NKN1 | Joined since 2012-05-02

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2014-01-21 16:40 | Report Abuse

trading pattern getting weirder n weirder


2014-01-21 13:53 | Report Abuse

best kacau FP nih haha


2014-01-21 13:52 | Report Abuse

hahaha FP cannot la invest your way or the highway


2014-01-21 11:30 | Report Abuse

my boss hp number is 999 hahaha


2014-01-21 11:17 | Report Abuse

minum kopi satu VLCC pun price will still be at this level until drilling result out


2014-01-21 11:15 | Report Abuse

roslaom...if to maintain margin ratio as before non marginanble date, like for like 100% top up required, not just some top up hihi


2014-01-21 11:01 | Report Abuse

the bs of the whole thing hahaha


2014-01-21 10:59 | Report Abuse

i am suspicious la when u see ada org buy 1 lot only


2014-01-20 18:07 | Report Abuse

Haha u guys cracked me up


2014-01-20 14:50 | Report Abuse

no hard feelings FP haha


2014-01-20 14:47 | Report Abuse

FP where r u?....come and keep me entertained


2014-01-20 14:44 | Report Abuse

hahaha let see what FP will say

i m bored so saja provoke dia


2014-01-20 14:43 | Report Abuse

at the rate u r going soon u will be ignored n forgotten completely except by newbies

hahaha saya jolok sarang tebuan


2014-01-20 14:41 | Report Abuse

hahaha lately nobody actually referring/responding to your postings la FP...tu la u always looked down on other people punya postings

for someone who claimed to believe on the long term prospects of Hibiscus u sure are concern on the constant going ons in the forum herehahaha weird

infact u have the most postings when in fact u shudnt hahahaha


2014-01-20 12:01 | Report Abuse

but the graph if u look at it looks promising from TA point of view


2014-01-20 11:58 | Report Abuse

terbang memang mau terbang...tak tau terbang atas or terbang bawah je hahaha


2014-01-20 11:55 | Report Abuse

a few big chunks wa sell transaction today...so far well absorbed


2014-01-20 11:22 | Report Abuse

some will convert...some will let go to lock profit,esp those who took loan to take pvt placement during ipo....normal la tu


2014-01-20 11:07 | Report Abuse

there will slight downward pressure la, cant be avoided but shud be well absorb...my 2 cents


2014-01-20 10:57 | Report Abuse

Upon checking with my drilling engineers buddy, for 2500ft TD, I think drilling result will only be known by ealy 2 week of February at the earliest. Long way to go still. Till then looks like side way movement all the way.

No point to monitor daily price movement for now

Only downside to look out for in the mean time is that WA will become non marginable in 5 days time


2014-01-17 15:36 | Report Abuse

They starting to smell the oil fume already kot.....itu sebab naik yahoooooo


2014-01-17 14:51 | Report Abuse

Rex on the up n up....something is brewing


2014-01-16 23:16 | Report Abuse

My apologies En Kamarul.....tak buat dah


2014-01-16 23:13 | Report Abuse

Duitkwspkita...i will take your bet.....Make my day - u said Hibs will go up a lot next Thu....tell everyone here by how much It will go up...go on...u dont even have to be exact...a range will do.

Based on you call Hibs will close 2.22 at 4.50 pm, ptg tadi, your predictive methodology definitely cannot cope with specific numbers

So go on.....walk the talk...give me a range of how much Hibs will rise next Thu


2014-01-16 23:08 | Report Abuse

I can go all night


2014-01-16 23:06 | Report Abuse

Duitkwspkita...let seee....it goes like this, "mr banker i m a newbiew to investing but i have devleloped ultra complicated predictive algorithms that can predict market behaviour" .......hmmmm does that sound stupid when u read it??????

Yup a self claimed newbie to investing who admitted he got no money to invest now claiming he developed predictive methodology

U expect me to believe u can write algorithms to predict market behaviour?

Do u even know how many people it take to write predictive algorithms?

U alone buat sendiri? Wahhhh u must be the cleverest person in malaysia Muahahaha pray tell bank manau con so that if i hv money there i can take it out coz the bank obviously so stupid to believe u

Give it up la U r not going to win here......the more u continue lagi ramai org will not believe u nanti.


2014-01-16 22:49 | Report Abuse

I hentam u coz u r an idiot of a conman hahaha


2014-01-16 22:48 | Report Abuse

Duitkwsp kita is a conman


2014-01-16 22:46 | Report Abuse

Duitkwspkita....what kind of idiot u think we are ...What makes u think u have something that not even the Goldman Sachs, JP Morgans or all the biggest hedge funds in the world has

If you have such program or methodology better go sell it to them....confirm they will pay u hundreds of million for your program. Tak payah susah2 menagih simpati over here

The fact u r here mean u have nothing u have rubbish and only conning people


2014-01-16 22:41 | Report Abuse

All that is in Hibs is betting to some degree here

Please note all major shareholders in Hibs have low risk due to their low entry price 75 sen mum and wa got for free

Even for worst case scenario for them i think it will just be back to square one. Doubt Mother+Wa will ever be worth 75 sen again even in the worst possible case scenario


2014-01-16 22:36 | Report Abuse

Fishing leg if u risk averse u r adopting right strategy

For hibiscus even if they have 100 drill to do if all 100 got no oil it is worthless and u lose all your money. No oil until proven otherwise. But if hit oil u get good returns. My co has been doing exploration all over the world for last 5 years. All hit dry well. Surviving on what was found prior 5 years ago. Goes to show not easy to find oil. Only confirmed now is oz asset coz that one already confirmed got oul when Hibs bought in

cliq or sona no big return for now and if atworst they didnt buy any asset in time u will get money up to share ipo price less 10% ( not too sure less how many %). If they buy something it will be asset that is confirmed got oil. Less risky but less return to your investment too


2014-01-16 22:27 | Report Abuse

I will continue hentam u duitkwspkita everytime u appear here


2014-01-16 22:26 | Report Abuse

Aiyooooo no need to la to hentam each other..not nice lor.

I anybody wanna say anything let them la......no need la u wanna post something in return commenting on teach other posting

If Dr Ken yg komen I can understand la

Special exception - duitkwspkita haha coz u type of idiot who speak not base on TA not on FA e.g suddenly mau mention 2.22 at 4.50 pm


2014-01-16 18:16 | Report Abuse

Who gonna bet he will post apology n claiming he is newbie la mau belajar with sifu la didnt make buy call la

Yup soon will also claim anak maid dia working on the rig....u have priors man


2014-01-16 18:13 | Report Abuse

DuitKWSPkita con man


2014-01-16 18:04 | Report Abuse

Where is your 2.22 at 4.50 pm? So tak tau malu la hah if me i wudnt show my face


2014-01-16 17:05 | Report Abuse

interesting reading what all these conspiracy theories hahaha beats boredom at the office


2014-01-16 16:57 | Report Abuse

rex up close to 10% today...interesting


2014-01-16 16:43 | Report Abuse

aiyoooo i did not have that many to appear in the top 30 list...i think...never did check hahaha


2014-01-16 16:14 | Report Abuse

back then u email hibs cfo u will even get a reply!!! even personal email to attend AGM!!! hahahaha


2014-01-16 16:12 | Report Abuse

i went in a few days after listing dulu when spac was not well known...tak laku even back then (i was told later back then u apply pvt placement hibs for listing confirm get so easily one) and got out before crash hihihi cukup la makan

even if it goes down i guess it will go back up again

just capital will be stuck for a while


2014-01-16 16:04 | Report Abuse

kita wait la next week.

even if limit down 3x pun i will still be ok hahaha

will just reduce previous hibs profit


2014-01-16 15:41 | Report Abuse

up 20 sen i will be quiet hahaha


2014-01-16 15:32 | Report Abuse

3 sen only ke?? aiyoooo boring nya


2014-01-16 09:51 | Report Abuse

I am waiting for some idiots to start claiming atuk or nenek dia working on the rig so he heard news....


2014-01-16 09:47 | Report Abuse

where got rex crash, just stuck in 55-60 trading band

same like hibs...on status quo mode pending drilling result


2014-01-16 09:44 | Report Abuse

If ave drilling done is 100 feet a day, they should reach target depth Thu/Fri next week....

be still my heart...


2014-01-16 09:39 | Report Abuse

they are not buying either haha