
Michaelchan2024 | Joined since 2024-05-12

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2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

It will be between Resorts World NYC and Resorts World Las Vegas. Who do you think will emerge as the winner? 😀


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Food for thought: If Genting goes for an IPO in the US, it will likely choose between Genting Berhad and Genting Malaysia rather than Genting Singapore. What do you think, US IPO under GenM or GenB?
My guess is ...GenM


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Alzheimer’s drug from Eli Lilly wins backing of FDA committee. How about TauRx? It seems to be losing its appeal


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Moving into the 2H of 2024 and 2025, Genting is poised for a period of intense activity and strategic expansion with several high profile initiatives:
1) Raising funds for NYC casino license
2) TauRx FDA approval
4) Expansion of integrated resorts
5) Diversification into new markets
6) Digital transformation
7) Strengthening core businesses
8) Innovation in entertainment offering

The list goes on, as Genting navigates a dynamic landscape under the leadership of its CEO, Lim Kok Thay who is steering the company through these transformative and ambitious projects


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

I believe it's acceptable to allow individual investors to select and pose the questions. Ultimately, it's up to the management to determine which questions to address


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

20) What is the current status of Genting's non-core business ventures, particularly in oil and gas, and are there any plans to expand this sector?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

List of Potential Questions:

1) What are our current marketing strategies to attract more visitors to our properties?
2) Are there any plans to list Resorts World Las Vegas in the US?
If yes, when can we expect this to happen?
3) What steps are being taken to improve profitability and reduce debt?
4) Is there a plan to hire a new CEO or additional leadership?
5) When can we expect Empire resort to turn profitable or are there any plans to offload it?
6) How is the company engaging with stakeholders to ensure their concerns are addressed?
7) Currently share prices are seriously undervalued. What are the plans to boost the company’s share price?
8) Are there any plans for share buyback activities to take place in 2024?
9) Given the important of transparency and direct communication with shareholders, could you please explain why we are unable to have a physical AGM this year? Additionally, could you provide an indication of when we might expect to resume face to face AGM?
10) How will Resorts World Las Vegas be impacted by the opening of Fontainebleau Las Vegas?
11) What steps is the company taking to align the share price with the net tangible assets (NTA)?
Can you provide more details on the company’s strategy to increase shareholder value.., beyond just increasing the NTA?
12) Can management explore opportunities to optimize earnings by leasing unplanted land in Genting Plantation to solar companies for profit sharing arrangement, thereby generating direct net profit without CAPEX investment?
13) Could you provide an update on the current status of TauRX and any anticipated timeline for regulatory approval??
14) Can you give an update on Genting's online gaming business? Specifically, I would like to hear about any recent development, key performance indicators and future growth plan.
15) When is Genting expected to reach its all time high again, based on current market trend and company development?
16) What plans does management have to attract more customers and stand out from other casinos, especially in term of offering unique experiences and promotions?
17) How can Resorts World make the most of its strong brand to grow and succeed?
18) How can Genting properties leverage its high traffic and available space to generate additional income through advertising services, potentially subsidizing road maintenance costs and reducing the need for additional capital expenditure?
19) How does the company plan to address concerns regarding related party transactions to ensure transparency and strengthen governance practices, ultimately restoring trust among institutional investors and shareholders?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

*minority shareholders leader


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Please identify and list the key questions we need to address in our AGM next week.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

@raymondroy, thanks for the comments. You can take the lead and be our minority leader. Let's review the list and focus on the key questions to ask the CEO to address. Cheers!


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

All shareholders who intend to attend, participate, speak (in the form of typed text messages) and vote remotely at the 56th AGM are required to register via TIIH Online website at https://tiih.online


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Let's make our voices heard at the AGM next week! Encourage fellow investors to actively participate in Genting's AGM and submit questions via the online platform (tbd) for the CEO or senior management to address


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

19) How does the company plan to address concerns regarding related party transactions to ensure transparency and strengthen governance practices, ultimately restoring trust among institutional investors and shareholders?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

18) How can Genting properties leverage its high traffic and available space to generate additional income through advertising services, potentially subsidizing road maintenance costs and reducing the need for additional capital expenditure?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

17) How can Resorts World make the most of its strong brand to grow and succeed?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

16) What plans does management have to attract more customers and stand out from other casinos, especially in term of offering unique experiences and promotions?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse


15) When is Genting expected to reach its all time high again, based on current market trend and company development?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

14) Can you give an update on Genting's online gaming business? Specifically, I would like to hear about any recent development, key performance indicators and future growth plan


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

13) Could you provide an update on the current status of TauRX and any anticipated timeline for regulatory approval??


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

12) Can management explore opportunities to optimize earnings by leasing unplanted land in Genting Plantation to solar companies for profit sharing arrangement, thereby generating direct net profit without CAPEX investment?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse


11) What steps is the company taking to align the share price with the net tangible assets (NTA)?

Can you provide more details on the company’s strategy to increase shareholder value.., beyond just increasing the NTA?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Fontainebleau developer to buy more Strip land for $112.5M

10) How will Resorts World Las Vegas be impacted by the opening of Fontainebleau Las Vegas?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse



2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

@keyman, do you have any questions to add??


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Let's use the online AGM to our advantage. For example, each of us can submit 'model questions' to the management via Slido (tbc). The management will address the most frequently asked questions. If everyone submits the same model questions, they will have to answer those questions.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

9) Given the important of transparency and direct communication with shareholders, could you please explain why we are unable to have a physical AGM this year? Additionally, could you provide an indication of when we might expect to resume face to face AGM?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

8) Are there any plans for share buyback activities to take place in 2024??


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

7) Currently share prices are seriously undervalued. What are the plans to boost the company’s share price?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

6) How is the company engaging with stakeholders to ensure their concerns are addressed?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

5) When can we expect Empire resort to turn profitable or are there any plans to offload it?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Here are a few additional questions to add to the list:
1) What are our current marketing strategies to attract more visitors to our properties?
2) Are there any plans to list Resorts World Las Vegas in the US?
If yes, when can we expect this to happen?
3) What steps are being taken to improve profitability and reduce debt?
4) Is there a plan to hire a new CEO or additional leadership?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

同样的,价值投资最艰难的环节也是 - 等待


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

股票下趺了...等待, 買便宜股的心情, 最难受


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse



2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Understand.. I am an impatient investor


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

A trader requires time to trade and monitor stocks continuously. As a working adult,we don't have the availability to buy and sell frequently.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Those who curse and complain about GenB are hoping to buy it cheaper..大師說,我们不可能每次都能買在最低点,,只要靠近那个点就可以了


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Pinky is trustworthy, he is definitely on board with us. No need to worry about that. 😊


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

@Pinky, 好样的
True, I have the feeling that Pinky is objective, honest, and sincere. I am happy to see him on the same boat with us, as it makes me feel more secure and safe here.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Wow, it is so crowded here. Experts say when a stock is crowded, the risk is high..😀
@ATK, I'm not very good at trading stocks. I tend to buy and hold for the long term. Making some noise here ..just to push myself to monitor and keep track of the stocks I hold. 👌


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Kiss 到4.68,老板已经心滿意足了..


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posting day and night..Not buy and sell calls ...for fun and entertainment sahaja.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

投行预计,经历“消息证实后卖出”(Sell on news)的抛售潮后的云顶, 云頂大马,因最新出炉的2024财年首季表现强劲,股价料会逐步恢复上行。Go go.. Genting


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

哇! 腥风血雨滿高原..


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

I understand you are frustrated with the 'criminal' activities some people are involved ...but it's important not to blame an entire group for the actions of a few


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Please stop spreading such harmful and unfounded statement