, a thousand apologies to our tycoon, Meng Yew! Maybe you can offer me the half cent. I could do with half cent, leh.


2019-04-26 11:10 | Report Abuse

Meng Yew getting a little hot under the collar, meh? Why, your IDSS yield not too good today, meh? If at 10.40am you’ve covered your short, then all you can possibly make is half cent, lor. Don’t tell me you covered at 0.235? Not likely, with such a long buyers q, mah? Seng lee boh hoe for the shorties today, ah? Come to me, I’ll GIVE you the half cent, leh!


2019-04-26 10:58 | Report Abuse

Come to me baby, come to me, leh.


2019-04-26 10:57 | Report Abuse

He he he, pressing harder but they look like they’re running out of steam today, coz lots of bargain hunters too, leh. 3pm is approaching, mah. At the rate they’re going, a half cent spread is about all these shorties can smell today, lor....coz to cover their short, they have to give it to the seller, or borrow scripts...the exhorbitant interest would be difficult to cover with half cent spread, leh.


2019-04-26 10:37 | Report Abuse

NOT a good day for the shorties today, meh? Come to me baby, why aren’t you coming to me? 3pm is fast approaching, leh....


2019-04-26 10:18 | Report Abuse

Already overweight on this counter but still collecting this morning as I’ve set aside some bullets for this situation. Love the Steady Eddie nature of this stock. Plenty of upside all the way past RM1, leh.


2019-04-26 09:58 | Report Abuse

He he he....If the sellers q comes to me, I’ll give it to the sellers, lor. If not, I’ve the patience to www...I’ve the patience of Job, man. This time, I’ll set my TP at 0.315 coz that’s where BA is headed, leh! All the shorties will have to frantically start borrowing scripts, he he he!


2019-04-26 09:41 | Report Abuse

Sell? I’d already TP at 0.265, mah? I’m going in to collect kaw kaw today as I think the operator will call a bottom today, as more news coming! Come to me baby....come to me, leh.


2019-04-26 08:58 | Report Abuse

Brent crude futures reaches all time high in 6 months of $75 before settling at $74.35. O&G counters up today?


2019-04-25 20:22 | Report Abuse

K, done. Report lodged with Bursa:

Subject: RE : BUMI ARMADA BHD (5210) - IDSS Abnormal Trading

Dear Sir/Madam,

We would like to draw your attention to this share, as for the past 6 months, we have noticed that the daily IDSS is between 30-50% of the daily volume. This is abnormal.

The IDSS has really distorted the Armada share value.

As IDSS is only open to corporates, this will not be fair to retail investors.

As a suggestion to Bursa, the IDSS should include a recover position column, so that we can tell how much IDSS trades has been covered back. Currently, we notice that the IDSS daily features many open positions with extremely high volume with little to no evidence of short covering activities.

We will deeply appreciate it if you could kindly investigate this matter expeditiously!

Thank you,



2019-04-25 19:39 | Report Abuse

InvestorKing you are absolutely right. Short covering activities should mean that by 3pm the counter should see a dramatic rise in prices!


2019-04-25 10:44 | Report Abuse

The moment it opened in the red, I tp the whole lot at 0.265 and was out of there, leh! Bearing in mind InvestorKing’s little snippet that Armada’s operator had opined that they welcomed Shorties pushing the price down so they can continue collecting on the cheap, I reckon that’s precisely what they’ll be doing, lah. You think these operators are bodoh, just keep pushing to benefit the shorties, meh? Also they’ve to allow the contra players and weak holders to clear out first, mah? Tomorrow is T+2/3 & forced sales will occur tomorrow and some on Monday, leh. The long term uptrend will still be intact, man. Now it’s www, (the world wide wait) for the price to come back to the operators and then, and then I’ll huuuut again, ah!


2019-04-24 18:50 | Report Abuse

Glad that I decided to tp on IWCity and move to BA. IWCity price was definitely looking toppish already whilst BA is just starting it’s run, mah. Just fortunate that conditions were such that I was able to tp quickly on BA too and go in and collect again on retracement. Will continue to collect on every retracement, until 0.50. It’s a no-brainer really to long BA, leh.


2019-04-24 17:33 | Report Abuse

Collect on every retracement. All the way up to 0.50 and beyond, leh!


2019-04-24 17:31 | Report Abuse

Continued to collect on every retracement....yes tomorrow is the real showtime, man!


2019-04-24 16:56 | Report Abuse

Went into this counter during lunch break. TP more than 200k in less than 2 hrs for a counter that had flattered to deceive in the past. AK is collecting so I’m collecting too. Tomorrow is the real party for I think 0.37 would be easy! 0.50 in the medium term!


2019-04-24 10:45 | Report Abuse

Huat ah! TDM gunning for the sky!


2019-04-22 18:09 | Report Abuse

So just Buy Buy Buy and lock away the shares! You’re all gonna recall the day you did this with immense pleasure!!