
MusaAman | Joined since 2018-05-26

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2019-10-16 17:48 | Report Abuse

Haiz ! loyar + makhamah sgt terabiskan masa-bah !
Happy Tak happy, slepas you + rakan2 sewaktu dgn you abis dating dgn SC, sila call nombor-ni.
603 7956 8145
Dia org befrienders akn tolong you 24/7. sbb pernah tlg i bila i kena tahan dulu.
Beban jgn sendiri-ja yg pikul.
tapi slps jiwa dah OK, jauhi-lah diri anda dari stok market. amat Tak sesuai utk you.
Good luck + good bye.

ps. you nak nombor SC jugak?


2019-10-15 23:17 | Report Abuse

Happy dah tak happy. Klu LFM n geng diaorgtu tak kan suruh you beli skg.
Seblknya dia kan pasti you jualkan abis abis Cepat2 skg. sbb dia takkan let u know Wawasan akn datang.
Klu u tak paham logik ni. Tak payah-lah ku tambah apa eth lagi.
Slmt malam. Good luck. And goodbye.


2019-10-15 17:40 | Report Abuse

ariscats, baca-lah betoi-betoi, i dah bilang cara ni sbb "this is bahvest. ini bkn stok lain"
i jadi kaya, tak payah tutup mata beli bahvest, i pick up phone and offer timber concession.
jgn salah paham.
ikan bilis punya rezeki, bkn bisnes i.
i mmg tak peduli.


2019-10-15 17:36 | Report Abuse

btw since i'm talking to kindegarten child like you, i use kindergarten terms so that easy for you to understand. good luck.


2019-10-15 17:35 | Report Abuse

investopi, my specialty is only bahvest because its a special counter.
this your problem - anyone come out with diferent view to your, starightaway label clone account, lfm gang, vincent sorhai pet, etc.
your mind closed, your eyes close, you will not graduate. bahvest is best stoc k to learn. you can trade bahvest successfully, you can trade anything anywhere.


2019-10-15 17:29 | Report Abuse

and then all this blaming lfm this and lfm that, all of you still in kindergarten-bah!


2019-10-15 17:28 | Report Abuse

just becoause he started buying at 67 and has bot all the way down, he's a sorhai?


2019-10-15 17:25 | Report Abuse

investopi, mgkn u tak fasih bahasa, i cuba bahas englih with you.
for vinvent, its very simple. with bahvest he's ridden the tiger and fought with big snake before and has come out alive and RICH.
hence after taking profit above 70, he can afford to start buying back at 67. He can afford to buy back all the way till 30. Coz its the same tiger with the same stripes and the same snake withe the same fangs. He has the time, patienve, money,self belief and BIG BALLS
But sad to say to win big in bahvest, that's the only way to trade it.


2019-10-15 17:13 | Report Abuse

saudara2 sini tau-tak 2 hari-ni, SATU SINGLE BIG seller-ja. minggu lalu bila break 50, jugak SATU single seller-ja.
terpulang-lah kpd saudara2 sini macam mana kau nak intepret data macam-tu.


2019-10-15 17:08 | Report Abuse

tapi gua rasa, klu mmg bolih klear TH round-ni, mkn bolih touchngo rsi 90. terpulang-lah kpd saudara2 disini utk teka harga apa tu bila rsi 90. kahkahkahkah


2019-10-15 17:05 | Report Abuse

bila rsi tercetus 80, sila tutup mata, jual.


2019-10-15 17:04 | Report Abuse

klau begitu senang-ja. bila harga semakin turun, kau patut beli semakin banyak. jadikan piramid buying. bila rsi14 sampai 27 and below, tutup mata beli. bila below 200ema, tutup mata beli. bila macd diverge tak abis abis, tutup mata beli.
fundamental tak payah bilang-bah. kau semua tau pasal-tu.
ini bahvest.. ni bkn stok lain. this stok not for kindergarten traders.


2019-10-15 16:43 | Report Abuse

klau u tak fasih bahasa, i bolih bahas with englis


2019-10-15 16:41 | Report Abuse

si-investopi, gua bkn orangbaru kat sini.


2019-10-15 16:40 | Report Abuse

tapi trader yg tak cukup experience dgn bahvestni sumpah lahanatkat kau. kasihan-bah.


2019-10-15 16:38 | Report Abuse

tapi slps blok Th siap abis, takda overhang lagi. Baru-lah bila tiba masatu happy days are here again.


2019-10-15 16:36 | Report Abuse

sampai skg jugak berjaya diaorangtu tekan si-TH keluar. Akhir tahun hampir tiba, dividend mesti kena bayar.


2019-10-15 16:32 | Report Abuse

vincent... bkn lfm & geng yg jual. Si-TH حي على الفلاح tengah sayonara slps 14 thn skg. lfm & geng kuat beli. kahkahkah


2019-10-15 15:39 | Report Abuse

sayonara Tabung Haji حي على الفلاح


2019-06-19 10:18 | Report Abuse

Eh, jgn silap. I harap u jual semua skg. I hanya risau klu u tak nak jual.
Sila jual. Terima kasih.


2019-06-19 09:54 | Report Abuse

Kakaka.. Vincent pun dah kena ‘shaken out’.
Jgn-lah sikit sikit sja owner + geng punya pasal.
TH punya pasal... Bossku punya pasal..?
buat apa dia org jual skg klu ‘everything going to be record high soon..’ hanya harga sahamja blm mlmb.
Tapi apa share base? 1.2 BILLION..
Apa free float?
Skg 0.685x2 + 0.425 = 1.795..
Brp saham dah dlm profit?
yang hairan tu knp seller skg sikit-ja... mana kontaina?
Tunggu-lah klear shaken outs dulu.


2019-05-30 16:31 | Report Abuse

Cilaka.. ini teareader pun sindiket jugak.


2019-05-30 16:04 | Report Abuse

Tapi sblm kau bolih distribute utk kau punya cilaka 3sen, kau dah long dari TH berapa juta?


2019-05-30 16:02 | Report Abuse

Kalau kau-ni betoi2 sindiket, 3sen pun mau ke??


2019-05-30 16:00 | Report Abuse

Vincent knpa kau tak bilang kau-ni sindiket??


2019-03-29 16:43 | Report Abuse

Tapi TH skg mcm KWAP kat Dayang @ $1. Terdesak. Terpaksa. Tak lama lagi apa balen pun tak ckp utk mkt.
sedih. Shareholder ori.


2019-03-29 16:36 | Report Abuse

Bukit Mantri lebih tinggi dpd Petronas Twin Towers. Cukup tinggi?


2019-03-29 16:33 | Report Abuse

Hero6666 pun hampir terjadi seller.


2019-03-29 16:31 | Report Abuse

Bukit Mantri setinggi 2000 kaki.
Tak-kan u tak tau siapa si-seller kat market skg?? T____ H___.


2019-03-29 16:16 | Report Abuse

Tak perlu sombong. Tak perlu perli. Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga.
Cerita-ku adalah contoh terbaik.


2019-03-27 10:57 | Report Abuse

U punya cost <40, u tunggu may2019. Ada yg cost jugak<40, dgn org yg beli skg, tunggu may2020 and beyond ! Hahahaha..
Tapi yg ketakutan macam destiny rugi-lah kaw kaw. Malang Dah jadi dendam dlm hati.


2019-03-27 10:35 | Report Abuse

U tau tak tanah mine tu dia orang sendiri milik? Private commercial title utk kegiatan mining n economic. Untouchable-beb!
Plc punya dah 700++ ekar. Skg hanya 10% di lombong. 90% virgin.
SSGSB masih ada 1700++. 100%virgin. Sampai cucu dtkLFM pun tak habis!
Pandai dia nego dgn gomen dulu. Gomen ok sbb risiko dia tinggi vs risiko gomen 0. Klu ada mas kutip royalti-ja.
Knp dia jual saham skg? Jwp senangja. Dia tu off-mkt kpd org sdr. Bkn open mkt. U igt dia nak untung sen sen semut-ni macam you bila dia tau production dia?? Hahahaha... kelakar-lah u.
Tapi u untung ikut u punya style, tersgt shiok jugak. Tak salah pun. Ini stock mmg utk high level trader macam u. Bkn utk budak senang ngangis ! Hahahahahaha.


2019-03-27 10:32 | Report Abuse

Vincenb, senang-ja. Dari zaman dulu bila diaorang bilang valuation sampai batu vein mas, memang harga lama akn jadi 3 ++. So Harga ex-all banding skg =1.20++ + harga warran. Tak salah trader1234.
Yang bezatu, u anggap hargani = harga lama 1.755 terlalu tinggi dan patut dijual. Tapi dgn factor produksi mas 30 thn, harga skg amat murah sbb fundamental mmg dah tukar.
I tau semua-ni sbb bila diaorang buat presentasi kpd gomen dulu, kita jugak kira gomen punya royalti. Tu sbb mine-ni mmg ‘economically viable’ tapi nasib malang I kena guling. Untung-lar gomen si shafie-tu skg.
Yg terbaik skali apa tu u tau?


2019-02-21 14:51 | Report Abuse

Apa khabar Vincent. Gong Xi Fatt Cai yah !
Betui apa you bilang tadi.
Tapi kalau dia orang betui betui boleh naik production sampai 100kg hah ! I rasa apa yg TH ada balance lagi memang tak kan cukup utk market nak beli.
Skg market tengah clear orang frust dan orang dlm ketakutan macam TH adalah pontianak.
Keh keh keh.


2018-11-24 16:17 | Report Abuse

Hero, I tak salah-bah.
Aug is 8kg tu gold dore bar (6.4kg nett) accounted as revenue for July - sept qtr.

Sept is 23 kg held back as inventory (not sold therefore not revenue) + the latest Oct is 13kg = 36 kg + whatever the December kg shld then be revenue for current oct - dec qtr.

Kecuali diaorang hold back lagi tak nak jual...

Projection tu semua u buat sendiri ok. Nanti Vincent marah lagi.

Tapi utk I, semua ni -apa cakap om puteh- ialah ‘small potatoes’ sb semua ni skg top soil ‘waste’.
Tapi good luck jugak sb waste pun dah ada gold.
You patut tanya-lah bila diaorang nak sampai tu quartz vein...


2018-11-24 00:57 | Report Abuse

Btw diaorang baru ja habis EGM. Kenapa u tak gi sandakan suruh board + mngt gi mampus?
Wasted chance-bah.. wtf betui !


2018-11-24 00:51 | Report Abuse

Apa hal Vincent? Kena trap? Baik u cut Monday.
Lepastu u gi carik high div stock ok? Growth stock memang takda dividen. Mungkin bila stockni sampai 5ringgit baru disorang bayar div.
Tak perlu wtf skarang.
Tapi fyi ni July - Sept qtr results.
only the first 8 kg produced accounted-bah..
Oct - dec qtr belum lagi tapi dah ada 36 kg so tunggu tambah dec ja.


2018-07-25 16:11 | Report Abuse

Vincent, Tak penat-ke u?
Gi-lar holiday macam I kat UK.
Jgn-lah simpan dendam dalam hati. Sakit nanti.


2018-07-04 17:19 | Report Abuse

If you want the people here to listen to you, please-lar be credible a bit.
Otherwise but bodoh n malu sendiri-ja


2018-07-04 17:18 | Report Abuse

Secondly, please make up your mind if their gold mine is going to be cancelled as you mentioned previously or now only being reviewed?
And on what basis? Just because there’s been a change in State Govt?


2018-07-04 17:15 | Report Abuse

budahsaham, kelakar-lah u-ni. But from my previous experience as CM, let me advise u.
Do you really think they would not have EIA approval for sustainable n eco-friendly treatment of cyanide in the processing n refinery seeing that cyanide is integral in the refining process??
Any serious mining company would have this approval from the very beginning.


2018-06-07 10:25 | Report Abuse

I kat UK-ni will need some pocket money soon.
Sama dgn Tun Daim say in 1993 he play stok market for poket money onli


2018-06-07 10:23 | Report Abuse

But as previous CM I already know no got gold so the contract written in that if cancelled or withdrawn HUGE compensation $$$$$$$ must be paid to BAHVEST by the State.
You all understand what is signed contract?
Like have to pay 22billion to cancel ECRL. Like have to pay 500mil to cancel HSR.
So please please pergi cancel the contract.
Jual, pergi jual , jgn tak jual..


2018-06-07 10:18 | Report Abuse

Sedih-kan? Tiada yg nak dengar nasihat baik.
Harga masih tinggi. buyer agk byk jugak.
But u all have to make up your minds-bah..
If this is scam, what difference does it make if the whole project got cancelled-lar, MACC investigate-lar, apa lollipop-sided-lar?
There is no gold anyway.
If no got gold then it has to be pump n dump, betui?
But daily volume is not in the tens or hundreds of millions-bah.. at best still single digit millions only. How to dump?
Share base is 600mil-bah. Kalau free float is 15% aja pun dah 90 million shares. Which operator in 2018 can absorb this in order to pump before even getting to dump?
Maybe China operator come n do.


2018-05-26 22:48 | Report Abuse

Let me know if any of you fakes want to know anything else.
On my way to watch Cup final now.
I will never walk alone.


2018-05-26 22:46 | Report Abuse

So which politician in their right mind would want to cancel an economically beneficial project like this?
Btw Bahvest management was astute enough to ensure that the project would proceed without interruptions irregardless who became CM or which party formed the Govt.
Please check the Bursa submissions regarding the acquisition.


2018-05-26 22:42 | Report Abuse

This is a Sabah-owned project to benefit Sabahans by providing employment and advancement in mining technology.
If the project succeeds, it will also provide royalties n taxes for the State government.


2018-05-26 22:37 | Report Abuse

Legit enough for everyone here?