
Metta | Joined since 2013-06-21

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2013-09-19 23:48 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro Pathew

Long time no hear ? Mana u pergi ? Tot u hv migrated...u know wat I mean

Welcome back !


2013-09-18 22:45 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro Matrix

Totally agree wth Sis choolooi . The positive chi u hv created definitely hv attracted many friendly and helpful ppl in tis thread. Remember in d early days it was juz Bro Pat, Iwalk and d few of us...V can hv u all to ourselves...hahaha.

M glad to know tat there r so many good man around... thank you to all who hv shared generously . I for one hv benefitted from all your generous sharing. Kamsamidah ! By d way Bro Matrix looks like u hv a gud assistance in Bro htyeap...hahaha

Bro Matrix, today was on a look out for Puncak again when it break below RM3.00...aiyah dint take position in view of FOMC n b going for a short vacation . Rebounded well.. M still holding the balance. Chart still healthy ?

Oops so u r going off again... V gonna miss ur daily commentary. Remember to bring back some terracota warrior when u r in Xian ...ya



2013-09-16 21:54 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro Matrix

Looks like u r having a very bz weekend ...many requests from Frens in tis forum ya ! Guess u hv to start charging them for the service rendered.....hahaha.

Juz got back frm a short break. Glad to share wth u I hv off load 50% of my Puncak @ RM 3.10 last Friday to lock in some profit in view of the coming FOMC. M holding some as the support is not violated ( based on ur last analysis on tis ctr ) . Hope px can move higher............Greed!!

Bro Matrix, m still monitoring KPS, Alam n GOB. Dint take position coz of the long weekend n FOMC. Can alert if its gud time to enter ?

Thank for your generous sharing.



2013-09-11 21:49 | Report Abuse

Ya..can't be active when bz at work. Stil holding Tropic ? Like u m heavily invested into it. Given up on averaging... Juz rcvd notification on d dividen...some consolation

Sori Bro Matrix , using ur thread to chat Iwalk.


2013-09-11 21:43 | Report Abuse

Yup iafx like the way u put it no need to keep 'stare' on it... agreed


2013-09-11 21:37 | Report Abuse

Hi Iwalk, notice Bro Pat has been missing in action these few days ! Has he "migrated" ....u know wat I mean..ya


2013-09-11 21:35 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro Matrix

Ur daily update sure is very useful. M using it as a guide n monitoring KPS, Alam n GOB.
Was tempted to buy KPS but put on hold in view of the many uncertainties. Bro Matrix bot any stks 2day ?

Know wat some of the term used for charting send chills to my spine..... Hanging man, gravestone etc..



2013-09-11 18:28 | Report Abuse

Steve U r not alone k.. This ctr is really testing our patience ! It's exactly trending very similar like AZRB.


2013-09-11 18:04 | Report Abuse

Nope Steve, M holding tis stk. too


2013-09-10 00:47 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro Matrix

Hv been very bz last few days. ..

Thanx for your chart analysis on YLI. M monitoring . Tot of buying as its another Water related ctr.

I miss out on Puncak on both occasion above RM3.00 to offload.....sigh. Was to bz. Keeping my fingers cross it can go move north 2molo.

Missed opportunity to buy KPS at 1.94 level....sigh. Dint chase.

Yup m keeping an eye on KPS n GOB...As for E&O m stil holding my old stks...hope it can go higher tis time round.



2013-09-06 00:58 | Report Abuse

Thanx Bro Matrix for your generous sharing n guidance

Bot Puncak 2.82 m still holding. C how it goes 2molo.

Bro Matrix, can u spare some time to browse chart for YLI ?



2013-09-04 08:10 | Report Abuse

Happy Morning Bro Matrix

Thanks for your advise n explanation.

DJ green n hope same for us will hv some free time so c if i can do some positive trading. Wish me luck ya...

Have a good day n stay happy everyone !


2013-09-03 22:18 | Report Abuse

Bro Matrix

Thanx for your generous sharing daily. Following your cue to trade...

Bro Matrix , how and wat to look for to determine if a particular stk has break a certain level convincingly and stay .

TQ n Rgds


2013-08-30 00:15 | Report Abuse

Bro Pirate

Thheavy behaved very well today..strong rebound. Hope it can go higher with its pretty good qtr rpt out.


2013-08-29 23:12 | Report Abuse

Bro Matrix,,

Bravo ! C tats d advantage u hv ... a very powerful knowledge n tool...the Chart which are your guiding star n I guess u must hv the time too to monitor enabling u to act accordingly .....m so envious of you....sigh.

Wil keep an eye on Old Town tomolo...



2013-08-29 00:07 | Report Abuse

Yup keeping fingers cross DJ close Green... at least 2molo KLCI stil hv chance for a minor rebound.


2013-08-27 23:17 | Report Abuse

Thheavy euphoria earlier was due to Quek PP , partnership wth M Derrmont and bidding for Petronas RSC job. So, it looks like the qtr result will not move d stock. Wow, so the catalyst is the Petronas job....failure will c the stk go bust...Risky risky risky. Keeping my fingers cross... M stil holding some.


2013-08-27 22:54 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh the bleeding juz can't I wish I hv a magic wand and all b fine...sigh.

Bro Pirate99 noted Thheavy & Gadang in your watch list ? Anticipating Thheavy qtr result to b good ? Thheavy after all the euphoria juz can't break RM1.00 over d last months and now sliding south..

Bro Matrix thanx ...great sharing!


2013-08-26 22:25 | Report Abuse

Thanx Bro Matrix for the great sharing. Hv to drill today's lesson learnt into my stubborn head !!!


2013-08-26 19:32 | Report Abuse

Bro Matrix
Din manage to sell my GOB parked at 0.86cts... Sigh .... din monitor very2 bz today. Beside mkt sentiment, why is GOB px going down hill ? Any negative news ? Keeping my fingers crossed. Otherwise got to cut loss....aiyah. Heartache!

As for my E&O, still holding....when lah can rocket... With this kind of mkt sentiment everyone is so weary

Iwalk ,E&O still holding ?


2013-08-25 18:28 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro Matrix

Wow wat a grand VVIP welcome back style .... In Red ! Hahaha

Anyway, Nice to hear from u agin. Welcome Back.

GOB m stil holding...

Hope Mr Market will be more friendly come Monday.


2013-08-24 23:59 | Report Abuse

Thanks Grandma for the well narrated story. Driver has now got his GPS tool in hand, no longer like a lost sheep.


2013-08-24 13:00 | Report Abuse

Dear Mr Ooi, I read with interest all your postings.In all your analysis, you have cleary state all the indicators I.e TP, Support Level, RSI, Cut loss level , Margin of Safety and etc. I remember one of your post in which u mention to avoid down trend stocks to avoid double loss n to buy on stocks tat is trending up even if price is higher. Mr Ooi can u advise in ur opinion what wud b your strategy i.e for GOB under following hypothesis. Good stock with high TP and margin of safety based on your analysis. Bot 50 cts. Sentiment turn bearish. Px dropping towards your cut loss level. Do you sell off now making loss and to buy again when trend reverse ? If you hv d holding power , would u hold on to the stock ? Wud appreciate if u hv d time to reply.

Thank You.

News & Blogs

2013-08-20 12:23 | Report Abuse

Thanks Mr Ooi.

Mind to share price range you r looking at ?


News & Blogs

2013-08-20 12:17 | Report Abuse

Mr Ooi,

What's ur opinion on Puncak -WB based on ur TA ? Possible of a further retracement on this ctr n the overall market ? Is it an opportunity to buy ?


2013-08-15 01:30 | Report Abuse

Bro hng33

Please translate. Can't read Chinese.



2013-08-12 11:02 | Report Abuse

Morning Bro Pat & Iwalk , volume still tak da lah..


2013-08-07 21:55 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro Matrix , thanks so much for your refresher course. So sweet of you still taking care of us before going off. No worry u hv gud students ! All lessons taught hv been registered perfectly...hahaha

Guess u r all packed n ready to go 2molo ya... Have a safe n blessed trip.

Ya lor Bro Pat, luckily mkt only trade 1/2 day n off d next few days. Otherwise sure Kena Red attack ! Bro Matrix n Bro Pat , think Monday open how ? If regional stil red next few days think going b bad ar..?

Happy Holiday N Stay Healthy !!!

News & Blogs

2013-08-07 21:39 | Report Abuse

Bro Ooi, I read and gain a lot from this forum especially from your post , Bro KC and some other sifus here but seldom share coz I m not knowledgeable . Yes, I noted that there are a few rotten apples in tis forum n I can only conclude that their motive is to anger n frustrate u till u concede defat n leave this forum. Cant u c that is their Motive! These r ppl who r not happy n envious of u coz many ppl praising u n making monies from your stocks sharing . U can't help it for it takes many different types of ppl to make up the world !
U and many others have shared generously without any bad intent. Please keep tis in mind that it is not ur or anybody's responsibility to ensure that your stock pick here translates to 100% guaranteed profit.
I know it hurts to know tat there r ppl who not only do not appreciate your good work but instead bad mouth you all the time. Do not retaliate for if u do u hv fallen into their trap n u r no better than them if u start cursing and retaliating!
I would like to share with u ... My religion teaches me to treat those who is Bad to u as your Guru n b thankful to them for it is them that u learn patience, tolerance, compassion n loving kindness and humility. Let us b magnanimous towards those that hurt us .
Do not be disheartened by them ! V r blessed with wisdom hence treat those unfair remarks as unmelodious sound as the passing wind .
If u stil have the passion to share please continue with your good work. If u r leaving the forum bcoz of a few rotten apples than it would be a big loss to many here who hv benefitted immensely from u and many sifus here. U and many others here are gud ppl ! For those who r here to hurt others, please stop your unhealthy act and treat everyone here as a big happy family OK..

Sorry for so long winded.

To all Muslim Friends Selamat Hari Raya n Happy Holiday to all non Muslim Friends.

With Metta ( Loving Kindness )


2013-08-06 20:49 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro Matrix, now no worry lol can enjoy ur holidays ! Bro Pat will jaga E&O for you.

By d way Bro Pat hv u heard from Bro FD n Iwalk lately ? Quiet aar..since Bro Russ commentary on Tropicana.


2013-08-05 16:11 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro Matrix , so won't be hearing frm u for awhile ya...Guess u hv given instruction for your E&O to your remisier.
Wow really envy u , u sure is living life ! Have a safe n blessed vacation.
Hope to hear frm u when u r back !!!



2013-08-02 20:09 | Report Abuse

Wow Bro Pat , picking up fast frm sifu ...keep it up !


2013-08-02 20:06 | Report Abuse

Ya, totally agree with u buying is always easy n selling is hard due to human greed ( remind me of my Coastal ). Ya m green horn n learning everyday .This forum now has become my free time reading especially in d evening. Not too bad ya, Free lecture everyday and I think m getting wiser and hope to graduate ASAP......hahaha.

I am certain your sharing here definitely guide me in my trading !!! Will definitely keep a close watch on E & O. By d way Bro Matrix were u around when Tommy Kor Kor was here ?

Thanx Bro Matrix , Bro OTB n other sifus for your kind n generous sharings....


2013-08-01 22:23 | Report Abuse

I mean did not notice d post.


2013-08-01 22:22 | Report Abuse

Bro iafx, thanx did notice the post. I think I fall under category 2. Always selling off my winning stock 2 early...hahaha. At times I feel m jinx .. Those I sell px head north, those I hold px move next time round , when I sell u buy sure win... Hahaha


2013-08-01 22:12 | Report Abuse

Bro Matrix , u mention volumes - wats the qty u r referring to ?


2013-08-01 22:08 | Report Abuse

IWalk , like ur expression.. No eye see

Ya, Bro Matrix, Coastal reli very susah one lah. My heart ache so much. B coz of greed, miss d last high at RM 3.17 than water fall south . Bite d bullet , rebounded hope for a gud push than down grade by Fitch. Lost patient sold ystdy n today nice. Aiyah yah... any juz let go frustration only. M still blessed for the profit

E&O still hv hoping for low to top up..

Iwalk u bought in Tropicana ystdy ? Mine din match q at 1.65 hoping to average down ..
Wow was lucky I took a peek ystdy otherwise missed Bro Russ's commentary.


2013-08-01 20:20 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro Matrix ,Thanx so much for taking d trouble on Tropicana. Really appreciate. Got in late frm work ystdy night. Glad today mkt improved . I believe brings back a lot of smiles to many ppl. Well hope 2molo it can continue its march up North.

So I c u r into other stock ya.. So ur posting. Coastal in your radar ?



2013-07-31 17:00 | Report Abuse

Thank You Bro Russ.


2013-07-31 09:49 | Report Abuse

Happy Morning Bro Matrix, ..... mkt red ya.. it's always got to happen tis way ., cant choose a better time ..Fitch downgrading , Petronas delaying Rapid blah blah... always adding salt to its wound. Sori despite all this, yah stil hv a Happy day k n keep smiling ....

Bro Matrix wonder if u r tracking Tropicana ? If yes mind to share.

TQ n Rgds


2013-07-30 00:30 | Report Abuse

Thanx Bro Matrix for ur update.


2013-07-24 07:57 | Report Abuse

Happy Morning Bro Matrix, thanx for d update. Really appreciate it.

Wish everyone hv a fruiful day ahead. Happy trading !


2013-07-23 12:17 | Report Abuse

Bro Pat , if its ok maybe u post up than cancel it immediately juz like wat Bro FD did ystdy. M a bit slow.


2013-07-23 11:26 | Report Abuse

Gud morning Bro Pat , hope today brings you lots of cheers !!

Yes, if you don't mind can plse get it from Bro FD.

Bro FD , sorry kacau u yah...



2013-07-23 00:12 | Report Abuse

Yup wil do Bro FD.


2013-07-23 00:09 | Report Abuse

Thanx. Hv a lousy experience dats y m paranoid.


2013-07-23 00:07 | Report Abuse

No not yet. I m scared lah... m a slow coach. If its not to much to ask, Bro FD can u put ur email n I write 2 u ? Pen n paper r ready.


2013-07-22 23:55 | Report Abuse

Haha not over wth ur spidey sense...

Bro FD is there a method 2 send my email privately ? Understand from Bro Pat no PM available.


2013-07-22 23:46 | Report Abuse

Hahaha , Bro Pat n Bro FD playing dumb ya...
Anyway when all ur bags are packed n ready to go ( not leaving on a jet plane ) please let me know so I can bid you farewell ..sob sob sob. Hv very few frens in dis forum. Dont b like Kor Kor left without saying gud bye ya... after my trip oops terperanjat can't c his thread anymore.. Sigh


2013-07-22 23:09 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro matrix, Thanx so much for your update. As for Bro Pat , let us just enjoy his humor while v can , as he n Bro FD could soon b migrating to a greener pastures ya ....